Member Reviews

Really liked this book. Just the paranormal (werewolf) break I needed. Quick read, lots of action, and (while there is sex) perhaps less than in many f/f paranormal romances.

When Christiana flees from her abusive ex-boyfriend, she never expects to be picked up from the side of the road by a 6-foot hunk of biker-chick awesomeness. While intimidated by the oh-so-powerful Micah, Christiana can't help being drawn to her and the safety of the biker gang Micah leads. When Micah finds Christiana, she finds more than she ever bargained for, but can she trust that Christiana feels the same way... and can she keep Christiana safe from her stalker ex without exposing herself and her pack?

**I received this book from the publisher via NetGally in exchange for an honest review.**

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Damsel in distress Christiana Arjean is left stranded on the side of the road as her stalker ex boyfriend and State Parol officer chases her down with lights and sirens blaring. And this is just the first chapter folks. In the Arizona desert with no place to hide Christiana has only one option for safety. The very tall, white haired and leather vest wearing motorcyclist who stopped to help her. Micah Nubilo is a woman of few words. She is the founder of her motorcycle club who live off the grid and make their own rules. They are good samaritans doling out their idea of justice.
Have no doubt this is a paranormal romance novel with some action scenes mixed into it. The immediate falling in love is easily explained away by the werewolves finding their mate scenario.
Her Wolf in the Wild is a light and entertaining novel. The characters are fully formed with competent writing and very likeable. It is light on the sex scenes with the most effort going into the romance. I can really see a sequel to this as Vera is a mysterious character which needs to be explored.
All in all a nice enjoyable read.

I was given a free ARC from NetGalley and the publisher for my honest review.

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