Member Reviews

DNF only about 30% into the book. The plot summary sounded very interesting, but the writing and main character were both difficult to remain focused on.

Peel Prim grew up being obsessed with spy movies and shows. Now a librarian, her spy dreams and living a life of danger and adventure are long forgotten. That is until Peel makes a call to a library in Mexico asking for some information about someone in her family tree. Peel's life is turn upside down when she is beaten, kidnaped and wakes up in the house of a drug lord somewhere in Mexico. Her only chance of keeping herself alive and leave this nightmare behind is in the hands of Anna, an American associated of the drug lord. But when lines blurred and their lives are at stake, someone might not only lose their heart but also their life.
This book was unexpectedly great! It started a bit slow but oh boy, did it pick up pace and keep you on the edge of your seat.
This was a great story all around. Sure there was romance and it was great, sweet, sexy. But also, the whole story and mystery that involved the drug lord and Peel's ancestry was just too good. The book was balanced, very well written and it kept you attention all the way until the very last page. Both characters, Anna and Peel, were very strong independent women, and it was a joy to find out about their lives, their strengths and weaknesses. The secondary characters were also interesting and added to story, added context and layers.
It was definitely a joy to read this book. It delivered on adventure, action, intrigue, mystery and romance.
I received this ARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This was an ok read. I didn't really connect with it as much as I was hoping to in a way I can't really describe... I guess the style was just not for me. Even now after reading it, I just can't really think of anything to say about it or the characters. Like I said, ok, but not great.

3.25 Stars. This a solid debut, with some debut author issues that pop up from time to time. None of the issues in this book really annoyed me, and I did find it engaging to the point that I basically read most of it in one sitting (before passing out because it was so late). The only thing that gave me real pause was the romance between Peel and Anna kind of went from flirting to full on 'I might be in love with you' in a snap of your fingers. It also tries to get gritty but I don't feel like it quite got there, even though I appreciate the occasional chills of talking with a 'cultured' villain. Sebastian is undeniably cruel and chilling, but his politeness and innuendos just makes him so chilling almost every time he's in a scene. But almost every other time during Peel's capture, it didn't feel like there's that edge. I understand that it can't be relentlessly horrific the whole time, but the lighter moments feel like they forget where Peel is and what happened to her.
There's a lot to like with this book, and I enjoyed Anna and Peel, even they don't stray too far from their archetypes. Anna is - to Peel - the mysterious but kind capture who seems to also not be in the cartel voluntarily. Peel herself is the smart but overwhelmed damsel in distress. I don't hate that Peel doesn't have a ton of agency in her capture, since it is so extreme, and I like that she is being smart about when and where she presses for information. She knows she could be killed on a whim, even if the paper thin excuse to kidnap her is bad, so she still looks for allies and takes most of Anna's advice seriously. It just doesn't quite get there for me with some of the connections they feel, and the attraction between them feels like it blew up too fast for me. The author tries to go with the 'end an argument with making out and sex' trope but there's no real examining of feelings after that, so it feels like some of the feelings at the end of the book are forced. That's how I read it, but I might have missed some things.
This was an entertaining read that tries to balance the grittiness of the storyline with some lightness but doesn't always quite get there. The leads are likable with some fun chemistry, but the movement through their relationship felt forced. It isn't going to blow a lot of people away, but it will be fun.
*I received this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

I tried to write the usual review for this book but the storyline is so simple but as I kept reading it became apparent that Ms Hale has put a whole new spend on what, at first glance seems to be a pretty boring read but as you continue reading you will find yourself unable to put the book down.
When Lacey Reed started her job at the gold rush museum she really only had eyes for the owner's daughter, Jennifer Fraser. But Jennifer never noticed the longing everyone else saw in Lacey’s eyes. Jennifer was getting ready for her marriage to her one love Victoria (Tori). Her life was on track but when the unthinkable happens it means the end of Jennifer’s marriage too.
Now Lacey was and still considered Jenn’s best friend even though her feelings ran much deeper than mere friendship. But for Lacey time didn’t stop, she had to make a life seeing as Jenn’s has made a life without her. I don’t know if Lacey even loved the young man but cared enough to go ahead with a relationship but upon hearing he was going to be a father he quickly left for his home in Scotland.
This is the story, will they ever be together the way Lacey hopes. Hard to tell since Jenn is somewhat reluctant to begin a physical relationship with her best friend Lacey. Jenn doesn’t have a clue about how Lacey really feels.
Will they manage to bring this relationship to a happy ending. Well read this to find out. All in all a pretty good read.
ARC via NetGalley/ Bella Books

