Member Reviews

A gripping romance set during the French Revolution.
A beautifully told story, I loved the nuance and the complexities of the characters, as they question the convictions that they stand for during a tumultuous time. The story is primarily told through the eyes of Gilles, a revolutionary with medical aspirations, while we get snippets from Marie-Caroline in her letters to her cousin. I liked that both of the characters are challenged by their experiences to think more about their beliefs, as they are drawn together despite the events that tear them apart.
The catchphrase struck me as odd at first, but grew on me over the course of the book. The author does a great job of bringing the time period to life through her characters. Personally, I'm not a huge fan of books written about the French Revolution, but I found myself really enjoying this one.
Overall, a historically rich romance read that brings you into the conflict of the French Revolution.
I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

Hawks gives so much history in Beyond the Lavender Fields, and I was there for it! It's easy to tell when an author really pays attention to the research, because the details are so very well laid out in their story. Hawks is one of those authors. I don't know much about France in 1792 - history class wasn't exactly something I paid much attention to in high school (and I regret now), but I feel like I learned so much just in reading this book. And it makes me want more.
And while I loved the history, there are two things I loved even more. One - Gilles and Marie-Caroline. Their first meet was probably one of my favorite parts of the whole book honestly. I giggled. And the giggling didn't stop there. The interaction between Gilles and Marie-Caroline throughout the entire book was just delightful. Chemistry? Oh yes. Bantor? Yep. Romance? Yes. But also the whole, I-don't-like-you-but-I-secretly-like-you vibe. Hawks wrote it perfectly.
Here's the other thing I loved about the book. The life lesson. Gilles and Marie-Caroline were on different sides, and therefore had some preconceived ideas about each other. But over time, they understood that even your enemies are human. They have thoughts, ideas, and (gasp) a heart. You really do need to get to know them to understand their "why" and how they came to be on the side they are on.
Beyond the Lavender Fields was a great read. History fans will love how much detail Hawks provides, and romance fans will fall in love with Gilles and Marie-Caroline. I sure did!
I received a complimentary copy of this book. I was not required to write a favorable review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

This book was so sweet. I started as a fan of hers after Georgianas Secret and it continues today. The French Revolution has always held interest to me since I first saw Les Mis at 8 years old. Fortunately this book has less deaths and more romance. A little slow to start, but a great read.

4.5 Stars
This is historical fiction done correctly. When an author can take a reader and completely immerse them into a world, making them feel like every event is fresh and new even though it happened forever ago . . . that's some excellent writing. And that's exactly what Hawks displays in Lavender Fields.
Full disclosure: I know nothing about France. I walked into this book completely blind. All I knew was that I loved Arlem's previous work and that was enough to sell me on this read. The historical detail is seriously so rich. In no time, I found myself caring about these people and how all of this was going to play out.
And that's just the historical aspect. The romance? *chef's kiss* A slow-but-steady start to a truly beautiful love story, filled with angst and emotion and tenderness. I'm here for all of it.
This is a bit of a heavier read given the subject matter, so I couldn't read it straight through because I needed to give my heart some breaks. But the merit of the writing is worthy of the slower pace to truly indulge in the story. This is a good one, friends.
I received a complimentary copy of this novel from the publisher via NetGalley. All expressed opinions belong to me.

Topics: Socio-economic difference, French revolution, the Jacobins, revolucionnaire and royalise, love, feminism, sexism, family problems.
"You must learn to recognize which battles you can win, and which you must flee. It is not cowardice to be wise.
A brave fool who goes after the prize when he knows he cannot win is still a fool"
A story developed in Marseille, France 1792. In the midst of the French Revolution, the paths of Gilles and Marie Caroline cross. They must face their socio-economic and religious differences and their ideals. But this story isn't only based on the love or friendship between these characters. I must admit that the author did an excellent job building these characters.
Let's talk a bit about the characters:
• Marie Caroline: Feminist, independent, and determined. Stubborn, but sensitive enough to recognize her mistakes and learn from them. Learn to overcome prejudice.
• Gilles Etienne: I must confess that he's my favorite character.
( A hard-working, proud young man who
has always followed in his brother's footsteps, but embarks on the path of self-discovery. This leads to an internal struggle: should he follow the only path he knows or is it okay to chart his own path?
I was able to connect with the characters and understand their inner dilemmas and I think this is what makes a good story. Although this story is fiction, it's quite educational.

I'm super picky about historical fiction. With that said, I'm not sure I would have chosen this book out of an assortment and was ultimately surprised to enjoy it so much! I appreciated the well-developed characters since that is key for me but I feel like I needed a little bit more ... oomph ... with the story itself.
I think most who lean toward historical fiction and historical romance will love this!
Thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for a copy of this ebook to review. All thoughts and opinions are my own and have not been influenced in any way.

