Member Reviews

I've been listening to Cody Allen for years and this memoir seemed a great next step to know him a little better. This memoir was a quick read, filled with personal stories and anecdotes that brought smiles, not to mention a few tears along the way. Cody's story, especially in relation to his coming out and the impact that had on his career, marriage, and life in general were very compelling, and I'm so glad I had the chance to read this.

I tried my hardest to get into this book, but to be honest, it was a little bit boring. I didn't like the layout of the book.

This was an interesting read for me, not my usual go to but I was interested in Cody's story and am glad I went on this journey. It's part memoir part self-help and a whole lot of courage. It's very personal and Cody really brings the reader into his life and his experiences. I really enjoyed learning about him, his journey to becoming the man he is. Highly recommend!

Hahaha. No. Just no.
I really dreaded writing this review as much as I was actually looking forward to reading Cody Alan’s book. I feel like I should stress at this point that I didn’t know of him before picking up his book. And after forcing myself to finish it I can safely I would have been better off not requesting it at all.
For a hot minute I was tempted to simply quote my notes and leave it at that. To be honest I’m still tempted to do just that but I’ll try to write an actual text.
This book left me feeling dirty and going through my notes now and reading which parts I “highlighted” that feeling is back. I don’t even know where to start.
Like, do I start with that disgusting focus in women being feminine and how that helps feeling like a “manly man” (kindle pos. 1024).
The cheating?
How being gay means that you’re obsessed with your clothing?
Not acknowledging how being rich and priviledged gives you a better chance at fucking surviving the pandemic? Feeling “awkward” about having to wear a face mask?
Being critical about the Black Lives Matter movement? “How can I push for BLM if I treat a certain group of peple differently?” (kindle pos. 2437)
And last but not least, it felt like he pushes his Mormon belief unto his readers nevermind how it’s not allowed to actually live as a queer person. Now and then I read a story about people who were raised Mormon and how their lives were, how difficult leaving that faith it, how their dealing with the consequences.
And honestly, it made me relive losing my best friend to a cult and how she tried to force me down that shithole with her. Not fun.
I wasn’t expecting to be “inspired” by Hear’s the Thing but I actually thought I would receive a heartfelt story. I was left with a dirty taste in my mouth and wasted time I could have spent reading something I actually enjoy. It’s not often I rate a book 1 Star but I can’t bring myself to give it 2 and I really don’t know why there’s an average of 4.10 rating on GR (stand 24th January 2022).

I just reviewed Hear's the Thing by Cody Alan. #HearstheThing #NetGalley
[NetGalley URL] Started off slow but got into it after about the 3rd chapter. I really enjoyed this book when I was able to get into it

It’s not secret that I enjoy reading memoirs so it was no surprise that when I found Hear’s The Thing: Lessons on Listening, Life, and Love by Cody Alan that I selected to read it. I knew of Cody Alan from CMT and the fact that he had come out as gay a few years ago. Other than that I did not know very much about him but was looking forward to learning more.
Hear’s The Thing starts from Cody’s childhood and goes through his life until present day. You learn about his experiences as a Morman, as a radio broadcaster, and as a television host. You also learn about his family, his relationships, and the way he struggled with his sexuality. There are also insights from his family and friends spread through out the book.
Each chapter is started with a county song lyric which relates to what is being revealed or discussed. By doing that, you can see how how music has influenced Cody’s life and how he approaches things. Through out this memoir there was a focus on how Cody’s approaches interacting with people (celebrity or not) and how he wishes other women approach communication as well. It presents good ideas on how to make people feel comfortable in your presence especially in a society so focused on technology and social media.
Hear’s The Thing is easy to read and good introduction to Cody Alan. I did occasionally feel like there was some name dropping going on but then again as a television personality, he has met alot of people and likely developed some close bonds with repeated interactions. If you’re like me and enjoy learning about people, you will likely enjoy this one too.

Cody Alan is a charming and likable tv/radio host so it's not at all surprising that these same qualities shine through in his book, Hear's the Thing. This book shares his journey on a personal and professional level. I admit that I was far more interested in reading about his acceptance of his sexuality after having a wife and kids and its impact on his career than I was in reading about this or that country music star is so humble.
His career rise from an intern at a local radio station to CMT host was interesting. But his descriptions of his interview style got pretty redundant after a while and all of the anecdotes about how nice and humble every artist is was not particularly entertaining
Alan's discussion of being closeted as teenager and then choosing to turn to Mormonism was fascinating as was eventual journey out of the religion later in life when he came out. But I wish there had been a little more introspection on his part about the damage the messages from organized religion can do to LGBT people.
At different times in the book we hear from the people most important to Alan, including his ex-wife, his children and his male partner. I initially feared this would come across as gimmicky but it was one of the most moving parts of the story. Alan and his ex-wife, their respective partners, and their kids have formed a beautiful modern family and reading about how they all reached that point was quite touching.
This is a quick and enjoyable read that I just wish had been a little more introspective at times about the issues Alan went through to become the proud and openly gay man he is today in an industry not usually known for being inclusive or progressive..
Thanks you to NetGalley for the digital arc of this book.

Hear's the Thing is a fabulous novel by Cody Alan. It's part memoir, part inspirational and self help. And it's wonderful!
I love this book. A fan of Cody and his courage to come out in country music, I appreciate all he has done to help others in the LGBTQ community.
In this novel, he's raw, honest, and gives a full look into his marriage to a women, his relationship with his kids, and finding the courage to come out. He talks about his fiance, Trea and their dog Teddy, both of whom I follow on social media. He talks about his friends in the country music world, as well as in the LGBTQ community.
With this a new book, he talks about the Covid 19 pandemic and how it affected his life and work. He hits of elements everyone can relate to.
And most of all, he discusses the need to listen more. I truly love how many ways this comes up. He reminds the reader to stop and assess the situation, and to figure out how the other person is feeling. He truly has a gift to interview people and I love how well he has mastered this gift.
This book is fascinating to me. Not only does Cody Alan touch of the importance of listening, he gives the reader a behind the scenes look into his work and the country music scene. He also bravely opens up about his struggles involving his sexuality, furthering his ability to help pave the way for others.
I love this book and devoured it easily in one sitting. The writing style is sharp and flows easily. It's all fast paced, all while giving just the right amount of information about a situation. There isn't a single page I found my mind wandering or wishing to fast forward.
Hear's the Thing is a book I hope everyone reads. Cody Alan gifts the reader with many pieces of advice that everyone can benefit from. Listening is a life skill we all need to improve upon. Just read this book!
You can find this review and others at my blog - https://amysmmromancereviews.blogspot...