Member Reviews

Opal Lee is considered the grandmother of Juneteenth. She has fought for many years to make Juneteenth in official national holiday. She did finally succeed. The story looks at how Juneteenth came about, and why it should be celebrated. It also gives a brief look into Opal’s experiences, and what made her such a proponent for this national holiday. Lovely book with great illustrations that sure to be read for years to come.

Not the best book to read aloud, I had many students who enjoyed looking through this book on their own. I think it had a lot of relevant and important information. It has made a great addition to the library.

Opal Lee, the grandmother of Juneteenth, was born in Texas in 1926. She grew up celebrating Juneteenth but found many Americans had never heard of it. Opal led a movement to bring national recognition of Juneteenth. It became a federal holiday in 2021.
Read this biography to promote discussions on civil rights, discrimination, social justice, activism and black history.

A tremendously powerful book about the importance of freedom and knowing our WHOLE history and not just handpicked parts. The illustrations are beautiful and the information at the back is helpful for readers who may have further questions.

This is an absolutely gorgeous picture book telling the true story of Opal Lee, the grandmother of Juneteenth! At the end, it includes a recipe for Juneteenth red punch, a timeline of relevant historical events, and a note with more information about the life and activism of Opal Lee, who led the movement to make Juneteenth a national holiday. Written in simple, lyrical text, this is perfect for young children but still meaningful for older kids, as well. The art is so eye-catching and lovely, and the story is powerful. I loved reading this important Texas history with my daughters.
This is a beautiful book to reference and enjoy again and again in homes homes and schools, alike!

“Freedom is for everyone. Juneteenth is YOU and ME.”
Before I get to the story of Opal Lee and What It Means to Be Free, I absolutely have to mention how sweet the illustrations are. Adults and children alike will be drawn immediately to the endearing and beautiful artwork by Keturah A. Bobo – each scene is full of life and lots of heart. There are thoughtful details on each page that complement the text and make this a book that kiddos & those who read to them will reach for time after time.
I love that there are children’s books about Juneteenth, a pivotal day in history, because this was something I didn’t learn about until adulthood. Like, embarrassingly not that long ago. Children need to know the importance of freedom & the joy that comes with it – and they need to know history so their generation can stop repeating it. Alice Faye Duncan’s lilting writing voice is delightful, and she makes Opal Lee’s story come alive, with even adult readers feeling as though they’re gathered around Great-Grand Dear’s chair under that tree, hanging on her every word.
Bottom Line: Opal Lee and What It Means to Be Free weaves one woman’s inspiring story into a larger tapestry of history, freedom, and celebration. Warmth exudes from each page, thanks to the charming illustrations and almost lyrical text, and readers will close the book smarter and full of gratitude & joy. Besides the history of Juneteenth and Opal Lee’s own true story, children (and adults) learn why this Freedom Day should matter to all of us, no matter our race or nationality or freckles (lol). Highly recommended for all readers!
(I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book)

This is a quick and easy read for early elementary school. The book covers a bit about Opal Lee and a bit about the history of Juneteenth, but doesn't go into extensive detail. I think this will be a great classroom storytime book to lead as a jumping off point to talk about America's history of slavery and oppression against black people. I really liked the short biography of Opal Lee and the timeline in the back of the book. There is also a list of sources at the back.
I will be recommending my sister added to her 2nd grade classroom library.

I felt this book was unfocused. I expected more information about Opal Lee and her connection to Juneteenth but didn't get that until the afterward. I also felt the tone of the book was inconsistent- sometimes lyrical, sometimes direct. Many of the metaphors used would be difficult for elementary children to understand so I would have trouble finding an appropriate audience for this book. This was disappointing to me because I am looking for more literature to be introduced on black history especially books marking joyful progress like the acceptance of Juneteenth as a national holiday.

The book of Opal Lee is a great and educational book for all children, it tells the story of freedom for black slaves and how that came about in a way that kids will understand. Though, I would say that there are some big words that may make it hard for kids to fully understand, but other than that I think it's an important book that should be in all kids bookshelf!

