Member Reviews

I enjoyed this book and learned a few things about planes as well. While it was a satisfying distraction, I found some of the conversation a little stilted and the characters reminded me of glaciers butting up against each other.
But as I said, overall a satisfying distraction, and not too bad.

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Thanks to NetGalley and Bold Strokes Books for the digital galley of this book.

It’s been a tough week for women in this country, and I needed a fun distraction. Enter this book. It’s not light by any means, but it is a lovely, slow-burn romance with an air of mystery centered around the airline industry and the business of planes (and crashes).

Detective Dee Rawlings is super excited to be meeting her little sister for the first time in sixteen years. Her overbearing father kicked her out at eighten and forbade any contact with her younger sister, Naomi. When he dies, the sisters plan to reunite, but the plan never made it to Portland. Dee is desperate to get involved in the investigation and find out what happened to her sister.

Dr. River Dawson, aircraft accident investigator, is doing everything in her power to keep Dee away from the investigation. It’s unprofessional, and even though Dee’s detective skills are helpful, she’s still too close to the incident. As the two grow closer, Dee’s involvement isn’t the only unprofessional worry for River.

I really enjoyed this one. It’s not perfect. Some of the dialog is a little awkward/doesn’t flow perfectly, but I enjoyed the story and the characters. The slow burn makes for great pacing, and as someone who knows next to nothing about planes, I learned a little bit about what makes them tick (and in some cases, crash). It was a good romance with a fair amount of plot, and I think it was very well balanced. It took my mind off this garbage week, and I’d love to read more by Tizard in the future. I’m way behind on the backlist, so this one is out now, wherever you procure your books.

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This was a good read. I really liked Dee and River and I am a fan for investigations in my romance novels because they keep me turning the page. Well done

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I enjoyed this book, if that's the right word - obviously it's a dramatic read, between the adventure and the investigation. I always find romance in these adventure books can be a little side-lined and this wasn't really the case for this one... though the adventure part was the more interesting part of the book. I really enjoyed it and thanks to NetGalley for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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'Free Fall at Angel Creek', for some reason, didn't seem to grab me as the blurb did. I was expecting more and was left a little disappointed with some of the storyline. There's plenty of information within the storyline, which must have taken up quite a lot of research, but, have you heard of the saying 'went over my head' ... that's what it did for me. The story was just ok, it kept me reading tho, but nothing really happened.
The two main characters didn't seem to have any spark at all, there's no love or passion between them... which was a really big letdown.

I've given it an almost 3*

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Detective Dee Rawlings was excited. It’s been a while since she’s spent some time with her younger sister, Naomi and now she’s awaiting her arrival but the plane her sister is supposed to be on never arrives. It’s gone down. Where, when, why and most importantly did anyone survive.
Dr. River Dawson, an accident investigator, has just got her orders to go to Portland. Apparently flight 402 vanished, along with its passengers. Where did it crash and why. Upon arriving she immediately finds herself in the first of many meetings but when she leaves a woman follows her. Probably because someone she knows is on the plane. Turns out it was the woman’s sister.
Not supposed to be a part of the investigation, Dee manages to find a way to be part of the search team. Needless to say Dee and River are drawn to each other. Now this might seem like you’ve seen this show before and you won’t be mistaken but for the fact that Ms Tizard makes this story seem fresh.
Likable characters, with believable dialogue makes this a winner. Great read. Very enjoyable read.
ARC via NetGalley/ Bold Stroke Books

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This was such a good book. The story started off like it was going to be a happy reunion between two people who hadn't seen each other in a longtime and ended up being such a tragedy. There was so much grief and anguish on the part of Dee the detective and the extended family she never knew she had. Too loose a close family member or friend is heartbreaking enough, but by plane crash is devastating. Dee our detective decides instead of wallowing in grief and misery to do something about it, starts her own investigation into the crash that killed her sister, and this is where the story begin, and also where Dee meets River the crash investigator for the first-time. I really liked how both characters interacted together and the romance between them started out as enemies first then work colleagues and then turned to lovers slowly throughout the chapters.. I would definitely recommend this book and can't wait for this author writes next.

