Member Reviews

Everyone is drawn to a cat, whether it's through love or hate. Cats are also one of the most common pets and are often misunderstood. Pet the Cat is an awesome instructional guide for children to learn the ins and outs of cat ownership. The illustrations are clear, realistic and child friendly.

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Many Thanks to Net Galley, Quirk Books & Nigel Kidd for this Amazing Handbook on How Handle Cats Better, As My uncle Joffy & My late Nanny Crane Were Cat Owners, I thought to Read this if (one day) I was to Become one Myself & This did Not Disappoint.

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This book is for younger readers but I think anyone who loves cats would enjoy it. The books covers practical advice for taking care of cats. The illustrations fit the theme of the book. Great for kids researching owning a cat or new cat owners.

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Not sure if I've just been living under a rock, but I had never heard of "I've Pet That Cat" and somehow missed the memo that this book was written by a 12-year-old and his mom! Considering that, it's quite impressive - well written, appealing illustrations, and conveys some great info about the care and keeping of cats. The content was clearly well researched and vetted by experts, with an important emphasis on responsible pet ownership.

I absolutely loved how the first chapter of the book prioritizes consent from both the owner AND the cat before petting. The descriptions of cat body language and behavior were clear and factually accurate. The chapter on caring for your cat was also great and managed to cover a lot of ground quite succinctly. I personally found the chapter on cat history a bit less interesting, but it included some fun anecdotes about famous cats and the role of cats in various cultures. I did notice a few things that were glossed over and never really defined (e.g. "spaying and neutering" - you don't have to go into graphic detail, just say something like, this is a surgery that prevents cats from having babies). But overall, a commendable "Cats 101" crash course for kids and many adults too.

Unfortunately, the rest of the book feels rather tacked on after those three meaty chapters - quizzes to make up a silly cat name or define your fictional "cat personality", a "cat tracker" checklist for recording your interactions with cats you meet, and an "expert interview" with an animal shelter worker. I can see where the quizzes might be appealing to kids, but the buzzfeed-style questions just seem completely out of place in this otherwise factual book; it would have been so easy to create something more substantial, like "what cat breed are you" based on actual traits of various breeds. Or even just a fun quiz at the end of each chapter to see what you've learned - sure, not everything has to be educational, but in this case the shift in tone felt rather jarring and out of the blue.

A chapter devoted to expert interviews would have been great, maybe even exploring various careers that work with cats; but the choice to just include a single interview that so heavily promotes one specific animal shelter almost read like an advertisement. (No disrespect to PAWS Chicago, by the way - they're a fantastic organization and one that I've personally donated to for years!) This section also was the first clue to me that the book was written by non-experts; instead of framing the interview as "ask the expert", framing it around career exploration would lend more credibility to the rest of the book.

Similarly, I love the idea of the "cat tracker" section but found the execution a bit lacking. Without including a guide to the various cat breeds, inviting people to look for specific breeds seems like an odd choice; I actually went back to see if I'd somehow missed a section on breeds, but no, there wasn't one. Entries like "a bookstore cat" and "a cat in a sweater" are more approachable, and I think that list could have been expanded further - a cat with a heart-shaped marking, a barn cat, a tiny kitten, a cat traveling on an airplane, a cat who looks like they have a mustache, etc. It would also be great to have some blank spots for kids to add their own entries for memorable cats they meet and/or cats belonging to friends and neighbors.

All that said, this book is a solid choice for cat-loving kids, and would be nicely complemented by others in the genre such as "A Kid's Guide to Cats" by Arden Moore and National Geographic's "How to Speak Cat" by Aline Newman.

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I loved this accessible and adorable nonfiction book about teaching kids how to interact with cats! There's even a cute cat checklist in the back for tracking cats you've met!

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What a fantastic guide to cats and pet care for kids! Guidelines for how to interact with and care for a cat are given in clear, kid-friendly language that is fun and often funny. This is very readable and accessible to a wide audience, starting as early as 2nd or 3rd grade. Illustrations and interactive elements also help to keep young readers engaged. This would be a great addition to school and community libraries and would make a fantastic gift for any child fascinated by cats!

Many thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review!

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A crash course in cats for the middle grade cat lover. Introducing how to be a good cat friend and care giver, some famous felines, how to find the right cat for you, and how to help cats in shelters.

I would have loved this as a cat-obsessed child. It has great tips in here about understanding cat’s body language and how to be a good friend. It has fascinating little bits on famous historical cats, and for those who aren’t quite ready to be cat owners it shares easy ways to help out cats in shelters. The illustrations are attractive and the text is engaging. Hand this to you’re the young cat lovers and they will be ecstatic.

I received an ARC of this title from the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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This book was so cute! It was really helpful and informational as well. The cover and pages look great and are aesthetically pleasing. I really enjoyed this book.

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This was everything I wanted it to be, absolutely adorable! I've always been more of a cat person than a dog person. Mostly because cats are a little more low maintenance and more my speed. So when I saw this on Netgalley I couldn't pass up the chance to read it early. When I got the email that I'd been approved, I couldn't wait for my weekend so I curl up with my own cat, Maxwell, and read this cover to cover.

