Member Reviews

I love parenting books, but I found this one to be a bit too concise. It just lacked in depth information and anything to back up what the author said. Not all of the information was bad, it just didn't contain enough substance to be worth filling a book, in my opinion.

So many numbered lists and sub-lists... The book reads more like a dissertetation than a non-fiction with large part being critical dissection of the education system (which might not be relevant to many readers in different countries). The author sets out big expectations in the introduction but not all were met (or at least in my view). Moreover it is mostly targeted at children already in school. It might be that my expectations of the book were different but for me it was really not relevant and very far from the parenting approaches I am comfortable with (especially the discipline suggestions)

There are many useful pieces of advice and things to think about presented in this book. I found the presentation clear and easy to follow with a logical structure.
This is a very in depth guide to a gentle parenting approach and has a clear focus on success in education.

There are many useful pieces of advice and things to think about presented in this book. I found the presentation clear and easy to follow with a logical structure.
This is a very in depth guide to a gentle parenting approach and has a clear focus on success in education.
There are some assumptions made that I found troubling, especially without supporting references. For example, the idea that all boys need more attention and input than girls.
There's plenty here that's useful but I would suggest a careful approach in applying some of the information in a generic way, and rather take what is useful for your family and children.