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This story is heartbreaking and at the same time quite enjoyable. Without giving too much away Detective Rawlings hasn't seen her sister in sixteen years. She was excited that she finally had the opportunity to reconnect.
After arriving at the airport she discovered the unthinkable. The plane her precious sister should arrive on was lost and could not be found.
Dr. River Dawson an aircraft investigator is assigned to the case. They both worked together to investigate what has happen to the plane in order to give closure to the families of the victims who were on that flight. Over time both women developed an attraction. I thought the author knows a lot about aircrafts and the book was well written. I recommend, 4.5 stars.

Thank you NetGalley and Bold Strokes Books for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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I have always been interested in those who investigate disappearances, especially when they are dealing with aircraft. This was right up my alley!
The main characters are Dee Rawlings and Dr. River Dawson. Dee Rawlings is a detective whose sister was on the missing plane. Dr. Dawson is an one of the investigators who is trying to find the missing plane.
Dee inserts herself into the investigation and helps River with the missing clues to the missing aircraft puzzle.
If you are a plane disappearance fan and love lesbian romances, this is the book for you. It is not dumbed down but you don't need to be an investigator to understand the linguistics used.
I really enjoyed this and would recommend.
I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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What a story of loss, sadness, hope, friendship and love. This is also a story about aircraft accident investigation. Wow, the details and depth of knowledge related to airplanes were so informative and interesting. I was in ah of airplanes and flying before and now I am even more so. Detective Dee Rawlings is looking forward to seeing her sister after 16 years apart. Dr. River Dawson is determined to find out why planes crash. As these two work together their attraction for one another grows. But they both realized that each of them must deal with their personal trauma. This read is more about the investigation than the romance which in my opinion was okay.

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First, this cover is one of the worst I’ve seen. I know I shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, but they make it hard when it looks like this.

To me it's clear this author knows a lot about airplane crash investigations, clearly more than about writing romance. The characters know each other for a whopping 6 days, shared one kiss and are saying I love you. Super normal of course. Not to mention the ending after 47 days, of which more than half is spend broken up, if you could even call it a breakup, mind-blowing. Gives uhauling a whole new meaning.

The romance in this book feels incredibly forced, both Dee and River are dealing with their own grief and didn't seem to be in a place to find love. They do find it super quickly together. I liked the crash investigation and all that comes with it. I would have been perfectly happy if Dee and River just forged a friendship, instead of a romance. Dee reconnecting, actually being introduced to her nieces and brother-in-law, seeing a therapist, I could have done with a bit more of that. The book has so much plane crash info, there is no room for character development and it's a shame. These characters are flawed and could do with lots of it...

I enjoyed it for the plane crash, however weird that may sound, unfortunately, the romance doesn't reach the same heights as the investigation. Don't go looking for a romance with this one and you'll be fine, 3 stars

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This is the first book I have read by this author. On the whole, I enjoyed it. The writing style is fluid and although there were many technical terms surrounding the crashed plane, everything was explained in an understandable way. The story covers a lot of things, important and exciting investigations surrounding the crash of a plane, grief over lost loved ones, and courage to give your heart away.

After 16 long years, Detective Dee Rawlings finally wants to see her little sister Naomi again after being separated from her father. At the airport, she learns that Naomi's flight to Portland has disappeared. She can't believe it, and before grief overtakes her, she pins herself on the heels of Dr. River Dawson, an airplane accident investigator. Knowing Dee is a relative of the alleged victim, River refuses to let Dee join the team. She fears Dee would jeopardize the investigation, and she knows all too well that losing a loved one can throw you off track. But Dee finds a way to show that she would be an asset to the team.

