Member Reviews

After an attack, Atlas and Christian are on the run. To get answers, they head into the lion’s den, Romania – the very place Atlas and his platoon were attacked. Romania holds memories for both men, is a place of territorial ruling families, and where the wrong protocol can get you either safe passage or killed.
Having come down from such a high after reading book one in the Whitethorn Agency series, it was always going to be difficult for the follow-up to top it, but it does a valiant job. The story is told in the third person from the viewpoints of Christian and Atlas. Unlike Rare Vigilance, Crooked Shadows is more investigative than high octane and action-packed. But, have no fear; there are some dramatically gripping scenes. Additionally, there is more focus on the trust and developing relationship between Christian and Atlas – it was a lovely process to witness. There is less snark and more support between the two, especially as Atlas relives scenes from his past, which reveal a host of interpretations of the word ‘fine’. It is also evident by the end (and what a doozy of an end it is), that there are more secrets to be uncovered.
While Atlas and Christian investigate their way across Romania, they encounter vampire nests, power plays, mysteries, kidnapping, half-truths, double crossings, and some beautiful imagery – both scenic and world-building. The author gives the perfect picture-building experience without going into unnecessary minute detail.
As for the more expansive cast, the individuals are more typical of the traditional vampire covens in actions and personalities. I wouldn’t turn my back on any of them. However, some are more enlightened than others. I’ll admit that I missed Christian’s loyal to a fault ‘Scooby gang’ from book one – there are no comparisons. But there’s the odd gutsy character in Crooked Shadows to admire.
After book one, I expected more of the same in book two, and I was taken by surprise when it wasn’t. Nevertheless, I still enjoyed the read, which got better and better as the tale progressed. Crooked Shadows has the feel of a novel that is the story developer before the big finish in a triple bill. Although the story ends on another cliffy, one mystery is solved, but another is alive up and running. Thankfully, there is another book to follow.

This picks up from the ending of the first book in the series and continues the intrigue. Definitely a page turner!

3.5* This one was so packed with info that it droned for 2/3 but then came to life.
Book 2 in this series can't be read without book 1, as you will be utterly lost. I have to admit that I struggled with it after all the reveals after reveals in book 1 and then to have another country, clans and Romania and allies and foes thrown in, plus resentment, lies, mistrust between the leads and between the leads and the locals - it all went a bit over my head and this book took me months instead of my normal two hours or so to finish. But, it's worth persisting with, because the betrayal at the end and the implications of what's been happening back home, make for a really good read in book 3, which ends the trilogy.
ARC courtesy of Netgalley and Carina Press, for my reading pleasure.

Thank you, NetGalley and the publisher for the chance to read this book!
Rating: 4.5 stars
I absolutely loved this second instalment of the Whitethorn Agency series, and after that ending I need book three asap! I adore M.A Grant's writing style, each book I've read by her instantly pulls me in and I just love all the tropes used.
Honestly, I inhaled this in one sitting so I hardly made any notes whilst reading, all I can say is that I really enjoyed it and I'm super intrigued to see what's going to happen next!
Overall, highly recommend this series if you like queer paranormal slow burn romance, with a plot that keeps on giving and the best tropes!

This book was So Good!! Oh my God! In this second installment we got to see the relationship between Atlas and Cristian really begin to develop and start to solidify into something real and wholesome. The way these two are always trying to protect each other gives me all the feels. There are of course some bumps in the road, but nothing that can’t be overcome.
Ugh - I can’t say too much without giving a lot away!! But there was just So Much in this book to love. I think my favorite things, though, are Atlas’s tenderness towards Cristian (and vice versa!) and Cristian just being the ultimate King of Sass/pain in Atlas’s ass. Oh, and the big reveal/cliff-hanger at the end - literal jaw drop!!! I am on the EDGE of my seat for book 3!!!

I will say I highly recommend reading this directly after Book 1, because it picks up where the first book left off and it's a nonstop ride from there on out. I really enjoyed that this book was told from Christian's POV, it was great getting inside his head and knowing his true feelings, and boy does he have feelings for Atlas! The movement in the romance department is slow and steady, but it fits with all these two have been through and continue to go through. There's so much going on, in the best way, and you will definitely be hurting for book three as soon as you finish this one. Betrayal, intrigue, and wonderful worldbuilding

