Member Reviews

This is a great second book in the series. The story is great and has great pacing and is a beautiful love story. Plus it’s sapphic and an interesting twist on the idea of mermaids! Great book, would definitely recommend it as a new adult book. A little to spicy for a young adult audience.

It took me a bit to get to this book. I've read a book or two by Ali Vali so I thought a theme that I really liked, mermaids, would be fun. I started it in honor of MerMay since it's about mermaids. I wasn't able to read the first book so I was a little lost about some of the characters and how their bonds/relationships grow with each other. Kai and Vivien both seem like well developed characters over all. A lot of the story seemed somewhat predictable, perhaps even generic. I was kind of expecting more. It makes me wonder how the first book was. It was like being thrown in media res and I had to reread certain lines to understand/make connections with how everyone was with one another. The villain, Daria, I really wish had more screentime. I think there's more to her that could've been explored. It's rare that I want to know more about a villain but lately I find certain villains deserve their own story. It was a bit sappy in the beginning of the book between the protagonists, and I did find myself rushing through some of the scenes. It just wasn't for me. I think if maybe I read the first book, I could've appreciated this one more. If anyone else is interested in the book series, I would advise you read the first one so you don't get as lost in the second one and can appreciate the characters more.

I received this book for free via Netgalley in exchange for a fair review.
Sadly I did not enjoy it. When I requested it, it was not clear at all that it was the second book in a series. I got excited about mermaids and what sounded like a great story, but this was... apparently all the first book! Book 2 is after they got together and they're trying to sort out a mermaid wedding, and that wasn't what I expected.
I did give it 30% but between having to piece together what happened in the first book, some confusing worldbuilding that felt very... I want to say very fanfiction, but I have read some amazing fanfiction with great worldbuilding so it'd feel unfair. But it did feel unpolished, and not fully thought through, like something you'd post as you write on AO3 or whattpad.
Finally I was uneasy with the book's approach to disability, and I don't think I can get past that to continue reading, ultimately. It felt like the previously-disabled character could only be whole and happy if his legs worked, and not only that but everyone's memories of him being disabled were erased, because... I don't know, there's probably a plot reason in there, but it just felt like disability was a shame. I'm not here for that.

3.25 Stars. I actually had to go back and read the first book of the series Beneath the Waves because the first couple of chapters felt too exposition heavy and honestly a little overwhelming. This is a good series - it has solid worldbuilding and some interesting ideas that work most of the time. But, even though I usually don't say this, I think the characters are just slightly too bland for me to be totally invested in them. It also takes a long time getting to where it wants to go, and often times I just felt like I was reading more of a slice of life style book than a paranormal romance/ urban fantasy.
I will say this: Vali's interpretation of Atlantis is really fun. I loved the mix of magic and science that makes up the lore. Even the slight twist of the origins of the race of Atlantians was really well done. I had fun finding out new things about their myths and culture through human Vivian's eyes. Vivian views Atlantis through a childlike awe and it helps create an extra sense of surrealism.
I kind of didn't like that, while most of the story was about Vivian getting acclimated to Atlantean culture and meeting her fiancée's friends, the b-plot kind of takes too long to get going. Kai Merlin, Vivian's fiancée, has one more challenge to her rule: a group of separatists/ supremacists who view the Merlins' continued contentment with staying in the seas as a weakness. Much of it is shown through the big bad, but there's a lot of political maneuverings in Atlantis that could have been shown but just weren't. Kai is the heir apparent of the throne of Atlantis, and her marriage to a human woman would create a massive shift in just about every aspect of Atlantean society. We're told this, but we don't really see most of it. For me, that would make this far more interesting than the majority of the plot of the book. Kai and Vivian must navigate their relationship, how it would impact Vivian and her family, and how it would impact an entire society. So much good stuff happening just off to the side, but not much of that actually comes through in the book.
To sum up; we have some solid, if not very interesting characters, awesome worldbuilding, but not much focus is given to how the characters impact that world or vice versa. There's a pair of background characters that seem amazing (they are the founders of Atlantis) but they don't get nearly enough time. There are lots of great ideas here that I love, I just wish that it wasn't so slow and at times dull.
*I received this ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

I absolutely love Ali Vali’s character development. She builds women that are not only beautiful but strong and capable, smart and sassy. She’s also a master at moving a story and keeping the dialogue real. I had to go back and read Beneath the Waves but I just loved Kai and was so happy to see a sequel. Thanks!