The absolute highlight of this book is the investigation of the plane crash. It's extremely exciting, and the fact that Julie Tizard has been in this field herself, as an aircraft accident inspector but also as a pilot in the U.S. Air Force and civil aviation, shows in the depth of knowledge. I am always very impressed with what these inspectors can glean from the hundreds of pieces of debris to determine a cause of a crash. I could never do such a job, apart from the fact that I couldn't learn all that, not knowing every time what I would get to see and find. But I am grateful for all the people who put the puzzle of a crash together, it is an important job.

Unfortunately, what fell a little by the wayside is the romance. I don't deny that there can be an instant attraction, but for me, the "I love you and can't live without you" definitely came too quickly. In the beginning, I didn't feel any chemistry between the two MCs. Dee was too busy trying to process the tragedy, which is totally normal. It made the romance not quite believable for me. But that may just be my feeling and I have to say, the longer the book went, the more I could feel the connection between the two. It just went too fast for my taste, especially considering under what circumstances they met. And the fact that Dee was involved in the investigation as a victim's relative is probably only possible in a book, but that didn't bother me at all.

All in all, an interesting, exciting, and entertaining book.
My rating is 4 ⭐ (Investigations 4.5⭐ Romance 3.5⭐).
Thank you to Bold Strokes Books and NetGalley for receiving an ARC for an honest review

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Detective Dee Rawlings hasn’t seen her sister since she was forced to leave home sixteen years ago. Naomi is flying into Portland to reconnect with her big sister but never arrives. Her flight is listed as missing.
Dr. River Dawson has been called in as a aircraft accident investigator to help find the missing aircraft and then determine the cause of the accident. Dee tracks down River during her investigation and forces her way onto the task force. Losses of important people in their lives and the search for Dee’s sister bring them together to work side by side. Respect and friendship slowly grows into attraction.
Julie Tizard is the real deal. Air Force pilot, instructor and a commercial pilot after she retired from the Forces she writes about what she knows very well and it is apparent in Free Fall at Angel Creek. This is my first encounter with Tizard’s other talent, writing and I am impressed.
The plot is original and unique in the world of lesbian romances and I say ‘Hurrah’! It deals with very heavy issues surrounding death and loss exceptionally well and comes out feeling hopeful. The writing is strong and handles the technical aspects and language so that the reader understands what is happening in the investigation.
The characters of Dee and River are fully developed and we understand why they do the jobs they do. Their actions and reactions ring true to their characters.
Even though this is my first read from the author it will not be my last. I highly recommend this book.

I received a free ARC from NetGalley and the publisher for my honest review.

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I had never read a book by Julie Tizard and the description of a plane crash and that event drawing two people together attracted my attention to this book.

Dr. River Dawson is a aircraft accident investigator and a former Air Force pilot. She receives a call about a missing DC-10 airliner possibly outside of Portland, Oregon, She runs into Portland Police Detective Dee Rawlings in a local airport. Dee's sister, whom she hasn't see in a number of years due to family issues, was on the missing aircraft. Dee is very assertive and decides to insert herself into the investigation by tracking down River and trying to assist her.

Although I found the technical details of the investigation fascinating I also read the book for a romantic connection between the two main characters. For at least the first half of the book I didn't really feel any chemistry between River and Dee. I simply felt annoyed by Dee and how much she was getting away with by becoming part of the investigation. I assumed that would not happen in real life due to established protocols in such an investigation. In the second part of the book the relationship between the two women heated up, but felt a bit too forced for my liking. One part of the book that I enjoyed were the letters between Dee and her sister, Naomi. 3 stars

I received an ARC from Bold Strokes Books and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review,

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The blurb for Free Fall at Angel Creek by Julie Tizard really caught my interest. The idea of a massive plane crash with the main characters working to solve the mystery of why it crashed is very intriguing. Add in the fact that one of them lost a sister on the plane, and you have instant angst opportunities. With two beautiful women working together, it is easy to incorporate a romance in the tale. Thankfully, this story really worked for me.
The best part of this book is the investigation into the crash. This is probably because the author is an expert in this field, and has done this work in real life. Her descriptions really put you right there with the investigators. She also makes it easy to understand all the technical information involved in the search for answers to what happened. She caught my interest from the start, and I was fascinated with the mystery of the crash.