Talented Amateur by Maryn Scott is an intriguing mystery and suspense story with a dash of romance added in. It is also a good solid debut novel.
The story revolves around Peel Primm, a librarian who always wanted to be a spy like her favorite television character Emma Peel from “The Avengers”. However, she was never prepared to be kidnapped out of the blue by a Mexican drug lord. She was also not prepared to be attracted to Anna, the drug lord’s assistant.
The mystery in the story is a good one with lots of twists and turns. I was really expecting Peel to be the true shero, but in the end, Anna seemed to take that position with Peel more as a sidekick and a damsel-in-distress. I don’t see that as a problem. The story works out just fine with these two characters as they are. It’s just not what I expected because of the blurb.
We get to know Anna’s history through several flashbacks in the story. I’ve never been a big fan of flashbacks, but I know they are sometimes important to help the plot. Most of the ones in this book did help us understand Anna better, but one or two of them could have been left out without harming the overall story.
It’s easy to see the chemistry between Anna and Peel, and the romance is a good break from the action and mystery. I really liked Anna as a person. Sometimes Peel seemed really young and naïve…more than I expected her to be, so it took a bit longer to connect with her.
I did enjoy this novel. It is a fine mystery and romance, and a good beginning for the author. I look forward to reading more of her work.
I received an ARC from NetGalley and Bella Books for an honest review.

Almost 3 Stars
It was ok, I'm not really 'into' storylines where it's based around gang-related plots and I did find it was a bit slow in parts of the story and this did put me off.
Peel Primm is obsessed with spy movies and TV shows, she even renamed herself after the illustrious Mrs. Emma Peel from one of her favorite shows, The Avengers. Her dreams of becoming a spy when she grew up hardly seemed realistic, Instead, she chooses the somewhat less exciting life of a librarian in suburban Denver.
While she was searching for information on a new branch in her family tree, she decided on an ill-fated call to a library in Mexico. Her work is suddenly turned upside down.
Within days she is beaten, abducted, and taken into Mexico where she is the unwilling guest of a drug lord Sebastien Gutierrez., To survive, she must befriend an American associate, Anna, and try to convince her to help her solve a decades-old mystery.
Anna is struggling with a different kind of captivity, trying to balance the safety of her own family members with her growing attraction to peel.
I didn't take to Peel's character, there is just something about her i didnt like, I take to her. And I found Anna's character a bit far-fetched. I'm afraid this book wasn't for me, but if you are into spies/gang-related books then I think this one might be for you.
I was given a Arc for a honest review.

Great, high suspense read. I'd call this a light thriller - action and some murder but not over-the-top. Regular person dropped into mystery and ever-present danger of drug cartel mega-boss. Peel Primm must make friends, stay on her guard and just hope for the best if she wants to survive!
Peel Primm is a librarian from Denver who is just doing some family genealogy research. After a call to a Mexican library to look for traces of a long-lost relative, Peel is kidnapped and taken across the border to the home of drug kingpin, Sebastien Gutierrez. There she finds herself the unwilling pawn in a desperate game of revenge with an unlikely ally in Anna, the mysterious woman who seems both Gutierrez's right hand and a prisoner herself.
**I received this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.**

