Member Review

Cover Image: A Period of unCertainty

A Period of unCertainty

Pub Date:

Review by

Della B, Reviewer

Leela Saldana is a good and caring daughter to her aging and interfering parents. She is a wonderful single parent to her teenage son and a progressive educator as principal of an alternative private school. Leela’s life seemed complete until she has a chance meeting with an old friend and lover from twenty years ago.
Nandini Mirchandani unknowingly broke Leela’s heart when she went abroad to finalize her education. Nandini is now the CEO of an educational computer software company.
This is Sheryn Munir’s second novel and I am impressed with her personal growth as a writer. Her writing has become tighter with less superfluous descriptive narration. Munir conveys the essence of her characters lives in India without bogging down in the minutiae.
Munir’s strength lies in the building of the romance between Leela and Nandini. She takes the time necessary for the readers to feel the love and closeness growing between the two women. The story as well incorporates a number of twists and turns which is sure to keep your nose between the pages. A Period of Uncertainty is an engaging love story you will not want to miss.

I was given a free ARC of this novel by Net Galley for my honest review.
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