Member Reviews

I could not finish this. I tried to keep going back to it but it just wasn't for me. I couldn't relate to the characters and had a hard time seeing the setting in my mind.

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I could not manage finish reading this book. So why is its review here? Because I don't want people wasting their time / money with it. It's mildly interesting at best. Or in other words, if you're stranded in an airport due to heavy snowing and your options are either stare at the ceiling or read this book, then...

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The description of this book hooked me and I was excited to read. However the execution was disappointing. All the characters were terrible except for Ford and Tessa. The good guys were bad, the bad guys were bad, the I'm not sure where these guys stand we bad. Not something I will be recommending to friends or family.

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for allowing me to read and review this book.

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Imagine that you kind of accidentally killed a man in your living room. You know it's not really your fault, but then again, would the police see it that way? So you bury it in the back yard and try to regain the life you had before. That's Jason Getty's situation. He came to town after his wife died and left him some money. He didn't really know anyone and he's a shy man who is easily swayed or even bullied by others. When a charming sociopath takes a favor Jason did for him to establish a relationship where he came and took from Jason all the time, Jason doesn't know what to do and it ended in death.

Now imagine this. When you bought your house, no one told you that a scandal had occurred there. The wife of the family had just up and left one day, leaving behind her husband. Except she didn't leave. It turns out that she and the man she was having an affair with were surprised one day and now are on either side of the house, guarding it in death.

When the police learn about the deaths from the brother of the man who was married to the woman, they come to the house and quickly locate the graves of the two. Jason, of course, never knew he was living between two bodies and now there's the added complication that he'll need to move the body he planted in the backyard before the police find that one as well. But things never go smoothly for Jason. Before the night is over, he is caught up in a live and death struggle along with the fiance of the buried man, the brother who killed them both and a police detective that has gotten suspicious. How it will all turn out is anyone's guess.

Jamie Mason has written an engaging mystery with believable characters caught up in unimaginable circumstances. This is Mason's debut novel and it was well received and reviewed. On a personal note, I met Mrs. Mason at an author's lunch and was thrilled to hear about her process and her take on the book. This book is recommended for mystery readers.

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I apologize for the delay - I thought that I had submitted feedback regarding this book, but it appears that I did not. I read it a long time ago and I am sorry that I do not recall the specifics of the book. Thank you for the opportunity to read this book and I apologize for any confusion.

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Oh, boy. This book was an action-packed disaster. Nothing went right for anyone, and people made some really stupid decisions - and that only made the book BETTER. A heart-pounding, disgusting, strangely funny chase scene kept me reading. Seriously, there was no good place to stop. I needed to see how it ended.

Normally, I am not one for gore, but the decomposing body goo didn't really bother me as much as it could have. And normally, people go for vomit if they want to do something disgustingly funny. The humor in this book was very dark and not very laugh-out-loud-ish, but I could see it.

I LOVED THE ENDING. It was fantastic, and I couldn't have asked for a better one. It would have been easy for this book to get cheesy, stupid and unbelievable, but it DIDN'T, thank goodness. The author did a fantastic job. Another interesting thing -- I believe the author is a woman, but she did a better job of writing the male characters than the female. Most of the guys were very complicated, and she had their banter down pat. She still did a good job explaining Leah's choices. Also, I loved how she wrote the dog's personality. Fantastic.

Read this one. Just read it. I'm going to buy it ASAP so I can read it anytime I want.

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The protagonist, Jason Getty, is plagued with nightmares over a murder that he committed and got away with. He cannot even bear to look in his own backyard, where the body is buried. Some landscapers are working on his yard, and one of them rings the doorbell and asks Jason to come take a look at something. Right away, Jason fears that his dirty little secret is out. Only, it's not! The landscapers have unearthed the remains of a different body that was buried under his bedroom window. When the forensic team comes out, they find another body buried on the other side of the house. Just how long will it be before Jason's secret is uncovered, and what will he do to ensure that it will stay buried forever?

I found it hard to read because the style is rather unusual and took some getting used to. I'm glad I persevered. It is an engaging tale that carries the reader along with the various characters and their convoluted connections to the bodies in the garden. They come together in something akin to a farce, given how circumstances contrive to bring their stories to a not entirely unpredictable conclusion. Guessing what is to come in no way takes away from the fun of the ride along the way.

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Wow! What a roller coaster ride! This was a fun (but not light) mystery to read. Well done.

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I have no recollection of being sent this book, don't have it on the Kindle and haven't reviewed it. Since NetGalley made changes to its site I've found a few 'missing titles' like this.

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This book is a dark tale of a man who is worried about a body he buried being discovered. Imagine his surprise when bodies are found, but not the one he buried! I had a difficult time connecting with this one. I didn't care for the main character, and I found that I didn't find the dark humor funny.

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