Member Reviews

Every time my boyfriend looked at me while reading the last bit of this book he said my face was in a totally different position of shock, and I totally believe him because this was wild! It gave me very much Big Little Lies except maybe a little bit more devious. I had the pleasure of both reading this on ARC on my Kindle as well as listening along to the audiobook and I absolutely adored both versions! The nastiness and sliminess of the upper class South was absolutely beautifully done, and the deviousness and twists at the end had me literally gasping (and apparently switching facial expressions often). I don't want to say too much because I don't want to ruin anything, but if I could give this book more than 5 stars I definitely would.

TW: relationship abuse, physical assault, trafficking

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Thank you so much to Blackstone Publishing for the complimentary digital review copy of One Of Us Is Dead by Jeneva Rose, and for letting me know the advance listening copy was available last week so I could consume this story right away!

WHAT A RIDE. This book was SO FUN. I went into it completely blind after seeing it around a little bit and loved the quick mystery and drama. It has short chapters (which I like) and multiple points of view (which I like) so I got into it pretty fast, and actually found myself listening at 2am when I couldn’t sleep one night.

I think the main mystery of the book is who died, and who the murderer is, but I was having so much fun hanging out with these women, I didn't really care. The women are so privileged, and behave so bizarrely it was a joy just to spend time with them and read about the antics in their lives. And if there are some crimes committed along the way? So be it.

I wasn’t clear why the characters were friends, why they spent time together or even if they really are friends, but that's actually woven into the plot really well, which I liked.

I really appreciated the different voices for each characters chapters, it made it easy for me to follow along with the quick perspective changes.

The mystery kept me guessing for most of the book all the reveals and twists happen near the end. Even though this is something I usually don’t like, the pure chaos of the characters and their lives kept me entertained through the book.

4.5 stars rounded

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Quick read! Fun and entertaining! I felt like I was imagining a desperate housewives episode, well reading. I really enjoyed this book, can’t wait to read more by this author.

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This book was a blast! There was a brief period in my life where I spent quite a bit of time in Buckhead, a wealthy enclave of Atlanta. While I am sure it has changed even since then, I recognized the "Buckhead" mentality. There were six leading ladies in this novel, a high-end salon owner, her one employee, and four of their rich clients. Olivia is the first client we are introduced to, and she is awful right out of the gate. She is a social-power-hungry housewife. Even when she is narrating and thus the thoughts being written are supposed to be her own, she showed not a shred of insecurity. (Personally, I have never met someone that was all bad. Olivia comes pretty close to that, which rendered her the most unbelievable character.) Karen is a high powered realtor married to a high powered plastic surgeon. Shannon is a recently divorced housewife whose used to be top-dog of the social scene, and how that her husband has divorced her for a younger woman, Olivia is determined to stomp Shannon into dust....relentlessly. Crystal is the younger wife Shannon's husband left her for. She is eager to fit into the social circle now led by Olivia, but she is basically sweet and naive about how cutthroat that circle will be. Jenny, the salon owner, hears and sees everything through her secondary role as pseudo-therapist as her clients are under her care.

As the book opens, we know there has been a death, but we don't know who. Is it one of the rich clients or their powerful husbands? The mystery is to figure out who is the victim AND who is the killer and why. It was a fun ride and I would recommend it to any thriller lovers.

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Read this book if you like a whodunit, "The Real Housewives", and the intimacy of the South.

"You can tell when you're in a wealthy city...look for the green."

Jenny thinks that life is interesting to say the least. She runs a high end salon that services the women of Buckhead to make sure they always look their part. There is never a dull day in the salon with the drama that these women bring. Olivia is the assumed "Alpha Female" asserting her dominance at every opportunity she can. Karen is the independent business owner that speaks her mind, but ultimately follows the decisions of other. Shannon is the group's newest divorcee haven fallen as the leader due to her inability to handle the rejection. Then enters Crystal, the new wife, that unknowingly replaces Shannon and is brought into the group. What Jenny thinks is going to be just another round of drama turns into violence, secrets, and a murder that no one could have seen coming.

Well Jeneva did it AGAIN! Are we really surprised? My favorite thing about Jeneva's writing is that she always gives us a unique story and doesn't have a formula she writes to. Each character in this story was extremely well developed and you can relate to all of them. Diving into a story where you start out thinking that all the characters are superficial and have it turn to women who are well rounded and secure was a great adventure to read through. If you have read any of her other books, you will be delighted with this new story! This book is out April 26th!

Thank you to Jeneva Rose, Blackstone Publishing, Blackstone Audio, and NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review. I was able to toggle between reading and the audio and loved both of them!

