Member Reviews

I want to thank Netgalley and the author for gifting me the ebook. Beautiful cover. Interesting Book. Recommend

This was a 600 page long book that was a little on the long side (which page length doesn't matter) as long as the book moves along and doesn't repeat itself, which I am so sorry to say that this one did. And for that reason I didn't give it the full five stars. Otherwise, this was an engaging read that I did enjoy. I hope that the publisher doesn't mind that I am sending this in well after the second and third book in this series has come out. I don't know how it is possible that I missed this but I am hoping that better late than never is the case with Lesley Pearse's first installment called, "Belle," (Belle #1). I hope for forgiveness on this one and please excuse the above cliche. I know it is bad writing form to use them, I learned that many, many years ago in College with my first English class.
Belle is a fifteen year old as this story begins and its setting begins in London's East End. After witnessing a murder upstairs in her mother's brothel, she learns that she is living among prostitution during 1910. The murderer keeps said identity a secret and therefore avoiding apprehension from the authorities. Abducted off the London Streets and sold into prostitution in the less than glamorous parts of Paris and for a time in New Orleans and then back to Paris this historical fiction novel has several interesting settings. It also brings up the Titanic, which sunk in 1912. Belle decides to become the best and highest paid courtesan in the business, which I found that choice and line of work for a relatively innocent young girl who suffered all of the trauma Belle has stretching credibility and I had to decide to suspend belief in order to stay invested in this story.
I think that Lesley Pearse, did a great job in writing this and I was kept interested enough to want to not put down my Kindle, but I found it impossible to comprehend that a fifteen year old young girl could escape the trauma she endured and just move on so quickly. Maybe it was the Author's intent that Belle was able to persevere and make a career choice such as the one that she witnessed for the first time, never mind a murder and being sold and still be able to recover so quickly. Definitely she was a lot stronger than I was. At my age, fifteen seems like a young age to make such quick decisions about one's future. Then again, back around in 1910 fifteen year old's were living shorter life expectancy's than today. People were getting married at that age, but for this reason also I deducted this to be four stars to an otherwise page turning novel.
Lesley Pearse sure writes brave character's in Belle and I found even with above reservations I am going to read the next two books in the series. Lesley Pearse has written many novels and is one of my favorite Author's among many others from the United Kingdom. This Historical fiction book one was very compelling and deserving of four stars, in my humble opinion. This is also marketed as Literary Fiction and Women's Fiction, but if reader's want to give this one a try I would recommend it to Women who enjoy a fast paced literary read that is historically set in the past--hence also marketed as Historical Fiction.
Publication Date: October 14, 2021. Available for a limited time for $1.99!
Thank you to Net Galley, Lesley Pearse and Agora Books for providing me with my ARC generously even though I purchased my copy to read for this review from Amazon. All opinions are my own.
#Belle #LesleyPearse #AgoraBooks #NetGalley

Belle's mother owns a brothel but Belle is brought up not knowing what goes on upstairs. Basically she is raised by the housekeeper, Mog. On an afternoon when she is upstairs cleaning Millie's, one of the girl's, room she inadvertently becomes witness to her murder. From there the murderer kidnaps her and sends her to a brothel in Paris. Belle is then sent to New Orleans where her goal is to get back to England. I don't want to reveal too much of the story but there is a lot. I liked Belle but for the most part the book takes place from the time she is taken when she is 15 until she is 18. Lots goes on and there are some good characters in the story but the book felt so long at over 600 pages and I was becoming numb to all the things happening. It was well written and I wasn't exactly bored but felt like things dragged on for too long. I don't feel invested enough to read the rest of the trilogy.
I would like to thank Netgalley and Agora books for providing me with my copy of the book.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for a chance to read and review this wonderful book! I loved this book. Belle is a feisty heroine, but rather rash in some of her decisions. The characters are lovable and detestable. The plot line is racy and flows meticulously. There is plenty of horror and heartache, and there is also a great deal of love.

