Member Reviews

This was a difficult book for me to get through. I don't know what I was expecting but it wasn't just essays about Cassandra Clare's writing. Don't get me wrong I enjoy her books but this felt like the equivalent of an AP English class dissecting an English literary master. Some of the essays were good. I particularly liked Kelly Link/Holly Black and Sarah Rees Brennan's essays. But it definitely felt awkward at times. I don't know that many readers would get alot out of a reader like this. It didn't really talk about the world or characters as much as english lit type critiques. 3 out of 5 stars.

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I requested this several years ago and I don't think it's a book for me anymore. So I will not be reviewing at this time, but if I do read it, I will update this review. Thank you for the opportunity.

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Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with a copy.
Love anything to do with this world.
As always, it's a great background to learn and see what is going on outside of the regular stories.
And to invite other authors to write stories about the world is so much fun.
It's too hard to review each piece, but needless to say, once again I'm excited for anything put out in this world!
Excited for anything Clare puts out in this world in the future!

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Some good essays but on the whole this collection didn't hold my attention as much as I expected it would.

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I wasn't sure if I was going to like collection of essays given that I LOVE everything Cassandra Clare has written. I didn't think I would like having some of my favourite books dissected by other authors. But I actually quite enjoyed this! The authors went into such detail, and analyzed the series incredibly well including quotes from the original series to back up their insights. I loved that Cassandra herself had a hand in this, and I enjoyed reading her opinions on what was presented by the other authors.

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I decided that I couldn't read this (I did try) after hearing about some awful things the author did to fans. I've moved far from this kind of literature but do apologize for not reviewing it in a timely manner. I kept hoping I could get into it if I tried again, but could not.

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As an avid fan of Cassandra Clare's novels, I loved taking a closer look at the Shadow World with this book. It's an insightful journey throughout the history of Shadowhunters and Downworlders, and a wonderful extra for anyone who enjoys the books set within this world!

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I voluntarily received a copy for an honest review!

Just to keep this short and honest..... I think Cassandra Clare is a mad genius. To come up with this whole world and they live out our every fantasy, what more could a girls ask for.

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Couldn't download this so I can't really review it. Seems really interesting though, sounds like something I would check out.

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Thanks Netgalley for a copy to read and review.

Due to the length of time since I was awarded this book and now, since it won't download. I am unable to read and review. Thanks for allowing me a copy.

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Unfortunately I am unable to provide a review as I no longer have access to the review copy. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to review this book!

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Disappointing--I didn't even finish it, and I had enjoyed Clare's various series about Shadowhunters.

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As a fan of Cassandra Clare’s Mortal Instruments and Infernal Devices series I was immediately intrigued by this collection of essays by other authors about the Shadowhunter world. These thought provoking and insightful essays reminded me how deep Clare’s world goes, and how far reaching the characters, and themes really are. In short, it made me fall in love with the series all over again.

Each essay highlights a different aspect of Clare’s world, characters or the themes found within. Some stood out more than others for me, but each was worthy of reflection and had relevant, and thoughtful points. Each is well researched, not only of the topic itself, but with highly researched examples from the series.

Unhomely Places by Kate Milford

Part love letter to New York City, and partly dedicated to the rush, and exhilaration of finding something new and exciting in your own backyard (so to speak). Using Clary’s eye opening, and jarring thrust into the hidden world of the Shadowhunters as backdrop, Milford recounts the delights, and sometimes unpleasantness of having your surroundings be unfamiliar.

I found myself inspired to hop on a bus and get off on a street I’ve never walked down before and see what my own city had hidden, and waiting to be discovered.

The Art of War by Sarah Cross

Art plays a huge part in Clary’s life, even after her introduction to fighting demons. She uses it as a weapon, and this essay illustrates how this talent is not only makes Clary resourceful, but also relatable to those reading the story.

Sharper Than a Seraph Blade by Diana Peterfreund

An ode to Jace, and what makes him tick. This one really shed new light on Jace, and allowed me to see a few things I hadn’t really thought of before - namely how much Jace uses his sharp wit as armour.

