Member Reviews

It pains me to do this, but two stars out of five.

I normally reserve that for the end of the review, but I thought I should just get it out of the way.

All that Remains is billed as a paranormal romance with a mystery at its heart, which I don't normally read. I thought I'd take a chance on it, since it's billed as a romance/mystery. I'd see if it is, and if this one would break out from the pack of those I've read before, all of which I've not liked.

It is not, and it did not.

First, the story: a killer on the loose who gnaws on the bones of his victims after he has killed them. OK, so here's our mystery. Who is he and why does he do this. Well, he's a werewolf. Literally, a werewolf. And the mystery is torpedoed less than 20% into the story by switching to him and his POV. Then it just becomes a catch me if you can story between the POVS that I just didn't like because there's no story there. He's a psychopath with zero redeeming features, no tragic backstory, and leaves clues all over the place. So much for being smarter than the rest of the pack.

If the mystery had been a real mystery, even with paranormal elements that didn't come to light until toward the end of the book, that would have been better, with o without the romance tied in.

Second, the romance: if the author had made the book primarily about the romance between the two female leads and developed that aspect more, tamping down the "mystery" into something else, the book would have been much improved. As it is, their romance just isn't there in the sense of what the romance genre expects.

Thanks to Bold Strokes Books and NetGalley for the reading copy.

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I really liked the sound of the blurb for this one, who doesn't like the sound of a paranormal thriller with a lesbian couple at its center? And a cool dog too? Wow, it sounded nice. Alas, I'm not a fan of most thrillers where the killer has been revealed in the first fifteen percent of the book, particularly when he's 'that guy' and won't shut up about how awesome he thinks he is in his own head, doubly so when he's pretty much little more than that as a character. As for Johnnie and her soon to be love interest, they both seem like great characters I'd love to get to know but they spend a whole lot of time being told and not shown to the reader in a narrative that manages to both spend too little time with them and too much time having them repeat themselves and their actions in quick bursts that leave us somewhere indistinct and hard to see our heroines from. Once we also find ourselves dealing with old tactless latching onto the third most interesting character in the book before we can get to know her for herself, I hit my noping out point. This might work for other readers but I know I'd hoped for more from this premise.

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I don't even know where to start with this book except to say it was painfully boring. It was a mystery that stopped being a mystery a few chapters in when we are told who the killer is and given his point of view. I guess you could call it an FF romance, except there's not much of that there either.

The story , which I'm not going to describe because it was eye roll inducing, is told by alternating between the two female leads and the killer's POV. The killer whose homophobia is strong with comments such as " no chance that he'd fall for someone not 100% hetero". In all the books I have read where you see through the eyes of the killer there's a purpose to it. Whether to get the reader to sympathize with them in some way by revealing a tragic backstory or connect with them on some level, but that wasn't the case here. The killer is literally a psychopath. He's a werewolf, lone wolf, who thinks he's better than other werewolves and he's just the WORST. I found myself skimming through all his chapters, who cares about his "plans" or his job or his first kill. He's surprisingly stupid leaving one of our leads clues that he's the killer still thinking he'd get away with it , it just didn't make sense.

Then we have the paranormal aspect of the book which tried to be unique but ended up cliche and cheesy, so that didn't work for me either. The only thing that was mildly interesting was the relationship between Johnnie Lancaster and Shantel King. It's innocent and kind of sweet, they are intimate once but besides a kiss it's off page.

In the end , it was a sigh of relief to finish this book and unfortunately this author is just not for me.

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I really liked this book. The storyline allows for the realization of who the bad guy is as it's partially told from his perspective. What makes this book good is the cat and mouse hunt, the character's personalities, an amazing dog and the "unbelievable". This book is well written and keeps the suspense going. The ending was totally unexpected and I am really hoping it leads to a sequel. I am happy to purchase my own copy of this book as soon as I'm finished posting this review. I received an ARC of this book from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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What can I say, as there isn't much. The story line sounded interesting but the mystery for me was solved long before the book was over. I don't feel that the romantic chemistry between the main characters was fully developed. Daniel tended to hold my interest more than any of the main characters. Regardless I will recommend because I'm positive this will appeal to someone else.

I received an ARC copy from the Publisher Bold Stokes Books in exchange for my honest Review.

