Member Reviews

3.5 with the benefit of rounding up because how can you not love Nana? She’s a secondary character but she stole the show for me.
The story revolves around Amelia finding what she wanted and thought she was getting in Veronica with Finn. Amelia and Finn meet accidentally…hence the title and cover….when Amelia crashes her Uhaul on the way to start her happily ever after with Veronica. Amelia and Finn develop a friendship. Veronica isn’t a great partner which becomes easier to see as she gets to know Finn. Eventually Amelia and Finn find their way to each other with the help of Nana of course.
Easy and enjoyable read.

Great writing and a very interesting plot. I love the take on the Uhaul joke, and appreciate the originality!
I liked Finn right from the get-go, but Amelia I was a bit annoyed with for about half the book. It's hard for me to like a character when they are with an a-hole, as Amelia was. And the fact that she was so willing to move in and ignore all red flags just based on thinking she should take a leap of faith, just made me feel like she was dumb.
The hero of the book was Amelia's grandma. Shout out to Nana!
Overall, there were parts I was into and some that were rocky and hard to believe. I wouldn't say you shouldn't read it, but it was a one and done for me.

A wonderfully written and steamy romantic novel that plays on tropes that are commonly said about lesbians. Well worth the read!

'A convenient arrangement' is the first book in this series, 'Love, Accidentally' even tho still very good, it didn't keep me engrossed as the second book did, I much more enjoyed the first book. I've read so many stories that are themed on a 'u-haul' storyline, it gets pretty hard to come up with something different, I was hoping this one might be different That's not to say that 'Love, Accidentally' isn't any good, because it is. I think I just need a change from similar stories. The characters are all very likeable and there is very much a 'spark' between them.
It's a good, readable story... I've given it a 3.9

ARC received via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
This is the second in the pair of stories that take place in parallel by Clevenger and Rey. I enjoyed this, but not as much as A Convenient Arrangement.
This features Amelia, who is in a car accident on her way to U-Haul with her girlfriend Veronica, an aspiring actress and Finn, the paramedic who helps Amelia during the crash. Amelia and Veronica are not well suited, which is obvious to everyone but Amelia, and Finn seems perfect for her, but Finn has been burned by her ex, and Amelia is attached so the two agree to just be friends.
The supporting characters include Amelia’s grandmother, Edith, who is a hoot and the best character in the book by far. Jess and Cody from Convenient Arrangement also feature in a few scenes. Amelia’s GF/ex and her mother also feature, with Finn’s family (mostly her parents and one sister) also appearing, but none of these characters are overly fleshed out. I was a bit worried about how much t8me wou” be spent on Amelia and Veronica, b7t fortunately this doesn’t last long.
Both MCs are lovely and I liked the chemistry and their early interactions were sweet and flirty but once they actually got together the miscommunications just kept piling up. Most of their issues could have been solved by just having an actual conversation instead of not talking or putting conversations off. I found the second half a bit of a slog because of this. The end was sweet enough and I liked these two together but I’d have preferred it if they acted more like adults. 3 stars.

First off I want to say I like this collaboration between writers and publishers! I hope we can see more of this since there a couple of more pairings I'd be interested in reading. In Love, Accidentally we focus on Amelia and Finn, we've seen a bit of their developing relationship in the other book by Jaime Clevenger and Aurora Rey and it was fun to now see certain events from a different perspective.
To be honest, I loved the first part of this book, great connection, nice dialogue and funny bits of reading (especially Amelia's granny made me chuckle a couple of times) but the second part was becoming a bit more difficult to get through. It felt like the relationship didn't move past the physical anymore and any form of connection I got from the first part blew out of the window. It was kind of a letdown since I really felt this could become a really great read. Now it was good read that turned okay in the end.
***Thank you Netgalley and Bold Stroke Books for giving me this book to read and review***

A fascinating book - different from the usual lesfic, and yet very engaging as part of two stories focused on friends, but not written in a particular order, so you can read this as a stand-alone book. It's great to see the relationships evolve, and connections across the books, but absolutely not an issue if you've read one.
A page turner as you want to know what happens - great characters and chemistry! Loved this book!
Thanks to Bold Stroke Books and NetGalley for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I really enjoyed reading this book. The characters were great and it was an east read. Both authors collaborating on this book did a great job bringing the story to life. Well done, I recommend getting a copy.
4.5 stars
Thank you NetGalley and Bella books for this ARC is exchange for my honest review.
PS Sorry for the late review my system was down

I really like this concept: two books, written together by two incredible authors, not running as sequels but actually at the same time, and each book starring a pair from within a small set of friends.
Love, Accidentally is a friends-to-lovers romance while A Convenient Arrangement is a fake relationship romance. Both are very well worth reading, can be read in any order and are butch/femme pairings. The writing is top-notch, as you'd expect from Jaime Clevenger and Aurora Rey. It's amazing that I could not tell in either book who was responsible for what, but that made both books even more fun to read.

