Member Reviews

Adele is Coco Chanel's assistant during WWII, living alongside her in the Nazi-occupied Ritz Hotel in Paris. Coco Chanel is helping the Nazis and Adele wants to do anything to help people in need. Adele needs this job but her moral compass points her in the opposite direction. Decades later, Chloe arrives in Paris to start her life over after her divorce. Her grandmother lived here during the war and their past and present collide in many unexpected ways.
What a wonderful historical fiction book! I love historical fiction that tells a story I was not aware of, like Coco Chanel's during the war. Beautifully written, emotionally charged, and filled with the power of hope.
Thank you to NetGalley and Avon Books for the ARC of The Dressmaker's Secret.

It is a dual timeline. It is a story of love, loss and war. The ending was very good. The characterisation was good. The main character was so inspiring.

Out of all WWII fiction books I've read so far, this one is the first to focus mainly on the moral and emotional conflicts people went through during the war.
The book discussed how war changes a person's priorities, and even influences their values and beliefs. What people thought of as treason and morally wrong in normal circumstances became means of survival.
However, there was a wide gray area between resisters and collaborators, which was the place where Adéle, the main character, fell into.
Through most of the war, I think Adéle just went a state of freezing, she felt threatened by the change the war forced on her country. While Coco Chanel's main fear was poverty, Adéle's was instability. She didn't want to return back to how she fared after leaving the convent, lost, hungry, and powerless. This fear made her pliable, made her turn a blind eye to her employer's choices and decisions. Until Theo. When she met the American doctor, she kind of allowed herself to truly see the atrocities the Nazis were doing. Her acts of resistance, while assumed to start because of her love to Theo, actually stemmed from her believe that what the Nazis stand for is completely wrong and inhumane.
I loved Adéle, she was the most realistic character I've read in this kind of books, she was so human, so raw that you could feel her struggles and the toll everything happening put in her.
The problem with the book was how slow it started, about 25% of the book was dedicated just to establish the setting, which made it hard to get into the book. I also don't think Chloé should've had this much content, she didn't add anything substantial to be considered a main character, even her problems, in the grand scheme of things, were super mild and inconsequential. She should've been a side character with only the job of being a link to Adéle.
The ending, thankfully, was well written. It gave me a great conclusion and provided a definite closure, which was fantastic.
Thoroughly enjoyed it.
*I received an ARC of this book through netgalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review*

I fell so in love with this book!! It is exactly what the other reviewers have said. Adele is one of the bravest heroines I have read. And no secret, my favorite WW2 books are the dual timeline. Ms Cook’s writing was engrossing from the first page. Definitely a book I will recommend over and over!
I voluntarily reviewed a copy of this book provided by NetGalley

Lorna, you're a treasure! Another wonderful story, well-paced, Great characters, style, a dual timeline, and more interest than you could shake a bag of cats at!

This is the second book I’ve read by this author and again I thoroughly enjoyed it. I loved the dual time aspect of the book and enjoyed both Adele and Chloe’s stories, both set in Paris but in very different times. It was interesting to read the war time story with the historical aspects of which I knew nothing about - a bit vague that I know but I don’t want to do a spoiler!

A brilliant read and one I really enjoyed. The characters are loveable and varied, the plot is one that is engaging and medium paced. I found myself completely drawn into the story and enjoyed the writing style.

Fantastic book. I do enjoy a book where I find myself googling places and things from the book. Historical fiction is fast becoming one of my favourite genres and this didn’t disappoint. I was fascinated by the events during WW2 and had no idea whatsoever that Coco Chanel had such close alliances with the Nazi’s. This definitely made me want to read more about her and I bought one of the books that were mentioned in the authors notes.

Last year I discovered the UK author, Lorna Cook and listened to her three WWII books all in a row. When I saw she had a new one coming, I preordered a copy from Book Depository. I finally read it last week and loved it.
If you are a fan of…
🪖 WWII story
🇫🇷 Paris setting
💕 romance
👗 Coco Chanel
…read The Dressmaker’s Secret!

Extraordinarily account of life in occupied Paris with specific reference to the outrageous activities of Coco Chanel told from the viewpoint of her personal assistant I have read several books about Coco Chanel and each time I vow never to read another. However, I did it again. I wasn't disappointed the book was well written and researched. Adele, Coco's assistant has a secret alright, she is working for the resistance right under the Germans noses. Interesting and recommended reading.

I found this book utterly fascinating!
I had no idea around the basis of this book, the facts are astounding. A real eye opener I love how the author went between two time periods I feel it was written well, captivating and unputdownable!!!

WOW! I read a lot of WWII historical fiction and this was an aspect I didn't know about. I did not realize that Coco Chanel was involved with the Germans to the extent that she was.
Adele is Chanel's assistant and lives in the Ritz with her, right under the nose of some high ranking officers. While Adele seems to be on the side of the German's things may not be exactly what they appear to be and that is part of what makes this book so good.
Chloe's grandmother has always been rather quiet about her past. As Chloe learns more about the time period her grandmother was in France, her grandmother slowly opens up and Chloe slowly learns a story with details even she couldn't have anticipated.
I love dual timeline stories and this story is an excellent one. I loved both aspects of this story and they way the author alternates time periods until the story comes together to reveal all. What people did to survive during this time period is something that always touches my heart. We never know what choices we would make in similar circumstances and this story drives that point home in addition to showing how important family is and how it isn't always blood that makes a family.
I voluntarily received a copy of this book from Avon Books UK and NetGalley. All views are my honest opinion.

I had a few download issues with the book and by the time it was sorted, the file had unfortunately been achieved. Happy to re-review if it becomes available again.

