Member Reviews

In Lizzie Shane's third Pine Hollow book, she brings the same charm and dog-lovers' bliss as her prior two novels in this series. This time around, we finally get to see what went down between the town's police chief, Levi, and the school librarian, Elinor. In this dual POV tale, we really get inside their heads and see Levi start to attend therapy, albeit unwillingly in the beginning. The portrayal of such a masculine and stoic character finally getting in touch with his emotions is great to see. This book was an enjoyable read, and I'm really looking forward to the next book, Charlotte's story (Elinor's sister).
Though I must say I wasn't entirely sure I wanted Elinor and Levi to get back together. They seemed to make an excellent childhood couple and great friends, and given how much they grew as individuals while apart, I almost wondered if they were better not together. This may be a minority opinion, and I still liked the book, but I never quite "shipped" the couple.
Thanks to Forever Pub for my ARC! All thoughts and opinions are my own.
5 stars - 8/10

As much as I love books about cats, I also really really love books about dogs, so I knew I wanted to read this when I saw the cover on NetGalley (just look at that beautiful face!) and requested it, not knowing it was part of a series (I’d never come across any of the previous titles in my never-ending search for books to read). I started the book and immediately fell for Dory, a gorgeous Australian shepherd. And, as much as I love books with dogs, I also adore a small-town, second chance romance story and Lizzie Shane has given us an enjoyable and dog-centric plot in To All the Dogs I’ve Loved Before.
When my family lived in Washington, we lived on one of the islands and our next door neighbor had an Australian Shepherd, Abby, who remains one of my favorite dogs ever. She was the most wonderful, friendly dog and I just loved her; she used to come into our yard specifically to play with my children who were 4 and 5 at the time. This became a regular occurrence and we all adored her visits.
Shortly after we moved, she had puppies and my husband was so tempted to make the many day drive back to get one of them. Alas, we decided against it at that point in time and I’ve always regretted it. I still miss that sweet girl. Dory reminded me of those Washington days when my children were pre-schoolers.
Again, this story is the third title in the Pine Hollow series, but I was able to read through without feeling as though I were missing anything. I’m planning on reading the first two books of this series, since I’m sure I’ll enjoy them as much as I did this story.

The latest is Lizzie Shane's Pine Hollow series is perfection! Elinor and Levi's story is so involved and thoroughly examined that no emotion, no issue and no progress is left unaddressed. As a reader that is extremely satisfying. I highly recommend this series, and especially 'To All the Dogs I've Loved Before.' It is a delight!
I received a copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley. The opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own.

This book was an absolute delight! I read the first book in the series and loved it, managed to miss reading the second book, and so I was a little worried I would be lost reading this one. However, it worked perfectly as a standalone, and I found myself falling in love with the characters and town all over again. This was a angst-filled tale of second chance romance, and I rode a roller coaster of emotions the entire time reading it. It was actually very surprising how much my emotions toward the hero changed throughout the story, almost right alongside the heroine. I was easily able to immerse myself in the story and felt time passing, experiencing the ache of lost love and regret. While there was a lot of frustration and heartbreak, the redemption that came from it was worth it. Not to mention the comedic relief of the adorable Houdini dog, Dory, whose escapades literally prevented the couple from staying away from each other. Matchmaker dog to the rescue!
It's been three years since Levi Jackson broke Elinor Rodriguez's heart, calling off their wedding and leaving her to pick up the pieces without explanation. While she would love to forgive and forget, it's hard to do when you live in a small town where your ex-fiance is the Chief of Police and you have an escape artist dog he keeps catching on the loose. The last thing Levi wants to do is bring more hurt to Elinor, but every encounter causes more pain for both of them. He can see that she's hurting and all he wants to do is what he's always done - protect her. After all, that's why he broke off their engagement. It was for her own good. Trouble is, he's never gotten over her, and even though he knows what he did was the right thing to do, he can't help wonder if they'll ever get back the friendship they once had. As they continue to be forced into each other's company, old feelings reignite, and they have a tough decision to make. Move forward as friends or take another chance on love.
I have to admit, at first I was absolutely against Levi given what he did to Elinor. I was absolutely in line with her sister Charlotte, who was adamant that Elinor move on and leave Levi in her dust. However, as the reader gets more of a glimpse into Levi and his motivations, it's a bit hard to hate him. Be mad at him, sure. I was totally mad at him for what he put Elinor through, and I needed groveling. Which thankfully, he did give...after a little therapy and self-awareness. That's something I really thought was well done in this book - the normalization of therapy and its benefits. Levi didn't realize how much his childhood, and his parents' marriage, affected his choices and how he approached his relationship with Elinor. It wasn't until he started really expressing his feelings and thoughts to a third party that he began to realize how much of a mistake he had made. So while I was upset that it took him so long to stop thinking he had done the right thing and finally realize what an idiot he had been, I appreciated that we got to see that character development. His journey in this book was fantastic. And Elinor - what a strong woman! She didn't just let Levi back into her life. She stood up for herself, recognized that some self-care was in order, and saw that she had flaws of her own. Her own journey was eye-opening for her, and it allowed her to see how all of her relationships were affected by her own past. It was such a wonderful story for both of them, and in the end, of course they got their happy ending, which made me all smiles and wishing there were more to read.
I am so excited for Charlotte's book next, and I sincerely hope she is paired with George. He was a really nice secondary character who I immediately took a liking to, and I think he is exactly what Charlotte needs. If I'm wrong, I'm sure Lizzie Shane will create an equally amazing hero. But I hope it's George!