When Laws Are Made to Be Broken by Robin Wasserman

The most thought provoking essay out of the bunch. A look at why we follow authority figures. It highlights the difference between allegiance to an institution, and humans. Humans make mistakes and often we are capable of challenging those beliefs. We are more likely to put faith in an intuition with absolute laws and this essay showcases prime examples from the series wonderfully.

Simon Lewis: Jewish, Vampire, Hero by Michelle Hodkin

Capturing the heart and soul of what makes Simon such an intriguing character, Michelle Hodkin hits on exactly why Simon is a true hero.

Using his Jewish heritage, and contrasting his newly obtained vampirism she makes a strong case for why our choices, and actions define who we are, rather than being defined by what we are.

Why the Best Friend Never Gets the Girl by Kami Garcia

Using delightful 80’s movies (particularly John Hughes directed films) Kami Garcia looks at the phenomenon she refers to as the Duckie effect. Her argument is backed up and sadly, the best friend really doesn’t get the girl. I found it interesting that the reverse happens if the character is a girl however. A fun look at romance in various forms that left me wanting to watch many of the movies mentioned.

Brotherly Love by Kendare Blake

Love, sex and the taboo of it all. Kendare handles the incest plot, and what exactly about Jace and Clary’s romance made you root for them against such odds. An intriguing look at how Clare wove this storyline into the plot, and made it work.

Asking for a Friend by Gwenda Bond

The Mortal Instruments and Infernal Devices are both filled with friendships, particularly Simon and Clary and their unwavering bond. It's these bonds that tie the storylines together, and this essay reflects on why these friendships may be even more important to the plot than the romances.

(Not) For Illustration Purposes Only by Rachel Caine

An informative look at tattoos through history and how they might really hold magical qualities (especially to some religions, backgrounds and cultures). Using the marks of the Shadowhunters as inspiration, Caine looks at what it would mean if tattoos could provide abilities.

The Importance of Being Malec by Sara Ryan

This essay was one of my favourites. It deals with having characters that not only show us mirrors but who allow windows. In essence, characters that not only are familiar to us, and show us some of ourselves, but also ones that allow us a window into the unknown. A thought provoking essay that urges you to “walk a mile in someone else’s shoes” through literature.

The inclusion of Magnus and Alec and their importance, and popularity are discussed, as is what it means to have them in a series as popular as Clare’s.

Villains, Valentine, and Virtue by Scott Tracey

The importance of a good villain can not be ignored, and Scott Tracey makes his case for Valentine, and what makes him so captivatingly evil. As Tracey points out, it is Valentine’s all too human (and all to recognizable) side that makes him especially chilling.

Immortality and Its Discontents by Kelly Link and Holly Black

Holly Black and Kelly Link offer an interesting conversation style essay on immortality, what it means, and how it impacts the characters.

The novels (both series) have immortality woven throughout both, and in some cases it’s a major plot aspect of certain character arcs. It caused me to consider the pros, and ultimately the cons of living forever.

What Does That Deviant Wench Think She’s Doing? Or, Shadowhunters Gone Wild by Sarah Rees Brennan

Sarah Rees Brennan’s essay is all about Shadowhunters (and Downworlders) behaving badly. Risque relationships, forbidden desires, and accepting our deepest wishes are the take away from this and how whatever those are, it’s okay to embrace them. Acceptance, tolerance, and love…not a bad message to leave off on.

A treat for any fan, especially if you like dissecting and analyzing literature. Michelle Hodkins’ fantastic essay was a stand out for me, but all of them are worth a read. I collection that shows a person’s experience and perspective can influence how they interpret novels, and impact how they view the elements within them.

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*I never got around to reading and reviewing this book. I may do so in the future*

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I requested and downloaded this book at the height of my interest in this author, these characters and the series. But I feel a bit of ... series fatigue with this one. I just cannot muster any enthusiasm for it anymore.

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