by Lesley Pearse
"Though raised in a brothel, fifteen-year-old Belle is still an innocent, carefree girl. That all changes when she witnesses a murder. After seeing a girl strangled by her client, Belle's life is turned upside down. From the brothel to the streets, Belle is sold into the seedy world of sex trafficking and shipped away to New Orleans where she is made a courtesan. With little autonomy and even less hope, Belle is at the mercy of the men she is forced to entertain. With a broken spirit, dreams of her home and family are all that keep Belle going. But if she were to find her freedom, would she have a home to return to?"
Poor Belle, daughter of a brothel owner, knew nothing about the working life of whores. That is, not until she witnesses the murder of one of her mother's working girls, and catches a glimpse of the killer. Before Belle can be removed to safety, she is kidnapped and sold as a sex-slave! Will Belle ever get a break and return to England. Engaging read - well defined characters with descriptive locations.
This book was written in 2011 and re-released by Agora Books in 2021. This is the first book of a trilogy. Well-written and highly recommended.
I was gifted this advance copy by NetGalley and was under no obligation to provide a review.

i really enjoyed reading this book, it was a great story with a bunch of suspenseful moments. I really was hoping that things were going to work out well for Belle. This was a great read.

by: Lesley Pearse
Pub. date: October 14, 2021
Date Reviewed: October 12, 2021
Many thanks to Agora Books, Lesley Pearse & NetGalley for allowing me access to this arc in exchange for an honest review.
After reading bad review on top of bad review for Belle, I became Convinced I wouldn’t like this book. Boy, am I glad I decided to see for myself! I found Belle to be a wonderful story, well-written & very informative from the historical viewpoint. I give Belle 4/5 stars & sincerely hope others enjoy it as much as I did.
#Belle #NetGalley

A heroine who never feels sorry for herself. Her life as a “whore” her words never diminishes he spirit, or her drive to have a better life. We learn how very young women disappeared from the streets of London only to find themselves in foreign countries without benefit of language. Finding allies in the unlikeliest spots Belle endures and transforms her life. Happy reading

The writing is so simplistic and basic it reads like teenage fan-fiction. In fact, I'm sure there are better teenage fan-fiction out there. This is a big DNF for me. I don't know how you get past the drivel in the first few chapters to even read the book (good story or not!).

This book was just okay. It was really long and at times I couldn't follow. The main character is extremely unlikable and it was hard to get through. I will not continue this series.

I really appreciated the theme of the book, especially since human trafficking is still such a terrible issue still today. I think the story of these young girls need to be told. However, I was not expecting the graphic nature of the sex scenes in a historical fiction book. Belle is child when she is kidnapped and sold into life as a prostitute. The story follows her journey from France to New Orleans and it follows her family and those they hired to help find her.

Wow! Never, ever would I have believed I would’ve enjoyed this book as much as I did. 15 year old Belle witnesses a crime and ends up being kidnapped, shipped out of the country, and sold into a life of prostitution. However, with her determination and grit, she is able to make the most of her situation and turn her life around. Loved it and had trouble putting this one down!!! This is the first book in a trilogy, but wraps up nicely as a standalone story!

I stopped reading around 20%. While the story was entertaining, it just wasn't my cup of tea. I did not feel like there was much depth to the characters and the subject matter was a little "icky" for me personally.

I was able to get an early copy of Belle from NetGalley. In exchange, I'm writing this review. Both the cover of the book and the description intrigued me. Belle is the daughter of a brothel owner and witnesses one of the girls being murdered. She is taken away by bad men to silence her. Belle was naive and innocent and is soon thrown into a world of loneliness, vice, lust and greed. She goes through a lot but continues to dream of returning home. The story involves injustice, abuse (trigger warning), independence, twists and turns and justice. It exposes something all too real and dark. Belle is a strong, likeable character. The bonds of love and family persevere. I really enjoyed this book.

This book started off well in the first chapter and really drew me in. I thought the plot had the potential to be a redemptive read since it was about a young girl who made the most of what life handed her being born in a brothel but I quickly had to mark it as Do Not Finish instead. It was incredibly graphic - I get it is based in a brothel but there is a way to describe that life without going into the details the author did early on.

Thank you Agora Books, NetGalley and Pearse for this amazing ebook galley!
This is my second Lesley Pearse book and such an excellent read.
We follow the story of fifteen-year-old Belle. In London, 1910.
What I loved most was the history Lesley wrote about here! Rich in detail, beautifully written and hugely absorbing for those who enjoy good historical fiction.
Simply amazing and very interesting this book had me hooked.
I started yesterday and simply couldn't put my kindle down.
Thanks again NetGalley, Publisher and Author for the chance to read and review this amazing book!
I'll post to my Social media platforms closer to pub date!