Member Reviews

As someone who has experienced, and is still experiencing, burn out I really, really wanted to like this. I wanted it to get under the skin of my experience and be a practical helping hand out of it. Unfortunately, I personally found the book to be insipid to the point of being belittling. Maybe it’s just not for me. Maybe better suited to someone who doesn’t have/hasn’t ever had a journalling or gratitude practice. I’m glad it exists for those who I am sure could find it helpful in a time of need.

Quick review for a quick read. Charlene Rymsha's "Healing Burnout: A Journal to Find Peace and Purpose" can be used as a companion workbook to Rymsha's primary work "Burn Bright". Yet, it can also stand on its own as a workbook which provides several prompts and exercises to identify triggers to burnout as well as explore ways of working your way out of it. I haven't read the former book, so I picked up this book to work through many of the exercises on my own. There are prompts that help identify certain triggers through habits and mental repetitions, that help reduce mental workloads by doing monotasking versus multitasking, that prompt practicing gratitude and meditation exercises among other explorations. I thought the prompts were well organized and found myself working through some of the prompts as I read through. I found the first half of the book very useful since it provided different prompts to work through, while the latter half is more of a habit tracking journal with some of the same prompts meant to track over the course of several days with the same questions. It's a tiny guide, very useful to pick up and put down to explore causes to burnout and solutions in a mental wellness exercise. I definitely would see myself picking this up based on the format, organization, and soothing artistic backdrops.
Overall score: 4/5 stars.
Note: I received this as an ARC from NetGalley from the publisher Quarto Publishing.

This book takes an empathetic approach and gives bite size approaches and allows you to have kindness and patience with yourself when dealing with life. This is so necessary for everyone to read in life. Highly recommend. Especially loved the reflection to true life to humanize my feelings and relate. I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

This book is gorgeous and makes me want to use it. While there isn't much discussion and learning, this is a filled journal. Like each page is an exercise. This is super useful. It starts with a burnout diagnosis page and then gives you activities to detail the things that need the most help and then sets you out on a continuous health plan.

As somone who suffers from burn out and way overworks this was the perfect book for me. It offers tips on how to be productive yet not to such extremes that it starts to damage other areas of your life as well.

This is a really useful tool for taking an in-depth look into what could be causing burnout, and how to overcome it.
I think the journal itself is really beautiful to look at. The layout, and design is very aesthetically pleasing. The journal prompts are really interesting too.
However, there were a couple of points that I didn't like as much - firstly I always struggle with meditation style journal prompts. How are you supposed to read the meditation while being in mediative state/eyes shut etc. Found that a little difficult to get my head around.
Also towards the end of the journal, the prompts were just the same. These repetitive prompts didn't really add anything and I think they were just used to pad out the book a little more. I think it would have been better without.
Overall I found this useful and got me thinking about my life with a different angle.

A self help book which everyone with burnout should have.
The Everyday Inspiration Journals series has a guided journal for every self-improvement journey. Whatever your personal goal, whether it is to incorporate more positivity into your life, or to slow down and find calm, or to hone your spell-building craft, or something else, you will find in this series an elegant journal in which you can record your thoughts, aspirations, and progress. With a simple, easy-to-follow structure, each journal is filled with powerful prompts and helpful trackers to illuminate your way.
Wish it was downloadable to kindle