Thank you to NetGalley and Carina Press for an eARC of this title.
Alright friends, give me a moment to scream into the void. *screams* Okay, I think I’ve collected myself now. Where do I even start? This is the second book in what is now one of my favourite series, definitely a favourite read in 2021. I mean, anything with queer vampires will hook me in seconds, and this is no exception.
Crooked Shadows starts right where Rare Vigilance ends, with Christian and Atlas making their way to Romania, only to face even more complicated situations and danger. I love how fast paced this book was. It just dove into the action and the problem solving right away. I really enjoyed how the mysteries of the first book were revealed, it was a slow process and we only learned about information when Christian and Atlas learned about them. I found their growth and development really interesting. I also really liked seeing them in an environment where Atlas had to rely on Christian to know what was happening and the right steps to take. It was great to see them interacting in a different way.
I also really enjoyed how Atlas’ PTSD and trauma was dealt with. It was never taken lightly and it was handled with a delicate hand. I think it was really great to see both Christian and Atlas lean on each other in different ways throughout the story, as well as watching their connection grow. I am anxiously waiting for the third and final book in this trilogy to come out. I can’t believe it’s almost at the end, but oh how excited I am for it.

3.5. I loved the first book so maybe my expectations where a bit too high for this book because although I enjoyed it - the book wasn't as good as the first one IMO. Although I enjoyed the POV change and getting to know Christopher more it seemed like the characters were constantly moving and not really getting anywhere (especially since I found at least one of the villains to be completely obvious given some of the things in the book). The relationship develops slowly which I like but it seems to take a backseat a bit too much for my liking. Although wow did a lot happen in the last few chapters and some definite OMG moments that I can't wait to get more answers about. So despite the fact that I liked the first book more I did really enjoy this book and I'm looking forward to see how it all plays out in the next book.

This is a series so make sure you read Rare Vigilance first. I gave it 5 stars, this series is well worth the read so far!
Crooked Shadows by M.A. Grant follows vampire Cristian Slava and his human bodyguard Atlas Kinkaid. This sequel did a great job furthering the plot and exploring some very interesting worldbuilding. The relationship dynamic was compelling; as Atlas' complicated history with vampires [with the Strigoi (hide spoiler)], clashed with his growing desire for Cristian. And vice versa, as immortal Cristian comes to terms with the very human Altas.
While I loved the exploration of their relationship here, I do wish we got a bit more romance. Hopefully, the next book will have more room for this.
The Plot (beware of spoilers for book 1)
After the events of book one, Cristian and Atlas leave New York for Romania. Atlas' trauma from the strigoi, attack that left him scarred, is all too fresh. As reports of bear attacks, Atlas and Cristian investigate the all to familiar signs.
With Cristian's friend, and heir to the local vampire clan among the missing, it's clear betrayal and political machinations has followed our duo overseas.
I got an Arc for this from NetGalley, but I ended up listening to it on Scribd. So I don't know if I have to put a disclaimer, as I bought the book... But here it is just in case!

This one may have started a little slow, but the last few chapters totally made up for it – in a big way. I have to admit that I think I liked Rare Vigilance a little bit better than Crooked Shadows, but not enough to give this one less than 5 stars. ❤
I’m a fan of varying points of view within a story, but when it’s necessary, I don’t mind getting only one character’s POV. In the case of Rare Vigilance and Crooked Shadows, M.A. Grant did things a little differently. Rare Vigilance was told in Atlas’ POV, while Crooked Shadows was mostly told by Cristian. I kind of liked that approach, especially since there were so many secrets being kept by Cristian in the first book. It was nice getting inside his head in Crooked Shadows, especially from an emotional standpoint. It gave readers some insight, even though Atlas was still mostly in the dark.
Crooked Shadows was definitely action packed and even more suspenseful than Rare Vigilance. Atlas and Cristian found more than they bargained for while on the run. More secrets were revealed, old alliances were strengthened and more betrayal was discovered. Not all mysteries were solved though and finding out what’s really going on is going to prove to be extremely interesting. I can’t wait for the Whitethorn Agency series to continue because Atlas and Cristian’s story is far from over.

