Member Reviews

A disheveled looking woman shows up at your door late one evening, claiming to be your husband's wife who disappeared and was designated as dead nine years ago. What do you do? Thus begins this story of lies, deceit and murder.

As a fan of Minka Kent's books, I was excited to receive an ARC from NetGalley of this, her newest book soon to be published. (Publication date 2/15/22) The premise was intriguing, but just didn't hold the suspense that I was expecting. For me, the surprise reveals seemed to come out at odd points in the layout of the chapters which didn't provide those "gotcha" moments. And, some of the characters personality traits were too incongruous to their actions and words. I was left with a lot of questions and feelings of disbelief at times.

However, this was a quick read with a crazy twist or two that kept me guessing and should appeal to most mystery and suspense enthusiasts. I look forward to reading more books by this author in the future.

Thank you to NetGalley and Thomas & Mercer for providing me with the opportunity to read an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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This is quite an unusual tale where the wife of a newly married couple suddenly disappears one day while out hiking. Almost 10 years pass and the husband Luca has re-married Merritt. Together they have made a life together and set up several successful restaurants.
One day Merritt opens her front door to find that Luca’s former wife has suddenly turned up claiming to have been raped, tortured and imprisoned all these years by a monster.
A novel plot that kept me glued to the book to the very end.

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Merritt and Luca are wealthy restauranteurs with a darling toddler and a second baby on the way when, wouldn't you know, it all comes crashing down. Luca's first wife, Lydia, was presumed dead after disappearing ten years ago on a hike. So how is she now on their doorstep? It turns out, she was kidnapped and held captive all of this time and was finally able to escape and make her way home. Only to find his new wife and family now in her place. So the question becomes what do they all do now?

It's certainly a very uncomfortable situation for everyone involved - Luca is shell-shocked, Merritt is sympathetic, yet protective of her family, and Lydia is determined not to be turned away. For the time being, she is taken in by a lovely woman named Delphine, a character I really enjoyed. Her crystals and incense lifestyle is quite a calming influence on Lydia as she tries to figure things out. Luca and Merritt seem pretty two-dimensional as the stereotypical affluent couple, but if you know anything about this author's books, you know that not everything is what it seems.

That's what makes her stories so enjoyable - other authors would make this a straightforward plot, building on how all of the characters adjust to the changes in their lives. But not this author. She knows how to keep the readers on their toes, and casually tosses in major twists when you least see them coming. I love that - there's no big build-up with a huge revealing cliffhanger on the end of the chapter - the story doesn't need that and it makes any surprises that much more unexpected and enjoyable. See for yourself, this is a story you won't want to miss!

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This book was okay. It was good but it wasn't great.
Reading The Stillwater Girls really spoiled me for Minka's newer work and I think that since I loved that story so much, it was hard to compare to.

Other than that, the story pacing is quick and to the point, not a lot of lull moments, and great development all the way through. Definitely excited to check out some of this author's other work.

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I really tried with this book, but I found both leads unlikeable. As a result, I could not finish. I liked the premise, but I cringed a lot in the beginning. Maybe some background on everyone at the beginning would be helpful

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DING, DING, DING! So many Alarm Bells so don't get comfortable because this story demands your attention and keeps you alert and on your toes.
A brilliantly written intense story that instantly pulled me in and kept me on edge holding my breath and feeling the unsettling jitters that stuck with me throughout every insane word. A Mind blowing twist that shocked the heck out of me and practically slammed me on my butt even though I was already sitting down. My mind refusing to accept the cruel shocking words yet hungry with a twisted desire for more of the unknown and timid as a mouse not wanting the answers my fragile heart and mind desperately needed. WOW! Just Wow. I'm trying to compute it all but having a hard time digesting the insanity of it all. It's messed up and Sooo Twisted with a continuous supply of emotions that goes from content to heart wrenching to pure disgust. my head is shaking my nerves where frazzled and so glad when the ending finally let me breathe and finally feel at peace. A well deserved five stars and more.