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All That Remains by Sheri Lewis Wohl is an OK read, though I don’t think it’s one of her best paranormal novels. This is tale of a werewolf/psychological murderer and the two women who try to stop him. Johnnie Lancaster, a search and rescue volunteer along with her dog Cougar, and Dr. Shantel Kind, a forensic anthropologist end up working together to find the person responsible for all the bodies being uncovered in the woods…and there are lots of bodies. They face danger, romance and a killer who is closer to them than they first believe.
We know who the killer/werewolf is by the end of the first chapter. The mystery in this story is more who he is going to kill and how or if he will be found. We see the story through the POV of all three characters in every chapter. While this gives the reader different viewpoints to the same scene, with Johnnie and Shantel, those views often ended up being repetitive, this in turn caused certain parts of the story to lag.

Believe it or not, the best parts of the book for me are when we see the tale through the eyes of the killer. Ms. Wohl has this unique (and scary) ability to project a truly frightening psychotic killer’s thoughts and desires. She has sent chills up my spine more than once in past novels and also with this character.
There is a romance between Johnnie and Shantel that is actually a refreshing break from the mystery surrounding the murders. They make a nice couple. I just wish there had been a little more of this romance shown in the tale.

Overall, this is an average paranormal thriller involving murders, a werewolf, and a bit of romance. I’m giving this book a 3.5 star rating.

I received an ARC from NetGalley and Bold Strokes Books for an honest review.

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Nope, not a book for me. I love mysteries, a little fantastic and romance. But this was basically not very much of any of these. It should have been...But unfortunately not.
First it took forever to get interesting and then you have it all figured out so now you just wait for it to be resolved. Too slow and not exciting for me.
This is the first time I have read a book by this author. Hopefully her other books are better.
I was given this ARC in exchange for an honest review

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All that remains by Sheri Lewis Wohl follows search and rescue volunteer Johnnie Lancaster and forensic anthropologist Shantel Kind as they investigate a serial killer per the request of the sheriff office.

I don’t really have much to say about this book, it was a bit repetitive and inconsistent. First of all, why is the sheriff office getting two civilians involved in such a serious investigation? Yeah I know it seems as though they both have their connections to the sheriff office, it just doesn’t make sense. Its the need of the plot I guess. We also see the serial killers point of view in this which another reviewer mentioned added to the repetition and I agree. But also the fact that Shantel explained the same things over and over.

The character’s seemed a bit underdeveloped and the plot a bit lacking in certain places. The killer seemingly had a more complex build than the main characters. Any perfect book has the right mix of mystery, romance, thriller and humor. This book barely had two of those.

Now interesting enough, I really enjoyed this writing style. I imagine with a more sound plot I could really like this author.

Do I recommend? I’m not sure if I’m going to be honest. It was an okay read that could probably be a light one for anyone else.

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC in return for the honest review!

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An excellent thriller but the plot holes let it down. I thought I'd love this book, and I do like the paranormal aspects. However, the romance is unrealistic with no real collection between the two characters.

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'All that remains' wasn't for me I'm afraid. Its starts off ok-ish but slow, it is a dark paranormal read, with very little romance. I didn't really like any of the characters, especially Daniel but that is part of the storyline, you're not supposed to like him. The two main characters didn't click together and I felt no slow burn or romance between the pair. The story was ok.

Search and rescue volunteer Johnnie Lancaster and her dog, Cougar, serve their community by bringing home the skeletal remains of the lost no one could save. But sometimes being the best at what she does isn’t good enough. Nothing has trained her for a serial killer who appears to chew on the bones of their victims, and it’s not long before Johnnie is convinced the killer walks by day as a human and hunts by night as a werewolf.

Forensic anthropologist Shantel Kind has never seen a case like this one. That doesn’t mean she’s prepared to believe in a preternatural killer. As she works closely with Johnnie, their attraction is impossible to deny, but the death toll keeps rising, and time is running out. They might have to risk their lives—and their love—to stop a werewolf.

I was given an Arc copy for an honest review.

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2.5 stars. I was looking forward to reading this, but sadly I was disappointed. The premise of a paranormal mystery is what drew me in, but repetition, inconsistencies and plot holes threw me off eventually. I ended the book with more questions than I started with. It’s really too bad because I did see the potential for an entertaining book and I did enjoy parts of it.

