Member Reviews

I've never read anything like this before. This story follows 3 generations of Martin women, all very different from one another, but as we learn over the course of the book that they have more in common than they think. THE VIOLENCE takes place in 2025, where we are post-COVID, but are suddenly thrust into another pandemic. One where one suddenly loses control and kills the person closest to them. From that initial case, the world is once again thrust into chaos, and lines in the sand drawn. Chelsea, the mother and second generation of women, notably goings a WWE style wrestling endeavor in order to try and access a better life for her and her kids. Over the course of this book, the women learn what it means to be themselves and take back their own stories.

This book is not typically what I'd pick up for a number of reasons but I picked this one up because I've enjoyed other books by Dawson and because of the killer (pun intended) cover. Overall, I was really surprised and impressed by this book. These characters are vividly created and as wild as the concept of The Violence is, Dawson really makes it feel tangible and accessible as she connects it to our current present. As I read on, I found myself invested in the Martin family, even though I sometimes was frustrated by their decisions. This is a book I'd recommend to readers looking for generational family stories that feature women who learn to stand up for themselves after abuse. If you're a wrestling fan or have personal gripes with the state of Florida, you'll probably enjoy this book!

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I was so thankful to get this from Netgalley to review because this is my most favorite of all the genres and I was so glad I enjoyed this book after all the hype I heard surrounding it! Fun characters, a plot that kept me turning the pages, a really fun read. Highly recommend to book clubs! Great fun to discuss after reading with friends!

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DNF after about 40 pages, this was not the book for me. But if you read the blurb and think hmm should I try it, you definietely should, you never know what is for you until you try!

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You think COVID is bad, wait until you get THE VIOLENCE. Welcome to the post-COVID world where anyone can get THE VIOLENCE. A disease that causes its victim to kill whomever is in their way. They have no recollection of it and come out of an episode in a haze. If you're reported with The Violence, then you're sent to a camp. You want to vaccine? That'll be $10,000 please and thank you. 'Cause you know, we ALL have that kind of money hanging around. Once again, the world helps the rich... sounds all too familiar, eh?

While this disease is definitely a major point of the story and plays its own part, the main focus is on Chelsea's family dynamic and what they are enduring. While it may seem much for three generations to go through the same abuse... it's also quite truthful in how the dynamics we see as children can bleed into our adult lives. I fell in love with the kids, Ella and Brooklyn and my favorite arc was of a character I won't mention but that I was happy to see.

Now, regardless of the title, I didn't think there was *too* much violence within the pages - at least not for the 500+ pages that we get. But I also read a lot of horror so my idea of a lot of violence is probably different than yours. Not to say that some scenes may shock you so those with a low tolerance may find it a bit gruesome. I did kind of have to laugh at the VFR - which is basically pro wrestling for those with The Violence and while that might have been a little shark jumpy, let's be real - I could absolutely see people doing this because unfortunately... that is how this world works.

The narrator was amazing and for such a long book, I was riveted from the very beginning and well worth the 18+ hours of listening. Come for The Violence, stay for all the underlying themes and domestic suspense.

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An interesting dystopian novel about 3 generations of women dealing with domestic violence and class issues. I didn’t like how much Covid was referenced but otherwise it was a good read.

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"The Violence" by Delilah S. Dawson is a very unique type of book. The story begins after COVID is over and a new pandemic takes hold causing people suffering from it to become violent and in some cases kill others. After an episode happens, the person afflicted has no memory of their violent behavior. The story follows three different women: a wealthy mother who came from an impoverished background, her daughter who is married to a man who abuses her, and her daughter who is 17 years old. The main story is about the abused wife, but as the story progresses, her mother and daughter have their own chapters. As time goes on, people learn how to contain the violent behavior of others.

Due to the extreme nature of the violence, this book is not for everyone. There is a content warning from the author before the story begins. I still thought the book was excellent despite the violence and would recommend it to those who can handle the story.

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This book was really good, very tight, super intense… and I don’t think I can finish it. I don’t know what I was thinking when I requested it, other than I’m a fan of Delilah in general. Thrillers are not my cup of tea, usually. I’m anxious by nature so I don’t enjoy making myself extra tense for fun.

I think I got between 40-60% of the way through the book, and I’m tempted to do something I would normally never do: read the end and see how it turns out before continuing. This book is not rom-com, romance novel, happily-ever-after fluff. Despite having supernatural elements, this is *not* fantasy. It is deadly serious. Generational trauma stemming from emotional and physical violence is absolutely real, even if the Violence referred to in the book is not. Every generation somehow manages to find new and different ways to fuck up the next generation, and that fact seems to be the foundation of the whole story.