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The book starts a bit slow. I was frustrated by how judgmental the characters seemed, especially Lydia. I kept waiting for something exciting to happen, for the plot to pick up and eventually it did so in the 2nd half. At about 60% of the novel, we see the first big reveal. At the time, I thought it was too soon. I thought that I knew where the plot would go from that point. It was stupefying. How could the big reveal have come so soon? But I wish I'd known how wrong I was. From that point, it was just one big reveal after another. It was like a can of worms that kept spilling.

This is quick and fun read. This is my second Minka Kent read. After reading 'The Watcher Girl', I was excited when I saw that another book was up for grabs on Netgalley. What I like about Minka Kent's work is that it surprises me. Her stories are unique. They are quick & fun to read and keep readers on their toes, surprising them. I love her ideas and I would love to read more.

I am grateful to Netgalley and Thomas & Mercer for an ARC. Looking forward to read more!

#NetGalley #Unmissing

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Unmissing by Minka Kent a thrilling five-star read. This had me guessing and wondering all the way, the narration and way the story unfolds was so well done. I don’t want to tell you anything about the story, as its such a great unfurling of the story as you read, I don’t want to reveal anything as I would hate to spoil anything. This is such a great story, and I am so excited for more from this author, I have read them before, but cant wait for more.

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Excellent book by Minka Kent. I have read several books by Minka Kent and while I don't think this one is her best I still think it's head over heels over most psychological thrillers.

Husband and Wife#2 are living their lives when out of the blue Wife#1 appears on their doorstep at night after being missing/presumed dead for nine years. Then you get a fun read of everything that follows.

I had a hard time not giving the book five stars. What made me pick four was IMO the plot was very simple and formulistic. You had the plot twist I was waiting for right around the 55% mark and another another one right at 80%. Although I still highly recommend this book just because I think Minka Kent is a fantastic author. She is brilliant at pacing and the dialogue is fantastic and suspenseful. I love when you advance major plot points just on dialogue alone which is what she did several times in this book.

So in short, while not as good as some of her other books it's still above average and recommended.

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3 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Merritt and Luca are living the dream. They own multiple restaurants, live in a beautiful home, and have a growing family. Unfortunately their dream is shattered when Luca’s first wife, Lydia—missing for 10 years and presumed dead-- comes knocking on the door. She has quite the story about the torture she endured over the years, and it’s clear she wants something from Merritt and Luca… and she won’t leave until she gets it.

This book alternates between the perspectives of Luca’s two wives, Merritt and Lydia. There is a big twist and just when you think it’s resolved, the author throws another one at you. The twists aren’t too shocking as I kind of predicted them, but entertaining nonetheless. I actually wanted the book to end a chapter earlier, which would have completely changed the ending.

Overall I enjoyed this book and would check out the author again!

Thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this ARC in exchange for an honest opinion.

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When you married your husband, you knew he had a past. This husband in particular had a tragic story - his wife had gone for a hike ten years prior and was never found again. Now suddenly, while your husband is out of town on business, this wife shows up on your doorstep, back from the {presumed} dead. What would you do?

<i>Unmissing</i> is Minka Kent's new release and I for one, welcomed back her quick wit and hell of a way to tell a story. You <b>need</b> to put this one on your Amazon pre-order list.

Lydia finds that after 9 years of being held captive by a monster in the woods, her husband Luca has a new life. He is married to a woman named Merritt and they have a daughter, with another child on the way. They also own a chain of restaurants and bistros in the small town they live in, appearing to have it all.

Merritt finds Lydia to be a bit of a puzzle, but wants to ease her into their lives slowly, in case she's trying to come after her husband and their family money.

What happens next is a snowball effect that no one can see coming. The book alternates perspectives between the first and second Mrs. Colletto and gets better and better as you read on. I will say no more, dear reader, only that Minka Kent is always good for a classic twist AND a few red herrings.

