Member Reviews

I really enjoyed this book. I immediately went and got the rest of the series. Just a sweet, sport romance. I would definitely recommend this book!

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Thank you to Netgalley and the author for giving me

This book was good in some places and not great in other places. I found it dragging a lot towards the end I have really pulled in in them getting in the middle and then near the end, I felt like the ball just fell apart. It felt like the book just went everywhere and nowhere at the same time.

I will say I think the characters were well-written and realistic '

Overall it was a good book and I would recommend it to fans of romance but it was not my favorite romance out there

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➥ 1 Star *:・゚✧

I follow her slowly, as I un-apologetically watch her ass sway back and forth and inwardly groan at the sight. God, what I wouldn’t do to watch that ass bounce in front of me, on top of me and grab it as she rides me all damn night.

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Thank you NetGalley for this book in exchange for a review!! 😀😀😀 So, this was nightmarishly terrible. From the first 4 chapters, we already see instalove, disrespectful sexualisation, and bad writing. This is truly, an awful book and I do not understand how it was published.

➥ Rochelle (h) is a 'not like other girls', quirky, shy, petite but busty heroine. Yes, nothing knew here, it's the stereotypical childish fmc that no one likes to read about, strongly resembling Gloria. She also lacks a single logical braincell as she chooses to find Hunt's harmful and concerning approaches romantic, while also being extremely (extremely) insecure.

➥ Hunt (H) is literally a Ryle; the recipe for an abusive partner. Let's start with the basics: he is best friends with a man who is a horrible person (always sexualising women, having sex with them, and then slut shames them because he thinks they're too easy), he sexualises the fmc at first encounter talking about how different she is and how attractive her shyness, smallness and innocence is, he asks her out for dinner (she declines) and he aggressively insists, then he waits for her to finish her work shift and follows her, then forces her to accept his ride home and instead takes her to other places to have dates. And that just skims the surface. He also has this complex where he's "misunderstood" because everyone thinks he got into college because of his wealthy connects but he "actually" worked really hard, yawn.

The following quotes that I will be pointing out are merely from the first 4 chapters and I will be discussing them in chronological order.

“I knew your ass wouldn’t follow through, chicken-shit!”

I roll my eyes and square my shoulders. I’ve been called a lot of things in my life, but never chicken. I don’t back down from anything, even if I was well over the limit last night at the bar after which I agreed to his asinine bet that, with a sober mind, I would have known better enough to never take.

Already, we see the toxic masculinity oozing from the mmc, and also his generally annoying character. Men who interact like this with their "friends" are always ones best to stay away from.

“The ladies all fall to your feet, regardless. I don’t remember a time when you didn’t have a different girl every day of the week warming your bed.” (He says.)

“Fall to their feet, knees, whatever works,” Rex says as he winks and pulls open the door leading to the salon. (His friend says.)

Again with his friend being a red flag, here he is diminishing women and talking disrespectfully about them. Personally, I would never date someone who is friends with someone like this. And though the comment doesn't seem like the worst thing in the world, any man who is truly respectful and kind towards women would never say something like that.

Then, his friend whistles at one of the female employees at the hairdresser's. She glares at him (logically, because he's rude) but then he smiles and she's apparently "putty". Then there's this whole side plot of them fucking while the fmc does the mmc's hair and ugh. She even pushes her boobs up and makes eye contact with him? A girl would never do that for a man so rude and disrespectful. So from that we already gathered that the side characters were bad.

When she finally breaks his stare and goes back to her work, Rex’s low laugh rings through my ears. “God, you know Hunt!” He says, grabbing a hold of my shoulder and making me look him in the eyes. “Sometimes, it is just too damn easy. I like a woman who makes me work for it.”

Because we clearly need more evidence proving that the mmc is okay with being friends with a horrible person, his friend sexualises a woman, she (for some reason?) returns his approaches and they then go to fuck. And what does he do? He complains about them being easy, as if he didn't just whistle to get something on his dick LMAO. These men actually make me want to vomit. And by "a woman who makes me work for it" do you mean you have to coerce her and bother her until she accepts your intentions? Maybe be persistent and borderline coerce her into sex? Because that's what is seems like. Just remember that you didn't offer her to buy her dinner of anything first (regardless of the girl's characters being completely unrealistic) so you're just as bad (worse) than her.