Crooked Shadows is the second intriguing and exciting instalment in M.A. Grant’s paranormal/urban fantasy Whitethorn Security series, and as it picks up immediately after the first book – Rare Vigilance – ended, I’d strongly advise reading that before jumping into this one or you’ll be a bit lost.
Note: There are spoilers for the previous book in this review.
Rare Vigilance ended with its two protagonists, Cristian Slava and Atlas Kincaid, about to go on the run following an attack by the strigoi – a terrifying creature that even vampires fear – at Cristian’s family home. Barely escaping with their lives, they need to find whoever is controlling the strigoi, stop them, and in the process, prove that Cristian’s father isn’t responsible for their creation and prevent his overthrow by the ruling Council. They’re both convinced that the Wharrams – Cristian’s mother’s family – are behind the increased strigoi activity and the attack on Decebal Vladislavic’s nest, and they travel to Romania intending to find out more about the creatures and to seek help from Decebal’s allies there.
It’s apparent from the moment they arrive that neither of those things is going to be easy. Cristian and Atlas have to navigate the complex and dangerous politics of the vampire world at every turn, never knowing who to trust and forever looking over their shoulders for the next betrayal. The author does a fantastic job here of creating and sustaining an atmosphere of uncertainty and near-paranoia and conveying just how exhausting and knife-edged a situation the two men are facing. Their first port of call is to meet with Voivode Mehai, a former associate of Decebal’s who, if not precisely a friend, should at least offer Cristian basic courtesy and safe passage through his territory.
But even more bad news awaits them. Mehai’s son Radu – a friend of Cristian’s – disappeared while investigating a recent spate of attacks and killings in their territory, attacks which result in injuries which could only have been caused by strigoi – and now the Council is about to pay Mehai a visit not to help, but to attempt to assign blame for the current rise in violence to him and his leadership. With the Council members – including Theo Wharram – due to arrive any day, it’s imperative that Atlas and Cristian leave as soon as possible. The timing of the Council’s visit and Radu’s disappearance can’t be coincidental; if Radu has learned something that could help Mehai prove his innocence to the Council, they’d want him out of the way. Cristian tells Mehai that he and Atlas will search for Radu, hoping to bring him back in time for whatever information he’s found to be of use.
M.A. Grant really ramps up the action in this book; there’s danger on all sides and Atlas and Cristian are forced to confront some of their deepest fears and to rely on each other as never before. The relationship they began to develop in Rare Vigilance is still on somewhat shaky ground emotionally – for a number of reasons – and everything they go through in this story really pushes at its boundaries and tests its limits. This book is more action-focused than the previous one, but it does include some solid relationship development, with a deeper, stronger connection gradually forming between the two men as they face ordeal after ordeal together.
The PoV in this book switches to Cristian (Rare Vigilance was told solely from Atlas’ perspective) which brings him into much sharper focus than before, when he was quite enigmatic for most of the story. When I reviewed that book, I said that there were hints at a different man behind the cocky exterior, and those words are borne out here as we see a much more thoughtful, gentler side to Cristian. He’s clearly head-over-heels for Atlas but fears Atlas doesn’t feel as deeply for him, and I loved seeing that vulnerable side of Cristian, and how he tries so hard to be patient and open with Atlas, and encourage a similar openness in him. He worried that bringing Atlas back to the place he and his unit were attacked was bound to bring back horrific memories that would trigger Atlas’ PTSD, but he will do whatever is necessary to keep Atlas safe – from his nightmares and from whatever creatures are lurking in the woods.
I really enjoyed this instalment in the series, but there were a couple of things that didn’t quite work for me. The first part is a little slow in places, and although I absolutely love stories that feature intrigue and political manouevering, I occasionally had trouble keeping track of who was who and how they related to each other. And then there’s the sudden switch from Cristian’s to Atlas’ PoV at around the 90% mark. For spoilery reasons I won’t go in to, there was no other way for the author to continue the story, but it was jarring nonetheless.
Crooked Shadows is otherwise a terrific follow-up to Rare Vigilance. It’s thrilling and sexy, with plenty of high-stakes action as well as some lovely, tender moments between the two leads. Be warned, however, that it ends on a real humdinger of a cliffhanger, one that is sure to complicate our heroes’ lives still further and plunge them into yet more danger in book three. I’ll definitely be here for that when it’s released in 2022.
Grade - A- / 4.5 stars

Audiobook Review:
Overall – 5
Performance – 5
Story – 5
I can’t wait for the next one!
I have no idea how many more books are in this series but I want the next one STAT! 😊 After listening to book one just a few days ago, I suspected that Crooked Shadows would also end in a cliffhanger. And boy did it – it was epic.
I’m new to MA Grant’s writing and this is only the second book of hers that I’ve read. I actually listened to it and that was primarily because I love John Solo. I listened to book one a few days ago so I decided to wait for the audio of book 2 even though I already had a review copy of the ebook from NetGalley.
John did another fantastic job with this audiobook. I’ve heard him say that he’s not good with accents; well, I think he did a great job giving the many different characters in this series accents. I don’t know how authentic they are to the various countries but each character voice was distinct enough that I could tell who was speaking. I’m sure I would have liked this book if I’d read it with my eyes but John Solo made me love it.
This story was full of non-stop action and a fair amount of bloodshed and I absolutely couldn’t put it down. My only complaint is that after listening to books one and two back-to-back, it’s killing me to have to wait for the final one in what I now know is a trilogy. 😊
A review copy was provided by the publisher via NetGalley but this did not influence my opinion or rating of the book.

one of my favourite books i have read this year !
could not put this book down at all.
i need more from this author.
loved this book !

