Member Reviews

It holds up to the first one. It’s so good!
In this sequel, we are back with Finlay and Vero as they deal with the fact that a mysterious person on the internet wants Finn’s ex-husband and father of her children dead.
Throw in the continuing love triangle between Finlay, the young lawyer, and the hot cop, questions about Vero’s past, and the continuing investigation and impending trial from the murders in book 1, and you have a wild time!
It’s so fun, suspenseful, steamy, and at times completely wonderfully ridiculous. It’s got everything I loved in the first book and more, and I truly can’t wait to see what Finlay and Vero get up to next!

There are high jinks*. Then there are higher jinks. But our old pal Finlay Donovan? She gets up to the highest jinks of all.
Finlay is back after romping her way through Finlay Donovan Is Killing It, where she was mistaken as a hit woman after a misconstrued conversation overheard at a Panera Bread. In this second book in the series, cleverly titled Finlay Donovan Knocks ‘Em Dead, she and her sidekick Vero pick up a month after the first mystery left off. This time they’re trying to figure out who is attempting to whack Finlay’s ex-husband/baby daddy, while Finn is also facing down a fast-approaching deadline for her next “novel of romantic suspense” manuscript.
Do you need to read the first book before this one? Yeah, you really do.
If you loved the first one will you love this one too? Probably. It’s very much more of the same.
Who will adore this series? Readers of Janet Evanovich or Darynda Jones. Mystery + humor = over-the-top shenanigans.
Is there any romance? Yep, Finny’s got herself a little love triangle going on with two potential suitors. Not much steam here though… yet.
Will there be a third book? No doubt, given this one’s cliffhanger ending.
*Where does the term “high jinks” come from anyway? According to my trusty friend The Internet, “High jinks was a popular 18th-century drinking game in Scotland. The game involved throwing a die, and if the caster got a bad score, they had to choose between drinking more alcohol or performing an undignified task” Finlay must be pretty bad at throwing dice.
But I must have better luck than she does, because I fortunately received an advance copy of this book courtesy of the author and Minotaur Books for review via NetGalley. Finlay will be knocking ‘em dead in stores next February.

Thank you to Netgalley and St. Martin’s Press Group for the ARC.
🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 5/5 stars
The scream that came out of me when I got this ARC. Finlay Donovan is Killing It was one of my favorite books last year when I read the ARC and I could not stop thinking about it. I am so glad that this is a series because I will read anything with Finlay and Vero.
Finlay Donovan Knocks ‘Em Dead picks up pretty soon after the first book and we find Finlay trying to finish her new book, pay her bills, and find the person who put a hit out on her ex-husband. Her and Vero then go on to get themselves in so many insane situations that made me laugh, but also gave me extreme anxiety (I love them so, but they stress me out).
This is such a perfect sequel. I loved the hijinks, the humor, and the romance. These books are just so fun and well-written. Cosimano writes the best plot twists that surprise you and also make you laugh out loud. I cannot wait until the next one and I need this series to become a show. All the stars.
ARC was provided by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
Full review to be posted closer to release date.

Thank you NetGalley and St. Martin's Press, Minotaur Books for this eARC in exchange for my honest review.
Finlay Donovan is quick witted, sassy, down to earth, a successful writer, and single mom of two. She and her live in best friend, Vero, are staying out of trouble... At least, until Finlay discovers there's a hit on her ex-husband. Now both women are playing detective, trying to protect their family, and getting mixed up with the Russian Mob. Mix in some boy trouble and you have everything you could possibly want in this funny and deadly novel. I love the different character builds and strong plot. I laughed out loud a bit while reading and was genuinely shocked a few times towards the end. The perfect sequel to Finlay Donovan is Killing it.
TW: murder, mob violence

Finlay Donovan does it again! This fun follow up is a recommended purchase for collections where the previous title was popular.

Finlay Donovan is back! This time Vero & Finlay are trying to figure out who put out a hit contract on Finlay’s ex-husband, Stephen. There’s no love lost between the two but Finlay has no plans to see her children’s father dead. With stolen cars, bodies turning up dead, love interests making life interesting, & the mob on their tail, Finlay and Vero have their work cut out for them. Another fun comedy book that will keep you smiling for a few hours. Can’t wait for the next book!