This is book 2 in Ali Vali's Waves series, but I went into this without having read the first one, while it didn't lead me to being too confused, I would recommend to start with the first one.
This a unique and intriguing world Vali has created. The sweet romance between Kai and Vivienne is at the heart of this fantasy, and their relationships with their families. For a fantasy it did seem a bit lacking at times, the pacing felt off and it seems to have so much more potential. I will be reading book 1 though as overall it was an enjoyable read and my interest has been piqued to read more about Viv and Kai.

I enjoyed this book, I liked the setting and the way the relationship between Kai and Vivien it written.

I was so happy that Ali Vali wrote another Atlantis book. As this one opens, Viv is pregnant, and Kai is over the moon about it. They are also a bout to wed. 1st they will wed in Atlantis and then at Viv’s home. But there is a constant threat to Kai and Atlantis. There was a lot of romance and action in this one. The book tells a lot of background of the royal family and how they came to earth because their planet was being destroyed by their own people. This could be a standalone book but I’m glad I read the 1st book Beneath the Waves. Excellent read.

Loved this sequel to Beneath The Waves, and it is definitely worth reading them as a pair. Turbulent Waves carries on the love affair of Kai and Vivien while bringing in more about Kai’s home and family and adding another threat from their home world.
Technically this is a fantasy as it is based around the concept that Atlantis was not only real, but survived and thrived. However it is much more a romantic action adventure with a fantasy background. Ali Vali seamlessly convinces us to suspend disbelief and we forget the whole premise is otherworldly.
Turbulent Waves neatly ties up many lose ends left from Beneath The Waves while leaving the way open for many more sequels based around both the past and future of this young couple. I love Ali Vali’s writing and hope to see more in this series.

I was so excited to see this book come out, it is actually a sequel to Beneath The Waves, which I absolutely loved. I did go back and re-read BTW just to refresh my memory on the story line, so I highly recommend you start with the first to understand this book-it picks up where the other left off so we are joined again with Kai and Vivien, along with more of Vivien's brother and best friend.
This story line actually gets into more about of Kai, her royal family and the people of Atlantis heritage, with the enemies actually being from their home plant. Yes this is a genre of syfy, which I am not a real big fan of, but with Ms. Vali's way with words and spinning of a story, you really sometimes loose the thought about an underwater society, outer space beginnings and magical babies-it's just really a love story, with intrigue, action and family support. I actually loved the way Ms. Vali can bring a whole society of women living under the ocean to life with believable ease.
Once again, Ms. Vali gives us a wonderful, fast pace story that just pulls you in right from the start and has you still thinking about it long after you are done reading-if only there was such a peaceful society of Atlantis like women, the world would be a better place.
I received an ARC through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review, but would have written the same opinion if I had come across this author on my own.
To see my Amazon review, it is under CC-Loved It

This was such a good book, I am keep my fingers crossed for another in this series. It is a great blend of action and romance and Ali Vali’s great writing skills. Ali is one of my favorites and Beneath the waves was one of my favorites from her. I was so excited to hear there was a sequel coming and it did not disappoint. I have major book hangover after rereading Beneath the Waves and then diving into Turbulent waves in the last two days. I already miss Kai and Vivien and their action packed world.

This is the second book in the series. I picked up right where I left off in the first book Beneath The waves. The story takes place in Atlantis and New Orleans and is a fantasy romance between Kai the Heiress of Atlantis and Vivien her fiancé. It showcases love and family
The main characters are awesome as well as the secondary. I thought the book was well written and an easy read. I highly recommend, 4.5 stars.
Thank you Bold Strokes Books and NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

I was very much looking forward to the continuation of this story and was not disappointed! A perfect take on the story of Atlantis and the Origins of Earth. I have liked this author for a while, but this series is sitting at the top. Kai and Vivian are the perfect royal couple. I love how the relationship dynamics between the families, especially the Royal family. It was also a nice touch how they excepted and included Franklin though he is not female. It was a good way to bridge the gap between the sexes as well as the humans.
The whole situation with Bella was just frustrating. It made me sit back and actually think about whats gone on in the world in the past as well as present. (i.e Hitler, etc. ) People will follow evil dictators for whatever reason and do so blindly even at the detriment to their own safety and livelihood. Will never understand it. I like how Vali goes into vivid detail of the Oberon reign and torture. Then to see the regret from those who followed the cause. I only wish it were longer and we got a look into what happened after the ship was sent away.
Great One!
I received this ARC from NetGalley via the author for an honest review.

