Member Reviews

Susan Scott's book sparks an honest dialogue between reader and author about relationships, offering insights rather than strict advice on improving love lives. It's not just about fixing problems but exploring how small adjustments can enhance our connections. I particularly appreciated the reminder that even after heartbreak, we can rebuild ourselves and find new, healthy love. Scott's message resonates: life offers more when we're open and honest with ourselves and our partners. Whether your love life is smooth sailing or needs a boost, this book is worth diving into for its enriching perspectives on love and personal growth.

My review of Fierce Love by Susan Scott. #FierceLove #NetGalley on netgalley.com
Fierce Love is a communication guide written mainly for romantic partners. A lot of points the author lays out throughout it are great, like how having open and honest (fierce) conversations is the core of the relationship, and in fact IS the relationship. I liked most of the anecdotes from the different couples and some of them made their points well. As an example, the one about Jim and Brenda made a bit of an impression: after she forgets to do a task connected to an important commitment of his while he's away, he insists she wouldn't have forgotten if she really cared about him - to which she replies "What will you win if you win this argument?" After which Scott talks about how some of us may get so preoccupied with being right in the moment that the logical conclusion it seems we want is confirmation that our partners don't love us. In other words, she provided me with a few new viewpoints, although nothing revolutionarily life-changing happened to me while reading. It might be worth mentioning that the author herself is divorced, although I didn't want to let that influence how I feel about her advice and integrity on the subject because she doesn't dive into this aspect of her personal story.
Overall, I did love the books' message and it was pretty engaging and easy to read. My rating of the book is 3.5 stars⭐️
A big thank you to NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my honest review!

This book gives some solid, practical guidance on how to have clear, levelheaded, meaningful communication in a relationship. I would recommend it especially to those who seem to consistently talk past each other, or who struggle to feel heard/listened to.

Beautifully written with a lot of helpful insight. I really liked that there were hands on exercises to do that can help bring your relationship to a deeper level.

Loved this book so much to anyone struggling to find that connection with their partner or feels like your drifting read it. It gives us tools to grow our love and learn how to give and understand it. We live in a society where we are shown on social media that love is supposed to be gifts, happiness all the time, overlove, fairytales, flowers and roses, non-stop vacations, gifts, money, and restaurants, and it's not shown that real love is deeper than that. Love is staying when moments get tough; when the ugly comes out, it's picking that person despite their flaws... This book was beautiful and I learned so much from it.
Quote I loved from this book
"Love doesn't make itself, you know. We make it or fail to make it, and we unmake it as well."

Susan Scott is amazing. I just got married in July and we had already been dating for 7 years. I firmly believe that a relationship is constantly being built. It was so impactful to read this right after I got married.

This book is truly useful for readers who are looking for ways to improve their relationship, no matter what stage you are at. The content is presented in three parts, idea of fierce love, myths of love, and conversations for fierce love. While the stories might not be strangers to all of us, it is truly a book with useful strategies toward a better self and better relationship!
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the advance review copy, and I provide the comment voluntarily.

Susan Scott's "Fierce Love" is an absolute necessity for every couple wanting to learn about their relationship and have the wisdom and tools to have the healthiest connection possible. I highly recommend it!