Member Reviews

I am a HUGE fan of the Barker and Llewellyn series and this latest installment did not disappoint. This was a solid whodunnit and I was completely surprised at who did it. Will Thomas carefully crafted this story and it shows. Excellent character development, and this was also one of the funnier books in the series. My only complaint - more Harm!

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Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for my ARC in exchange for my honest review.

Fierce Poison releases April 12, 2022!

When a poisoner is on the loose in old London town (1883), it’s up to private enquiry agents, Cyrus Barker and Thomas Llewelyn, to stop the mysterious murderer before any more innocent lives are lost. But in their pursuit, will they become victims themselves? With sophisticated traps and a plethora of knowledge in the field of poisons and alchemy, this poisoner pushes the enquirers to question their own intellect and proven methods by outwitting and surprising them at every near-fatal turn.

In this mysterious game of cat and mouse, the question on your mind will be… Who is the cat and who is the mouse?

Will Thomas has written a work of art with Fierce Poison. It is a period piece that kept me enraptured from start to finish with highly sophisticated crimes and complex relationships. Every time I thought I had it figured out, I soon realized I was two steps behind. I fell in love with the witty and cunning detectives and their interesting and quirky inner circle. This book was truly so well-written and thought-provoking, it deserves every star. I highly recommend this classic detective novel!

This review will be posted on my Instagram blog (@bumbling.bibliophile), GoodReads (@bumbling.biblio), Amazon upon release!

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I start by thanking NetGalley and the publisher for the eARC in exchange for my honest review.
I love falling back upon a tried but true read. Fierce Poison is the thirteenth in the Baker & Llewelyn series, and a delight to come back to the well established characters. I already look forward to the next.

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Private agents Cyrus Barker and Will Thomas are on the case of someone who is using poison and loose in London. Set in 1893, their newest client, a member of Parliament Roland Fitzhugh comes into their office but suddenly dies and his only words spoken to them are "help me". Barker and Thomas take on the case as their reputation can be put on the line if people hear about a client dying in their office. They soon learn that Roland was poisoned but cyanide laced raspberry tart which also takes out a whole family in the East End. they are hired by former Prime Minister William Gladstone to bring this killer called "Pie Man."

It's a bit of a slower read but some twists throughout to keep you wanting to read. Soon our protagonists are the next targets of the killer at large, how many people will die before the killer is caught? And what happens when they find the one who is poisoning?

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