Turbulent Waves by Ali Vali is a sapphic novel focusing on the heir to Atlantis and her human partner. I requested this book primarily because I remembered enjoying the first one in the series several years ago and thought it was pretty unique. However when I re-read 'Beneath the Waves' i found that I did not enjoy it as much as I remembered and actually barely connected to it at all. So I went into Turbulent Waves warier than I should have been and as a result, I didn't like it. I couldn't connect with the characters and it felt like there was just far too much going and I couldn't stay focused. It's still a super interesting world but it just wasn't for me.
Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an arc in exchange for an honest review.

urbulent Waves’ by Ali Vali is a romantic fantasy novel set in Atlantis and New Orleans. Vivien could never forget meeting a girl on the beach years ago. She appeared to dip beneath the waves in the company of sharks – but how could that be? Years later she finds out when Kai Merlin, heir to the Atlantean throne, comes back into her life and they fall in love. As they plan their wedding Vivien finds out about the world beneath the sea and is astounded at the scope of it all. But Atlantis is under threat and the women must fight for their lives and the home they will now share.
This is the second in the series and I feel reading the first one is important to understanding the whole story. It’s a truly amazing world and the concept is so well thought out. I loved finding out about the history and technology of the Atlantean people. The love story between Kai and Vivien is beautiful and tender and extremely hot. The heat level is scorching, with very descriptive love scenes. But underneath all of the happiness at the impending wedding is an undercurrent of fear and tension as they battle an enemy from the stars. I loved to wallow in fantasy and this let me do that. An enjoyable story.
I was given this ARC for review.

Great author, but sadly I couldn’t connect to this book at all. The background idea has potential, but the plot and the writing style just doesn’t work. It has no appeal, and fails to capture the imagination like a fantasy book should. There’s too many characters, and only a few of them have any resonance. The description of Atlantis is full of cliches and not very well described, which means you just can’t believe in the world. I’m not keen on one characters self esteem being dependent on suddenly being able to walk again either. Disappointing.

This was okay. This is the second book in Vali’s Waves series and I’m happy to say that it was much better than the first. Unfortunately, this series was just not for me. I’m a big Vali fan, she is one of my all-time favorites, so the fact I struggled with this series was a big disappointment to me. I’ve loved so many of her books that I guess I’m bound to not connect with a few, it just sucks that it happened with a series that I had very high hopes for.
I want to talk about some good parts first. The Queendom of Atlantis was finally explained. I had no clear picture of what this underground city looked like after reading book one, but now I finally do. While I still think the world building could have been stronger, Vali clearly made more of an effort and even brought some history into it. The setting and whole overall feel was absolutely improved.
Another improvement was the writing in this book. I had big issues with book one, to the point I didn’t know who was talking half the time. Thankfully, this was much improved and there were only a couple times I felt like I needed more dialogue tags. Vali has a unique style and feel to all her books, where I think I could pick out her writing without a cover to tell me that it’s her. Book one I was lost, but thankfully this book felt much more Vali-like.
I even found myself liking the main characters a bit better, but that is where the positives stopped for me. The story is about a couple, from book one, so we are in that new couple ‘can’t take your hands off of each other’ stage. I love a good steamy sex scene as much as the next person, but I found that there was too much sex. It is never a good sign when you have to skim some of the sex scenes, but I found I was becoming bored. I get that they love each other physically, but I wanted it showed in other ways too.
I think the biggest let down was with the villain. It was a very simple plot line, around them, but I still found it felt convoluted. Don’t ask me how that is possible but it just did. Then there were characters that seemed badass and tough, but in reality I found myself thinking “That’s it?” I’m not sure exactly what I was hoping for in the big action climax moment, but whatever it was I didn’t find it.
TLDR: This was much better than book one, but this series is still not for me. I hate to say this but in the end I don’t know if I feel like there was enough plot for a whole book, and instead I think this would have been better as a novella. I always recommend people reading books in order, especially when they are so connected, but I can’t do that here. I had so many issues with the first book that I believe if you are interested in the series you might as well start here. This series was a letdown for me, but I’m a big Vali fan and I will absolutely read whatever she writes next.