I may have just about thrown my tablet across the room after another epic cliffhanger. Crooked Shadows continues the well done world building. I loved how it develops Cristian and Atlas's relationship in a believable and understanding way. Even more suspense and twists as the story becomes more of Atlas and Cristian against the world. A great second book in this trilogy and I'm very excited to see how they continue in the next book.

Crooked Shadows is the second book in M.A. Grant’s Whitethorn Agency series. The book picks up immediately after the end of the first story and this review has some spoilers for revelations we get in the first book.
After being betrayed by someone he considered family and barely surviving a strigoi attack, Cristian Slava has no choice but to flee. He heads to Romania with his bodyguard, Atlas Kinkaid. The men are not only trying to get out of danger, but also to get some answers about the attack, as well as to learn more about what happened to Atlas and his fellow soldiers years ago during their own strigoi attack.
Unfortunately, answers aren’t easy to come by as the political situation with the vampires in Romania has gotten complicated. A friend is being investigated, another is missing, and various rivals are vying for dominance. There are also reports of strange attacks that are being blamed on bears, but the fierce maulings are unlikely to truly be animal attacks. Instead, it seems clear that the strigoi are involved, yet no one knows who sired them or to whom they give their allegiance.
As Christian and Atlas continue to investigate the attacks and disappearances, they also get a chance to further grow things between them. There is still some tension to their relationship and both men are figuring out how to make things work. But neither can deny a fierce attraction and a desire to move forward together. As Atlas and Christian get closer to the truth, they must stay one step ahead of those who seek to stop their investigation, as well as watch their backs before their lives are threatened as well.
Crooked Shadows picks up where Rare Vigilance left off as Christian and Atlas fly to Romania after escaping the strigoi. This story not only brings us to a new setting in Romania, it also shifts to Christian’s POV, both things that I think work well for the story. In the first book, we really needed to be in Atlas’ head as he learns the truth about Christian and figures out how to respond. Here, we are more in Christian’s world as the men interact with the old vampire families and get involved in political entanglements that he must take the lead to navigate. The new setting works well, as the story has somewhat of a road trip feel as they travel around the country. It gives us a chance to learn more about the big picture vampire world, meet new characters, and bring the men back to the scene of the crime for Atlas’ past nightmares. So I think that all worked well and allowed the story to tie in well with the first book, but also expand the world and the characters.
Unfortunately, I didn’t feel like the story made enough forward progress. For all that the men spend the book traveling from place to place, investigating the attacks and meeting with various vampires, nothing much seems to actually happen for a lot of the book. It just felt like a lot of traveling around and talking to people, but we learn almost nothing about what is actually going on for most of the story. So while we end the first book on a cliffhanger of sorts, with some high intensity action, this story feels sort of meandering for so much of the book. There is also a lot of politics here among the vampires that I found hard to follow; keeping track of the various positions, who worked for whom, which people were allies, etc, got complicated, which didn’t help the momentum. While the men are at risk from other vampires trying to track them down, as well as strigoi attacks, I never really felt any sense of urgency or as if they were in imminent danger, so there wasn’t that intensity that I think the story needed to keep things exciting as they travel around.
The relationship between Atlas and Christian felt somewhat stagnant as well. The men do acknowledge their attraction to one another and the relationship makes some strides forward. But for a lot of the time, the men still felt to me like bodyguard and client, or casual friends, versus romantic partners, even as they admit to having feelings for one another. They also still never have a conversation about the events of the past and Atlas’ betrayal, though Christian does catch a glimmer while feeding from Atlas. But I guess for a second book in the series, I wanted to see and feel more. I needed them to talk about what happened, to feel some heat or longing or something with more intensity than I did. As with the investigation, it just felt like things were meandering along without a lot of forward movement.
The ending of this story gives us some answers with regard to the strigoi, as well as another big cliffhanger revelation. It all has the opportunity to take the story in another interesting direction, so I am curious how it will all unfold. I continue to find myself interested in this world and I like Atlas and Christian together. I just felt that overall this story doesn’t quite have the pace it needed and I wanted to see things move forward faster and more to be uncovered during their journey.

