Member Reviews

Cricket Crosby seems to have an idyllic southern lifestyle - a wonderful daughter, a loving and well-respected husband, a successful antique business, and, as with most close-knit southern towns, an efficient rumor circuit. However, when idle gossip turns to Cricket’s own husband having an affair, she soon discovers some rumors are based in truth and must act fast to untangle a web of lies and discover the truth.

Cricket’s assistant Ruby comes from the other side of town and has had anything but a country club upbringing. An ex-con with a complicated family, Ruby’s job at Cricket’s store is just what she needs to turn her life around when she discovers a talent for deconstructing vintage couture into modern, elegant pieces. When Cricket comes to her with news of her life falling apart, Ruby knows exactly how to start patching the case together. The two women may have different backgrounds, but they discover a deep bond of friendship as they investigate the husband’s affair and uncover layers of deceit and shady business.

Deconstructed by Liz Talley is a book full of quick wit, secretive sleuthing, fabulous dresses, and two women coming together to start over and reinvent themselves. I enjoyed the unlikely friendship between Cricket and Ruby as well as their acceptance of the unexpected turns life can take.

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I love a good unlikely friends story and it was so fun to watch Ruby and Cricket bond over the at times hilarious events after Cricket discovers her husband has been cheating. I also adore antiques and repurposing items so that aspect drew me in as well. Throw in some Southern charm and you have a delightful way to escape for a few hours.

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𝘚𝘶𝘳𝘱𝘳𝘪𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘨, 𝘧𝘶𝘯𝘯𝘺 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘨!

What a fun story, it was just wild from start to finish. Hilarious, fast-paced, emotional and crazy. It was a really nice surprise and had so much fun reading Cricket and Ruby’s adventures.

Thank you Suzy Approved Book Tours and NetGalley for this gifted copy.

Deconstructed by Liz Talley released February 1, 2022.

𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥 𝘪𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦: 𝘞𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘯’𝘴 𝘍𝘪𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯, 𝘊𝘩𝘪𝘤𝘬 𝘓𝘪𝘵, 𝘊𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘮𝘱𝘰𝘳𝘢𝘳𝘺 𝘙𝘰𝘮𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦.

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Deconstructed by Liz Talley is such a fun read. Cricket and Ruby are two characters that I would love to be friends with. The loyalty, the sass and the pure energy they put out for each other made me hope they will have another adventure together. The end of the book had me feeling completely satisfied and I was cheering at one point. This book is for you if you like: strong women, compelling men, a fun payback story.

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Smart and Sassy!

Deconstructed is a Southern fun and clever read. Fall in love with Cricket and Ruby as they deconstruct who they are and put together the pieces as they come into their own. The novel is full of Southern charm, gentility, backbone and the importance of family. I hope that author Liz Talley has more adventures for them!

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Looking for a book that will make you laugh, cheer, and beg for more, more, more? Deconstructed by Liz Talley is all that and more. Strong Southern women, unlikely friendships, sweet revenge, and sass for days. Don’t miss this one. I loved it!

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When antique store owner Cricket Crosby overhears two women discussing her husband’s affair, she is stunned. Full of disbelief, she does some quick investigating and discovers the women are correct. She decides her husband will not get the best of her and she hires an investigator and an attorney. Then, with the help of Ruby, her unlikely assistant, she sets out to do some spying herself.

Ruby is the unassuming assistant in Christie’s shop. She is hiding a secret about her past but when Christie needs help, Ruby comes through. The two vastly different women forge a friendship and gradually each woman helps the other reinvent herself.

But, sometimes in life there is more than what meets the eye, and as an amateur sleuth, Christie is not quite prepared for what she discovers.

𝙈𝙮 𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙜𝙝𝙩𝙨: Christie and Ruby both live in the South, yet they are from completely different backgrounds. Christie comes from the world of old money and country club galas, while Ruby comes from a family with a more simple lifestyle. I was at first surprised by this friendship but Ruby turns out to be full of delightful surprises and I enjoyed that character! This story makes an entertaining read, especially if you have ever wanted to see someone get what they deserved! This was my first Liz Talley read and I plan to read more of her work.

My thanks to the author @amyliztalley for my copy of the book. My thoughts are my own.

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Cricket is pretty much coasting along in her life, which seems pretty darn good. Her husband is successful, her daughter seems happy and her business is doing well. Then one day it's all turned upside down when she overhears a customer having a discussion that she comes to realize involves her. Ruby is Cricket's employee and has some secrets of her own, a family she has avoided for years except for her beloved grandmother and is going to school while working to try and overcome her past. Cricket and Ruby seem an unusual pair to team up and become friends but that is exactly what happens. Because of this friendship and Crickets situation, Ruby calls on her family to help on a few occassions. The less than expected friendships continue as Ruby's odd cast of family members helps Cricket put her husband in his place and take control of her life. So many laughs along the way and feelings as we watch these two face their difficulites and set their lives on a better course. This was my Amazon First Reads pick for January and because it was a Liz Talley book, an author I enjoy greatly, it made it an easy pick!