𝗠𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗔𝘁𝗹𝗮𝗻𝘁𝗶𝘀.
This is the second book of the Waves series and cannot be read as a standalone as it's a continuation of Kai and Vivien's story. Between the two books, this one is better than the first, I think.
The Atlantis-related storyline here is a lot simpler and easier to follow and we spend more time in Atlantis and with its people. I like how Vali creates a bunch of characters (non-villians) who are likable and get along well with one another because it makes the book heartwarming to read. I like how Vivien accustoms herself to Royal Atlantean life easily and how welcoming Kai's parents and the rest of the Atlantean folks are.
Kai and Vivien are in their "honeymoon" stage of their relationship as they plan for their wedding and there isn't much that shakes them romantically. I enjoyed their interactions with each other, which can get a bit sappy at times, but I don't mind sappy at all. However, it still bothers me how easily Kai brushes aside her past relationship with Oba. I know it wasn't intended to come off this way and I understand they weren't meant to be together in the long-term, because of destiny or whatever. But to toss Oba aside while being so besotted with Vivien so quickly, without so much as throwing in some parting words to end the relationship properly felt callous in my opinion.

Between the mermaid on the cover and the blurb with an ff romance, I immediately wanted to read this book. New to me author Ali Vali takes me on a voyage thousands of miles under the sea. I am intrigued. This is book two and can be read as a standalone. There are enough references from to fill in the blanks of what happened in the first book.
Kai Merlin is the heir apparent to the throne of Atlantis. Yes, that Atlantis. I am always interested with how writers will reinterpret and design Atlantis. This is world is a mix of old ideas and new ideas. I like most of it. I find it fascinating that in this world, the original Atlanteans are not of this planet. This is plausible. What surprised me is this race of Atlanteans are essentially underwater Amazonians. Basically, there are no male mermaids. The reason for it is a bit of a stretch. Why? Because one of the main reasons why the females didn't want to keep males in their race is because of how a corrupt male leader could once again suppress the females. The only problem? They also have corrupt females that are power hungry and narcissistic too. This flaw aside, the story is enjoyable and sweet.
This story is all about Kai learning the full meaning of her fate, destiny... She was prophesized to do something that could bring her entire world down. I guess it depends on how one interprets prophesies which are notoriously subjective. Kai and her fiancée Vivien are in full swing of their marriage rites both sea and land customs as enemies of old surface and wreck havoc. I must admit, the f/f romance didn't do much for me here. Perhaps it is because I didn't read the first book. I felt nothing for Kai or Vivien.
What I did like about this story is how and why the Atlanteans came to Earth. I also particularly enjoyed the interludes to magical places under the sea. The palace and beaches and how the world under water is designed by Author Ali Vali is what really pulled me into this story. As an avid scuba diver, I wish I could have these gills that the Atlanteans have and that there really is an amazing underworld that we know nothing about. This paranormal romance is recommended to readers who love mermaids and happily ever afters.

I didn’t realize this book was a sequel to “Beneath the Waves”, so I read that book first. I like the stories about Atlantis and this series has a different take on it which I liked. I generally enjoy Vali’s books, but the first book was a bit of a rough ride for me as I found it very chaotic. I was happy to see that this second book is far better structured and readable, but unfortunately, it fell flat to me, so in the end it was no more than an OK read for me.
This is a continuing storyline and many of the things that happen in the first book play a role in this second book, so I do not recommend reading this book without reading the first. This series is a bit of a mixture between sci-fi and fantasy, with a strong accent on the romance. The sci-fi part is because the Atlanteans are an advanced race with advanced technology. However, and here the fantasy part comes into play, there are also things that are not explained by science and feel more like magic or godly intervention (they have their own goddesses). Even though some things could easily have been underpinned by science, especially considering how advanced they are, I get why this was done to keep some of the things that are happening unpredictable. Unfortunately, this also provided easy ways out at some other parts in the book taking away some of the believability and tension.
As I mentioned, I love the premise of this series and I was hoping for a lot of adventure and this is where the book didn’t fully deliver for me. The first half of the book is focused on Kai and Vivien only, and there is no adventure to speak of. The book starts right after the events of the first book and Kai and Vivien are just together and discovering and enjoying each other’s company. I like a good romance, but this period of romantic bliss was too sweet/sappy and too long for me, and the I love yous got old very fast. If you enjoy this kind of romance you might like this better than I did, but I was very glad when the plot finally started to unfold during the second half of the book. I found myself interested in the story again, but the final outcome, the big moment that I was looking forward to, was a bit of an anticlimax, it felt too easy.
This book is not badly written, but it just wasn’t for me. I look forward to reading Vali’s next book though.
I received an ARC from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.