It tells the real life story of Opal Lee, an activist, also known as Grandmother of Juneteenth and reflects on dark past of black people who were forced to work as slaves. I didn't know that Opal Lee is a real person before starting the book. That might seem weird but I live faraway from America and though I know bits and pieces of information about the history of slavery, the name Opal Lee never came in front of me before. The story begins with Opal Lee narrating story of how Juneteenth came into existence to her grandson and his friends. She also talks about Jim Crow laws, ignorant people, blinded by prejudices trying to harm her family by burning the house they used to reside in. There's a timeline at the end of the story that sums up the occurrences in short. It is a great book to educate young readers about the value of Juneteenth, why its important and the high cost of freedom. I personally loved it. The history is quite complicated, so I appreciate how it's presented in a child friendly way. The illustrations are well-done as well.. Recommended.

I first wrote this review for my Instagram @miloureadsbooks
While this topic is very American, it is important to discuss in the rest of the world too. Even though your country might not have traded enslaved people, there probably is still racism to be dismantled. Plus, let we not forget about modern slavery, where people with little documents, social connections, or money, have no choice but to work in atrocious circumstances. In the words of Opal Lee: None of us are free until we’re all free, and we aren’t free yet.
In this story, Opal Lee explains the significance of Juneteenth and the racism she faced as a child, like how her house was burned down on this holiday. She fought to have Juneteenth recognized and succeeded at the age of 94!
I really enjoyed learning more about the holiday first and then reading about Opal Lee's life. That really gave it an extra dimension

A wonderful illustrated story to describe Juneteenth to young students. Easy to read and really well explained.

I'm going to be honest, I had no idea what Juneteenth was until they made it a national holiday. This a cute, nicely illustrated book that makes Juneteenth understandable for younger kids. Slavery and racism isn't a light topic, but this book handled it well. There are also resources for more information at the back of the book.

This picture book tells the story of a Black activist, Opal Lee and her role in bringing awareness to the holiday Juneteenth, an important day which many Americans were not even aware of! With beautiful pictures, and a good amount of text on each page, readers can learn about the history of slavery, its abolishment, and the civil rights movement in age-appropriate descriptions. The story alternates between Opal telling stories at a picnic and stories from these time periods, giving young readers short breaks from the difficult (but again, appropriate) content.
As a grade 3 teacher (in Canada) I could definitely see having this book in my classroom, despite not being from the US. I think that this is a very important part of history and a good reminder that Black history can be covered outside of just February! I would recommend this book to teachers of students in grades K-5 and perhaps other grades as well. The end of the book also has timelines and information and would be a great source for research for young readers.
Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read and review this book!

A lyrical, fabulous book that brings the history and meaning of Juneteenth alive for everyone; young and old. The thirst-quenching recipe can make for a nice sip and savor during story time. The timeline puts the story in context for readers. The biography provides a short insight into the history of an amazing woman. Sources at the end provide books and websites for further reading and research. The text itself is full of simile and metaphor. Opal Lee shines like Lady Liberty as she shares a message of a better hope for our future. Excellent and unbiased. A copy of this belongs in every school library.

Freedom, hope, and joy divine. Juneteenth means it's freedom time! This rendering of Opal Lee's Juneteenth story is an inspiring historical account of how the nation came to observe the day American slaves were freed. The celebration of freedom is presented with the genuine jubilation of generations of families. This nonfiction story gives credence to the years-long push of Ms. Opal Lee--individually and personally--'to make Juneteenth a federal holiday. Great read. Keep it on your shelves.

PIctures depicting children of many beautiful shades of brown gather around an aged Opal Lee to hear the story that she was told about Juneteenth. Informative backmatter and recommended sources for further discussion.'
VERDICT: a must-have addition for libraries that serve children

Picture books are a great way to explain a concept or a bit of history to a young audience. In the case of this book, Duncan is doing more than just explaining the history of Juneteenth to the audience. While the exact bit of history that the holiday recognizes is certainly a part of the story, the larger part of the book is focused on Opal Lee herself and exploring the experience of freedom. It looks at protest and social movement, the efforts people go through to have struggle and history recognized. In that way Juneteenth becomes more than an historical event. It's a symbol of the desire for social change. This book that will grow with young readers, reaching them at different levels as their social awareness changes.

Interesting premise which I haven't seen before. I recommend for those wanting to study history deeper, especially this time period.

Gosh, I loved this! The pictures were awesome. The story is inspiring and so important to hear. I hope people not only borrow this from libraries but also buy it for their home libraries.