There are these books out there that I really struggle with writing a review about, this is one of them.
Given the title and the blurb I was expecting this book to be about Peel (awful name) and how she finds herself suddenly abducted by a cartel and scheming her way to survive. Peel always wanted to be a spy, but she never became one, instead, she's a librarian. You could argue she ended up on the other side of the excitement spectrum, that is of course until she finds herself in the hands of the cartel. Although she had all these ambitions or rather fantasies, she never really lives up to a cool character that shows even the inkling of being a spy. Anna on the other hand just screams spy, she's savvy, pays attention, and is smart. I actually feel like this book is more about Anna than it is about Peel, making Peel one of the mains feels rather forced at some points.
This book also has the dread flashbacks, although I wouldn't necessarily call them that, maybe more along the lines of memories or reminiscing in one's mind. They serve a certain purpose, I didn't mind them much, but I did think the few that were there were too lengthy. Some acts performed by a cartel leader or member are described somewhat graphically, I didn't mind it much and it doesn't happen a lot either.
I actually like Anna's character, I would have been happy if this was a book about her and Rosita (the older housekeeper), not in a romantic way but in badass women dealing with a cartel way. Peel is just such a nobody or maybe wallflower is a better word. Either word doesn't really fit, but she isn't what I expected and hoped for. I don't understand the romance in this book, all I could connect with was the cartel storyline with the mystery, but it wasn't the most interesting mystery/ crime book. I struggle to decide how many stars I'd give this, 3.25 sounds like a pretty decend amount to me.

Talented Amateur is an exciting debut novel by Maryn Scott filled with Mexican cartels, kidnappings, family revenge and romance. The storyline is well composed with a number of twists and turns to keep you guessing on what will happen next. I could not put this book down and read it in one very late night sitting.
Peel Primm always wanted to be a spy like Emma Peel of the Avengers. For the younger generation, The Avengers was a wildly popular British black and white television show which ran from 1961 to 1969. Peel Primm never did end up becoming a spy. Instead she became a librarian. Yes, from one end of the excitement spectrum to the opposite end. This definitely tickled my irony funny bone.
Peel is all alone in the world until one day she finds a birth certificate for her late grandfather who was adopted into the family. Being a natural researcher Peel finds out her grandfather spent time in Mexico. Looking for any family connections to herself she makes a phone call to a local library in Mexico. This is when Peel falls down the rabbit hole. At this point you will have to read the book to find out the rest.
I found the story was very solid in its composition. I did not have to suspend any beliefs in order to accept what was happening on the page. The writing was smooth and flowing. The dialogue between the two main characters was witty and droll and very amusing at times. It offset the tension very nicely.
I am eager to see what Scott’s next novel will be like as she has set a high bar for herself. Talented Amateur is an engaging novel which I highly recommend.
I was given a free ARC from NetGalley and the publisher for my honest review.

This is an awesome well written mystery thriller with a side of romance. The characters are great and fully developed. The details at times are very graphic. I recommend 4.5 stars.
Thank you Bella Books and NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

I received an ARC copy of this book from the Publisher via Netgalley and voluntarily leaving my review.
Peel always wanted to be a spy growing up but knowing it’s easier said and done became a librarian instead. She decides to look into her father family line that’s leads to Mexico when she calls the library there she doesn’t realize what about to happen to her.
Peel becomes the guest of drug lord Sebastien Gutierrez while there she is watch by a American woman named Anna who has secrets of her own. Peel use every smarts she has to keep herself alive while she learns that she related to a rival family who been in feud with the drug lord and decides to solve the mystery of what happened years ago all the while battling her feelings for Anna.
This was a good mystery. I always wanted to look into my geology to see where I came from.

Interesting mystery thriller. Peel Primm always wanted to be a spy. Instead she works as a librarian in the Denver suburbs. While researching geology on her father's line she makes a phone call to a library in Mexico. Peel is abducted, beaten and left trapped as the guest of drug lord Sebastien Gutierrez. Anna, an American, seemingly works for the drug lord and finds she is charged with keeping an eye on Peel. She knows how disposable woman are in the culture and doesn't want to put her life in danger by getting too close. Peel learns she is related to a rival family and is tasked with solving a 30 year old mystery. Anna seems willing to help as long as it doesn't risk her own family still living in the USA.
I like Peel and how she keeps her wits about her. She looks for opprotunities to surviving even if it means trusting the mysterious Anna. As someone who enjoys genealogy I thought digging into a family tree was a fun set up for a mystery. The drug lords are brutal and some actions are described graphically. I had a lot of guesses about Anna and was happy with the ending.
For anyone who enjoys spies or government agency mysteries with a side of romance. The characters are good and work together well. Thank you to NetGalley and Bella Books for an ARC book in exchange for an honest review.