Enough of that, now let's discuss the beginning of the romance. The mcs meet at a hair salon because the fmc is a hair stylist in training and the mmc is there to shave his head because he lost a bet. After he sexualises her immediately, the most cliche thing happens: the girl drops her stuff and he helps her pick it up and they make eye contact or something. Just terrible.

She hugs the items to her chest and I stand back up straight before looking down to notice her small frame. Petite, but with curves for days.

Clearly, men only help women when they want something in return; one of the most important life lessons I've learned. Immediately after "helping her" he stares at her boobs and her quirky body; she's itsy bitsy cutesy tiny skinny but also has FAT boobs and a FAT ass - shocking. So, here we have the shy gorl who's actually mega sexy because of her body but she's actually super innocent and dumb and childish but that's what men like anyway right? :)

After she thanks him, he begins to ooze instalove and red flags.

“It was my pleasure,” I say as I take a step closer. My senses are on overload and I can’t help the unnerving feeling that my soul knows hers.

The unnerving feeling that your soul knows hers? You have spoken two words for eachother and you're enchanted because of her BOOBS. Sit the fuck DOWN!!!!!

Unfortunately, we get dual pov in this book and, of course, the only way this author knows to differentiate the masculine and feminine voices is by making the man swear in every. single. sentence. Whether it's in his inner monologue or the dialogue; it's there, and it's obnoxious as fuck.

Remember his douchebag friend? I mean, how could you forget, but anyway, apparently every single woman falls at his feet (that's literal misogyny idc), the fmc proves to be 'not like other girls' because she does not fall into doggy position after seeing the man grotty, crusty, stanky face.

My breath hitches in my throat and my hands begin to sweat a little from the way her stare makes me feel. More alive than I have ever felt before, and damn nervous as hell. Something I pride myself on never feeling when it comes to members of the opposite sex.

More alive than ever in your life? That's kinda pathetic dude, you just met her. And he's also apparently the type that hates emotions ew.

But damn it, there is something about her that makes me want to protect her. Makes me want to shelter her and make her see what I see when I look at her.

So you want a pet and you have a saviour complex, got it.

I wonder, would she be just as shy when I had my mouth on her? My hands on her. Caressing her. Teasing her. Making her need my next touch just as much as I just need her to look me again in the damn eyes.

Men are just so gross. He meets a shy woman and he just immediately thinks of her sexually and wants to change her and make her not shy. And again with the annoying, repetitive swearing.

Smiling, I wait until I see her nerves calm a little before I speak. “Don’t worry,” I say as I make my way around the counter and come to stand a few inches from her. “I won’t bite,” I go to wink but think against it with how nervous she looks. Hell, that might just tip her over the edge and have her running to hide in the backroom I first saw her walking out of.

This quote is particularly important to me because I got catcalled while leaving my gymnastics class and of course I got scared and walked a little faster away from the 2 men, and the scooched a little closer and said "HEY! I DON'T BITE HAHAA" and they kept laughing as a walked away, traumatised :). So, that's cute. Also, who talks to women like that. "I don't bite" as if you're talking to a shy child who won't say hello. We just see this man ignore ever sign that she's not interested and take it as motivation to persure her more; ew. I would reference pride and prejudice right now but I'm not because that's a little pretentious and annoying but.

If this is the only time I will see her, I know that won’t stop me from dreaming about her, at night, during the day, fuck in the shower later as I picture her underneath me taking every bit of pleasurable pain I can give her.

Okay. So. It seems you've picked up on that fact that you're being REJECTED, but imagine rejecting a man and finding out that he declares, in his head, that he's going to masturbate while thinking about you and daydreams about making you endure all the "pleasurable pain" he can give you. Rancid. And "pain"? Why pain?? Like if we're talking bdsm or people who like it a little rough that's fine but you don't even know what she likes and you already want to make her suffer? Jesus christ, I need a cigarette.

