Member Reviews

Find Time for Exercise offers an achievable solution – regular exercise – to one of the biggest health issues facing the world today: physical inactivity and its consequent problems, including obesity, reduced life expectancy and a wide range of physical and mental health issues.

I thought I was going to read a book that would give me ideas for ways to fit exercise into a busy schedule...that is not what Find Time for Exercise by Mike Dales does, but I did find value in reading it, as a person who is interested in exercise and also national/local policy that encourages healthy lifestyl(es. Part motivation and inspiration for individuals to become more active, and part a call to action for businesses and governmental agencies to enact policies to encourage physical activity, Find Time for Exercise encourages people to do whatever they can to overcome inactivity.
I found the book motivating, and if I lived in the UK (I am a US resident) the book has tons of organizations that have activities that are open enrollment and most are free. It should be required reading for policymakers, and for the HR department of corporations. The message that encouraging better physical fitness would save a lot of money spent on unhealthy people comes through loud and clear, and is one I have believed in for decades.

The author shares his inspirations for becoming physically active and healthier, and aims to help the readers do the same. This is a very helpful book for someone who is trying to improve themselves -- with the caveat that the author is UK-based, so some of the information and statistics may not apply to some readers. Still, it does inspire, and offers many ideas for incorporating physical activity into your daily life.
I’m grateful to NetGalley, and Matador for the opportunity to read and review Find Time For Exercise.

This was okay, there were some useful reminders which I found good and gave me a kick in the rear. There were some useful quotes as well .
I was given an advance copy by netgalley and the publishers but the review is entirely my own.

A book full of practical tips and ideas and people to be inspired by, not just the author. In my case the only problem is that it is basically based on Scotland and the UK, but I'm sure if I look around I can find something similar here in Berlin. I haven't decided what my challenge will be yet, but I'm definitely much more motivated than usual.
Un libro pieno di suggerimenti pratici e di idee e persone a cui ispirarsi, non solo l'autore. Nel mio caso l'unico problema é che é basato fondamentalmente sulla Scozia e il Regno Unito, ma sono sicura che se mi metto a cercare posso trovare qualcosa di simile anche qui a Berlino. Non ho ancora deciso quale sará la mia sfida, ma sicuramente sono molto piú motivata del solito.
I received from the Publisher a complimentary digital advanced review copy of the book in exchange for a honest review.