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Fabulous story about two women, the different challenges they face, and how they bolster each other through them.

Cricket Crosby finds out that her husband is having an affair. Having no clue that her marriage was so unstable, she is devastated. Deciding that he's not going to get away with ruining her life, or their daughter's, she looks for a way to get proof. But when her snooping uncovers more than just infidelity, the gloves come off.

Ruby works for Cricket as her assistant. But when she finds out that Cricket's husband is a sleaze, she decides to help Cricket get the dirt on him. But doing that opens Ruby's eyes to her own issues, and she realizes that she also needs to make some changes in her life.

Both women start the process of deconstructing, then reconstructing their lives, learning that family is who you claim, and the past doesn't define you.

Another winner from Liz Talley!

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Loved this book of an unlikely friendship that develops into so much more. Antique store owner, Cricket's life turns upside down when she finds out her husband is having an affair. Cricket gains help from her employee, Ruby. Ruby has not had good past and wants to reinvent herself. Ruby enlists her family to help Cricket take her husband down.

So many laugh out moments through the story, Pure southern charm. Many life words of wisdom, never judge a person on the outside, it's what's inside that counts. I highly recommend this story.

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Well-written, engaging and attention grabbing from start to finish! I would describe Liz Talley's latest release as women's fiction with a cozy mystery twist and I loved every minute of DECONSTRUCTED. The main character is successful and accomplished and watching her step up and dig up the dirt on her cheating spouse was inspiring. Her partner in crime assistant almost stole the show with her quirky style and her following of humorous relatives. I really enjoyed their friendship and seeing her succeed in bettering herself was a joy to read.

I highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a bit of mystery mixed with drama, humor and family dynamics.

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I loved how the author took something life changing and put some humor in it. I loved Cricket and her comments had me cracking up the entire book even though she was so frustrated with what was happening. I also really enjoyed the relationship that formed between Cricket and Ruby. The character development was good and it even had some lessons on dealing with change. The whole time I was waiting for a couple people to get the karma coming to them. The ending gave me enough satisfaction with a couple new relationships but I would love to be able to see them go even further. Overall I loved this book.

Thank you @amyliztalley and @suzyapprovedbooktours for the gifted copy.

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This read checks off so many boxes of elements that I love in a book including dialogue that is completely entertaining.

This book is set in Shreveport, Louisiana. I’m southern, so I love sweet tea and books that are set in the south.

The book is told in dual points of view by our main characters, Cricket and Ruby.
I love women that find strength they didn’t know they had or needed and overcome obstacles to show the world and themselves they are strong.

Cricket finds out her husband is cheating and needs to get the goods on him for a divorce. I love a story that is serious but is told with humor.

Cricket finds that her husband is into more than an extramarital affair. I love a little mystery in a book and this had a perfect little twist.

Cricket gets some of Ruby’s non country club relatives to help. I love characters that are characters and this book has some great ones.

Ruby, who is Cricket’s employee, has been wronged before so she wants to help Cricket. At the same time, Ruby wants to use her skills to reimagine vintage clothes. I love books about friendship and fashion.

I love when the title of the book is discussed during the book and has a real connection to the story. Read this book for yourself to see why it’s title is Deconstructed.

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Liz Talley’s books are always sure to make you laugh and maybe cry and love her characters. Deconstructed - what a perfect name for reinventing your life. Meet Cricket Crosby, a typical modern southern wife; add Ruby a gal who’s had quite some adventures, is a little offbeat and has many colorful relatives. Add a no-good spouse, a PI who needs AA and you have a great cast. You will cheer on Cricket and Ruby and boo a few others. Thoroughly enjoyable!

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Slow as a southern spring afternoon, Talley’s latest draws you in slowly and then just doesn’t let go. I fell in love with both Cricket and Ruby from the start and really hope we see these characters again. Perfect for anyone who needs to deconstruct a bit.

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I received a gifted copy and am providing a review.

This is the first book I have read by Ms. Talley. Talk about a fun read! I look forward to reading more from this very talented lady. She is able to take some pretty serious subjects and write about them with a sense of humor but also with a sense of realism, making you feel like her characters are people you know. In this tale you will find infidelity, a family that is on the ‘fringe,’ and a couple of ladies who ‘deconstruct’ their lives only to rebuild themselves into the people they want to be. This is one of those books that you’ll want to keep on your shelf to read when you need a good laugh.

Cricket, the owner of Printemps (an antique store), finds herself at a loss as to what to do when she finds out her husband, Scott, is cheating on her. She also then finds out that he may be holding onto another secret, one that she thinks could potentially be dangerous. She elicits the help of Ruby, a clerk at her store, for help and discovers a friendship with Ruby she didn’t think possible.