Goodreads review link:

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This book is the perfect combination of Real Housewives of Buckhead and murder mystery. I love that each chapter was from a different point of view and gave you subtle clues throughout. I would definitely recommend this juicy murder mystery!!

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“Death don’t knock first.”
One of Us is Dead by Jeneva Rose

Thank you @netgalley for this ARC. This is the first book I have read by this author and it did not disappoint.

It is told through the multiple characters’ perspectives, although one character, Jenny, seems to be central to the story. Jenny is a the owner of Glow salon where the prominent women of the affluent town of Buckhead, Georgia go for all their beauty treatments, book club, and of course, gossip.

In between all the backstabbing, affairs, and even criminal activity, as the title suggests, one of them is dead. But how? By whom? Things are not as they seem or how they have been spun.

This was a pretty good read with a few steamy scenes. It was reminiscent of Desperate Housewives or if one of the Real Housewives franchises had murder on the mind.

It publishes on 4/26/22.

☆ ☆ ☆.5/5

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Okay that ending though. Damn 👀👀👀

This one was a bit of a slow start for me and I think it’s because it took time for me to understand the flow and how it was all organized. Once I actually picked up on the formatting, it definitely got loads better and I really was able to enjoy it. I both read the eARC and listened to the audiobook, alternating between the two whenever I felt like changing it up.

This thriller was WILD. Think drama. Think the real house wives with a twist. I enjoyed it!!! I loved seeing it all come together because JUST WHEN I THOUGHT I KNEW WHAT WAS UP… BOOM. Plot twist hit.

There were multiple POVs, and then the timeline jumped back and forth between the present (police station) and the past.

I really like Jeneva Rose’s novels because they always have HUGE plot twists after you think the plot twist was already revealed!! Ahhhh! Also I say this time and time again. If I can truly HATE a character, the author is doing something right 👏🏼👏🏼

Thanks to netgalley & blackstone publishing for this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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Oh sugar, bless your heart! The Bravo lovers, old school fans of Desperate Housewives and the F bomb dropping mama bears will devour One of Us Is Dead. This book was fun as all hell and I want more of this town and this fabulous salon.
I had both the kindle version and the audiobook. I started the audio version as I jumped on my Peloton bike. I was drawn in right away and got so caught up in the story (and super fun narration) that I ended up doing more classes just to listen to this book longer. Then I switched to obsessively reading on my kindle where I lost a few hours of sleep because I wouldn’t quit reading. And then for the last part of the book I went back to the audio— LOVED.

Never a dull moment, sassy, foul mouthed fun and fancy ladies were just what I needed to pull me out of my book rut. Just good old fashioned fun.

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Thank you to @netgalley, @BlackstonePublishing and @jenevarose for this eARC! One Of Us Is Dead publishes April 26!

This book made me want push one of the characters off a cliff.. 😤 Talk about toxicity, betrayal, and deceit. The women from Buckhead are straight out of a reality show where everything is about looks, reputation, money, and power. The ongoing drama between the 6 women in this book drove me insane. Between each person’s POV you could just tell how two-faced a person can be. Money makes people do crazy things.

This book was a slow burn. Gradually building up to what actually happened that night. Even though there was a reason behind it, I didn’t really enjoy how long it took to find out. The book switched around multiple POVs and jumped from past to present. It made it interesting, but some things were repetitive.

One Of Us Is Dead is definitely for people who love all the drama and anything luxurious and high end. Since this book’s all about money and what it can buy. I particularly do not enjoy these type of books. I’m all about thrillers, crime scenes, police procedures, and all the goriness.

I really enjoyed The Perfect Marriage by Jeneva Rose but One Of Us Is Dead fell a bit flat for me.

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I love, love, love Rose’s books. They’re all so binge-worthy and easy to consume. This was no different! I was so happy to get an eARC via NetGalley after learning it was about a group of women in Buckhead. As someone who lives in Atlanta, I was HERE. FOR. IT.

I really enjoyed Rose’s multiple POVs. I thought it was really well done being able to see so many sides to this friend group. Out of the ladies, I only liked two, so some chapters included a few extra eye rolls! Not because of the writing, but the ladies of course.

Not only did I really like the POVs, but I really enjoyed the build of the book. We know someone is dead, but we don’t know who, nor do we know who did it until the final chapters. I sort of had it figured out, but there was one piece of the puzzle I didn’t see coming! The other part I didn’t see coming? The jobs these men held.

I will say, while the build was great, the reveal happened way too fast.

Because I received the eARC, I was sent a widget for the audiobook which I recommend as well. Each character had her own voice to it was easy to follow.