Having been in an abusive relationship in the past, and with choking being a particularly sensitive trigger for me, I simply cannot continue with the book knowing that David – the abusive husband and father – has a 100% chance of showing up again. I want to know how it ends. This book has been haunting me since I put it down several weeks ago. So when I’m feeling stronger I might just skip to the end to see how the story turns out so that I can hopefully let the whole thing go.

This book has such a good premise. It is absolutely saying valid and worthwhile things. Unfortunately, my personal history screams at me louder than the book’s message, so I won’t be able to finish this one. However, if you enjoy this genre and think you can handle the subject matter, I’d absolutely encourage you to give it a try.

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I will be thinking about this book for a long time. It was infuriating because its depictions of domestic violence were so accurate. And The Violence itself was an intriguing/terrifying concept, especially as it was written right on the heels of covid. The characters were well-written and I cared deeply about all of them.

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Don't read this book.
I like to thank NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read this early, however it took me so long to even finish this book.
The whole plot happened in like the first 100 pages, the rest just felt like a different story.

I was expecting gore, horror, thrills, but instead I got a domestic abuse and a side of a narcissistic grandmother.

Don't waste your time reading this book it's not worth it.

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On the heels of Covid, a new plague is ravaging the American South and the southern continents. Dubbed the Violence, this virus is carried by mosquitoes and causes those affected with it to disassociate and commit horrific acts of violence against whatever person or object happens to be in closest proximity to them. In this dangerous new reality, Florida housewife Chelsea Martin sees an opportunity to escape from her abusive husband. And that's just the beginning of a journey for three generations of women who must learn to navigate a frightening new world, while also trying to recover from the generational trauma that shaped their pre-Violence lives.

The Violence is a novel that doesn't fit easily into any one genre. It's post-apocalyptic, it's a feminist manifesto, it's a domestic drama; there are elements of satire and it gets a little political. Delilah Dawson uses all of these elements to explore cycles of abuse in a novel that I'm sure was therapeutic to write, given her personal experiences with domestic violence, which she discusses in an Author's Note at the beginning of the book. It's clear that she has love for her characters, and that loves shines through her writing and makes the reader love and root for them, too. Dawson's writing is crisp and propulsive, and she perfectly balances scenes of graphic violence with moments of compassion and empathy. It's a lot, and it's long, but it all somehow worked for me in the end.

Ultimately, despite its extremely graphic content, The Violence feels like a story of healing and hope, a celebration of the human spirit that can endure so much and come out the other side even stronger than before. It's like nothing I've ever read before, and it's a book that will stick with me.

Trigger warnings: graphic violence, emotional and physical abuse, mentions of sexual abuse that occurs off-page, mentions of self-harm, animal cruelty, Covid.

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The Violence is a thriller, a horror story, and a story that examines family dynamics. As a new pandemic takes over the community causing increasingly violent attacks. Chelsea Martin considers a way to potentially keep her feelings safe. I loved the multiple viewpoints and strong female characters, but be warned that this book is violent - emotionally, physically, and every other way you can imagine!

CW: In addition to the physical abuse in the book, there is some animal abuse as well.

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I loved the plot of this book. I thought it was a very good storyline with likable characters that you can't help but root for.
Thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the complimentary copy

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The Violence ~ Delilah S. Dawson
As a fan of what I call Stabby-Stabby books this one drew me in with the cover. No synopsis needed. A red cover signifying anger and a giant knife tells you all you need to know.
Post-pandemic life trying to get back to normal only to have a new pandemic rise up. Only this plague makes people have random bouts of deadly violence. This book also deals with domestic violence and what women put up with on their quest to extract themselves from cycles of abuse. For Chelsea Martin the Violence might be her way out of an abusive marriage. With two daughters and a narcissistic mother., navigating this new plague, and an uncertain future leaves Chelsea and her daughters with difficult choices. Chaos, rage, and violent murders paint the pages of this sci-fi thriller. Leaving you to question how far would you go and to what lengths, to save yourself and your children. Nail biter to the end.

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In a post-COVID world a new virus is spreading - The Violence. Once infected, anyone can turn into a mindless killing machine and nothing will stop them until their target is dead. This book is violent and gory. The author does not skimp on the grotesque details that follow a violent Storm.

I am surprised by how much fun this book was. I thought this would be a thriller/horror, but at times it was darkly humorous. Between the first instance of the Violence at a big box store to the poking fun at Florida stereotypes (Florida Woman), I just had so much fun reading this book. The whole second half with Chelsea’s new career was borderline absurd and all of the new characters were incredibly enjoyable.

