Member Reviews

This book consists of excerpts from Stephanie Mills' longer work, Epicurean Simplicity. I thoroughly enjoyed Epicurean Simplicity, so I'm pleased to see that work get broader press, in whatever form. My only complaint is that I did not recognize this as an excerpt before requesting, and of course, I don't see the need to shorten something that is quite excellent in its original form.

"Simple Pleasures And Thoughts On Food, Friendship And Life" Published by Island Press. The author, Stephanie Mills, has been involved in ecology for over 30 years and lives in the Great Lakes region. She takes the reader through an afternoon walk of relaxed thoughts, ideas on living in simplicity ....
epicurean .... not necessarily Walden's Pond....but just looking and feeling the day ...in the presence. She quotes visionary, William Blake, " To see the world in a grain of sand; and, a heaven in a wild flower; hold infinity in an hour....". It is not a read for everyone - but, what book is -if being "present" and concern for the future of our earth then there is a paradox ..... don't miss today. The reader will be left with good thoughts and looking more closely at the rich purple of an eggplant, the art of hospitality, friendships and taking pleasure in the day. A book that can easily be read in an afternoon and a book to be enjoyed more than once.

A great book to read about food , friendship and so on.......

Nope. Author writes well, but too hippy-dippy for me these days. I agree we are getting far removed from nature, blah, blah, blah, but don;t feel we're destroying the planet, etc.... One sign of exasperation and eye roll too many for me to do more then skip through book ...