Member Reviews

I wanted to like this book so much, but I didn't like the way it was presented. Unlike the normal chronological format, it is separated into countries, which makes it a disjointed read. If you just want to dip in and read about countries separately the format works fine, even better than chronological. It is a book I will return to in dip into occasionally, but it's not a book I would sit and read cover to cover.

This book went by countries travelled regardless how many time they had been there and wasn't in chronological order which made it slightly confusing and going off on tangents which feel stopped it being a better book.

I really wanted to love this book as it’s been a while since I read a travel book. Unfortunately though, I found it very slow going and ended up giving up halfway through. The way the book is organised means there’s no real narrative as it’s organised by country not chronology. I also found it jumped from one place to the next too quickly; I was left wanting to know more about the stories being told. As a result, I didn’t feel like I developed any real empathy or relationship with the write and his wife.
I might go back to it and finish it at a later date, but for now I want to read something I’m more gripped by.