Definitely look up trigger warnings before reading because there are plenty. Knowing the author’s own history from the author’s note definitely made the story more powerful. I loved the ending. It was incredibly satisfying to see all of the women rise up from under the thumbs of their abusers.

Thank you to NetGalley and Ballantine for the advanced copy.

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This was such a fun and entertaining read!! I was hooked from the beginning, loved the characters, and was quite surprised by the unexpected humor throw in.

Thank you Netgalley for my copy of this entertaining book.

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With a title like THE VIOLENCE, it's to be expected that Delilah Dawson's book deals with topics of violence, but some reviewers seems to still be caught off-guard by the levels of violence in the novel. To be clear upfront, this book contains domestic violence, including physical and emotional, as well as stranger violence and graphic animal abuse. The premise: set in a post-Covid era, the world is yet again besieged by a virus, this one turning its hosts into violent beings of rage who black out and kill others. The book follows a family of women including a grandmother, her daughter, and the daughter's two children, as they navigate the changing world while also trying to escape the violence they've lived alongside before this pandemic begins.

What I liked about this book is that it depicts flawed women who are each trying to survive male-perpetrated violence that has caused them to isolate from one another. While the pandemic has allowed them each to craft their own escapes, the price tag is high for them and for humanity. The book provides some great commentary on how abuse and violence that is conducted in public is deemed socially acceptable in ways that the pandemic-induced violence isn't. It also illustrates the pervasiveness of abuse

The book does run long and it often feels like I'm only skimming the surface of even the main characters and their motivations. I wanted the secondary world of the traveling wrestling show to be more fully realized and the characters there more developed. Also the cure for the violence is a bit hilarious rather than revolutionary. Still, if you're looking for a women-centered sci-fi/pandemic/thriller/coming of age book, this one might be a fit for you!

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The Violence is a very compelling novel, combining lots of interior monologue and soul-searching with action and interaction and, of course, violence.
Just as the world is recovering from COVID, a new pandemic comes along, causing people bitten by mosquitoes to occasionally become silent, focused rage monsters that don't stop until they kill their target or are restrained. This pandemic shifts some power dynamics, as the fear and potential changes, and of course it also brings out the worst in people, with quarantine camps, incredibly expensive private vaccines, and other situations.
Into this, we follow the 3 generations of women in a family, each of whom have had hard lives mainly controlled by men that were either opportunistic, abusive, or otherwise objectifying. Their new circumstances get them out of their habits and question how they have been living and bring strange new choices and paths.
Once the shifts go to all three in alternating chapters, some of the cliffhanger endings can be tough since you know you won't be back to that person for a while, but the scenarios and emotional depth are great, and very thought-provoking in terms of how people use/abuse power, live based on past trauma and choices, and how to change that.

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What an intense read! This one was so unique and hard to put down even though the content was hard to read.

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An interesting book that dealt with a different type of pandemic. Is it possible that violence is something that can be spread like a disease? The author did an amazing job describing what a violence pandemic would look like. The story was exciting and kept me cheering for the underdogs to win right up to the surprising end.
I received an Advanced Reader's Copy from Random House through NetGalley
#The Violence #NetGalley

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I loved it. It gave me the kind of horror I like. Not too much, very believable, not too little.

It is a story about, well violence. Not just the new epidemic that is sweeping the nation, but also the domestic kind that is suffered on a daily basis. It started out with this hook, where we get a glimpse into what from the outside looks like a great family. But what is happening behind closed doors, isn't that great.. It is violent, it is cruel, it is outright wrong. A man using his power against a woman, and his children to do what he wants, how he wants. It had my hackles up. And then The Violence starts to sweep the nation, the woman decides to take that into her advantage and get herself a better life.

This was not just some gruesome, gory book filled with people beating each other up. It is about family, about how past trauma and abuse is passed on from generation to generation. How it warps the view of how people within family need to act, how they need to be stomped down to please the "ruler."

I guess, this hit home, as I was thinking of what past lessons im passing on to my daughter. How am I killing her spirit, or character or anything, based on how "I was raised" and what "I know is right." Somethings get ingrained in you year after year of being in an abusive relationship.

This book wasn't just good at portraying the bad, it was great at showing what is right especially in a relationship of power like workplace, friendship, relationship, even family. It showed and talked about the right way to handle the damage done and ways to address it.

It isn't horror in the regular kind of way. It is horror in the simplest - we all live with it- kind of way. With a tad of humor (hello THE VIOLENCE FIGHTING RING). And a lot of character growth (on Patricia's end).

I'm a fan. Looking forward to more from this author in this genre. Thank you to PRH audio for my review copy.

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