Member Reviews

Great feel-good family read with a wise dog. There were themes of forgiveness and grief. I love that some of the story was told from the point of view of Moses, the dog. The setting of the 90's was definitely interesting, but worked well for this story.
This was a sweet read, I'd rate G or PG for limited descriptions of a fatal plane crash, a car crash, and also a stabbing.
I think this was my first Jason Wright book, but it definitely won't be my last!

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Another wonderful book by Jason F. Wright. You will fall in love with the characters and the dog! This is a heartfelt story about a man, his dog, his wife, his children and a road trip that will connect the past with the future. I would recommend adding this to your TBR!

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This was such an emotional read and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Many thanks to Shadow Mountain Publishing and to NetGalley for providing me with a galley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Enjoyed this novel. I have had the pleasure of meeting Jason Wright and hearing him speak on several occasions. I have loved all his past novels so was excited to be given an opportunity to read his latest. Very sweet story. The love of a sweet dog always gets me! Shed some tears. Highly recommend if you are a animal lover and love a sweet story of family , forgiveness, healing and deep love.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Shadow Mountain Publishing for an e-ARC of this novel in exchange for my honest review.

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A good book for those wanting to read about a road trip that could help put your life in perspective. This was quite an enjoyable read though at times I could catch myself speed reading through some paragraphs.

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review from Netgalley.

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Any story with our precious fur babies as a main character will always be my favorite.

This lighthearted story will warm your insides because it’s so good. So many trials and tribulations to get to the happy ended but it was worth the whole story.

A quick read but told in just the right amount of time. The characters will have your heart from the beginning.

If you love dogs, this one is for you!

Thanks to NetGalley, shadow mountain books and Jason f wright for the arc.

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A sweet and poignant story that made me smile, moved to tears, and fell in love with Moses.
it's well written and well plotted. the characters are realistic and fleshed out, the story kept me hooked.
It's the first story I read by this author and won't surely be the last.
Highly recommended.
Many thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this ARC, all opinions are mine

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Disclaimer: I received this e-arc and arc from the publisher. Thanks! All opinions are my own.

Book: Even the Dog Knows

Author: Jason F. Wright

Book Series: Standalone

Rating: 4/5

Recommended For...: contemporary, fiction, dog lovers

Publication Date: March 7, 2022

Genre: Contemporary Fiction

Age Relevance: 17+ (child death, dog death, sickness, grief, violence, gore)

Explanation of Above: There is a child’s death mentioned in the book and there is grief surrounding it and through most of the events in the book. There’s sickness mentioned in the book and there is violence in regards to an airplane crash and car crash mentioned and shown. There’s also a stabbing. There is mention of animal control putting down a pet and mention of the dog’s death.

Publisher: Shadow Mountain Press

Pages: 336

Synopsis: Meg Gorton finds herself alone and lonely in Florida. Three years earlier, she had packed what she could fit into her sister’s car and asked her estranged husband, Gary, to take care of Moses, their beloved black Labrador. Things between Meg and Gary hadn't been the same after the loss of their only daughter many years ago. Even after raising their grandson, Troy, it was clear that if Meg wanted a new beginning, she would have to do it alone.
Haunted by the tragedy of his daughter’s death, Gary is stuck in his life in Woodstock, Virginia. He still owns and drives the bus for their hometown minor league baseball team, and he still thinks about the day his wife drove away.
Everything changes when Meg contacts Gary with a request to bring Moses to visit her one last time before the old dog passes on. Gary is reluctant, but Troy thinks it’s an excellent idea. They could even travel together in Gary’s bus. Along the way, Gary takes a detour to visit Troy’s ex-girlfriend, Grace. Gary might not know how to fix things with his wife, but he knows he doesn’t want Troy to make the same mistakes he did.
Although Moses is just a dog, he’s very observant. It doesn’t take long for him to figure out they are going on to see Meg. He knows he’s an old dog and that his time is near, but he also knows his family needs his help.
Even the Dog Knows is a novel that will take readers on a thousand-mile journey to find forgiveness, understanding, healing, and the meaning of true and lasting love.

Review: Overall, this was a sweet book. It had a good story and I loved how the family was brought back together with the efforts of the family dog. The book had a lot of perspective from the dog, which I also liked. The character development was well done and the world building was also pretty good. The book had a lot of emotional bits in it as well.

However, I did feel like the pacing was a bit too slow for me and the time jumps were a bit jarring.

Verdict: It was good!

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Loved the premise but the dialogue between characters didn’t seem natural, and was a little unbelievable at times. (Overuse of one another’s names while speaking, choppy sentences, etc.) I understand the importance of baseball to the main character but it seemed way overdone. The perspective of the dog was sweet, and I did enjoy that there was a little bit of mystery throughout the book that kept me engaged.

