Member Reviews

The Last Roman: Abyss is the perfect example of an objectively good story—because it is. It’s good and well written—that doesn’t do it for me. It’s not about the author, and it’s not about me either; it’s a matter of tastes.
I like historical books, you see. They’re my number one jam, no matter the spatio-temporal location. I’m not for books that follow two timelines, right now and back then. So, if this is a problem for you too, just keep it in mind. If not, go ahead and read TLR:A because it’s one hell of a sequel.
Marcus is a superb main character, well-crafted and the embodiment of a hero. He does what has to be done after having suffered grievous personal losses. Thomas is a good villain too, and the point of contention—the spear—reads believable.
I have nothing but good things to say about the prose. The grammar is sound, the rhythm is pleasant, and the story flows really well. Greenwood is a skilled author and knows how to write. As I said, it’s a mere matter of tastes.
4 stars on GR.

I received a free copy of the book through Net Galley to read and review.
Simply put, I did not care for the premise of the book, which made it hard to enjoy . I had thought it was a book about a centurion of the Roman Empire, that is a historical fiction. It was, partially, but it was also involved time travel, a plot device I think is absurd and, to me , unbelievable. In the book it worked this way: a Roman Centurion was killed fighting the Goths in Germany in the years of the reign of Caligula.,just AD. Yet, he never dies, but comes back to revisit in various times. This book opens with him in pre-WW1 Vienna, a poverty stricken artist who wanders into a museum. There her sees an historical relic, the shaft of a Roman spear . He remembers that it was the spear he used to pierce the side of the crucified religious “ rabble rouser”, the Nazarene. That is why he was cursed. That was enough for me..
Though the writing was good , the historical details were interesting portrayed, The historic depictions were good. The centurion’s family takes part in the assassination of the Emperor, which begins a rebirth in another time . I simply had difficulty accepting the premise s of the plot. Add to that the fact that the book is one of a multipart saga, leads me to give the book a down star rating.
However, I am sure that for those those. enjoy books with time- travel, arcane artifacts and alternative history’s plot devices , “ Abyss” could have appeal.

The second book in The last Roman trilogy, Abyss delivers action, adventure and history mixed with a good dose of fantasy. The story continues for Marcus, Isabella and Thomas as they travel around the world searching for the Spear of Longinus and the fragments of the key, in the eternal fight between good and evil.

After reading the first book i was excited to see how the story was going to end and i was so happy to see that the story ended so well! Like the previous one, the book goes into present/past and yes you should read book 1 and not skip it because it is important!!! The book is well written and well researched, full of action and amazing fighting scenes and the twists are very pleasing!
Totally recommend if you like an action book with past action and a present one with a historical contest !