Ruby, having served a couple of years in jail, is surprised when she gets a job at Printemps. She is a member of the Balthazar family … a family on the ‘fringe.’ Through this tale, Ruby not only finds a friend in Cricket, but has the realization that her family isn’t as bad as she makes them out to be. Ruby is also a very talented ‘re-purposer’ of old clothes.

You will also be introduced to Juke, Griff, Gran, Julia Kate, Stephanie, Jade, Marguerite, Ed Earl, Dak, and a few other characters thrown in for good measure. Each of these characters have their own backstory, some of them changing their lives for the better. There is even a bit of romance thrown in just to make things interesting.

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When Cricket is in the office of her antique store, she overhears a conversation and discovers her husband is cheating on her... and now, she's determined to catch him in the act. She enlists the help of her new employee Ruby, an aspiring vintage clothing designer looking for a fresh start in life, and together they hatch a plan to bring Scott down.

The unlikely friendship trope is one of my favorites! Cricket and Ruby could not be more different, but it's what makes them work. They are so fun together and the story is a riot! There's all the witty banter and silly shenanigans and as they narrow in on nabbing Scott, the friendship between them builds and it's so fun to watch.

But there's also really cozy vibes and heartwarming messages of second chances, believing in yourself, starting over and that life is definitely not one-size-fits-all.

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I would like to thank NetGalley, Montlake and Liz Talley for the e arc copy of this book.
This was a good read that go better as it progressed.
We meet Cricket and Ruby. Cricket runs an antique store and Ruby is one of her assistants. Both are from different parts of town but they become friends.
One day Cricket overhears two of her customers saying that her husband is having an affair. At first, she is unbelieving but then she decides that she wants to know for definite. As she says “I would not just let life happen to me but instead direct my life towards something better”. I feel this was a good attitude to have. She hires a PI to gain proof and also a lady lawyer to handle her divorce.
Ruby is trying to get her life back on track after a rough period. She feels that to do so she must step away from her family, except for her Gran. She discovers a talent that could help her, change how she and maybe others view her. However, she is drawn back into her family circle when things happen to herself and Cricket.
Cricket is finding out things about her husband that she was unaware of and is having to look at her life with a different perspective. Ruby is seeing that maybe family are not that bad after all and given a chance they can be there for you. Both see that maybe the rougher side of town has some attractions that are good and that one should not always judge someone by the way they look, no matter what side of town they come from.
One analogy that I think we can all use is “we all find out in life that a little deconstructing, a bit of pulling away, examination, trimming and refitting helps us discover what will hold up”.
This was my first read by this author and it won’t be my last. Would recommend this book.

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This story was so fun. I was captivated by the plot and the characters!

Cricket owns an antique store filled with fabulous knickknacks, furniture, and vintage apparel. When she overhears two gossips discussing her husband’s cheating ways, she’s devastated. She needs to find proof of this on her own, and she enlists the help of her employee, Ruby. The two take off on a hilarious journey that includes revenge, friendship, and self-discovery.

Ruby and Cricket are such compelling characters. They are both complex and different, and yet they complement each other in the best ways. The situations that they get into create moments that will make you laugh, and yet, you feel for the two of them with their individual issues. Their character growth throughout the story is wonderful, and you can’t help but love the two of them!

I would recommend this for anyone that enjoys stories of friendship in a comedic setting!

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This book has all the things I love in a good Southern, women's fiction. It has all the sass and backbone of women who may be down in the ashes but rise up and give’em hell with their backbone of steel. And this book has all that and more. Two women who are from totally different backgrounds, but have the steely southern backbone, and they help each other rise up and kick ass, and form a friendship neither of them see coming. It also has a great mother-daughter, grandmother-granddaughter story lines that are ageless and are worldwide. It made long for my own mother and grandmother.

Cricket Crosby has been a true southern wife, which she learned at the hands of her southern belle mother. She looked after her husband and daughter, was all the right committees and charities. Then an overheard conversation in her own business and her world starts to fall, but with the help of her trusted employee Ruby and her unusual family, she gets her southern backbone up and will take down the lying cheating husband, his mistress and the guy who is trying to take their money. No way is she letting him get away with this.

Ruby has been rising from her own ashes and she is being taught by the master how to be a true southern woman and with Cricket’s guidance she is reinventing herself and forge a career that she never knew she could have. She has been taking college courses and his becoming the person she always wanted to be and with her grandmother, helping her to come back into the family, she will be want she wants to be.

These two strong and determined women will have each other’s back and get what they both deserve and deconstruct their lives. With the help of the men who come to be important to them, these two women will be a strong and have a friendship that will last through their lives.

Thank you Netgalley and Liz Talley for giving me the opportunity to read and review this advanced copy of a wonderful and strong women’s fiction book that will be flying off the shelves. This book is a 5++ read.

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