Member Reviews

This little book was darkling. I loved the illustration style and the color choices. All the little recipes and activities were very simple and accessible. I think this would make a lovely gift for a child in your life.

Thank you Quarto Publishing Group – Ivy Kids | Ivy Kids Eco for allowing me to read and review Little Homesteader: A Winter Treasury of Recipes, Crafts, and Wisdom by Angela Ferraro-Fanning on NetGalley.
Published: 09/06/22
Stars: 5
Brilliant. I loved the illustrations and the simple crafts. They range from making different kinds of cocoa, to fudge, and how to feed birds. There are a multitude of tasks. I love that they are easy.
I would recommend for babysitters, grandparents, and stay at home parents. I think this also would work in a church nursery.

I really enjoyed this book. It was really fun and easy to read and understand. I loved that even though it's kid oriented, also adults can learn about planting and creating fun and whimsical Christmas decorations.
I was hoping for more recipes, but my favorite was the Spicy Maple Cinnamon Hot Cocoa!
I'm gonna make this one first!!
Thanks for creating healthy and positive books for kids to enjoy and parents to share some time together away from social media.
#netgalley #LittleHomesteaderAWinterTreasuryofRecipesCraftsandWisdom

This is a lovely little book. The crafts and activities are easy to do and made with very common and inexpensive household items. There is an overall focus on nature and the environment which I love. I will definitely purchase this title for my library!

I have no words to describe my feelings. I absolutely loved this book.
Thank you Netgalley and the publishers for this ecopy in exchange for an honest review.

I'm a fan of this adorable series of high quality books for young ones. The illustrations are simple yet fill each page with beauty and the joy of the season. The information is basic, yet includes facts and details that many adults may not know. I enjoyed the learning and the fun ideas that are perfect to do alongside children. From plants and produce to animals and insects, many aspects of the winter season in nature is explored. Like the others I would have liked more content, and I hope that the publisher will release all four books combined together in a collection!
Disclosure statement: A complimentary copy of this book was provided from a tour group, publisher, publicist, or author, including NetGalley, OR was borrowed from the library, including OverDrive, OR borrowed from Kindle Unlimited, OR purchased. A review was not required and all views and opinions expressed are unbiased and my own.

My five-year-old niece is the reason why I was interested in this book. We read it together, admiring the illustrations and talking about favorite crafts and recipes. She thought the book was exciting and had a hard time choosing what she would like to do because she wanted to do all of the things suggested! In the end, we agreed upon salt dough ornaments - she is crazy about dough, and hot chocolate. "I´ll be getting this book for my birthday, I´m sure."
She sure knows how to ask for things!

This book is lovely. I would definitely purchase it as a gift for parents with small children and likely will have a copy for myself. Thank you Netgalley for this opportunity to read this!

I am obsessed with the entire Little Homesteader series after reading this book! Angela Ferraro-Fanning does an incredible job in creating a book that gives winter recipes, crafts, and information, in an easy to read manner while looking beautiful.
Wanting to test some of the recipes and crafts for my review (and because they looked fun) I made salt dough ornaments with my daughter and homemade bread. Both recipes were perfect! The entire section about citrus made me happy as I grew up in a neighborhood that was an old citrus grove in Arizona. It was a fun to see the Dried Orange Slice Garland as I had made that many times as a child. The section on "Growing Citrus From A Seed" did seem silly to me as it can take anywhere from 7 up to 15 years (on average) for an orange seed to grow into a tree ready to produce fruit. (Poor kids will be grown by the time they eat that delicious fruit.)
Overall, I think this is a cute book to gives elementary aged kids for gifts!

A sweet, fuzzy and warm treasury with entertaining facts, crafts for children to enjoy and easy recipes to try out.
I loved the beautiful illustrations with their warm colours and cosy pictures. This book reminded me of other books I’ve read with the same kind of style and I enjoyed all of those as well. I would love to read the treasuries for the rest of the seasons.

What a fun book packed with recipes, crafts, and more for children 6-8 to do in the winter! I loved the recipes for three different hot chocolates and for berry cookies; fun crafts such as homemade wreaths and salt-dough ornaments; and planting projects such growing root berry bushes in the ground or containers. Colorful illustrations and wisdom shared by the homesteader author make this a great cold-weather gift.

This book was a delight! With accessible and sweet recipes and crafts the book emphasizes facts about the winter season and all of its possibilities!

Cute book with winter crafts and recipes geared towards elementary aged children. Learn to make hot cocoa, homemade bread, salt dough ornaments, or knit with your hand. There are birds and animals you can look for on a winter walk and even ideas for a winter garden. The pictures are sweet and there are step by step instructions.

An adorable book of ideas!
As a homesteader and homeschooler of a young child, this both gave us ideas and reminded us of those we'd had before but forgotten about (like salt dough ornaments).
The illustrations are very cute but some directions might require further research (I don't think I'll be able to do finger knitting based on the instructions and will likely need to look up a tutorial video online).
That said, this would make a great gift for homeschoolers, homesteaders, or any family that is looking to have a cozy time together this winter.

Really sweet book with beautiful illustrations, interesting facts about winter (plants, animals, etc.) and lots of fun crafts. I am most looking forward to trying the finger knitting!

Very cute book. The art is adorable and it's got a bunch of great activities inside. It's seasonal but not Christmas specific, which I think is great. Winter as a season is a great thing to celebrate.

This was such a fun little book! It was full of beautiful picture, awesome craft ideas, and yummy recipes. My kids loved looking through this and picking out what they wanted to make and do when the holidays roll around. Great for any hands on family, homeschooling family and educators.

This is a beautifully illustrated and engaging book. I love looking at it just as much as my kids do. It's fun and full of useful information.

I have loved this series from the very first one. The concentration of season will allow guardians to plan out slow days and keep kids occupied. The illustrations and easy to follow instructions are great for all ages and will be a book that can be returned to countless times

As appreciation for seasonal rhythms and patterns is growing, especially among parents who are encouraged to slow down by their children, this book comes to be a great resource. Specially geared towards winter activities, this book can help all of us get through the cold, often difficult months of winter with young children.