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Three years ago Meg Gorton packed her bags and moved to Florida with her sister, leaving her husband Gary and Lab Moses. When her sister dies she is lonely for Moses and ask Gary to bring him to see her. Along with grandson Troy, his ex girlfriend Grace and Moses they begin the road trip in Gary’s old bus. With Moses’s narrative of his feelings they share their adventures and reunion with Meg!

Thanks to Jason F Wright and Shadow Mountain Publishing for the read!

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A must read for anyone who has ever loved a dog, but it’s not just about the dog. It’s really about the couple, their daughter and grandson. The author creates characters that are very likeable and easy to relate to, especially the dog.

This book starts in 1951 when Gary Gorton meets Meg Washington. Both are from Virginia, he’s a baseball player and mechanic during the winter, she’s a secretary. Then it jumps to 1992 when Gary is 70. Meg left him three years earlier and moved to Florida with her sister after 39 years of marriage. Now Meg thinks she is dying and asks Gary to bring their 11-year-old Black Lab named Moses to her so she can say goodbye. A chapter is told from his perspective, a chapter from hers, then one from the dog’s.

Other memorable characters are introduced. Their daughter Mallorie died but they won’t talk about it, creating a huge rift in their relationship. Grandson Troy lived with Gary and Meg until he graduated and moved to Texas to play baseball. Grace is his high school sweetheart and Robbie Basham is his birth father. Mark Richards is a homeless man with a dog named Beverage. Meg has a home healthcare aid named Macy who comes in a few times a week to help and provide companionship. Meg’s letter writing club friends are hilarious.

I think I’ve read most of Jason F. Wright’s books and this is one of my favorites. I was expecting a surprise following the pattern in his other books, but still didn’t see this one coming. Five stars! Thanks to Shadow Mountain Publishing and NetGalley for an ARC to use for my review.

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Even The Dog Knows by Jason Wright is an incredibly breathtaking read that brings you on a journey of a family that is finding their way back together. From the very first chapter, you are invested in the lives of the characters and they truly come to life on every page.

The story begins with the introduction of a couple, Meg and Gary, and how they originally met. Cute, right? The next chapter fast forwards several years to Meg leaving and telling Gary that their love is no more. Meg moves several states away, but her new adventure isn’t everything she hopes it would be, and she wants to see the family dog one more time. The chapters rotate point of view but all weave together in a beautiful way to create a story about discovering and re-discovering love.

I could not put it down! It also made me want to get a dog and take a road trip. I usually don’t read fiction for the blog, but I am so glad I picked this one up. I think I have found my new favorite author, I can’t wait to read more from him!

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I found this to be a very cute read. I didn’t know what I was getting myself into with this one. However, as soon as I started I knew we were going to have such an adventure. This gave me strong vibes of the movie, A Dog’s Purpose, including the occasional chapters set in the point of view of our aging dog, Moses. Though if I’m honest, I would have loved to see more chapters set in Moses' point of view. I think this book would have been even more entertaining to read if that was the case.

And before you ask, no the dog doesn’t die. However, that is the concern for this premise.

I didn’t find much of this book to be all that surprising, iIn regards to the overall plot. Though some of the events that occurred during the road trip were a bit surprising. Moses is one keen old dog! But as I said, I found this to be such a cute read that focuses on healing and forgiveness. The ending definitely made my heart swell.

I think anyone who enjoys contemporary novels set around family will definitely enjoy this one! Especially if you enjoyed A Dog’s Purpose.

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Even The Dog Knows is a novel by best-selling American author, Jason F. Wright. Three years after she left him to live with her twin sister in Gulf Breeze, Florida, Meg Gorton sends her husband Gary a sincere plea: bring their ageing Labrador, Moses to visit so she can see him one last time before he dies.

While Gary is still thinking about it, the grandson he brought up as a son, Troy forces the issue. Troy Gorton’s minor league baseball career is on hold while he rehabs a shoulder injury, and if Gary won’t act, Troy will. Which is how the trio end up on Gary’s team baseball bus (the Shenandoah Senators are out of the current play-offs anyway) driving from Woodstock, Vermont to Gulf Breeze, Florida.

If Gary isn’t too sure about what his reception from Meg will be, Moses is deliriously happy at the prospect of seeing her again: he never did understand why she left. Nor did Gary, apparently, or maybe he just didn’t want to think too hard about it. As they travel and sometimes reminisce, hints of the tragedy that hung over their marriage slowly emerge.

When casual discussion of Troy’s baseball career segues into the break-up with his high-school sweetheart, Grace Dellinger, Gary decides on a slight detour in their route, and a throw-away remark, at first rejected, eventually sees their party increase in number.

Their trip is not without excitement: a potentially fatal car crash sees Moses labelled as a hero dog; detention by the South Carolina State Police causes concern; a hitchhiker and his dog bring emotion and drama to the mix; and a vulture causes several days’ delay in their arrival.

