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Elevating Equity and Justice: 10 U.S. Supreme Court Cases every teacher should know by Robert Kim (– audio book with extra material )
Kim identifies 10 key Supreme Court cases, gives a brief summary of the issue that brought the case to the legal system and then an explanation of the Supreme Court’s decision. After each summary Kim adds context such as the impact on students, teachers and school districts, then brings in the voice of an impacted teacher or student and a brief list of resources to expand your knowledge if you are looking for more.
In the audio book at the end of the 10 cases there is a bonus podcast discussion about 3 additional cases and developments since he wrote the book.
He describes the book as “a mini course in the history of education in our nation.” His discussion of each case is not overly legalistic. He explains things in terms any teacher – or junior high school student – would understand. The material was interesting and approachable.
Thank you Net Galley for giving me the opportunity to review this book for free in return for an unbiased rereview.

This book is a must for every educator. I for one, appreciated learning about why we have to do things a certain way. The book is short, sweet, and to the point; but it is still an engaging read.

Okay, this one is very technical and discusses very specific laws and cases. If you know that going in you will enjoy it. This book should be a requirement for teachers as well as parents with children’s (especially if those kids attend public school).
Some of the topics covered in this book include: students with disabilities, laws related to breaking down racial segregation, rights of undocumented students, and as well as gender identity in schools.
A special thanks to NetGalley and the Publisher for allowing me to read/listen and review this audiobook.

*received for free from netgalley for honest review* Really great, informative read! would recommend and read again and im not even a teacher lol

I appreciated the opportunity to review this title via Netgalley (audiobook) and then purchased the paperback. This is an excellent text for a person interested in pursuing education or a wide range of social sciences. Civil rights activists will also find this an accessible entryway into understanding federal policy through a judicial branch lens. I really liked the layout of explaining the case, the ruling, and its application. The audiobook was intriguing and helped me read it quicker but I needed the paperback to access the many rich resources/links shared at the end of each chapter. For my rating system, a four-star book (like this one) is an excellent book that I'd recommend to others. I liked this book so much that I'd be interested in additional editions that cover more cases in a similar format.

<i>Elevating Equity and Justice</> details ten Supreme Court cases related to education. For each case, Robert Kim explains the details of the case and the ruling by the Supreme Court. From there, he pulls out key terms teachers need to know from this case and mentions any more recent cases that might adjust this ruling. He talks about how these rulings may affect a teacher's classroom/school. Then, he reads letters written from teachers or parents related to these cases. Finally, he provides links for further study of these issues. At the end of the book, there is an interview with the author talking about some big cases the Supreme Court ruled on in June 2020.
Kim did an excellent job of laying out the cases and what it means for schools these days. At under 6 hours, the audiobook is a reasonable length for busy teachers. Kim did a fantastic job narrating the audiobook himself. I highly recommend this book to teachers.
Many thanks to NetGalley for providing me an audio ARC of this book.

This was very helpful in exploring the role of teachers and historical injustices. The court cases were presented in a manner that was completely understandable, even for someone who has no knowledge of the justice system.

I’m always looking for resources to help gain a deeper understanding of the LGBTQ+ community, how to be an ally, and how to raise my kids to be loving and accepting of people.
The author shares an excellent selection of Supreme Court cases and shared understandable explanation for the readers. Seeing how these cases still effect us today and have shaped our current culture. Another great resource I will recommend again and again.

This audiobook is on different supreme court cases that are related to schools and teaching. I am really bad for the girl who was checked for any drugs in her underwear too who was really got affected by this lot as she was accused and found out she was genuine. There are many problems like funding for schools that are not equal which should be taken care of and series of issues in schools.
This gives insight into some problems and solutions and how to handle situations in the right. The syllabus and the way of teaching should be upgraded based on the needs and requirements.
There was one case where people with disabilities should be graded based on their ability not compared to the person without abilities and how government schools and private schools differ in it and the case is explained well.
This is a sure read for parents and teachers and I really appreciate the author for his efforts in bringing the things that are necessary to be acknowledged and taken care of.

this is a simplistic, easy to understand, overview of 10 supreme court cases that have impacted education in the U.S. the author also provides additional resources related to each case for further information. most of the laws were already familiar to me, but it was interesting to hear the evolution of the case. and these are key reminders for anyone working in K-12 public education in the U.S. thanks for the ARC @netgalley and @HeinemannPublishing

A great book that will make you rethink what you know about education in the US. Excellent selection of Supreme Court cases, understandable explanation, and the effect it has on us today.
The audiobook was great, the narrator is a very good reader. I will recommend this book to anyone who wants to learn more.

Sort and very well explained explanations of Supreme Court cases relevant to students, schools, and teachers on topics like student searches, bilingual education, and freedom of speech. the author does a good job of explaining the issues at hand, discussing what the court found, explaining the plain meaning of the legal jargon, and (importantly) what teachers and schools should do in light of the cases. Interesting and well written.

It makes sense this is recommended for teachers, but how about parents? I think every parent would benefit greatly from this book. Every school age child (or close friend) experiences some sort of challenges in the school system, often not knowing where to turn. The 10 cases discussed here are a great launching point for parents seeking solutions. Knowing what has been decided in the past, can help guide the resolutions needed for parents and students to have safe, healthy interactions with all those they come in contact with, while in the school system (public and private).
I worked in the school system for 14 years, a LOT happens that you question and struggle to get clear guidance and resolutions from the administration-- too often it is brushed off and ignored. Students have rights, as do teachers and staff. They all need protections to successfully maneuver through the complicated system. There can be solutions and justice, if only people know where to turn.
Robert Kim has done a great service creating this book. I hope it reaches a wide audience.
I received a copy from the publisher through NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review.