I mentioned this is a paranormal mystery, but that’s not completely correct as you know almost from the start who the killer is (there is also a killer POV), so a crime investigation or thriller tag fits better. The killer’s POV does get a lot of attention and especially in the first half of the book I could have done with less text from this POV. This was one of the main causes of the repetition and after a while I got tired of the inflated ego of the killer. This also relates to some of my main questions. The killer took great pride in hiding the killings, so how did the police actually find the first one? And what about the specific mutilation of the victims, it is said to be explained, but you don’t get to know how, that’s frustrating. I also did not get to see the killer’s POV on the why of it, it doesn’t seem very typical. The killer’s actions also seemed to contradict each other every once in a while.

Johnnie and her dog Cougar (he’s the best by the way) are involved in detection of human remains. Shantel is an anthropologist with an expertise on bones who’s called in for a second opinion, but her role in the investigation was never clear to me. She is called in for every victim they find next and appears to be the prime medical examiner, which seems to be outside her field of expertise.
Johnnie and Shantel were both very likeable and their romance was sweet, it’s a bit fast but I was fine with that since the story is focused on the crime investigation. During the second part of the book the pace picks up and things got quite interesting and even with the inconsistencies I found that I enjoyed it.

But again, those questions. There is an important secondary character to which some things happen, but it was not clear to me what exactly happened to this character, why it happened, or how it happened……..

I hate being so critical, but this is a crime investigation story and if things do not add up or are not explained, it annoys me. I think I could have really enjoyed this story if there were not so many loose ends and editing issues. This was the first book I read by this author, but I heard good things about other books by Wohl that generally feature paranormal storylines, so I’ll give another book a try.

I received an ARC from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I thought this was just okay. I read a lot of Wohl’s books since I love paranormal anything, but I find them to be very up and down. This new story is what I would consider an average Wohl book for me.

This is a crime book with a little thriller, romance, and paranormal thrown in. Everything but the crime category is all on the lighter side. This is a story about a woman who recovers remains with the help of her trained German Shepard, and an anthropologist who helps study the bones of these victims. When the dog finds multiple graves, they think they are dealing with a serial killer, yet the bones look different. Is this a normal serial killer or something altogether different? If you don’t want to know the answer to that question yet, don’t read the blurb since it completely gives it away.

I found I had a bit of trouble with Wohl’s writing on this one. I’m hoping it’s still messy because it is an ARC, but there was a lot that should be cleaned up and maybe even added. There are inconsistencies like one character doing something then it was the other that did it. There are also some pretty big inner dialogue repetition issues. I felt like the characters just kept saying the same thing over and over -in their minds- and it really caused the first half to drag. And finally, there were plot points, important to the story, which we are never told about. How was the burial site of the killer ever found? How did they explain the bone marks at the end? And finally, there was a pretty big secondary character that just about disappears from the book and all of the character’s minds. While you expect some issues in an ARC, Bold Strokes Books ARC are normally pretty tight so this just seemed like a lot more issues than usual. I just hope at least some of them can be fixed before the book is released.

The romance between the two mains is pretty light. It is a sweet romance where two people become friends and slowly something more, but it never really heats up. While I prefer my characters to have a bit more chemistry, I did like these two as a couple. They were cute together so I didn’t mind missing the sparks as much as I normally might. The characters themselves drove me nuts by doing things I would call dumb and irresponsible -with a killer on the loose- but I liked them together.

While I had plenty of issues with this book, I did find the story pretty entertaining, especially once the second half picked up. I’m not crazy about being in the POV of a serial killer -I like being surprised by what the villain is doing more- but Wohl does write these tougher POV’s better than many others do. This is a book that I can’t really recommend, but I would not say stay away either. It was pretty down the middle and I would have liked it much better if most of the issues where cleared up -here’s hoping they still will be-. If you are interested in reading a book by Wohl, I would recommend the The Talebearer. It’s a good crime-thriller, with a very light paranormal twist -think psychic visions- and is very entertaining to read.