She reaches out and touches me, and God I swear we both jump from the electricity running through our connection. Her eyes dart up and she looks into my own in the mirror. Hell, I felt it too, Angel. No fucking denying that.

What even is this??? How can someone take this seriously, it's so dramatic. Again with the swearing. And he just begins to call her Angel? I literally adore that petname but he wears it SO BADLY it's embarassing.

She stares up at me shocked, as if just the idea of me asking her out is entirely out of this world.

The fmc is extremely insecure because she's the stereotypical poor girl falling for the rich boy so she thinks she's wortheless and no one will love her because she's poor. Okay, next.

"I can’t,” she whispers, breaking a piece of my heart in the process. But still I persist. There is no way in hell she can get away from me that easily.

“What? Of course you can! We all have to eat. What time do you get off?”

This is classic Ryle behaviour!! He's denied so he get's pushy and offended and aggressive even though he was let down softly 🚩🚩🚩.

“I’ll pick you up at 8.” I say, remembering the closing time I saw on the shop door coming in.

She turns quickly and looks back at me, stunned and speechless. “I told ya,” I say, taking a step back and heading towards the door. “Everyone needs to eat.” Her mouth falls open and it isn’t lost on me that she has no response for what I just hit her with. “I promise, you won’t regret it, Angel.”

He literally will not take 'no' for an answer; so scary.

The process took me longer than usual because my brain was wrapped around a God of a man. A man that walked in here a few hours before, made me feel like I never have in my life, and then left demanding he see me again.

The fmc is so pathetic ohmyGOD. This guy borderline harasses you at your job and you're over the moon that a guy with a little muscle is into you?? Pick your self respect up off the floor PLEASE.

The way he makes me feel scares me, and I can’t help but wonder just what the hell he wants with a girl like me.

Does this even need an explanation.

His breathtaking crystal blue eyes on his chiseled face with drool worthy 5 o’clock shadow is enough to make any woman forget everything and follow him anywhere, if he was willing.

Girl...I hate books that pretend looks can literally make people drunk-stupid. It's so annoying and to present women as these boy crazy people just astounds me.

I ever thought possible when he first walked into the shop this afternoon, does nothing to stop my thirst, my longing, my want to be claimed.

You want to be claimed??? *dials 911*

His 6’ 5” frame towers over me. comment.

“Where is your car?” He asks, making me feel sick having to answer.

“I walk.” I whisper back in the dark, unable to tear my eyes from his now that he is so close, my heart is beating so fast and he dominates every part of me as he once again steps closer.

“I don’t like that, Angel,” he whispers, catching me off guard with a pet name I wasn’t ever expecting. “Let me take you home.”

What's he gonna do next? Growl? Teach her a lesson?

Finding confidence I didn’t know I had, I put one hand on my hip and look up at him. “Are you always this persistent?”

You had to summon CONFIDENCE to acknowledge his problematic tendencies?? Oh lord.

“Maybe next time,” I lie, trying to grab at any last thing I can to save myself. But my request lands on deaf ears as he suddenly grabs my hand making my heart soar and pulls me after him.”


“There is only one thing on my mind right now, and it sure would have me repenting for weeks in church. God help me, because I’d do anything to entertain the idea if his lips on my body just a little while longer.”

The writing 👎👎👎👎.

Mind made up, I grab around his waist and for the first time in my life feel like I belong. To something. Someone. A force bigger than life itself connects us. Fuses us together. His fingers come up to lace through my own now placed across his hard chest.

This must be a joke. You literally just met.

Just as I am about to think about jumping off before he can pick up speed, his hand laces through my fingers again holding me steady against him and making me feel grounded, like this is where I belong. With him. Only him. And we both know it, feel it, believe it more than anything we’ve ever known before.

Great, now he's driving his motorcycle with one hand.

I look to my side and take her in as she goes to bite into the ice cream I convinced her to stop for. Totally oblivious to me watching her, I stare as some melts out of the corner of her mouth before her tongue comes out and licks her lips in the sexiest way imaginable.”