I could not put this book down. Like the most unputdownable of unputdownable books, even more than the first one! The sequel keeps all of the feels of the first book, while delving further into the unsavory elements. The mob and murder elements were my favorite parts of Finlay Donovan is Killing It, so I was overjoyed to see them here. This book is the best kind of bonkers that will have you laughing and gasping the whole way through. Add on the classic Cosimano cliffhanger at the end, and I'm already on the hook for book 3.
*Thank you to Minotaur Books and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my honest review*

Thank you so much to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for my copy of Finlay Donovan Knocks 'Em Dead by Elle Cosimano in exchange for an honest review. It publishes February 1, 2022.
Well, Elle Cosimano knocked it out of the park with this one, yet again. I loved Finlay in her debut, and I loved her here. I am already waiting for the next installment with bated breath. I love how smart these books are, and how absolutely ridiculous the situations are. I would love to see these made into movies!
I'm loving the character development and relationships blooming between all the characters. I like that there weren't a whole lot of new characters added, but that most characters were previously mentioned, lending to the enriching of the books.
I also felt like it was a bit of a book within a book within a book going on at times, and I found it delightfully clever. It made me wonder how Cosimano did research and if any of it was similar to what Finlay did!

Thank you so much to Elle Cosimano, Netgalley and St. Martins Press for the ARC.
4.5 stars rounded up to 5! Absolutely loved this and the sequel 100% lived up to the first books hype. The first book left on a cliffhanger, and this book jumped right in to where the first one left off. It was funny, dramatic, with a bit of romance sprinkled in. It was also just a really good mystery, and kept me guessing the whole time. My only complaint was that there were a lot of secondary characters and it could sometimes get a bit confusing to keep everyone straight, especially towards the end with the big climax. Other than that though, I really liked this one and cannot wait for the third instalment (hoping there is one based on that ending!)

"Finlay Donovan Knocks 'Em Dead" by Ellie Corsimano is a smoothly written, murder mystery. Written in a contemporary, chick lit genre, it tells the tale of one divorced mother of two justvtrying to cure her writer's block. With some steamy, but not overheated, romantic scenes, this book hits all the high notes of its genre. An easy read that makes me hope this is a series.

This was bonkers.
Just when she thought she was out, they pulled her back in… Finlay Donovan thought she was safe, what with her accidental hitwoman caper tied up in a pretty little bow and a promising book deal in the works. But writer’s block is back, and now that she’s been made aware someone has put a hit out on her ex Steven, she can’t just walk away from her newfound life of crime, blundering as though it may be. Finlay and Vero find themselves back in the mix, going down a rabbit hole of sketchy online postings that leads them right back to the mob. With her lawyer love interest MIA, gorgeous cop Nick seems ready to make his move, but him getting closer to her also means he’s closer to her illicit activities. How is Finlay going to get herself out of this one?
My review for the first book in this series opened with “This was so fun” and I am so pleased to say it still applies. But this one also upped the ante when it comes to crazy twists and turns.
I will say there was a lot going on here, and a ton of characters weaving their way through the story. I was never confused and could keep track, but the second half was wall to wall action, drama, and red herrings. It was unputdownable, but also quite a lot to take in. Don’t pick this one up before bedtime or if you only have a few minutes. Sure, the chapters are quick and you *could* just fit one in, but you will not be able to stop at just one and will curse yourself for trying.
Just like in the first in the series, you shouldn’t expect realism here. It’s very over-the-top, but with a wink and a nod. This is a book that is clearly aware it’s a fun and crazy romp. It’s not pretending to be anything else, and I’m fine with that when the material itself is clear that it’s not taking itself too seriously. Buckle up for a crazy ride with Finlay and Vero, and maybe you’ll even get to take a spin in something a bit more exciting than the mom van.
This is scheduled for publication on February 1, 2022 and not only can I not wait, I am already dying to get my hands on the third instalment!
Many thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for an advanced copy of this book for review.

Thank you to St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review!
Finlay Donovan Knocks 'Em Dead is the second book in the Finlay Donovan series and a laugh-out-loud mystery that will have you guessing until the end. I read the first book, and I have to say that the second one is even funnier and better than the first one. The plot revolves around Finlay and her partner-in-crime Vero as they juggle catching hitmen with Finlay's life as a single mother-of-two. Someone has put a hit out on Finlay's ex-husband Steven. Finlay and Vero have to find out who ordered the hitman so that Steven doesn't end up dead. Meanwhile, Finlay's law school boyfriend Julian and hot cop fling Nick are both trying to get to know her better. Will Finlay succeed in stopping the hitman before it's too late? And who ordered the hit anyway?
Here is a dark and humorous excerpt from the beginning of Chapter 1:
"Christopher was dead. They’d found him bobbing on the water’s surface, his eyes bulging and empty, just after dawn. While I couldn’t honestly say I’d ever killed anyone before, this time, there was no denying I was one hundred percent responsible.
“It wasn’t your fault.” Vero gave my arm an encouraging squeeze through the sleeve of my long black sweater. I hadn’t had anything else appropriate to wear; it’s not like I’d woken up expecting to attend a funeral. And yet somehow, my children’s young and ultra-hip nanny had managed to pull off a pair of form-fitting slacks, a killer updo, and a designer blouse. She offered me a wan smile. “It’s not like you meant to do it.”
My daughter’s hand was frail in mine, her body tucked close to my other side, her eyes red from crying.
“In your defense,” Vero whispered, “the instructions were in very small print."
Overall, Finlay Donovan Knocks Them Dead is an amazing sequel that lives up to and exceeds its predecessor. There were laugh-out-loud moments as Finlay and Vero get into all sorts of hijinks trying to find the woman who put a hit out on her ex-husband. There were romantic moments, like when Finlay and Nick go to a candlelit dinner. And there were plenty of exciting moments, involving dead bodies, arson, visits to jail, etc. There were times where I was scared for the main characters and hoping nothing bad would happen to them.
One highlight of this story is the humor. I love mysteries that mix in comedy, and this book definitely delivers on that front! If I had to complain about something, I would say that things got a bit convoluted at the end with the large cast of characters, but I was never not entertained. I really enjoyed reading this book, and I could not put it down until I finished it. My Kindle actually ran of battery because I had been continuously reading this book for hours without pause. If you're intrigued by the excerpt above, or if you're a fan of funny mysteries, I highly recommend that you check out this book when it comes out in February!

