Member Reviews

Did, in fact, have some neat jewish stuff for christians. I especially liked the parts that talked about the Jewish holidays. Some parts were significantly less neat, though. I didn't really care about the dimensions of objects in the temple and I'm not sure why we spent time talking about that.

This book describes the events in Jesus' life that were foretold by the prophets. This is one example - When Jesus was dying the Roman soldiers gambled for His clothes (John 19:24 “So they said to one another, "Let us not tear it. Instead, let us cast lots to see who will get it." This event was foretold in Psalms 22:18 "They divided My garments among them, and cast lots for My clothing." This psalm was written 1,000 years before Jesus, and no one ever divided up David's clothes!
Daniel 7:13: “In my vision at night I looked, and there before me was one like a son of man, coming with the clouds of heaven. He approached the Ancient of Days and was led into his presence.” This was fulfilled by Jesus 550 years later by Jesus when he prophesied , regarding His return to earth in the final days, Jesus said, “But I say to all of you: In the future you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven” (Matthew 26:64).
The Jewish festivals were instituted by God along with a strict legal code of morality, behavior and ethics, to combat the ungodly nations code of immorality, hedonism, and polytheistic cultures.
The structure of their worship was based on a series of these festivals which had a special meaning and a unique set of rituals described in the book of Leviticus.
The holy days are separated into 7 festivals, three of them take place in the fall and four in the spring.
"In the mission of Jesus, the four spring feasts symbolize events that took place when He was on earth:
He gave us Communion and was crucified at Passover.
He was placed in the tomb on the Feast of Unleavened Bread.
He was resurrected at First Fruits.
He sent the Holy Spirit to us at the Feast of Weeks (Pentecost)."
"The three fall feasts symbolize events that are to be fulfilled on His return:
The Feast of Trumpets represents the return of Christ and the gathering of believers.
The Day of Atonement will mark the final Day of Judgment.
The Feast of Tabernacles marks the return of Christ to dwell with us again."
By reading this book, you will understand the meaning of Jesus' sinless sacrifice and how the Old Testament sacrifices prepared the way for the Jewish people to understand the Atonement that Jesus provided.

The plot of the book was such a great page turner. The plot of the book was very well written and informative. This was a truly great book.

I really liked this. I wish this book had been published decades ago. A wonderful book. Thank you

I was raised in a Jewish/Catholic suburb. Although, I spent time with my Jewish friends in high school, I am amazed at the things I didn't know. I love that this book taught me so much more than I ever thought I knew. If you're interested in different religions, this is a great book to start with. It's not overwhelming, it keeps the readers interest. The more you know.

A very useful and clearly written guide to Jewish 'stuff' including festivals and practices. A great introductory book to give you a framework for the world that Jesus operated in. For a deeper look pick up anything by Alfred Edelstein. His books are eye opening in realising the depth of practices involved in ancient Judaism.

This was the book I've always known I've needed but never thought would be written. As someone who has grown up Christian I was fascinated when my Southern Baptist church hosted a Seder meal and brought in a Messianic Jew to teach how the tradition pointed back to Christ. Since then I've devoured information about Jesus written for people who grew up Jewish but there were so many things I didn't understand. This book answered most of those questions!

A good starting place for Christians wanting to know more about the Jewish roots of Jesus and the Christian faith.
More evangelical than I wanted the content to be.

Neat Jewish Stuff for Christians
There are several very short chapters in this book; each focused on one specific aspect of Jewish history/tradition/text and how Christians typically interpret this within the context of Judaism in the time of Christ. Given the divergence of Judaism and Christianity, some of these interpretations would not necessarily be accurate/accepted within a modern Judaic context (such as the fulfillment of prophecy by Jesus and John the Baptist); however, they should still be useful to both sides in understanding each other (in other words … it is neat stuff to know) … especially for folks that have never really taken the time to look at what we have in common (I think the chapters on Passover and Pentacost, and how they intersect with the Passion of Christ are especially helpful for Christians that have never participating in a Seder). If you are more than a casual student, you won’t find many revelations or controversy here … it really is fairly basic stuff.
At the end of each chapter are a series of discussion questions, so this would also be a good book to use an individual reflection or group discussion.
Neat Jewish Stuff for Christians to Consider
Jesus as Prophesied in the Hebrew Scriptures
The Use of Jewish Holy Days in the Mission of Jesus
Jesus and the Sabbath
Communion, Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread
Using the Plagues and Miracles to Overthrow Pagan Gods
Elijah and John the Baptist
Jesus Is Our First Fruits
Why the Holy Spirit Was Sent at Pentacost
Trumpets: The Return of Christ and the Gathering of Believers
Atonement by Blood
Dwelling with God: The Feast of Tabernacles
Jesus in the Ancient Tabernacle
Christ and His Bride: Ancient Jewish Wedding Customs
Judaism 101: An Overview of Jewish History
Questions Christians Commonly Ask About Jews
An Overview of Christian Anti-Semitism
I was given this free advance reader copy (ARC) ebook at my request and have voluntarily left this review.
#NeatJewishStuffforChristians #NetGalley.

“Neat Jewish Stuff for Christians,” by David E Teitelbaum, reveals the depth and symbolism behind Jewish traditions and rituals, and how they relate to us as Christians. It is relatively short, written in easy, accessible language while still drawing incredible connections between Chrisitanity and it's roots of Judiasm.
The Old Testament is a messy and difficult book to read at times. Yet, learning about and experiencing the historical context, poetic devices and the deeper language that the writers embedded in the story, is unlocking so much depth and beauty for me.
When we understand the historical and cultural significance, the symbolism and richness that their practices had for the Jewish people—for Jesus—it brings the story alive in such a vivid, three dimensional way;
“Christians grow in worshipful appreciation of Jesus when His roots in Judaism are understood.”
The title does the book a disservice as it seems trivializing, to what I think is information everyone needs, if they want to more fully understand the biblical texts and the roots of our faith.
One example is the parable of the ten virgins who were waiting for "the Bridegroom". The historical context shows that as part of Jewish wedding traditions, only the father of the groom knew the exact date of their wedding (a year after their betrothal).
As the time grew closer, the bride and her bridal party would spend their evenings waiting with oil lamps lit, for the trumpet that would signal the groom's coming. Simple things like this, make biblical metaphors that may feel old and less vivid to us, come alive again.
David E Teitelbaum did a wonderful job of presenting this information and I would love to read more of his work in the future.