Member Reviews

I really enjoy books that revolve around WWII with historical reference, suspense, and a little romance. This book is amazing and covered all the bases. With such a story with well-developed characters and wonderful setting, it really takes you there as if you are in the middle of a street in Rome. I appreciate the back story of each characters that allows me to learn more about them. The story is unique and the writing just flows. From the very beginning, until the end, it had my full attention and I just devoured every page! Truly recommend!

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I had a difficult time with the start of the book as I prefer less descriptive text and more to the point storytelling, however, after a few chapters, I found myself adapting to the author's writing style and found that the storytelling was quite compelling.

I'd encourage anyone who enjoys historical fiction to give this book a read as it provides a touching look at what life may have been like during that time period. At the end of the day, a solid read that I feel confident recommending to friends.

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Lucifer's Game, by Cristina Loggia, is a unique look at World War II. Most books, on this subject, don't take place in or focus on Itally. The main character, Cordelia Olivieri, is a likeable young lady. Lucifer, his code name, was a bit of a bad boy with a heart. I had a lot of trouble staying interested in this book. There were a lot of details and too many perspectives, for my tastes. I really did like the concept, though.
Cordelia, a young, purposeful entrepreneur, is desperate to get out of Mussolini’s Italy. As Fascist leaders come together, in Rome, she finds herself surrounded by the world’s most infamous leaders.
To be able to hide her Jewish lineage and aquire a safe escape out of Italy, Cordelia makes a desperate pact with the British. They are determined to rid North Africa of the axis of evil forever. When she goes undercover, she obtains and leaks military secrets to, Lucifer, a British agent, in hopes that the intel will buy her freedom. Unfortunately, the more she uncovers, the larger the risks.

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Tense, historical novel which keeps the reader engrossed and engaged. Well written and plotted, the past comes alive in the book and the attuned reader who understands history can see the parallels to today.

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🥰Review/ Summary 😍
Lucifer’s Game
Author: Crisitina Loggia
Genre: Historical Fiction
Rate: 6/10

Summary: While trying to escape the Nazi regime Cordelia is forced to help the spy on the nazi’s while hosting them in her hotel while Lucifer try’s to find a way to help her and complete his mission for the allies.

Thoughts: It was fun to read a WW2 novel set on Italy rathe than France or England for a chance. It was also fun to see the role of the church and in WW2 and how all of the characters interact with each other. I really liked the bittersweet ending to the story it was interesting to see how Lucifer was able to accomplish his goals and how Cordelia is able to ace and help herself.

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A brilliant historical espionage story (the word ‘spy’ doesn’t really give it justice) This is a superb read, I really enjoy historical novels where the author has completed some research and this hits the nail on the head.
The story is a WWII story but with a unique feel due to it combining a variety of characters from different backgrounds and Countries. From the onset it is clear that the book is an excellent mixture of historical accuracy and complex characters who draw to you in.
First few chapters gives a basic outline of each main character and then the book picks up pace very quickly and we are the clever way the storyline’s entwine.
We have a genuine Italian heroine, who if only for the book, helped win the war!
Would highly recommend.

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Just could not get into this one. Tried several times, bit it just didn't hold my interest. I may try again later.

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First of all, I would like to thank NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book. I thought hat I would like this book as I really like WW2 era books; I enjoyed that it was based in Italy, which is different than most. In the end, I had a hard time following along with that story based on how it was written and had a hard time connecting with the characters. I found that I was confused for most of it, I think I would have enjoyed it more if I could have followed along.

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This book is set in Italy during WWII. Cordelia is desperate to escape as one of her parents is Jewish which will put her in danger from the Nazs, but her plans change and she becomes a spy trying to derail the Nazis. This book is painfully slow in the beginning. The author creates a back story for the characters but I feel it could have been accomplished in fewer pages. After that the story truly begins. I liked that the setting is in Italy which helps this differ from other war books. I had difficulties following this book, somehow the style of writing took away from the storyline. It is a good book but not one that I would recommend to others. I do thank NetGalley for the chance to read this book.

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I am a fan of historical fiction, especially World War 2. This book is centred around a woman, who becomes a spy for the Allies against Mussonlini and the Axis Forces. How great to read about the women who helped win the war in Europe as well as the men. Well written and researched, a truly fascinating book.
Thank you Net Galley for providing me with the copy in exchange for my unpaid, honest review.

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I enjoy WWII historical fiction and this one delivered on many fronts. For a start, the plot is original, the book is very well written and I really liked the storytelling. It has memorable, strong characters, all determined to reach their goals and the writer did a great job in placing them into a well portrayed, true-life context. The mixing of fictional and historical events is well accomplished, and I felt able to roam the streets of Fascist Rome with Cordelia Olivieri. I particularly liked how the writer rotates her narration around the many points of views of all protagonists. I very much loved the first part of the book, where their different stories are progressively woven together, because I had the opportunity to fully understand their fears and motivations. The tension starts to build up since the very beginning, and if pages turned nicely in the first part, I motored through the excellent second part, a spinning swirl of actions until the very end. A very promising and greatly enjoyable debut.

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So upon reading the synopsis I thought “Great it’s gonna be a WWII spy novel where the main character has to rebuild her life”. I thought I would enjoy it and so I immediately began reading it.

My issue lies in how the book was set-up. The book was broken down into two parts. The first of which was all back story leading up to the main character, Cordelia Olivieri, trying to keep people from knowing she is in fact a Jew while Gestapo agents are staying in her hotel.

For me the first part could have been condensed to about a fourth of what it was and it would have still made sense. I loved the second half of the book but the first half almost killed me. Once I got to the actually story it was great and I would say skip over part one if you are going to read it.

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I've read many WWII fiction, but I don't think I've read one that Involved spy's and a spy ring. I enjoyed this fast paced spy novel set during one of my favorite historical fiction time periods. I also loved that it got me out of my comfort zone for the genre.

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For a debut novel, Ms Loggia has written a very interesting historical fiction / thriller book. I liked the historical part during WWII, especially how she wove the German and Italian stories together. I liked the development of two of the characters - a priest and Lucifer. The author provides a lot of descriptive detail, but sometimes I felt the details detracted from the main story (example - character looks over a valley and the history of the valley is presented to the reader). The story moves a bit slowly but it did pick up pace around the 40% mark and moved more quickly after the 70% mark. One can tell that Ms Loggia did research before writing this book and that research shows. I did like the cover of this book and find that it fits wonderfully with the story line.

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Just as she’s on the verge of leaving Rome to head to safety, Cordelia Olivieri finds herself caught up in a power game that she has no option but to play. Momentous events of the second world war are made up of thousands of smaller stories, like that of Cordelia, that have an enormous impact on the world’s fortunes.

Lucifer’s Game is a really engaging thriller that presents a series of intertwining stories in an adept way that builds tension throughout. It is very well researched and the places really come to life. I loved reading about Rome during this period. You feel like you are on this journey with Cordelia as she is betrayed, loved, threatened, imprisoned, and more. Strong recommend.

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I have to say I do enjoy a good historical fiction especially about WWII. WWII is such an interesting part of history for me and I just loved this. The writing was rich and well developed and you can clearly see that Christina Loggia had done their research. The cover really fits the book as well and I really liked the narration style. The book was also split up in parts which helped move the story along.

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Beautiful and perfect! A story of self realization and an adventure to discover our limits and everything!

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