Member Reviews

I must firstly apologise for the amount of time it has taken me to provide a review of this book, my health was rather bad for quite some time, something that had me in hospital on numerous occasions and simply didnt leave me with the time I once had to do what I love most.

Unfortunately that does mean I have missed the archive date for many of these books, so It would feel unjust throwing any review together without being able to pay attention to each novel properly.

However, I am now back to reading as before and look forward to sharing my honest reviews as always going forward. I thank you f0r the patience and understanding throughout x

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Lovely feel good book to read. It was a joy to read. Lovely characters. Great plot. The book was charming. Very well written. I’d definitely recommend this book

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I tried to read it but I couldn't finish it. It was a bit too hard to read. I wish I could give more information but I didn't make it past the first chapter.

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Thank you Netgalley and the Publisher for my ARC in exchange for my honest review. This was an enjoyable book.

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I wanted to like this book. It had all the ingredients of a book that I usually like -- an exotic location (Greece), a strong heroine, and an alpha male who is still sensitive and has secretly loved the heroine for many years.

I respect the author; it's hard work writing and editing a 200+ page book. But I have to be honest. It was a difficult book to read, partially due to the formatting, partially due to the erratic character arc, partially due to a timeline that seemed to jump all over, and partially due to a plot that was a bit too predictable.

Challenges and difficulties among the hero and heroine weren't really fleshed out. In addition, sometimes important things would happen off the page, then the author would tell the reader about them in almost a haphazard way. For example, late in the book we find out the hero and heroine were married secretly. Yet nothing earlier in the book would give us a hint that they were even on the same page about marriage or loving each other. In fact, slightly before this the hero and heroine had a huge fight, and we didn't see how it was resolved. So, when the heroine said they got married, I first thought, "okay, they must have worked out their problems." But I felt letdown and left out. A wedding is a major occurrence in a romance book, so the reader was cheated out of an important milestone.

This could be a great story, but it needs some developmental editing. I hope the author considers doing this, since she obviously put a lot of time and effort into writing the story.

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I couldn't finish this book. The format is awful. The grammar is all messed up as well. The main woman acts like a child. The man acts too bossy and rude, like he playing some sort of Dom character. I don't recommend.

Thank you, Netgalley for the eARC!

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I’ve ummed and ahhed about this review… I did finish the book, and enjoyed bits of it- and it absolutely falls into the romance category but in that sort of “unbelievable story” telling way. It goes from the main characters hating each other to tearing each other’s clothes off within a few minutes and from a “pre honeymoon” together to being involved with dark criminals and risking their lives in the next few. The speed at which the story flip flopped around meant that, in my opinion, the storyline had holes and the characters didn’t all get the time they deserved. Nevertheless, I still finished it and was pleased to see a happy ending! Probably not my genre but I’m sure it will be enjoyable to those who enjoy Romance.

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This is Alexis and Carrie’s story. She thinks her godfather is going bankrupt. The only way to help him was to give Alexis an heir. They have had a love hate relationship for years. There is much intrigue in this book. It takes them a long time to figure out their feelings. The book kept me on the edge of my seat. I loved it.

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This was not an enjoyable read for me.

Unfortunately, the way the arc was formatted made it hard to determine which character was talking, or when one character stopped talking and another began.

I found the writing a bit all over the place. In one case 2 characters were mentioned at random, but the connection and details weren't filled in until much later. Other times, events would be mentioned only after the fact, and I kept thinking I'd missed something. I also found the main characters' romance too clichéd and outdated.

I would like to thank NetGalley for allowing me to read an advanced copy of this book for my honest review.
#NetGalley #AnImproperProposal

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Okay, it's a nice story but not great. I enjoyed reading the first half very was well done but the second was just so confusing and not so great lead
The chemistry was good..the story could have been great but was not not!

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This book confused me. And not because the storyline of it was confusing or all over the place but more so because it just didn't seem to make sense. This could be based on how the ebook was formated. There was no clear indication when we were in a current timeline or getting a brief shot back in the past only to be hurdled back into the present with the characters.

I don't know how to feel about the characters, to be honest. Carrie mentions multiple times within the book that she was once a spoilt and whiney child but does not seem to have evolved past that much as an adult. You get glimpses of her caring nature, and the woman she could be, but then are soon drowned out by the male lead, Alexis. They go from, or she goes, hating him for everything he is putting on her, to suddenly in love with him after a very short amount of time. If instant love is your thing you'll enjoy this book and the world she creates between the two. If you crave the tension and the desire to be drawn out you won't find it here. Again there are glimpses of that within the short flashbacks you get thrown in almost randomly, but they are short.

There are some REALLY good parts of this book, some that even had me laughing out loud. This is why I'm giving it two stars and why I pressed through to the end of the book instead of slapping a DNF on top.

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The story of Alexis and Carrie.
Carrie needs help from Alexis, but he is keeping secrets, so how will it all turn out in the end?

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This was a hard book to get into. The story didn't flow smoothly. I also didn't find the characters very likable.

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This book has a really good premise but I had a hard time getting into it. It's set in 2019, but it reads like it's from the 1900s with how the storyline and love story unfolds. Some of the dialogue feels forced instead of natural. It's still a good read, but it didn't meet my expectations.

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I really enjoyed this book, a great holiday read. The one up man ship going on between Alexis and Carrie is lovely to behold, neither giving voice to the love they feel for each other, as anger feels like a better medium. I think the drug angle could have been expanded a bit more, but a good read.

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This enemies to lovers novel was a pleasure to read and kept me highly entertained. Unfortunately I had issues with the format it was presented in because it was very difficult to determine who had stated a particular statement and also timing of conversations were difficult to determine. On the whole, a great book.

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Oh this was fun. The female character that we follow is super interesting and allowed me to continue my journey with this book. She had many layers to herself that were slowly cracked open as we continued progressing through the book. I honestly loved it’

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This book is difficult to describe the writing isn't great and the storyline gets a little confusing. That could be due to the eBook version formatting. I give this a 1.5 stars and that's only because some of it made me laugh. Both characters are immature.

********************I received an ARC for my honest opinion from NetGalley.***********************

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This book when you look at it is a normal romance billionaire book it House the contractor convenience as A trope within this book which personally I don’t love but I also don’t hate so I didn’t mind it being in the book and I thought this added to it I actually thoroughly enjoyed this book and I might check out some of the work by this author as she seems to be very descriptive and I think the work put into this was actually really seen I think the in-depth conversations that I made was very good and didn’t make it just about the contract and just them it was more of a group interaction a network

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