Men sexualising women doing non sexual things makes me so mad.

With a wink, I reach out and brush some ice cream off her lip with my thumb. I watch as she shivers and swear to God if this energy between us ever dies, it will be only when my heart stops beating.

Disgusting. Please, shut up.

“I moved here when I was 15. Momma and I.”

Listen, I call my mom Mami, but if i talk about her with someone I call her my mother, DUH. She’s so childish i hate it 😭😭😭😭👎.

“And just for the record, Angel. You’re the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. None of the girls you mentioned could ever come close to your beauty.”

When he has to pit you against other women to compliment you 🚩.

You keep calling me Angel,” she says as she scrunches up her nose. “I have a name you know. Why do you insist on not using it?”

I stop walking and wait until she looks my way. “Because, something about you, me,” I take a step forward and grasp her small hands in mind. “Us. Makes me feel like I found heaven on earth.”

Again, they just met.

In conclusion, this was absolutely terrible. I'm very sad that this was my first netgalley review lmaooo. I really encourage everyone to delete this book from their tbr and never think about it again <3

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I felt that the story was to reliant on sex than the actual characters situations. I wish that there was more growth and expansion on the situations that they are dealing with.

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Cute, easy read but lacked substance and I had a hard time caring about the characters. Did enjoy parts of it though and would consider trying another title by the author.

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Unfortuntaley I will not be providng a review of this book since I was not able to really get a good feel for it while I was reading it, I did attempt to read it multiple times and was not for me. Thank you for allowing the chance to read the book.

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Too much insta-love for my taste. Sometimes I do enjoy a insta-love, but not this one. Rochelle is a bitch and going on my nerves.

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Hunter and Rochelle story blurb intrigued me
The book was good enough nothing remarkable
Insta love is not my thing
He was too naive and accomplishing him
His nickname use got me teeth cavity
Overall cute
2.5 stars

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Catch by Evelyn Montgomery is the first book by this author that I’ve read and I loved it!
Rochelle is a hair dresser and Hunter is the baseball player who’s got his heart set on her. Hunter feels an immediate connection when he locks eyes with shy Rochelle. These two have an Insta-love but they are from opposite sides of the tracks, but that doesn't diminish their connection. when Hunter decides to pursue her she just doesn’t understand what a guy like him would want with a girl like her and from the wrong side of town. Hunter falls hard and fast for Rochelle, he may come from money, but all he wants is to play baseball and live happily ever after with Rochelle. I loved this book and Hunter because once he knew what he wanted out of life he never hesitated or questioned it he went after it. My favourite part about the book was watching Rochelle ever so slowly come out of her shell.
She is a definite heroine, who finds herself in this book and grows into the woman that is absolutely irresistible to Hunter more and more every day. Hunter is completely swoon worthy and definitely has that alpha vibe going on. I fell in love with these two and kept finding myself rooting for them.
I absolutely loved the characters and their stories and backgrounds. Love can conquer all was one amazing theme of this book.

The ARC of this book was provided by NetGalley in exchange of an honest review

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This book is very fun, quite a quick read but lots packed into it. The characters were all very well rounded and it was full of pasion.

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Firstly I want to start off by saying that I voluntarily read and am reviewing a copy of this book provided by the publisher, BooksGoSocial, via NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

I would rate this book 2.5⭐.

I was expecting a different kind of story, more similar to other sports romcom’s I’ve read. I don’t think there is a lot of plot in this book.
I’ve got to say I’m not very fond of “love at first sight” stories, I don’t believe in that, so I was a bit taken back by the beginning of this book.
I usually love corny, kind of unrealistic love stories but this wasn’t it for me. However, I would maybe recommend this book to people (+18) who do enjoy instalove and are being introduced to the romance genre.

The smut in the book is good and I don’t think the writing is bad but I couldn’t overlook the beginning of their relationship.

The fact that I don’t believe in instalove makes me cringe at the way that Hunter (male MC) right away thinks Rochelle’s his soulmate even though he knows literally nothing about her. I know this is supposed to be a cute love story about soulmates and a strong connection but in my opinion, it’s too unrealistic. Unfortunately, I can’t relate to the characters.