A beautifully written historical fiction book taking place during the French Revolution.
3.5 stars

I want to thank Netgalley and the author for gifting me the ebook. Love the cover. Historical fiction novel. Recommend

This was a "love story" set
during the French Revolution. I have to admit- definitely do not know my French history.
Gilles and Marie-Caroline have differing views on their
country's future and how to get there. When they meet Gilles was trying to get MC to kiss him because of a bet. I felt like there was so much focus throughout the story of her telling him “I still don’t want to kiss you” even when she did.
I'll be honest. I was bored pretty much the whole book. The only reason I stuck it out was because I was listening to it so I figured I might as well see what
happened because I was driving anyway.
Was it the English narrator pronouncing French words that kept me from connecting to the story? Was it my
mood? I don't know.

Beyond the Lavender Fields was a interesting book and enjoyable read. I enjoyed the setting being in France with all of the history and drama of the French Revolution. I highly recommend it.

This book was so beautifully written. I loved the setting of the French Revolution. I learned so much and loved the slow burn romance. Definitely worth reading for the end!

It's been so long since I've sat down and read historical fiction, and Beyond the Lavender Fields reminded me just how much I love it. The novel is a blend of romance, history, and intrigue during the highly political times of the French Revolution. It was beautifully written, and the attention to historical details really immerses the reader in the book, leaving you feeling like you've stepped back in time.

This was a very beautiful romance with two people of different beliefs! I like how this novel is set during the French Revolution. It tells how a city that is far from Paris is still touched by the events of the Revolution. I also found the two characters to be very compelling. Both of them are on different sides, yet love keeps them together. This novel is about loyalties, patriotism, and love! I found all the characters to be very compelling. The writing is very lyrical and is meticulously researched! Therefore, I recommend this novel for fans of All the Glitters, The Wardrobe Mistress of Marie Antoinette, and The Queen’s Dollmaker!

This was a fascinating historical fiction story. The French Revolution, especially the time when they dethroned their king and queen was intense! Gilles and and Caroline’s story was beautiful. The cover matched their story perfectly.

This is a great book set during the French Revolution. I liked how the main characters were on opposite sides of the conflict but found a way to compromise and be together. I thought the author did a great job of giving us the history of the time and I learned a lot as I read.

This book was amazing! Not only is it a fabulous escape from reality, which I often crave these days but it drew me into the French Revolution and TAUGHT me more about the history and helped me realize how this Revolution impacted the lives of those who lived during it. This is the best kind of book!
Arlem Hawks does her research. Understanding the politics, the different views and the social unrest was fascinating. Into this world we find Gilles- revolutionary extraordinaire who finds himself enamored with his bosses daughter and monarchist Marie-Caroline. Through their differing views we can be reminded that good people exist on both sides of a cause.
The book alternates between Gilles and letters Marie-Caroline writes her cousin which was a unique way to come to know her and her thoughts/ feelings. I highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys historical fiction, French history or a thought provoking romance. I truly cannot recommend this book highly enough! Read it. You will not be disappointed.
I received a complementary copy of this book from the author and Netgalley. All thoughts are my own.

I really enjoyed this heartfelt and emotional story. The characters were so well written and had a lot of depth. I look forward to reading more from this author in the future.

I have always loved historical fiction. This one has beautiful prose and a compelling story, so I would recommend it to anyone that enjoys the genre.

As with all historical fiction, Beyond the Lavender Fields by Arlem Hawks taught me about the French Revolution during the years of 1793 and 1794. It is under this revolutionary cloud that Giles Etiene, a Jacobin, meets Marie Caroline, a royalist. Taking a dare from his brother and his friend, Etiene attempts to kiss Marie Caroline. She is outraged that at such a time in the history of France, he should be playing such silly “games” that show no respect for women. Giles soon begins to understand what Caroline is saying. They soon develop feelings for each other but try to avoid falling in love because of their political differences. This does not work and just when Giles and Marie Caroline are on the brink of declaring their love, circumstances place Marie Caroline and her entire family in a precarious situation. They must run and hid from forces beyond their control. Working together with his father and other family members, Etiene is determined to save them. A good story of love in the face of adversity.

It took me a long while to get into this book, but I kept reading, in large part due to all the good reviews I read!
This story takes place in Marseille, France in 1792. The two main protagonists are Gilles, a Jacobin, or revolutionary, and Marie-Caroline, who is a royalist. They are attracted to one another from the first meeting (Gilles works at her father’s savonnerie, or soap factory), but their opposing political views serve to make them each believe these views must keep them apart.
I enjoyed the character development in each of them. Marie-Caroline’s thoughts are mostly conveyed through her letters to her cousin and close friend, while we see Gilles’s transformation through the action of the story with his revolutionary companions. I enjoyed as well the seeming change in Gilles’s father, who is not a likable character until the end of the story. I’m glad I kept reading, and would recommend this book to lovers of historical fiction as well as slow- simmering romance!
I received this book from the publisher via net galley in exchange for an honest review. Four stars!