Member Reviews

I need more of this book! The first four chapters ARE NOT ENOUGH!! Abby Jimenez is such a witty and fun author and her stories are ALWAYS 10/10. Her characters and their connections are deep and meaningful, while also giving you all the feels and making your heart so happy. Cannot wait until the release of this book and I am so excited to finish reading!

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This preview hooked me! I wasn't sure I liked Alexis at first but the switching perspectives chapter by chapter won me over. Daniel seems like a sweet Townie with an ace in his pocket: a baby goat, Chloe. I feel there is an age gap but this isn't explored in the preview. I'm so excited to read this when it comes out!

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Ugh at this point I will read the telephone book if it has Abby Jimenez's name as the author. I have loved each book she's written and 4 chapters of this one is just enough of a tease to guarantee I will read it within a day, wake up my husband by cackling loudly in the middle of the night, probably get my heart broken a little, and become the proud owner of a baby goat because IS THERE ANYTHING CUTER? I can't wait to read the whole thing.

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I was excited to preview Part of Your World by Abby Jimenez. ( chapters 1-4)
I was drawn into the story from the very beginning. I really appreciate books that can get you SO interested from the first paragraph that you can’t put the book down. The female character , Alexis, is stuck in a ditch and Daniel happens to come along to help. They see each other again later at a bar and the story just keeps getting interesting with the bet, the funny banter between them and of course there is a baby goat mixed in there. Abby Jimenez can really paint you a picture with her words. This story is so easy to visualize. I can’t wait to read the whole book!!!!

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Such a great start to the book! I can't wait for April. I love all of Abby's books and can't wait to see where this one goes.

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I’ve loved every one of Abby Jimenez’s books and I’m sure this one will be no exception! I received a preview of the first 4 chapters in exchange for an honest review. I can’t wait to pick up where I left off and hear the rest of Alexis and Daniel’s stories. I was hooked right from the start and quickly found the characters to be like-able and easy to root for. I’m going to have such a hard time waiting to read the whole book; if the preview was any indication, it will be phenomenal!

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preview was great, solid classic Abby Jimenez writing and characters that are easy to love. excited to read the rest!

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Way too short of a preview!!! Now we have to wait until April for the rest?! Noooooooo!

Needless to say I’m looking forward to the release of this book, the teaser was fun and I am looking forward to reading the rest of Alexis & Daniel’s story.

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It’s no surprise for me to say that Abby Jiménez is one of my favorite authors. From her very first book, The Friend Zone, there’s just something about her writing, her prose, and the way she cultivates a sentence. It just resonates and sticks with you. Her latest addition, Part of your world, is nothing short of wonderful. From the meet-cute between Alexis and Daniel - to the town locals - to the setting - to the ever-present and hilarious animals that occupy the spaces between the pages. All these things just work together to make a beautiful story. One that you won’t be able to put down until you've reached the final chapter. Everything about this is new, different, and fresh. Even though it is a trope that many people have read before there’s just something about the way it’s written and the way her characters interact that make it amazing. From different worlds comes a perfect match. Because we all know when it comes to the heart all things are possible. I loved everything about this. Releasing April 19 I hope you pre-order and love it just as much as I do!


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Such a great preview of Part of Your World. How am I supposed to wait until its released in April! I’m already so invested in Alexis and Daniel’s story and can’t wait to read what happens next. This is definitely worth your time!

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The classic poor boy, rich girl trope, but everything Abby Jimenez writes is GOLD, so of course this preview was amazing. I’m not sure if I’ll like Alexis’s character, but I can tell that I will definitely love Daniel from the first few chapters of this preview! I can’t wait to read the full book!

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I am so happy to have been gifted with this little tease: I received an ARC from NetGalley for only chapters 1-4 and I am already checking release dates so that I can preorder Part of Your World. Within the span of just 4 chapters, Abby Jiminez has already hooked me with the instant chemistry between posh city girl Alexis and small town lumberjack-looking “Mayor” of Wakan, Daniel. Stranded on the side of the road, Daniel comes to Alexis’ help and makes quick work of wreaking havoc on her eyes. Part of Your World will be a page turner for sure. I can’t wait to read the rest of this gem in April. Trust me, go preorder this now!