I was ready to overlook the instalove plot IF only their relationship had started off differently: I don’t think in this day and age it’s reasonable to accept the way Hunter doesn’t take no for an answer and how he was kind of forceful in getting to know Rochelle. I couldn’t ignore this and I think it’s important to have clear consent and accept that no is no. Since this is Dual POV we know the strong attraction is mutual however words matter so I believe their story should have been written in a different and more consensual way. The beginning felt stalker-y and forceful.

In conclusion: This book wasn't for me, although I did enjoy the spice.

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A complimentary copy was provided in exchange for my honest review and opinion. I do not give spoilers so please look elsewhere. You have the right to not have the wonderful story ruined with spoilers. This is a fun and young romance that fits the college level romance lover. It is a cute read.

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This author has an interesting voice, and the characters have appeal. For me the plot was hampered a bit by too many sex scenes--they would have more impact if spaced out a bit more and not so many. If this author is self-publishing, I hope she will get an editor on board, as the writing, while good, is filled with incorrect word usage, comma splices., etc. which really impact clarity. I realize it's a galley, so this will most likely be addressed, but it was bothersome to me to read because it was confusing at times. With a bit of polishing the story really has potential.

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This I thought was a little cliche for this genre. i personally like some originality instead of many tropes mushed into one book but that's more my problem as many people do enjoy this and I would recommend this for those readers. I did think this was good just predictable and very trope heavy.

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While I don't usually mind insta-love stories, this one fell flat for me. Rochelle was so insecure trhat I found her to be annoying. While I liked Hunter a little better, I found there to be a lack of personal background information so I didn't really connect with him. This was a slow burn romance that didn't heat up until about half way. While it did get spicy, I didn't feel any emotional chemistry between them. Also, I didn't like how Hunter kept calling Rochelle "Angel", almost as if he couldn't remember her name. This was a DNF.

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Hunter and Rochelle come from different backgrounds. The rich boy and the poor girl basically. Hunter a star baseball player and Rochelle who lives in a trailer park the normal cliche. Hunter is immediately attracted to Rochelle from the first moment of meeting almost. With Rochelle’s insecurities and Hunter’s driving force will they make it through to HEA?

I received this ARC through #netgalley and I am voluntarily reviewing this book

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This was a great book that I had a hard time putting downs once I got started. I loved the story of Rochelle and Hunter, how the rich pro athlete was chasing the girl that came from nothing. This plot line made the story unique in its own way, these two people have an instant connection as soon as they lay eyes on each other. Throughout the story they have their ups and their downs ,and they learn more about each others pasts which allows them to grow closer. Rochelle learns that her mother lied to her through her entire life and it breaks her to pieces yet their is still one person by her side no matter what they find out. This was such a great read and I cannot wait to read more from her.

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This is a book that when you read it you can’t put down, it is that good. The two main characters are Rochelle and Hunter. The moment they meet they both feel a connection. Hunter is a college baseball player and Rochelle is going to community college for cosmetology. Rochelle has been lied to by her mother, about things in her past. An example is she has a twin sister, that she meets and has an instant connection. Hunter and Rochelle have some issues and have to work through them. They eventually get married and start a family.

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Meh, this one wasn’t my favorite. Two and a half stars. The writing was a struggle to get through. The dialogue was cliche and I just couldn’t get into it. I put it down several times and had to force myself to come back to it.

I usually love baseball romances but it just fell flat. The romance didn’t sizzle. I never felt a spark between the characters from the way they were written. It was a very rushed romance, an insta-love on the part of Hunter, the male love interest. I like pet names but him calling Rochelle, ‘angel’ every time felt creepy not romantic.

It was okay. Very generic plot but the writing was lacking the oomph I wanted.

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Unfortunately I DNF this one at 50%. Insta love is hit or miss for me and this was one didn't really hit right. The love interest gave off major stalker vibes and was a little forceful but eventually started to redeem himself but it was to late for me. Even though we go backstories I didn't really feel there was much depth. I will; say that the spice was was good.

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