Pet That Cat! is great for cat lovers of all ages. From cover to cover it's filled with great information about cats of all ages, fun facts, myths that have been proven false, and some heartwarming stories. What makes this book great though is that it doesn't talk down to younger readers. Nothing is "dumbed" down because this book does target readers, instead, It states clear facts, but gives examples that younger readers would understand. And, if they still don't understand it opens the door for research so the reader can learn more.

Another great thing is even I learned something while reading this. I've had pet cats my whole life, and I'm always learning new things about them. This was just another learning tool even for me, who is well into my thirties. Things I can use with my current cat, and things to think about if I ever decided to add a new cat to the mix.

I also really liked that this book touched on both points of adoption and working with breeders. While personally, I've adopted all my cats, that doesn't always work for people. So it was great to see a section about how to safely find cats through reputable breeders. I knew very little about the latter, so it's nice to have that information in case I ever decide to go that route.

I also loved the illustrations in the book, not just because this book is geared toward younger readers, but because are a fun way to present this information. The illustrations make it fun to learn and not feel like you are being talked out. Plus, they were adorable.

Lastly, the last few pages in the book are set up so you can record all the different cats you meet. For me is just the two that live in my house, but for younger readers, I could see how much fun that would be. So I'm so thankful to have gotten to read this early, and I already know a few young readers who would love this book.

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'Pet That Cat!' by Nigel Kidd; Rachel Braunigan (contributor), is an amazing illustrated book about felines. If you want to know more about cats, or thinking of adopting or getting a cat or simply, if you want to pet a cat- this is the perfect guidebook for it. The cute and pretty cat illustrations were perfect and they have my heart.

The book was informative and being a cat mom myself I really loved how the authors have discussed in details (with very helpful illustrations) certain cat behaviors that may be hard to decipher. Cats are intelligent beings and taking care of them and understanding the fundamentals of cat behavior can be tricky, but this book has carefully explained the basics we need to know. It's a book that children will enjoy a lot and there's also a lot to learn from this book.

I would highly recommend this beautiful illustrated book on cats and a million thanks to NetGalley for this book.

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Cute illustrations and accessible information make Pet That Cat! by Nigel Kidd a must-have for all bookshelves. Even if this is marketed toward younger readers, any age will find tons of a great tips and new information to help them be the best cat parents they can be.

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This is a great book for anyone who is thinking of getting or cat or already has a cat. It contains a bunch of useful information and has adorable drawings to match.

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What a lovely book about cat care! I think a lot of kids at my library will be interested in what this book has to say about cats. The only thing I don't like as much from a librarian's perspective is the writing spaces in the back of the book.

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A cute story telling children how to treat their new furry friends. Great for children learning to get over their fears or adopting a new family member.

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Fun read for elementary kids who love cats! The artwork is adorable and the information is straightforward and relevant for kids. How you pet a cat, what their behavior means, and of course to ask the cat's owner before petting a cat. All in all, a great addition to libraries serving youth who want to PET THAT CAT!

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Pet That Cat! is a book for children who want to know more about cats. This book would be perfect for a child who is interested in adopting their own pet cat or who just wants to know more about cats in general. This book is a wonderful how to guide for new cat owners. It has so much information packed into this book including steps to pet a cat, how to read a cat's body language, how to understand cat sounds, understanding cat behavior, cats throughout history, famous cats, and how to care for a cat. At the end of the book, there are some fun pages on picking a cat name, determining your own cat personality, and a cat tracker to keep track of all of the cats that you might meet over the years. There are also cat facts and cat tips scattered throughout the book. Overall, this is a great addition to any library of a child who loves cats. I plan to purchase a copy for my classroom library for students to read for fun. I am a cat owner and frequently share my own cats' antics with my class. This is a great way for my students to learn more about cats while reading a nonfiction book for fun.

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Adorable and informative! This book explains cat interactions in age-appropriate language. recommended for families interested in getting a new cat, or learning about their current pets.

My only drawback is that I wish it was a bit more colorful in design. The book is very text heavy for a 7+ age range. While all the text is well written and there are some illustrations, I expect more pizazz for a kids book.

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This book is very unique. There's never few chikdrens books that actually teach children how to approach and animal safely. The diagrams are bright and colorful. I could see kids who are interested in animals liking this title.

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I really enjoyed this book! As a long-time cat owner and adult, I didn't expect to learn much from it myself but I was wrong. This book is packed with interesting information about all aspects of cats: care, feelings, breeds, history etc. Everything is covered, but shared in a simple, easy to understand way. The lovely, colourful illustrations are engaging and add to the text. The book is set out in a really logical way, with several different sections, meaning it's easy to go back and reread certain pieces of information. I also enjoyed the addition of little quizzes and activities which add a bit of extra fun! Overall, a really lovely and informative book for any kids who own or would be interested in owning cats.

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Thank you to NetGalley for the chance to read and review Pet That Cat!
Pet That Cat! was a fun, informative and fantastic read. As a very proud mother to three wonderful cats, I had to give this one a read!
I knew a lot of the information within the book, but that didn’t take away from the book itself. The book was really fun for the veteran cat owner, and would be very helpful and informative for a new cat owner or a person looking to get their first cat or kitten.
I particularly enjoyed the Cats of History section, and enjoyed playing the fun quizzes at the end. The naming quiz gave me ‘Mittens, Pouncer of the Night’ which cracked me up as my cat, Arwen, just loves jumping on me in the middle of the night!
The artwork through the book was cute, playful and married with the book content really well!

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