Member Reviews

I've been through many things in life that SHOULD have killed me, so I've been interested in angels for a very long time. I found this book to be so comforting and full of explanations for my many questions. While it isn't type of reading material that I normally would choose, I was glad I was able to read it. Definitely was life affirming, and made me feel less stressed about death.

I received an advance reader copy of this book to read in exchange for an honest review via netgalley and the publishers.
Angels in Waiting is a lovely guide to reaching out and connecting with your own spirit guide.
The book starts off explaining why we were put on earth and how and moves on to tell stories of peoples experiences with connecting with their spirit guide.
I had a personal experience of this myself as a child and have never forgotten it.
I found this book a comforting read during my read through it.

Angels in Waiting tells the story of who, what and why we are here on Earth. It then continues with numerous examples of people contacting their guides and the positive outcome of this contact. Throughout the book is the reinforcement that even when occurrences seem -or are in fact-negative that there is a positive lesson that by far outweighs the negative. The last few pages on the earth’s moving into the fifth dimension is exciting, uplifting and comforting.

Very informative and I enjoyed reading about the angel encounters that people have experienced. I especially enjoyed learning how to connect with the angels. A very good read!

This book is a very direct and approachable manual for learning about who yur angels are and more specifically how they help you. I especially enjoyed reading about what I call my guardian angel. It seems we all have one angel that is with us all our lives whether we know it or not. There have been many times when I doubted its existence but after reading this book and doing the simple exercises I see what was happening that I didnt understand then. I am using the practices for my own healing and for others help as well. This book is the best book on angels that I have read in a long time. For the simple reason it just makes sense and feels right to feel more positive and hopeful. This book will guide you there. it is doing that for me.

I'm not new to this topic by any means. However, looking for new information and suggestions Osteen points my in the direction of new books on this topic. The book itself is okay but it is very basic and common when compared to others before it. If you're just getting interested in this topic this might be a great beginner's book if you are already interested in this topic and have researched it this might not be the book for you.

The cover of the book has lovely calming colours and a beautiful angel wings.
Angles in waiting has lots of information for you to take in. For me when I read it again I will just read abit at a time just because there slot of information and it’s book you will probably keep coming back to.
Thank you NetGalley for letting me read this book.