Member Reviews

This is so fun and such a fun premise. I was immediately invested in the characters and purchased the book when it was released in 2021.

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How to Marry Keanu Reeves in 90 Days" by K.M. Jackson is a delightful rom-com that will captivate readers who adore lighthearted, humorous stories about unrequited love, celebrity crushes, and the thrill of the chase, making it a perfect fit for fans of feel-good, friends-to-lovers romances.

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The set up to this book is so interesting and I am very excited to continue on with the journey with Bethany and Truman!

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This book was such a fun short read. It jumped between True and Bethany’s points of view. There were so many celebrity references and classic tropes. I did enjoy the book, however after it was over I struggled to remember the story 2 days later. I can only rate it as a 3.

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The title and description for the book drew me in even though this isn't a genre I'm typically into. I generally thought the writing was fun and I was curious about the characters, but there was too much talk about dieting and diet culture descriptions of food for me to be interested in reading more than the preview. Do characters being concerned about carbs in bagels really add anything to the book?

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I'm so excited to get to the rest of this book. I love a Hollywood setting, and this fits right into that trope! How to Marry Keanu Reeves will definitely be a book I recommend to friends and other readers.

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Thank you Netgalley and publisher for this arc of 1-3 chapters! I was so excited and looking forward to reading this however school work got the better of my time and it expired. But I am still super intrigued and will be purchasing this to finally get to read it! Because who doesn’t love Keanu Reeves!

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Despite not loving Keanu Reeves, I did like this preview! All jokes aside, I don't actively dislike Keanu but I've just never seen the appeal. Nevertheless, I did really enjoy this preview. You could replace Keanu Reeves with any celebrity and it would make sense. This concept of falling in love with someone who was already there is appealing to me. I plan to check out the full book shortly.

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This book is so fun. The characters have such a well-written friendship, from only the first few chapters, it reads like they're real people who have known each other for three decades. The premise is also very unique, and I am excited to continue reading.

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I read chapters 1-3 quick! I fell in love with Morphie immediately. However, I feel like I will love this book, but there is a lot of world building and setting up the reader for what's coming next, and the first three chapters are not a fair way to judge this book.

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I was really excited to read this book and it's been on my TBR for a while. Even though I only got a preview of the book I will say that I enjoy it. I wasn’t immediately hooked on the book and it did take me a little bit of reading to finally warm up to it, but I do like the characters. I am excited to read more about how everybody’s relationship develops. The issue I had was I didn’t really get Lu’s obsession with Keanu Reeves.

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Though this was just a preview, HOW TO MARRY KEANU REEVES IN 90 DAYs by K.M. Jackson seems like it's going to be a fun adventure of a book.

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I was hooked from the moment I read the title. What could this be possibly about? The cover also drew my attention, great design.

I was only able to read a preview of the first few chapters but I was unfortunately not as hooked as I was when I started. The character development wasn’t very clear to me. I couldn’t visualize what the main character looked like and I didn’t understand he relationships with the people around her. The idea of the story is really awesome but because of a lack of explaining certain things, it really made me have to guess on some key elements of the plot line.

I am sure the author was able to weave this more throughout the story. But it wasn’t something that I was able to get from the first few chapters.

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I was able to read only the first few chapters so I am unable to. Give a full review. The book was funny at time and the concept seem so silly and fun. I know many people will love this book. So far it had good parts for me. But I think I’ll wait till my library gets it to read it if I am
In the mood

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I was hoping to like this since I love Keanu but this was a little strange... I’m glad I only previewed 3 chapters because I don’t think this would be a book I want to finish. It isn’t very believable or creative.

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I'm obsessed with Keanu Reeves, so the title drew me in to this book! True and Lu go on a quest to find Keanu Reeves and convince him to marry True instead. True loves Keanu, but Lu loves True. There are hijinks, run-ins and sightings of Keanu, and a lot of love! This preview was exactly what I needed to convince me to read the rest of the book!

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I only received the sample of this and enjoyed it. But cannot rate it properly since it was not the entire book.

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This teaser of the first three chapters left me wanting more! Bethany is funny, witty and down right upset that Keanu Reeves is getting married in 90 days and she isn't. What does this mean for her life?!

I can't wait to keep reading this one and see how it all plays out!

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The writing on this book is fun, fast paced, and quippy. Growing up, or in adulthood, I have never found myself to be obsessed with an actor/tress. I definitely have favorites but none to the level of Bethany and Dawn. The writing is excellent-- banter is often one of my favorite things about novels and this book is no exception but I don't think I would have pursued this novel beyond the preview. I was intrigued by the story, but not hooked. Perhaps I will give the audiobook a try, and see if there is a click.

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Okay, when I started reading this preview, I was really confused, but I quickly caught up, and really enjoyed these three characters we were introduced to. I love the cover and the book title, but I also really love that this book revolves around POC characters in their 40s. More than that, the author successfully handles her characters realistically, and shows that being in your 40s doesn't mean that you are suddenly "mentally older or mature," or even that you have to settle down and already have children. Lu, True, and Dawn are all fabulous characters living- from what I can tell- rather fabulous lives where their income is all their own.

I also really love that K.M. Jackson plants the seeds for the Lu/True romance from the beginning. Lu is totally oblivious to her attraction to True, but Jackson made sure that we, as the reader, were not. It allows for their romance to blossom later in the book without feeling as though it came out of the blue.

I really love all of the pop culture references, too. Yes, the title implies that the goal of this novel is to marry Keanu Reeves, but as you start to consume this novel, you can read between the lines and realize that while Lu does adore Keanu, the adoration she has for him is a tool to prevent her from acknowledging her feelings for True. I think the author is really brilliant in this way, and writing a story that is so relatable, yet I haven't really seen told before.

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