Member Reviews

This book was quite a lot of fun and an easy read that I flew though. I was confused at times about the romance, but if a sequel gets written, I can see the questions I have being answered.

Although I'm an adult- I love a good YA- even if it leans towards a younger audience. I enjoyed the prose and the way Ms. Jeffries tells a story. The worldbuilding was well done and I found Tess an extremely likeable character. I love a fun adventure and this fit the bill!

I am sorry for the inconvenience but I don’t have the time to read this anymore and have lost interest in the concept. I believe that it would benefit your book more if I did not skim your book and write a rushed review. Again, I am sorry for the inconvenience.

Its a good story with a great worldbuilding, but the ideas are not coherent and I think the story have biiig holes in the corelation of the events
idk, i think the book its not for me

This is the story of Tess. Her fiancé prince Linden left her at the aisle which resulted in her taking a drastic step which changes her life and the lives of everyone around her.
I really enjoyed this book. It was fast pase , it had drama and a good story line.

***Thank you to NetGalley and to the publisher for providing me with a digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.***

I received a copy of Fyrian's Fire by Emily H. Jeffries from the publisher in exchange for my honest review.
I really enjoyed Tess's character arc growth in this novel, from a spoiled, entitled minor noble to a more thoughtful, courageous young woman finding worth in things beyond her selfishness. I found the enchanted forest creatures delightful, even with their civil feud, and love the idea of the forest critters' uniting against the humans to save their habitats. And I'm actually looking foward to the sequel to see if Jeffries can ramp up the story even more.
To be fair, if I were a younger reader, I probably would have enjoyed this book more than I did as an older reader. It would likely warrant 4+ stars rather than the 3+ stars I am rating it. (Goodreads only allows full star ratings...) But, I am recommending it to my younger students who enjoy fantasy-type stories.

“Fyrian’s Fire” by Emily H. Jeffries was a hard book to put down! It was so good. With vibrant characters and fascinating plot, I absolutely recommend this one!

While my expectations of a new kind of fantasy book were fulfilled, the book was overall severely lacking.
Fyrian's Fire takes place in a world of magic where there are simply talking animals. Nowhere is it mentioned that non human creatures can talk as easily as humans and it took me a while to understand what was happening.
The writing is sloppy and most characters uninteresting. While I liked our MC well enough, the supporting cast falls flat for the most part. This was one of the books that I had to force myself to finish just to know what happened in the story but if you ask me about it in a few months, I doubt I will remember it.

I could not get a handle on this narrative; the characters are a lot older than the tone of the narrative suggests. This leaves Fyrian's Fire feeling like a long, rambling fairy tale with a half-baked concept.
The entire story seems to hinge on the idea that Tess is too self-centred and wants power, but most of the time, it just seems like she would like her fiancé to pay a little attention to her. Unfortunately, Linden is too busy planning a war and keeping her entirely in the dark. Of course, it's Tess' fault for not being a mindreader. She's young enough that her lapses in judgment could be attributed to youth and not a lack of character, but everyone seems very convinced - with no evidence, might I add - it's the latter.
My biggest problem with this novel is that the protagonist goes through no perceptible change from the beginning to the end. Sure, there are character moments where you are shown Tess is going through a change but at the end of the day, there's nothing.
You can definitely see that the author has put in alot of effort into it and has written it earnestly. But in this age and day, writing a book that completely reinforces gender stereotypes amd trying to sell it as a feminist adventure does not work.

I could not get a handle on this narrative; the characters are a lot older than the tone of the narrative suggests. This leaves Fyrian's Fire feeling like a long, rambling fairy tale with a half-baked concept.
The entire story seems to hinge on the idea that Tess is too self-centred and wants power, but most of the time, it just seems like she would like her fiancé to pay a little attention to her. Unfortunately, Linden is too busy planning a war and keeping her entirely in the dark. Of course, it's Tess' fault for not being a mindreader. She's young enough that her lapses in judgment could be attributed to youth and not a lack of character, but everyone seems very convinced - with no evidence, might I add - it's the latter.
I can handle talking animals, but, oh boy, the second Profigliano started talking, I was ready to DNF. He comes on really strong, making the story feel hokey or contrived. It probably would've been better to DNF Fyrian's Fire, but I guess I was hoping to come to a different conclusion.

So this one I think was more along the lines of very low young adult or mid juvenile fiction. The story was very simple and the writing style just wasn't up to par with the young adult of today. The story itself wasn't very engaging and I felt pretty bored throughout the entire story.