Levi and Elinor have known each other since they were kids. It’s always been the two of them, up until the day he called off their wedding. Three years have passed, and the last person Elinor wants to see is her ex. But with the help of her mischievous Aussie Dory, there’s virtually no way around running into Levi as he’s always the one called to rescue Dory as she goes on adventures. With Dory’s escapee habits, Levi and Elinor may have a shot at a second chance. But can they get past their insecurities to do so?
Since the first book, THE TWELVE DOGS OF CHRISTMAS, I’ve been in love with this series. When I saw the title (TATBIL is my favorite YA series) and the cover (Australian shepherds are my favorite!), I knew immediately I needed this in my life. Lizzie Shane did not disappoint. The second chance romance between Levi and Elinor was super sweet. Dory working her magic to bring them together was adorable. I’m so excited for Charlotte’s story, PRIDE AND PUPPIES!
OUT November 30. Be sure to add it to your TBR!

I received an ARC from the publisher via NetGalley and am voluntarily posting a review. All opinions are my own.
To All the Dogs I’ve Loved Before is the third book in Lizzie Shane’s Pine Hollow series. It can be read as a stand-alone, although the previous books are quite adorable in their own right, and share similar elements of rascal dogs and the backdrop of the same cozy small town and its quirky residents.
Dory the dog absolutely steals the show, providing lots of antics that bring former lovers, Elinor and Levi together. I chuckled every time Dory got up to some new mischief.
I liked Elinor and Levi for the most part. Levi is the more developed of the two, due to his insecurities due to his dyslexia, and I felt it was well-conveyed. However, Elinor is pretty relatable too, given her relationship with her sisters, being a sort of “mother” to them.
While I did feel like it took a while (a bit too long) for them to confront what went wrong between them, I ultimately liked them together, as they did a lot of growing and soul searching in the process.
While not necessarily a holiday book, at least not in the explicit way the first book was, it is set from around November to early in the following year (with dates lining up to how they’d be on the 2021-22 calendar). I loved the observances of various holidays, from the obvious, like Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s, to the more informal, like a reference to participating in National Novel Writing Month.
This is another fun installment in the series, and one I’d recommend to anyone looking for a cozy small-town romance with a generous dose of dog.

I wanted to love this one but I found it to be extremely slow and found the characters to be annoying..
This may not have been for me but if you love dogs, small-town and second chance romances this one maybe for you!