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Such a tease to have just the start of this one!

I'm a big fan of Abby's Friend Zone series, so I was eager to see this new title - and I was not disappointed.

When her luxurious Mercedes gets stuck in a ditch in the middle of nowhere (damn raccoons!), Alexis can't believe her bad luck. But when a cute local comes to tow her out, things are looking up. And when she runs into him at the local dive, she agrees to leave with him, if only to help him win a bet with his friends.

On the surface they seem like complete opposites, but could they ever make this work?

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"I woke up the next morning at six a.m., naked and happy after having the best date of my entire life. And then I realized she was gone."

Abby Jimenez has the ability to grip me from line one and by the time I'm done reading I realize it's 3 in the morning, I forgot to eat dinner and I have an important meeting n the morning I definitely won't be prepared for.

These first few chapters of Part of Your World have me DYING to read the rest of this book! I absolutely devoured The Friend Zone series in a matter of days, and I can tell this book will be my next binge read.

Already I'm invested in Alexis and Daniel. Alexis is a big city, sassy and intelligent woman like Vanessa Price and Kristen Petersen were. She clearly has just left a relationship that wasn't worthy of her time. Daniel is charming, small town and a gentleman. The opposites attract is real. How will they meet again? Where does their story go from here? What kinds of sacrifices will they have to make to be together? I don't know but I can't wait to find out!

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Although it is only 4 chapter i am already hooked on this book. I have read all 3 books in the friend zone series by Abby Jimenez and absolutely loved them. When I first read the description I was immediately hooked. These 4 chapter provided a pretty good insight on what type of characters Alexis and Daniel are going to be. That cliffhanger at the end of chapter 4 really caught me off guard and had me swiping for my pages. Can’t wait to be to able to read the book in full when it releases!

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This was such a fun preview! I love Abby Jimenez's endearing characters and fun, engaging writing. Can't wait to read the rest!

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Wow! Abby Jimenez does it again with her newest book. I randomly stumbled upon her work only a few months ago, and I’m so glad I did. Her writing style is wonderful. Easy to read, descriptive, relatable and personable characters. I’m excited to share in the joy of this book with others!

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I really have no idea how am I supposed to wait that long until I can finally read because this preview rather fueled my thirst.

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This review is based on the 4 chapter preview.

Abby Jimenez writes the best opening scenes in her books that you want to keep reading uninterrrupted until the final page. Her humor is like no other and you know that you'll get some great belly laughs throughout.

These four chapters are a tasty tease of what Part of Your World will offer and early on we get a great quote between best friends:
"We've never been single together before, We should embrace this, Hot girl summer, It could be so fun."
"I think I'm more in the mood for Golden Girls summer . . ."
I love this!

I can't wait to find our how/if The Little Mermaid plays into this story and how Alexis and Daniel become a part of each other's world.

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This was my third Abby Jimenez read and I was so glad to get my hands on it! My first opinion of Alexis, the main character who is stranded on the side of the road in need of a tow, is that she is a spoiled rich girl. This is based immediately on the first chapter. What drew me into this book right away was what I saw in Alexis once she ended up in the VFW as she stopped in town for the night. This was after Daniel, a handsome passerby, stopped to give her a tow. It wasn't her kind of place, but her interaction with the people and her witty banter with Daniel, the man who gave her the tow, showed that there was more to Alexis than what I originally saw. Towards the end of the preview, Daniel saves Alexis from a possibly uncomfortable yet funny interaction with his friends and offers her dinner. The chapter then ends on a cliffhanger. You are left wanting more. Two people who are clearly from different worlds. Alexis who appears to be from a fast-paced, appearances are everything, society world and Daniel, who is a huge part of his small hometown. What could possibly happen there?

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