Comparing this to Rose’s Tik Tok famous book, THE PERFECT MARRIAGE, I preferred ONE OF US IS DEAD.

Get your copy April 26!

Content warnings: bullying, domestic abuse, murder, robbery

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Jenny runs a high end salon in Buckhead, Georgia. While the money is great, the clients are difficult to say the least. Most have more money and drama than they know what to do with. Jenny is usually able to sit back, listen, and keep the peace. However, her “angel” investor, Olivia, makes that harder and harder as she stirs up trouble with all the ladies and plays very dirty to make sure she remains Queen Bee. At least one of the women doesn’t make it out alive….you will be guessing the whole book who the “victim” is and who the killer might be!

This is my first book by this author and I really enjoyed it. It’s told from multiple points of view which isn’t always my favorite, but in this book is done very well. I definitely found myself rooting for some of the women and genuinely disliking some of them and the husbands. It definitely makes you examine if having money is all it’s cracked up to be!!

Thanks to #netgalley and #Jenevarose for the advanced copy of #oneofusisdead in exchange for my honest opinion!

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I'm halfway through reading this book while they come up with an audiobook format. I was so excited and downloaded the audiobook. It was so convenient, and now I can listen to it whenever I go. I love the narrator of Sharron. Her voice is a bit husky and the intonation of her voice is kind of off for me. 
The features of the audiobook are easy to navigate, and I like it when you can control the time to stop. Normally, I will choose to stop at the end of the chapter so that I can keep track of the story. It took me only 2 days to finish listening to this book! Pretty impressive. 
So, if you're a fan of the drama series of the Housewives, this book is totally for you, but for me, I'm not so into that and I felt that from the beginning of the book until 70% of it didn't capture my attention so much. Too much drama and it's kind of dragging without any motive, no crime, or suspense. 
Only at a rate of 74% and above, will you be served by the scene or motive of the story in this book. So if you're not patient enough, I guess this book is not for you. However, the remaining 30% will satisfy your craving for a murder mystery book. You won't believe the ending and the plot twist at the end. 
Thank you, NetGalley and the publisher for the book.

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Like mean girls, but with murder.

You don’t know who has been killed…you don’t know who did it…all you know is that literally not one of these people can be trusted.

Pretty much every character has their own reason to make you feel icky. Some way more than others, but all a little sketchy

The story centres around a high end salon owner named Jenny. She knows all the gossip because she gets it from her over the top rich clientele who all appear to be friends, but also treat each other like total trash.

Throughout the story you’re getting to know the characters icky personalities and how their stories all tie together, while also knowing one of them is going to be killed - seemingly by one of the others.

Jenny is helping detectives get the full story and find the killer based on what she knows about/hears about her clients and their relationships.

There are twists and turns and characters you can’t help but dislike, but in the best way. And just when you think it’s over…there’s more.

This is a new favourite. For sure.

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Buckhead is filled with rich, and fabulous women, one more mean girl than the next! Jenny sees them all in her salon, Glow. She loves that he is the exclusive salon for these women, but doesn’t love the drama so much. When Bryce leaves Shannon for Crystal, things only get worse, and Olivia is determined to become queen bee after Shannon’s fall from grace. Chaos ensues.

Oh hello real housewives. Seriously though, I feel like I just read the first season of Real Housewives of New Jersey, and I freaking loved it! These women were just absolutely insane! This book was a super quick and enjoyable read, with all the stuff you look for in a bingable reality show! If you love watching the shows that leave you wondering how people could possibly be that nasty, calculated, or mean….look no further! You will fly through this one!

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This one has ALL The Real Housewives vibes. I couldn’t stand almost all of the women and I couldn’t stand any of their husbands.

Each chapter is from another woman’s POV, which I usually love, but the perspectives in this one change so frequently and there are no headings. This makes it confusing to determine whose POV a chapter is written from, and the reader has to figure out which character is talking.

The main conflict isn’t revealed until the book is almost over. I felt as it it could have been introduced earlier and so much more could have been done.

It is a quick read thanks to all of the drama and the short chapters.

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I’m not sure why I like Jeneva Rose books so much. Perhaps because she doesn’t take herself too seriously.

Reading this one, ONE OF US IS DEAD is a bit like watching reality television. I won’t call it a guilty pleasure because I don’t really believe in that.

It’s set in and around a beauty salon in an affluent community. The women are catty and behave inappropriately and that’s all part of the fun.

There were a couple of spots where catch-phrases were used that bordered on offensive. Again, supposedly part of the enjoyment.

I recommend it to readers who don’t take reading too seriously and don’t need a heavy plot or super serious characters.