This book is even better than the first one and I had a lot of fun as it's highly entertaining and riveting.
Christian and Atlas are back, more adventure and actions.
The world building is expanding and I think this is going to be an excellent series.
Highly recommended.
Many thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this ARC, all opinions are mine

Crooked Shadow is the second book in the Whitehorn Agency series, and it starts where Rare Vigilance left off. Cristian and Atlas are running for their lives after someone tries to kill Cristian, but ends up in Romania. They are dealing with more sinister and mystery than before. The book also gives a better view of their relationship and how they have each other backs. The book is romantic, low angst, mysterious, some intense moments, and their sexy times are hot. The book is the best one in the series so far, and I'm looking forward to the next book. M.A. Grant is doing a great job with this series.

"Vampires, after all, were the solid stones standing in the river of history...steady, unchanging and always aware of the ebb and flow of humanity buffeting about them."
Another fabulous read from the wonderful M.A. Grant. Crooked Shadows is book two in the Whitethorn Agency series and it continues directly where Rare Vigilance finished, with Christian and Atlas on the run from Christian's mother's family, the Wharrams, trying to develop alliances and track down the missing son and heir of one of his father's allies in Romania.
Unsure of who to trust, and on the trail of the Strigoi who are leaving a trail of death through Romania, this second installment is much more of an action read, rather than focussing on the developing romance and sexy time we enjoyed between our MCs in book 1. Never fear, we do get some steamy action between the vampire and his human partner, but it comes as secondary to the story building in this one 🔥.
"Mr Slava," Atlas called from inside the yard."You coming?" "I wish. Might help relieve the stress," he said, loud enough he knew Atlas would hear. He hoped the man was rolling his eyes. Bastard deserved it for making him worry."
Betrayal, political posturing, paranormal elements and of course the underlying trauma that Atlas has suffered at the hands of the Strigoi previously, really come to the fore in this book, threatening to prevent a true bonding between our MCs.
And, of course, let's not forget that shocker of a WHAT THE HELL ending??!?!
I can't wait for book three.......🤐
Highly recommended (but read book 1 first!)
5 ✨✨✨✨✨

I shouldn't have requested this from Netgalley, given I hadn't read book 1. However, kudos to the author who, even while she throws us straight into the deep end, add enough backstory that I was able to figure out what I missed.
Still, there's a lot that I missed.
What I can say is there is action, some quiet moments, lots of vampiric laws and mythology and one doozy of a cliff hanger.
Thanks to Carina Press and Netgalley for advancing me this copy. Book was released on Dec 14.

I just finished Crooked Shadows and I still feel like I'm on an adrenaline rush! That was practically a non-stop action ride. You never know who to trust or what is going to pop out from the shadows. Wow! That was so much fun but I still have so many questions!
Atlas and Cristian are picking up where Rare Vigilance left off. They are now on the run. Cristian's family needs to be left in the dark while Atlas and Cristian try to figure out what is going on. They travel to Romania, the land Cristian's family fled and the site of Atlas' worst nightmares, to find answers. The two must trust each other and their hope their allies truly are who they say they are.
First and foremost, this is not a stand-alone. You must start with Rare Vigilance. Do not pass go. You will be horribly confused.
Whew, I'm still not over it. There was so much action and suspense. I kept waiting for all the secondary characters to betray them. And the strigoi, oof... all that was just so intense, I was seriously biting my nails with the whole "cabin/mill" scene. Just, don't read this on a dark and stormy night if you're a jumpy person is all I'm saying.
Crooked Shadows is told primarily from Cristian's POV, I believe there is only 1 scene with Atlas' but I loved that we now get to see what Cristian really thinks. You know, 'cuz he normally comes off as flippant and arrogant but now we get to see behind the mask. Yay!
The "romance" aspect is a bit muted compared to the action. In the first book, we got to see a definite attraction between A+C but now we get to see the couple's feelings mature and see if they really can trust each other. Plus we get some pretty hot bedroom time but only once guys. 'Cuz I said non-stop action and adventure, right??? Yep, no real good time to stop for some 'quality times' if you know what I mean. We also get some more info on the feeding/bond stuff, but not a huge amount. M.A. Grant really likes to dole out only small pieces of info to keep you on the hook. I'm hooked. I'm hooked. Gimme more, please!
The ending is a to-be-continued situation. Like, she drops a bomb and then is like, I'm tired. I'm gonna take a nap. No, I'm kidding. She drops a bomb and then laughs maniacally at the collective "NOOOOO!" heard round the world when everyone realizes the last word they read was the end of the book. She's a mean evil genius. Regardless, I am chomping at the bit to get more. I cannot wait for the next in the Whitethorn Agency series to come out!!!! Please be soon.
*ARC provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.*