Member Reviews

I received an advanced reader copy of this book to read in exchange for an honest review via netgalley and the publishers.
What a beautiful book which is not only perfect for children but also sends a good message to adults.
The book is about Badger, who has woken up in a really bad mood and procedes to take his bad mood out on all his friends he meets that day, and then goes home does a bit of gardening and his bad mood lifts and he feels better. Later on he goes out again feeling better to play with his friends but cannot find them as he upset them all early when he was in a bad mood and now he cannot find them as he upset them.
A great book written in a brilliant way with beautiful illustrations, and although primarily aimed at children, I feel this is more useful for adults to read and take on board, as the story is such a true depiction of every day life, as you usually end up meeting or working with a badger!

The Bad Mood is a great picture book to read with your littles. It opens the floor for discussion on feelings and how it can push others away or cause them to be in a bad mood as well. Great illustrations loved the message.
Thank you Netgalley for the eARC

Moods can be infectious, including bad moods. Moritz Petz shares a nice message in The Bad Mood, complemented by lovely full colour illustrations. The wording could have been streamlined in places to make it more appealing to a younger audience, but overall it is a sweet book to pick up at the library.
Disclaimer: A copy was provided by the publisher.

Badger wakes up on the wrong side of bed, and decides to let everyone know how grumpy he is. “What was the point of being in a bad mood if nobody noticed?” He passes his bad mood to everyone in the woods. This is a sweetly illustrated story about how our bad moods can spread and what we can do about them.
Note: I received a free copy of this book from NetGalley. I was not compensated in any other fashion for the review and the opinions reflected below are entirely my own. Special thanks to the publisher and author for providing the copy.

'The Bad Mood' by Moritz Petz with illustrations by Amelie Jackowski is a picture book about the power of our emotions.
One day, Badger wakes up in a bad mood. He grouses about rubbing his bad attitude off on everyone. Once he finally starts feeling better, he realizes how his mood affected everyone. How does he turn things around.
This is a book with a pretty good message. The illustrations are great and it would be a good read for young readers.
I received a review copy of this ebook from NorthSouth Books Inc. and NetGalley. Thank you for allowing me to review this ebook.

Es una novela muy tierna que me gustaría utilizar a futuro en mi salita. Considera que se puede trabajar las emociones desde un lugar seguro donde pueden poner en palabras lo que sienten sin sentirse juzgados

Badger wakes up in a bad mood and is rude to the other forest animals, alienating them and passing the bad mood onto them. Luckily, Crow has an idea to help Badger make it up to his friends and change everyone’s mood to happy. The text is a little long for a picture book, with a paragraph on each spread, but the lesson on forgiveness is welcome. The full color illustrations, which appear to be accomplished with gouache, realistically depict the animals without clothing but with distinctive facial expressions. Unfortunately, the font used for the text is small. Originally published in German in 2004, and published in English in 2004 by North South, making this a new edition. ARC

Full review and links to social will be posted as soon as possible.
I'd like to thank the publisher and Netgalley for providing me with a copy in exchange for an honest review.

A delightful story about how one person's bad mood can spread to many. A great preschool story for talking about emotions.

This is a sweet book with beautiful images about how Badger's bad mood affected those around him. He woke up grumpy and took it out on all of his friends on a morning walk. Later when he was in a good mood after working in his garden, he didn't understand why none of his friends were friendly to him. A friendly Crow told him their surely was a reason why they aren't being friendly. This is when Badger realized that he had been unkind to his friends earlier in the day.
This is a great book to read to all younger children in how their behavior make a difference to those around them - for the good and the bad. Often they don't understand how their actions affect others and need a bit of reflection on how their actions make others feel.
Thanks to North-South Publishing for a copy to review!

This is a powerful story about bad moods and how they drive people away/spread/etc. I think this book would be a powerful tool for SEL in schools and at home. There are many lessons to learn from it and students would be able to extend and retell the story easily.
That being said, I do believe this would be best enjoyed with a child and adult reading it together.

When Badger gets up on the wrong side of the bed, he decides to share the misery.
“What was the point of being in a bad mood if nobody noticed? Everyone ought to know how miserable I feel, he thought.
Aiming for maximum rudeness and hostility, Badger manages to alienate all of his friends. Once he’s successfully spread his bad mood to everyone he comes across, Badger goes home.
As moods will do, Badger’s changes once he focuses on something other than how bad his mood is. But now all of his friends are in bad moods when he’s ready to play.
Badger learns that it’s not okay to take your bad mood out on others. Ultimately he takes responsibility for his actions and apologises to his friends.
If I was reading this book to a child I’d be taking the opportunity to talk to them about anger and the different ways it can be managed without hurting others.
I enjoyed the illustrations but the layout could have been improved by making the text larger.
Thank you so much to NetGalley and NorthSouth Books for the opportunity to read this picture book.
I’m rounding up from 3.5 stars.

I received an arc of this title from NetGalley for an honest review. Badger is in a bad mood and he is mean to his friends. When Badger feels better his friends are still mad at him and he must make it better.

I received an advance reader copy of this book to read in exchange for an honest review via netgalley and the publishers.
The Bad Mood is a cute story with an important message for children.
Badger wakes up and is in a bad mood. He decides he may as well let everyone know he's in a bad mood and takes his mood out on all his forest friends. They in turn, also get in bad moods. Badger goes home and does some gardening and his bad mood disappears. But when he goes to play with his friends, he can't find them anywhere. Badger realises his mood has passed from him onto them because of how he treated them and he has ruined their day.
Badger apologises and makes them happy again to correct his mistake.
This is a great book to show children how taking your mood out on others can affect them too and also ways to get rid of a bad mood such as physical exercise, gardening, singing and dancing.

The Bad Mood worked for me on every level, from the lovely illustrations, to the appropriate use of language for the target audience, to the agility for young independent readers to read on their own, as well as the read-aloud-ability (is that a word? It should be!) to finally the messaging. I love it all, and it has quickly become a staple in my early elementary library.

This was a great book that both my 5 year old and I enjoyed. Sometimes he acts like Badger and this book gave him something to think about. Great illustrations. I definitely recommend this book for 5 year olds. Thank you to NetGalley And the publisher for the advanced reader copy in exchange for an honest review.

Cute book with a good message about not being rude to people that treats you kindly. I enjoyed it dearly.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this book. All of the opinions given are my own and have been given nothing for my review.

This is an endearing book but I would recommend having a discussion with the young readers afterwards to ensure that the desired massage is received. Otherwise it can seem a bit confusing. The text is easy to follow and the illustrations are great.

The Bad Mood by Moritz Petz with illustrations by Amelie Jackowski looks as if it was originally published in 2004 in Switzerland. In fact, the end paper says it's a "beloved classic." It's a beautiful book about a badger who wakes up in a bad mood and thoughtlessly spreads it to everyone he meets. He then has to fix things.
What I particularly like about this book is that Badger's mood lifts, not because someone points out the error of his ways, but because the mood "slipped right off him" while he's working outside. There's no lecture here about the value of physical activity on the mind, but we do see something positive happening.
Nor is there a lecture on making things right with those you've wronged. Again, we just see it happening.
Show, through story and image, don't tell. A lovely book.
Another Badger book is coming next April.