Member Reviews

I got the title because I saw author on Gutfeld show. The book was a well written story by an educated individual.

This was a wonderful book. With Chief Best at the helm of the city, there can be little doubt that Seattle is in good hands.

Carmen Best was the police chief of Seattle. She oversaw the disastrous years of 2019-2020, what with the defund the police marches, the BLM marches, several riots, and the infamous CHOP zone.
Best served the Seattle PD for thirty years, making her way up the ranks.
The book is an autobiography of life lessons that Best has learned. Beginning with her childhood, up to today.
I found her to be an extremely well spoken person, with great insights into her life given openly.
It's a shame that the ineffective political leadership of Seattle treated Chief Best as poorly as they did. For that matter, as poorly as they treated, and continue to treat, all of Seattle. Their attempts to make Chief Best the scapegoat for all the problems they created in Seattle is dishonorable. Thank goodness (as far as I know), Chief Best left on her own terms, with her head held high. And she did not (regrettably) name names and point fingers on the way out.
This was just a sample of her entire book. The rest will be released on October 26, 2021. The sample left out the meat of 2019-2020. I am really hoping that she delves into it fully, and lets the public know of what really happened. I am eagerly awaiting the release!
UPDATE: I have been given the entire book to read now. True to form, Best comes through. She goes into detail about the events of 2020, and of the CHOP zone. Unfortunately, she doesn't come right out and name the offending city council members, but as one who lived through the events, I can read behind the lines. Hopefully, those council members will be held accountable, and Seattle will begin to recover. I hope that it realizes the disservice it did to Chief Best, who really deserved much better. And I hope that Chief Best continues her service, if not to Seattle, then to the entire United States as a spokesperson of good and effective policing!