Interesting look into the life of Coco Chanel during WWII France. The story is told by the granddaughter, living in present day, and the grandmother, who is Chanel's assistant. Cook delves into the lives of the Nazi sympathizers, such as Chanel, and the resistors, the grandmother, and the forces that pushed them into those rolls. Recommended for readers looking for the personal stories of innocent people caught in an ugly war.

Such a beautiful story, it had me intrigued straight from the off.
Thank you NetGalley for my complimentary copy in return for my honest review.

What a great read. Interesting historical facts based round the famous Coco Chanel. I really enjoyed this and was fascinated by the facts surrounding this story.

The Dressmaker’s Secret by Lorna Cook
Paris, 1941: Coco Cjhonel’s assistant, Adele, lives side by side with German officers, in the splendor of The Ritz Hotel, while other people are starving, because of the war.
Excellent book. Well-written. I felt like I was right there, in wartime, with Adele, the main character. Certainly. A ringside view of the war. I recommend this book.

1941, Nazi-occupied Paris: In the glamorous Ritz hotel there is a woman with a dangerous secret…
As Coco Chanel’s assistant, Adèle lives side by side with German officers in the splendour of The Ritz hotel. But Adèle has a secret. She is working for the resistance, right under the Germans’ noses.
As occupied Paris becomes more and more dangerous, Adèle will have to decide if she can risk everything to save innocent lives and protect the man she loves…
Present day: Chloé’s grandmother has never spoken about the war and avoids questions about the legendary designer she once worked for.
Now Chloé has come to Paris, to uncover the truth about Adèle’s life. But is she prepared for what she will find? And for the power of her grandmother’s secrets to change her family forever…
Chloé has travelled to Paris after the breakdown of her marriage in order to help a friend with their vintage shop. She knows her grandmother worked for Chanel in the 1940’s so when she hears about an auction taking place at the Ritz she decides to have a look. The Ritz is selling some wartime items which grab her interest and when she meets Etienne, who is an art dealer and war historian, he is a great source of knowledge. He tells her about recently unearthed information that Chanel was sympathetic to Hitler’s cause and had visited Berlin several times. Like many people who survived the war, her grandma has been very reticent about sharing her experiences for that? As Chloé starts to look in the archives, she begins to worry. What will she feel if she finds out her grandmother collaborated.
The historical research undertaken for this novel is undeniable and before reading this I had no idea of Coco Chanel’s stance in WW2 or the stories of her collaboration with the Nazis. I think now that history has shown us the full extent of the Holocaust and Hitler’s belief in a master race, we can’t conceive of anyone who doesn’t see him and his actions as unremittingly evil. However, it’s clear that during the war, for both Germans and occupied citizens the distinction wasn’t so clear. With our own aristocracy hiding many who were enthralled by Hitler’s planned genocide, it shouldn’t be a surprise that in France, Greece and Italy allegiances and the reasons for them were very complicated. If you had a bakery in the occupied Greek islands would you rather see bread go to waste or would you sell to the occupying force? For Chanel, living in the Paris Ritz alongside German soldiers it must have been hard to live next door and keep up a secret campaign of hatred. This is where Adèle’s story shines a light, as Chanel’s PA she can come very close to them, but still want them dead and gone from France. So with great bravery she resists under their very noses.
Adèle’s wartime story is so engrossing, that I think it makes the book a little lopsided. The dual timeline, as in the present Adèle’s granddaughter Chloé researches her family history, is definitely the weaker end of the story. It’s almost there as a device and although it gives present day interest, I think the book would be just as strong without it. It’s possibly just that the tension and drama need to be high for the WW2 setting, so anything would have seemed quiet in comparison. Prior to the war, Adèle grew up in an orphanage, taught by nuns. She had worked for Chanel before war broke out and is lucky to be chosen as her personal secretary when the atelier is closed, because all the other staff are let go. Adéle is in charge of her correspondence, packing her luggage when she travels and organises any meetings she has. However, she does not enjoy living at the Ritz, especially when the German soldiers move in and Chanel starts to socialise with them, dating a much younger man at the same time. It’s the guilt that’s so hard to deal with, especially when Adèle sees other people going hungry. When she first sees a Jewish woman being arrested, she’s stunned and feels sick that this is happening in her country. As she goes for her routine blood donation to the Red Cross she meets Theo, a doctor who is a member of the resistance. Can Adèle continue to watch others suffer or will she have to help?
I think that this writer takes a piece of history and weaves a great story, full of intrigue and drama especially in the WW2 sections. Chloé needs to move forward from her divorce and find her confidence again and there is something about filling in the gaps of her family history that does this. Learning the truth about her grandmother is nerve-wracking considering her employer’s history, but if it shows she was a hero then Chloé will filled buoyed up by it. Knowing you’re from a line of strong women, can help you find your own strength and I think that’s the essence of Chloé’s journey. Adèle is a courageous woman in a very tough situation and I thoroughly enjoyed getting to know her and the full history of one of France’s most famous collaborators.

My first Lorna Cook read and I loved it. A must read!
This is a really heart warming and equally heart breaking story. It's beautifully written and tugs at your emotions.
I love dual timelines. I didn't guess the ending at all ...which is even more of a bonus. I felt the danger aspect of the war and was an eye opener.
Will read more Lorna Cook books!

THE DRESSMAKERS SECRET reveals the secret past of Coco Chanel disclosing that she was not only living in luxury as a resident of the Nazi occupied Paris Ritz Hotel during WWII she was also the lover of a Nazi officer and as such could be assumed to be a willing collaborator - - - or as the French so colorfully put it a horizontal collaborator.
The narrative of Lorna Cook’s historical novel contains a plethora of interesting, well developed characters as well as authentic detail about the life of the fashion icon while offering the reader a voyeuristic look at Paris during the occupation.
A fantastically addictive read that will keep you turning pages until the wee small hours of the morning.