Meanwhile, Meg and her home health aide, Macy await the arrival of the bus and its passengers, and Meg shares important parts of the family’s history with the young woman who is really much more a friend than a paid assistant. Macy knows that Meg is anxious about the visit, and how things will work out, but even she is shocked at the medical emergency that results. Luckily, friends and neighbours surprise Meg with their support.

Wright populates his tale with characters who are endearing for all their very human flaws and frailties, and including the dog’s perspective in the narrative mix adds a sweet touch. Part of the story are a missing father, someone plagued by survivor guilt, someone living another’s dream, and some who haven’t shared their deeply felt grief. Difficult truths are finally told, revelations are made.

While astute readers will see most of the surprises coming a mile off, this doesn’t detract from the enjoyment of watching them happen. Date and age anomalies may indicate either the author’s poor arithmetic or slapdash editing, but these can be forgiven in this funny, moving and uplifting read.
This unbiased review is from an uncorrected proof copy provided by NetGalley and Shadow Mountain Publishing.

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Gary lives and breathes baseball. His whole life is centered around it to the detriment of everything else. His wife. Meg has finally had enough and her twin sister has convinced her to leave and move in with her in Florida. Three years later, Meg asks Gary to visit, she wants to see their elderly dog, Moses, one last time before he dies. When Gary’s son shows up, he talks Gary into a road trip to see Meg. A road trip that will change many lives in the process. Told in the voices of Gary, his wife, Meg and their dog, Moses, this was a charming story of loss, grief and second chances.

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This is such a touching story that encompasses multiple family members and the issues that they are dealing with, and even Moses the dog has some thoughts about everything that is going on with his family.

A tragedy happened 20 years ago which caused Gary and Meg to raise their grandson, Troy. Gary is obsessed with baseball and when Troy shows promise, he thinks that Troy will be the one that makes it in the world of baseball. That is a lot of pressure to put on someone, but Gary didn't do it intentionally or knowingly. But in the midst of his obsession, he manages to shut out Meg. Everyone grieves differently, and sometimes it is the awareness to realize that losing the love of your life may not be the best way to deal with tragedy.

The journey that Gary, Meg, and Troy are on in this story brings in others that have their own intertwining story. Grace is Troy's high school sweetheart and they seem to have lost their path with each other but that doesn't mean it isn't still there. There are just some discussions they need to have to find out if they can recover what was lost. Macy is Meg's home health aide, but there is so much more to her story that we discover at the end. You may be able to figure it out, but maybe not. Then there is Mark and Beverage, a hitchhiker and his dog that Gary and Troy pick up. Mark is no ordinary hitchhiker and he definitely isn't homeless, but his story is touching just the same and it gives Gary and Troy something to think about when it comes to relationships in their own lives.

This journey is about self-discovery, finding love again, and realizing that what was lost can be found. There are so many touching and moving parts to this story and it is just a feel-good story that all can enjoy. I think they should have included a picture of the bus that is a story of its own.

We give this book 5 paws up.

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Jason Wright's latest book is a treasure! Once I started 'Even the Dog Knows' I literally did not put it down until the wee hours of the morning. The tender intricacies of family interactions of success, failure and heartbreak are interwoven with the addition of thoughts and feelings of a beloved pet. Maybe because I have suffered the loss of someone it resonated with me even more. I could also identify with all of the baseball situations woven throughout the story as I come from a sports family. I highly recommend this book to anyone who needs a dose of understanding the need for love and forgiveness in their lives.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley. the opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own.

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This was an interesting story. An estranged couple, a grandson raised as their own son, a dog, an ex girlfriend and a baseball bus! I wasn't sure where this one was going. It started a bit slow for me, but then it picked up speed

The adventures this group had on the road, the lessons learned, the healing power of love and forgiveness all weave together to make this a powerful story. The characters they meet help enrich them.

The characters were well developed, empathy and compassion for them was real.

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I wasn't sure what to expect when I started reading this book. There's a lot about baseball, which I admit is not my favorite sport but there is a lot of heart, soul and family too. That, of course, and the titular pooch, Moses.

Gary and Meg meet at the Washington Monument on New Year's Eve. Gary knows right away this is the woman he is going to marry. Fast forward thirty plus years and he is watching her leave with her twin sister for Florida. And he is heartbroken but doesn't follow.

Three years after Meg leaves, she wants to see their dog, Moses, one more time. She is declining in health. Their grandson, raised as their son, Troy, has returned home from minor league baseball in Texas with an injury. He convinces Gary to pack up his baseball bus and take Moses to see Meg. What follows is an adventurous road trip with a band of weary travelers and a few surprises along the way.

The way this story weaves together is well done and I appreciated the chapters from Moses' perspective. I would color this story as a hopeless romance marred by real life and that is not necessarily a bad thing. I enjoyed the book going in with no expectations, though I am not sure it would warrant a repeat read.

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