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Have to say this was a really good well written paranormal romance thriller. The villain of this tale Daniel is the ex husband of Shantel and is a serial killer and werewolf whose vibe pushed the creepy and the crazy to
a whole other level that made this an excellent book to read. The relationship between Johnnie and Shantel was very sweet and heartfelt they just seemed to get each other. Johnnie is a search and rescue officer who's partnered with a German Shepherd named Couger, who's personality was almost human especially in the way that he did his job which was search for the remains of the lost or murdered victims you could feel that every time he had to do a job it took a lot out of both him and Johnnie he just seemed like a special dog and also the way
he would interact with the humans around him was so heartfelt and human like I just, couldn't get enough of this amazing dog. Shantel is a teacher of anthropology and does some ME work on the side this is where she and Johnnie first meet. I would definitely recommend this book to all my friends and family, and I look forward to what this author writes about next.

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I really, really enjoyed this book. If you love the paranormal then this is a book for you.

It's about a serial killer that has everyone baffled, an ex husband who doesn't seem to understand the word no and an extremely talented dog called Cougar. The key question in all this is Do you believe in things you have never seen?

There are many twists and turns along the way. It becomes increasingly apparent that the killings are the work of something not seen before. The facts are all there but the answer.... well could it be true?

It's an interesting read as you get to get to know the guilty person and how they think.
Yes, I would definitely recommend this book. Just be aware things do go bump in the night.


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Johnnie Lancaster is a dedicated search and rescue volunteer along with her human remains detection dog Cougar. Dr Shantel Kind is a forensic anthropologist teaching at the local university with an agreement to assist the local sheriff when called. Neither of them expected to work a serial killer case nor to meet over one.
Wohl writes about the paranormal world well and often. I have read a half dozen or so novels from her extensive volume of work. What I have read have all been more paranormal romance so this seems like a bit of a departure for her. It being more normal than paranormal and somewhat of a faux mystery.
I did enjoy the story though I found it a bit repetitive on some parts. There were far too many reminders of the amount of horror Dr. Kind has seen in her work around the world. As well the constant reminder of Daniel’s time in Tibet without explaining what actually happened was annoying.
As All that Remains tried to be a quasi mystery and the serial killer was very careful on how he hid his remains I am curious as to how they knew to search the one area with the
a human remains detection dog. This is at the very beginning of the novel. As well at the end of the novel the doctor claims to have explained away the tooth marks on all the bones yet previously they knew they were not human or canine made and were an integral part of the story. She never said how she explained they were made.
Erin was also ignored at the end of the novel and she was Dr. Kind’s student assistant and included in most of the story.
I have always looked to Wohl’s books as light entertainment but fun to read. I feel this story requires more editing and the tying up of lose ends to create a cleaner and tighter story.

I was given a free ARC from NetGalley and the publisher for my honest review.

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Not a "Whodunnit" as the killer/werewolf is revealed early on in the book. Nevertheless an entertaining story about a serial killer who leaves the gnawed bones of the victims buried until Johnnie with her cadaver dog is called in.

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What a gripping paranormal ride this book is.
Do you believe in things you can't see? Well something has been on the rampage for years killing and chewing its victims before burying them.
Now Johnnie Lancaster and her K9 partner Cougar are on the scent of something they can barely imagine. With the help of Shantel King, a forensic anthropologist they're going to hunt down this killer. What kind of killer leaves teeth marks on the bones of the dead? How has this gone on so long undetected?
Along the way Shantel is being stalked and followed by her ex husband who will not let her go. Their vows said 'til death do we part' and that is exactly how he's going see things if she doesn't start being the good wife.
Johnnie and Cougar are not going to let that happen and will protect her from his harassment.
Definitely a must read.

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Johnnie is a writer for textbooks for schools to help students learn better she and her dog Cougar are volunteer search and recuse but nothing can prepare her for a serial killer when she and her dog find humans bones.

Shantel is a Forensic anthropologist with the tasks of finding what killed these victims what more strange is the teeth marks on the bones. Johnnie and her team up to investigate and they come up with a theory that it might’ve been a werewolf but specifically someone who can turn into one because how the human bones were found.

While they on the trail the killer is trying to stay one step ahead and cover their tracks. Johnnie and Shantel attractions grows but Shantel ex husband Daniel won’t let her go and he has secrets of his own.

This was a good read I love anything that deal with supernatural especially when it’s a must with romance in it.

I received an ARC copy of this book from the Publisher via Netgalley and voluntarily leaving my review.

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