Have fun with this one!

I think this would make an exceptional vacation read. One you can laugh at and remember why reading is supposed to be fun.

Thanks to Netgalley and Blackstone Publishing for the advanced copy!

Out 4.26

ONE OF US IS DEAD…⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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Full disclosure, i requested for this book on Netgalley solely because of the beautiful cover. After reading the synopsis, I was absolutely enthralled. This one was a very bingeable read with short chapters. I have yet to read Jeneva Rose’s other novel that seems to be a crowd favorite, The Perfect Marriage.

Thank you to Netgalley. the author Jeneva Rose and Blackstone Publishing for an e-ARC of this book!

Pub date: 4/26/22

In a wealthy uptown district of Atlanta, Buckhead is known as the Beverly Hills of the east and is run by a group of socialite women of influence and title. As the fall of their queen bee Shannon comes to a crumble after being left by her husband for a younger woman, Olivia uses all types of manipulation to take the crown. Jenny, on the other hand, the exclusive salon owner knows and keeps all their secrets. One person winds up dead. One person killed her. Who died and who did what?

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️.💫/4 (Rounded to 4 on Goodreads) Another great Mean Girls and Desperate Housewives cross over. This was such a fun ride with catty drama in all its glory. I don’t know about y’all but i love me some of those! The characters were all flawed which made it all the more engrossing with the multiple POVs. While the build up was great and the mystery of who was dead and whodunnit kept me guessing, the end was a tad bit underwhelming. I was just hoping for a little bit more. Overall, I did enjoy this one and recommend it if you’re looking for a quick mystery/thriller. It’s very similar to the novel by May Cobb, The Hunting Wives.

Read if you like: The Real Housewives, Desperate Housewives, The Hunting Wives, Mean Girls

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One of Us Is Dead is like a crossover between the glitz and the glamour of small rich towns mixed with the murder and mystery of a crime novel, and I loved every second of it! When one of the four "it" ladies of the town turns up dead, everyone becomes a suspect. Shannon, Crystal, Olivia, and Jenny all have some part in running the town of Buckhead, whether that be queen bee, or owning the town salon. But when one of them turns up dead, each is appointed a suspect, because after all, in the town of Buckhead, the only way to keep secrets is to have them buried.

My favorite part of this book was by far that you did not know who had died until the end. Jeneva Rose weaves a beautiful yet mysterious story that leaves you second-guessing until the very end. This is a great domestic thriller that I would recommend to any fans of the genre or mystery itself. This novel has a great premise with the town and characters and keeps you wanting more on every page. Thanks to NetGalley and Blackstone Publishing for the ARC.

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One is Us is Dead by Jeneva Rose is a psychological mystery about an upscale town of Buckhead in Georgia where the elite live and play, but also hide deep, dark secrets. This book follows a small group of the most elite glamorous women, Olivia, Karen, and Shannon and the salon owner and her partner, Jenny and Keisha. But when Shannon gets divorced from her politician husband and he marries the young country girl, Crystal, the dynamics change and someone is fighting to be the queen bee of the group. When someone ends up dead, it’s a mystery of who did it and who’s dead… when everyone has a motive and everyone knows secrets about each other… it makes for a wild ride to unravel.

I absolutely loved this book! I am a huge Bravo and a housewives fan, so you take housewives and murder together– it makes for the perfect thriller for me. This book is housewives meets Big Little Lies and it is so good. I devoured this book very quickly and flew through the short chapters. Everyone in this book had something to hide and everyone knew secrets about one another. I loved (almost) all the female characters in this book. They were powerful, strong, badass women!
There was one character that I absolutely hated (well you’re supposed to hate) but she made for the perfect villain in the story.

I also loved the characters Jenny and Keisha and I loved the salon and how it brought the woman together. As a woman, it’s true– your hair stylist knows more about you than most people and a salon is a place to gossip. The idea of rich women gossiping and fighting at the salon was a new setting in a thriller book– and I loved it. I am always looking for small differences in the thrillers I read and this one for me was a win.

Each chapter follows a different perspective of one of the housewives and goes back and forth from past to present. You know from early on in the story that someone is dead, but you don’t know who throughout– until the end. The story pieces together the mystery through each of the character’s eyes. This was done seamlessly. The chapters were also short so the short chapters and changing perspectives made for a very fast-paced read.

I would absolutely recommend this book! There were many twists and turns that I didn't see coming. I did kind of have a feeling who I thought died but it didn’t change the mystery that went along with it. It was a wild, dramatic ride and I loved every second.

Thank you Blackstone Publishing and NetGalley for an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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