Pine Hollow, Vermont is one of those small towns where everyone knows everyone else, a nosy woman reports everyone’s else’s business, and people have long memories. Those long memories are making it hard for Levi to believe that the town residents trust in him and appreciate the protection he provides as local law enforcement.
Elinor, on the other hand , had her chance to leave, but came back anyway to her family and the town she loves, despite the fact that those long memories keep bringing up her past with Levi. They were childhood sweethearts, even were engaged until Levi ended it without explanation. Since then, Elinor has not been interested in relationships or being friends with Levi, despite his efforts. Levi saves her runaway dog almost daily, mows her overgrown lawn and puts out ice melt so she doesn’t fall. Through it all Elinor remains ungrateful and sometimes downright mad at Levi for doing these things.
I enjoyed the book, for the most part. It was a slow burn for me, and I also found myself annoyed at Elinor’s immature reactions to the kindness Levi showed. I liked her relationship with her sisters, friends and father, and of course, Dory the escaping dog!
Thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this book, but my opinions are my own.

This was a really sweet second-chance romance where the dog inadvertently plays matchmaker. Though this book isn't ground-breaking or anything of that sort, it was still a lovely time, and I loved this small town romance. Plus, we love our little escape artist!

This is a great book. This one is heavier than the first two books in the series, but that works because we have had those two books to start to learn bits and pieces about these characters. And since we see the characters from those other books in this one pretty often it lets us build the story of Eleanor and Levi by piecing their stories together with what our more familiar characters are doing and saying.
Dory is also such a great dog for this books. She can be too much and a troublemaker, but she is clearly also very tuned into the people and environment around her, which lets her work so well with the story.

This was a really cute, sweet, clean second chance romance. Levi walked away from Elinor years ago without any explanation. He simply broke her heart. They are now both back in the small town where they came to treasure the friendship between them and grew to love each other.
Elinor is an interesting character. She has "mothered" her sisters for years and can't seem to stop. She is also very much able to stand up to Levi. Levi has his own issues. There's a secret that he has hidden from everyone his entire life. Elinor is about the only one who knows and she hasn't told anyone, no matter how much he hurt her.
The dog, Dory, plays a huge part in this book. She's an escape artist and Levi has to keep hunting her down when she escapes and taking her back to Elinor. The ornery dog that is such a pain in his side, is also working her way into Levi's heart...and making him realize that though his intentions were good in leaving Elinor, they may have been wrong. Is it too late for a second chance with her?
Thanks to Forever Grand Pub and NetGalley for the gifted copy. All thoughts are my own.

A delightfully light romance. Second chance with a dog seeming to help things progress. Lots of heart and some serious topics. I am eager to read Charlotte's effort at true love. She has had her share of jerks. Thanks to the publisher for providing a copy via NetGalley.

To All the Dogs I've Loved Before is the third book in the series Pine Hollow by Lizzie Shane is one you do not want to miss reading. It is set in a small town that will make you want to visit there.
Elinor is the school librarian who owns a very mischievous dog named Dory who escapes every chance Dory gets when Elinor is out of the house.
This causes Levi- the town sheriff to have to chase down Dory and take her dog home. Everyone in town knows the history between Levi and Elinor. They were engaged but Levi called off the wedding. He never explained to Elinor why he did that.
With Levi having to return Dory back to Elinor a lot this gives them a chance to start talking again.
I love this series and I know you will too. Thank you, Lizzie Shane, for taking me back to Pine Hollow. Thank you NetGalley, Lizzie Shane and Forever for the ARC. This is my personal review.

Big thanks to Read Forever for the e-ARC via NetGalley and a gifted final copy of this book. My review is honest and full of my own thoughts and opinions.
3.5/4 ☆
CW: mentions of the death of a close friend & parent (all off page & happened in the past), mentions of a side character (sibling to FMC) who had cancer (relapsed once but is now in remission), parental verbal abuse, and toxic masculinity (challenged)
Overall this book was SO good! I know some people are going to harp on the fact that I'm only giving it 3/4 stars but this book was like a warm hug and a hallmark romance had a baby. It was such a nice comforting read and I immediately fell in love with the Author's writing. No joke, I finished this in one night & I can't wait to read the rest of the series!
This is a small town, second chance romance between childhood sweethearts who broke off an engagement at the behest of the MMC. For the past 3 years Elinor, our FMC, has avoided Levi (MMC) and all the anger and questions his presence brings up. Levi, on the other hand has spent the time hovering on the outskirts of her life, fighting--and losing--the urge to take care of her. I also loved the fact that <spoiler> Levi goes to therapy because he gets to deal on page with some of his problems, such as his need to control out one's and people as well as his guilt and regret over past decisions.</spoiler> I appreciated that this was a slow-burn(?)--okay maybe not, but they didn't immediately jump back into their feelings for each other, like a good chunk of the book is Elinor trying to get closure on their past relationship and Levi realizing he made the biggest mistake of his life. There is like NO steam in this book ( I'd don't even think the kissing was written in great detail) but it didn't deter from the book at all and the epilogue was cute!
Can't wait to finish the first 2 books and can't wait for the next installment!