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This ARC was provided to me via Kindle by Thomas & Mercer and #NetGalley for my honest opinion

Fast paced, edgy, thrill ride mystery that keeps you entertained and on edge.

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Overall, this was a very good read. The prologue was action-packed and grabs the reader's attention. The narration is interesting, with contrasting perspectives from two of the main characters. There is a nice buildup with the storyline, and a couple twists and turns that the reader doesn't expect. I did enjoy this read and do recommend!

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If I had opened the door the night that Merritt ( 2nd wife) did and saw who was on the step, I too would have been shocked-
When the first wife was kidnapped and disappeared, Luca rebuilt his life with a new wife, new kids and new work. But as always, as nice as things look on the surface, they can be ugly below. This is the same.

The final twist isn't that shocking but it does help to explain the attitude of the first wife-
Its an ok read, but was hard to understand the behavior of one of the main characters but all is explained in the end,

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Minka Kent is an automatic buy for me. All of her books have “wowed” me. But this one…this one takes the cake. To say “I did not see that coming” is putting it mildly! Merritt & her husband Luca Colette are living it up! Fancy cars, restaurant owners, nice house…until the past comes knocking. Literally. Luca’s first wife went missing 10 years ago, officially deceased, but she’s alive and ready to see her loving husband. But why does she not go to the police first? ⭐️ Nail-biting intense thriller!!! Think of The Last Mrs. Parrish…but on steroids. Wickedly entertaining!! Thank you Minka Kent and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my review

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Where does Minka Kent come up with all these ideas??!! Talk about a twisty ride. This book was even more interesting than her last one that had me questioning what I knew and what was going on!! This book will get you right away and you will be frantically turning the pages trying to figure out what the heck is happening.

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Minka Kent is quickly becoming an automatic read author for me. Each book of hers that I've read had me hanging on each page from start to finish and Unmissing was no different.

Lydia, who went missing and was presumed dead for about 10 years, comes back knocking on her husband Luca's door only to have his new wife, Merrit, slam the door in her face. Merrit essentially was staring into the face of what she believed to be her husband's dead wife can you imagine that feeling?

Lydia begins to put her life back together but is determined to talk to Luca before she will leave them alone....why? It doesn't seem like she's still in love with him but it does seem like something was left unfinished.

This book is twisty and full of secrets... just when you think it's resolved it takes another turn. Some of those twists I could see coming but others I was left open jawed.

Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for giving me the opportunity to read an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review. I can't wait for more novels by Kent in the future!

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This was such a fun, quick, thrilling read! I always *assumed* I knew where this story was headed, but over and over again the plot twisted and I was left with my mouth hanging open in surprise. The author also did a wonderful job of tying up loose ends. There are a few times that a twist was introduced and my first thought would be, “No way! If that’s the case, so and so would have never reacted like they did earlier on,” but then the author would prove to be one step ahead, and have that character go on to explain exactly WHY they did those things earlier on. I really appreciated the smart writing, intense surprise factor, and chilling storyline of this book. Wonderful job!

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Minka Kent has become one of my go to authors when I need a quick reading thriller that holds my interest.

Merritt and Luca are living a charmed life if you discount the restaurants that they own are failing. When Luca is out of town, a woman, Lydia, shows up at the door. Merritt answers and this woman tells her that she is Luca's wife that went missing 9 years ago.

Merritt doesn't know what to think as it is her. Luca walks around in stunned silence. Each chapter alternates between Lydia's POV and Merritts. One can only feel terrible for what Lydia suffered but there is also sympathy for Merritt. No spoilers!

Quick and enjoyable read.

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3.5 stars rounded up to 4 stars. This book had a solid storyline, one that has been used before but taken just that little step further. I could easily predict within the first chapter or two a major plot line, but there was still a twist I didn't see coming. There was a nice, tidy ending, which I always prefer.

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