There are only a couple of weak parts to the story. I had a bit of trouble seeing the chemistry between Detective Dee Rawlings and Dr. River Dawson, and initially had trouble believing the romance between the two, though their connection did get better in the second half of the book. The ending could have used an epilogue. I’m a big enthusiast for epilogues, especially to show the couple still together at the end.
I really enjoyed this novel overall, and have no problems giving this book a good solid 4 stars. I will be looking forward to reading more from this author.

I received an ARC from NetGalley and Bold Strokes Books for an honest review.

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So the book takes place over just 45 days and so much stuff happens. Didn't like that at all. Only stuck with it to find out why the plane crashed and even that didn't make a ton of sense. Overall it just wasn't for me.

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𝗪𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗵𝗮𝗽𝗽𝗲𝗻𝗲𝗱 𝘁𝗼 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗳𝗹𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁?

Not a fan of the cover. But I picked it up anyway because it reminded me of the two Malaysian Airlines incidents back in 2014 and wondered if this storyline was going to be based on either of them. MH is the national carrier of a country in close proximity so it made headlines everyday when it happened. The incidents were chilling not only because it was close to home but also because of how out of the ordinary the circumstances were and I remember the news, the victims and the conspiracy theories that came after that.
Tizard is a trained aircraft accident investigator and her in-depth knowledge of the topic definitely shows up in the writing. Technical jargons are also broken down into simpler terms naturally whenever River has to explain them to Dee and it was easy to follow and enjoy what comes next. The story gets incredibly interesting and it kept me guessing and I was hooked from the start to finish. 

The fact that Dee, both a detective and a next-of-kin, had any role in the investigation and was able to get close to River is unprofessional and their romance was a bit fast considering the circumstances, but I don’t think I cared very much because the romance is pretty much secondary to the main plot and the personal angles to the story feel like an added bonus.

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Detective Dee is surprise when her sister Naomi gets in contact with her she hasn’t seen her little sister in sixteen years because of their father. Dee is nervous to see her sister when she goes to airport to pick her up she learns that the plane her sister was on has disappeared and she is beside herself because she never going to get the chance to see her again or know her if her sister and other passengers are really gone.

Dr. Dawson is a aircraft accident investigator when she gets the call to come in she bumps into Dee at the airport this spurn Dee to follow River because she believes she knows what going on.

As River dives into the disappearance of the airplane she annoy that Detective Dee follow her and doesn’t want her to compromise the investigation but Dee has her investigating and comes up with evidence that gets her part of the team.

I like how the author goes deep into how investigating works when a airplane disappears. MCs characters were great I like how they are strong women who both have lost bit I wish we had more of the romance part because it sometimes felt force but over all enjoyable read.

I received an ARC copy of this book from the Publisher via Netgalley and voluntarily leaving my review.

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Good story. I do like aeroplane themed stories especially where there is some investigation involved. I've seen quite a lot of the Aircrash Investigation series on TV so this was quite interesting for me. A nice bit of romance too. I've read her other books too and enjoyed them too.

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Detective Dee Rawlings is finally going to see her younger sister after sixteen years with their father keeping them apart. While she waits for her arrival at the airport the news hits that her flight coming to Portland has gone missing. Stunned and turning her grief into action she latches on to Dr. River Dawson, a aircraft accident investigator. River doesn’t want Dee to compromise the investigation but she comes up with enough information to be included as part of the team. There is a lot of technical information but it isn’t over the top and is explained well. Both women are smart and excel in their fields. They both have military backgrounds and now have both lost someone to airplane crashes. Each of these help bring them together as they investigation proceeds. I found the book exciting and well paced. I know from other books that this type of investigation can take months and not days but the author makes it believable. I can see their physical attraction and even connecting through grief, but the leap to the L word seemed very quick and out of place. I also liked the idea of the epilogue but again it seemed a huge leap from where I was in the story. Thank you to NetGalley and Bold Strokes Books for an ARC ebook in exchange for an honest review. (3.5 stars)

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