I love this series! This is a sweet small town romance that was an absolute joy to read. Levi and Elinor's story was the perfect read to curl up with on a rainy day. If you enjoy small town romance's you will love this series!
I received a complimentary copy from Forever (Grand Central Publishing) via NetGalley and was not required to write a review. All opinions expressed are my own.

Dory is the STAR of this book. Let's be real. :)
To All the Dogs I've Loved Before is a great 3rd installment to the Pine Hollow series. This is well written, adorable, and slightly frustrating LOL I just wanted to scream at Elinor and Levi. But I really did like their story and watching them come full circle and be a vulnerable with one another.
I was so glad to visit Pine Hollow and I can't wait for another book so I can go back!

Thanks to Forever for an advanced copy of To All The Dogs I've Loved Before by Lizzie Shane.
This is book 3 in the Pine Hollow series and I absolutely love these books! This is a sweet small town second chance romance where we finally get more on Levi and Elinor!
Levi's the chief of police and Elinor is the school librarian and when her mischevious rescue dog Dory manages to escape every day and Levi's the one to bring her home. Levi is the last person Elinor wants to see after he broke her heart and their engagement 3 years ago. Will Dory bring them together?
I love Pine Hollow. The gossip column at the beginning of each chapter, the men of Pine Hollow and their friendship, the dogs everywhere and how Lev and Elinor work through their feelings and past.
If you're looking for a fun small town romance head to Pine Hollow!

Romance with pets is always appealing to me, and I adored little escape artist, Dori the Australian shepherd. Dory lives with the town librarian, Elinor, but it's the police chief, Levi, who always ends up rounding up Dory and taking her home.
Which would be fine, except Levi and Elinor used to be engaged to be married and have barely spoken to each other in the three years since. Which is actually quite a feat, considering their small town and a shared group of friends.
I really tried to love this one, but aside from Dory's antics, I had to work at it in order to make it through to the end. There were too many things that didn’t move the story forward for me, from excessive character introspection to several gatherings of friends in various forms. This is my first book by this author, so perhaps I just failed to connect with her style.
I loved the small-town setting and the town's busybody's newsletter was clever and quirky. I’m a big fan of second chance romance, so there may come a time when I might enjoy this one more.

Levi is the sheriff of Pine Hollow and the topic of local gossip after having had to chase after Dory the escape artist pup who happens to be the dog of his ex fiance. He has been chasing this dog for months, hence the gossip. Elinor the town librarian and her beautiful dog Dory have been his trouble for months which has had people talking. Of course their previous broken engagement wouldn't have anything to do with that gossip.
As Levi and Elinor are forced to interact due to Dory they rekindle a friendship and more. The story takes us through various issues, traumas, and romances and of course focuses on the adorable Dory. We also get glimpses of previous Pine Hollow couples.
This is a beautifully written novel that could be read as a standalone but is probably best as a series read. The pups make it a bit better than any other novel for sure! I love the characters and the novel does a beautiful job addressing traumatic issues. Kudos!

I have been waiting for Levi and Elinor’s story since the last book in this series, and it did not disappoint! Elinor is the brilliant town librarian, and Levi is the town police chief. They were engaged in the past, but then Levi broke her heart. In this story we find out if they get a second chance together, or if there is too much pain from their past. I loved reading their story and getting updates on Ally and Ben and Connor and Deenie as well! I love this series, and can’t wait for the next book! I received an ARC from netgalley, and this is my honest review.