Member Review

Cover Image: Go Around

Go Around

Pub Date:

Review by

Jenna b, Reviewer

E.J. Noyes is definitely one of the best writers in the lesfic genre. After finishing each of her books, I always ask myself, “How is it possible that with each new book, she completely out does herself?” I am truly in awe of her ability to craft such emotional stories. She is a master at writing in the first person point of view. She’s able to give the reader so much insight into her lead characters’ feelings, emotions, and thoughts. The celebrity romance is a common trope in lesfic and I eat them up just like zillions of other readers. But I have to say that with the exception of KE Lane’s , And Playing the Role of Herself and Elle Spencer’s, Casting Lacey, this book is the best that’s been written.
From word go, readers are taken on an emotionally intense ride throughout several weeks in the lives of Avery and Elise, exes who are caught up in a dangerous web cast by a stalker. While living together, they not only deal with Elise’s life being spin danger but also the feelings for one another that never left after their breakup. The chemistry between the two as well as the love they had for one another was palpable. Their conversations are real, raw, and deep with a little sarcasm and humor beneath the surface. It’s intense, thrilling, and a real page turner. Ms. Noyes, you are an amazing writer and I thank you for sharing your amazing gift with the world. I can’t wait to see what you come up with next!
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