Book #2 in the Finlay Donovan series gave me everything I expected and was looking for...except for her beloved wig scarf.
It’s been a month since Finlay Donovan was mistaken as a hitwoman, resulting in a big mess and a few dead bodies. Now, she is once again way behind schedule with the writing of her new novel, even though she has nanny/accountant/friend Vero there to help out with the kids.
Finlay finds out that someone wants her ex-husband, Steven, dead. The mysterious person is using an online forum to mask her request for the hit. Even though Steven was a terrible husband, he’s still the father of her children.
With Vero as her sidekick once again, Finlay decides she must find out who wants Steven eliminated...and try to stop it from happening. As one would expect with Finlay and Vero, things don’t go very smoothly. Before they know it, they’re thrust into a complex story involving the Russian Mafia, a chopped up body, molotov cocktails, and a whole lot MORE!
Still in the picture is bartender/law school student Julian, and Detective Nick, who makes it clear he still desires her. Can Finlay do the impossible and figure out her love life, keep her ex safe, and get back on track with her book?
Read it and find out!
I had an absolute blast reading this one, and I’m happy to say as one of my most anticipated reads, it did not disappoint. Finlay and Vero are a fantabulous duo, and there were so many moments I laughed out loud, while also being flabbergasted by the plot twists. Even though the much-loved wig scarf doesn’t make it to this sequel, we do get some fun scenes with a standard wig. I’ll take it.
Some of the shenanigans that Finlay and co. get into aren’t completely realistic, just like in the first book. Also, some plot points were hard to follow as the book tackles quite a variety of topics, scenarios, and bad guys (and gals). However, I told my brain to stop working so hard and just let myself have fun with it!
If you’re a fan of Finlay Donovan Is Killing It, then I think you will gobble up this juicy addition to the series. Of course, it ends with a cliffhanger...so once again, I am (im)patiently waiting for the next installment.
Thank you to Minotaur Books and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review. Expected publication date: 2/1/22.
Review also posted at: https://bonkersforthebooks.wordpress.com

Another fun romp with Findlay and friends. Of course, you must agree to suspend disbelief since it’s mystery, romance and crazy coincidence all combined.
If you have not read the first Finlay, you will be confused. This is not a stand-alone, it is part of a series, think Stephanie Plum, and already setting readers up for the next adventure. Although I enjoyed this, I didn’t like it as much as the earlier novel.
So, have fun, pick up both Finlays and look forward to the next.
Thank you Netgalley for this fun book to relax with and enjoy.

Holy friggin’ cow, this is the perfect sequel! Finlay Donovan is at it again, she’s working on book #2 and getting caught up in a women’s forum. She comes across a thread where someone requests a hit on Steven Donovan, with the help of Vero they must prevent the death of Steven, Finlay’s ex-husband. Knock ‘Em Dead is entertainingly fun to read as we follow Finlay’s & Vero’s crazy shenanigans, it’s twisty and full of suspense! Im hoping there’s a book #3! Thank you to NetGalley, the author, and St. Martin’s Press for a gifted copy. This is my honest review.

Finlay Donovan is by far my favorite series that I've discovered in the past year. She's the perfect mix of mystery, humor, and kick-ass hot-mess hit woman that we need in the pandemic. At the end of the first novel Finlay Donovan is Killing It, we find out... a hit is ordered on Finlay's ex-husband! We have to wait until now to find out that multiple killers are trying to get him while Finlay is chasing down leads to find out who ordered the hit, all the while balancing keeping her children safe and seeing the hot cop Nick, and the young attorney.
Highly recommend this fun, readable, laugh-out-loud mystery to everyone!