I am quite into fantasy genre books recently and decided to pick this up. Needless to say, I chose this because of the gorgeous cover but I was also pleasantly surprised with how the story played out.
This story follows Tess, a commoner who is soon to be married to Prince Linden of Glademont. Tess doesn’t know how she feels about marrying the prince but she wasn’t given a chance to ponder on it as Prince Linden soon proposed to postpone the wedding indefinitely. Danger is coming for Glademont as the kingdom is being invaded and Tess, who was embarrassed and frustrated by the prince’s decision, has a bigger task on her hands. The Queen of Glademont had given her a shenil filled with magic that Tess needs to guard with her life. Overwhelmed by her new responsibility, she betrayed the secret to an enemy spy. In turn, Tess was being hunted for her secret and had to flee into the Hinge Forest. There, she discovered talking woodland animals who offered her help and protection. Tess begins her journey in search for answers and the powers she now possesses.
I absolutely love that most of the characters are animals. I love reading about their distinct traits and how they contributed to helping Tess in her adventure. When I was reading this, it really reminded me of the Narnia series! The story started off really strong with a lot of action going on but it took a slow dip halfway through when political issues started to arise. I was not a fan of this section.
The plot and pacing was a little slow for me. I wasn’t particularly attached to any of the characters except for Osiris the bear. I felt that Tess didn’t have much growth in the story. She was unsure of herself and what she needed to do. I would love to see her stand her ground more as the series continues. I can definitely see this being a hit with the younger kids. This would be quite a ride for their imagination because of all the magic and talking woodland animals. I hope to see this series in my school library one day.
Thank you Netgalley and Girl Friday Books for the arc.

This book was okay. I hate to be that person and don't want to be mean or rude. I just want to give my truthful and honest option on this book while sharing my thoughts throughout the read. I personally found this book hard to get into and find intersing. The beginning was boring for me and I couldn't rally grasp the concept. I found this book a little predictable and the characters a bit dull. Little to no context was given based on the world and people which really confused me and made me spend my time having questions instead of focusing on reading. The book did have a good story and one that I found unique and was a fun little read despite the bad.

This was a very beautiful fantasy! I loved the characters. They are very fun! I adore the romance between Tess and Linden. I like how they were able to love each other in spite of all the differences. I also like the magic element. The world-building was very interesting. The story feels like a fairytale. I recommend this for fans of Melanie Dickerson, Nadine C. Keels, and Melanie Dobson!

This book was DNFed, it failed to hold my attention. It never successfully hooked my interest and I found it to be forgetable.

Thank you, Netgalley and the author/publisher, for the opportunity to read and review an advanced reader's copy of this book. This in no way affects my review, all opinions are my own.
Well, well, well, that was a nice way to start a series! I loved that there were nonhuman characters, aka animals, who were MCs. The book is listed as Christian fiction. However, that doesn't have to scare off any non-Christians. The book doesn't really touch the subject of religion. It's just a clean fantasy book everyone can read. The writing style reminded me a bit of Kay L. Moody. I love Kay's books. This book had the same feel.

At the start of this novel it read more like a middle-grade adventure than YA. Tess is quite childish and extremely unlikable when we first meet her. A potential war is brewing and she is upset that her marriage celebrations are being interrupted and the Prince is not paying her any attention. It was hard to like her—however, I did find her more palatable about 3/4 of the way through.
I loved the concept behind an animal's ability to wield magic in service of a human, the idea of "bondfellows"had me smiling a bit, particularly when it came to the dogs. I had a lot of questions about how this magic worked though. What enabled some animals to wield red magic versus the gold magic? Was it simply because one was evil and one was not? I was also confused as to what "evil" actually was, since the pending war wasn't necessarily a good vs evil fight.
The love triangle that was attempted fell flat, and I think that's because we never got enough time of Tess interacting with Linden or Tynaiv. Each moment they had together was immediately disrupted by an animal or a battle so there was never enough time to let that tension build and develop believability. Overall, the concept was great, but execution left a bit to be desired. I wanted there to be more story-focused conflict rather than actual battle conflict.
The battle conflicts were also pretty easily won, we didn't really see any significant battle losses and everyone was able to travel superb fast because a bear and horse seemed to appear just in time to take them to the next action scene right on the heels of another one. Better pacing would have done wonders for this story.
An enjoyable tale nonetheless.

Thank you to the publishers, author and NetGalley for the free copy of this book.
I wasn't completely in love with this one like I expected. I think the way the formatting showed up on my kindle threw me off a little because it kept distracting me but it also had a some what slower pace than I would have liked. Some very interesting world building, and I wouldn't mind reading more to see what happens but not my favorite. I can see this being a hit with many though!

It took me a while to read this because there was some issue with the ebook formatting on my end. However, despite that, it was still a pretty good story with relatable characters.