“Love, Accidentally” is the second in a two-book collaboration between Jaime Clevenger and Aurora Rey. This isn’t a typical series as the storylines in the books are concurrent, so it doesn’t matter which order you read them in.
Amelia Stone is moving in with her girlfriend of six weeks. However, she crashes her U-haul (literally and figuratively) on the way to her new apartment and meets paramedic, Finn Douglas.
The first half of this was great. I liked both Amelia and Finn well enough and thought they had nice chemistry. While the story isn’t exactly heavy, it has some heavier moments with Amelia dealing with a relationship she realizes she may have rushed into with a person who is all wrong for her. Amelia’s nana, Edith, is also introduced and she’s a clear scene stealer. She allows for some lighter moments when she goes into business with Finn making pot brownies that had me laughing.
Unfortunately, the second half wasn’t nearly as good for me. Once the two get together intimately it seems their relationship kind of stays in stasis where they’re either having sex or talking about having sex and it got boring after a while.
Amelia and Finn both come with baggage and there’s a lot of miscommunication/lack of communication. I understood each of their reasoning but it frustrated me that they didn’t seem to want to rock the boat so anytime a conversation was started, it would somehow get turned into another sexy discussion. I like my romances to have more of an emotional depth and it was harder for me to believe in this one when their main connection was sexual.
Saying all that, this wasn’t a bad read. It was frustrating for me with the communication issues and I would’ve preferred more substance over all the sex scenes. I think others will enjoy and get more out of this than I did. I recommend this if you’re looking for a lighter read set around the holiday season.
I received an ARC from Bella Books via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

A pretty good story about 'nearly' missed chances. Easy to read and with good characterisation. Well recommened.

I loved Finn and Aurora and I loved how the two authors writing style flowed so perfectly that I couldn’t tell one from the other. I hadn’t read the other book that some reviewers mentioned but I am definitely on the hunt for it now.

This is a great follow up to the authors’ other collaboration that was just published by Bold Strokes Books. The events in the two books happen simultaneously but you will still enjoy this book if you haven’t read the other one. I’m a big fan of both authors and loved how this work had both of their distinct and individual voices yet the writing really flowed and their two styles of writing mixed perfectly. I would love to hear more about how this project came about and what the writing process was like for the authors. Both authors are great at building sizzling chemistry and writing super sexy butch-femme dynamics, and this book was no exception. Great to see two of my favourite authors from my two favourite publishers collaborating in this way - hope we get more of that from Bella and Bold Strokes.

Love Accidentally (A Mile High City Romance #2) by Jaime Clevenger and Aurora Rey, is a wonderful romantic collaboration by two exceptional authors. This is the second book in the series, but unlike most, these stories do not have to be read in order. Both novels take place at the same time, just to two different couples who are connected through friendship. In each story, the “non-main couple” are secondary characters. I really like this concept.
I already met Amelia Stone and Finn Douglas when I read A Convenient Arrangement, the first novel in this series. I’ve been looking forward to reading their story ever since. I love how this book starts off with the ultimate lesbian meme, a U-Haul truck which then ends up in an accident with a dump truck. This is how Finn meets Amelia, since Finn is the paramedic that treats Amelia at the scene. It truly is a great story starter.
This is a friends-to-lovers romance. When the two meet, Amelia supposedly already has a girlfriend, and Finn is definitely not looking for one. The two decide that they can only be friends, but friends don’t normally have this much chemistry between them. This creates a good bit of conflict and much of the minor angst in the tale.
The pace of this story is good, the characters are well-developed, and the sex scenes are steamy. This is a great, uplifting story to read, and I highly recommend it. In fact, read both novels in whatever order you want.
I received an ARC from NetGalley and Bella Books for an honest review.

In this second installment of A Mile High City Romance, Aurora Rey and Jamie Clevenger, once again have another winner with Love, Accidentally. The premise of the story is Amelia Stone is in a U-Haul taking her life's possessions across town to move in with her girlfriend, Veronica, after a short period of time knowing each other. This is all despite the advice from her grandmother, Nana, to take her time. Amelia's U-Haul is hit by a dump truck and she is rescued by dashing paramedic, Finn Douglas. Finn, who has a heart of gold, takes care of Amelia's cat, who was in the U-Haul and FInn visits Amelia in the hospital where she meets Nana. Nana develops a soft spot for Finn and invites Finn to her house where Amelia will recuperate. Slowly Amelia and Finn begin to fall for each other as Amelia begins to heal, even though Amelia has a girlfriend.
There are so many things to love about this book. The writing was seamless. Even though I read that the authors alternated chapters, the reader could not discern this fact. There were also characters, Jess and Cody, from A Convenient Arrangement, who appeared in this story. I also loved that the two stories alternated publishers between Bold Strokes Books and Bella Books, to give more exposure to the series. I certainly hope that this isn't the end of the collaboration between Aurora Rey and Jamie Clevenger since they work well together and produce stories that I'm excited to read. 4.25 stars
I received an ARC from Bella Books and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

We get a glimpse of Finn and Amelia in book one, A Convenient Arrangement and to say I have been overly excited for their story is an understatement. I was not let down at all.
Amelia Stone is ready for her "happily ever after" and is ready to jump headfirst with Victoria, her girlfriend of six weeks and despite her grandma's worry about her being all wrong for Amelia, she grabs a U-Haul and packs up her life.
But fate has other plans and on the big day, Amelia is in a car accident where paramedic Finn Douglas helps her and her cat out of the vehicle.
Finn isn't looking for love, or anything for that matter after being cheated on by the person she assumed she would spend the rest of her life. But the instant attracted to Amelia and even though she knows Amelia is off-limits caught her off guard and she finds herself going out of her way to help wherever she can, like visiting the hospital where she runs into Amelia's Nana who insists on dinner as a thank you for all her help.
Nana is hilarious and by far a very important character. She is most certainly on #TeamFinn and you can't help but adore her. Especially when she teams up with Finn to make marijuana brownies for the hospice patients, making Finn have more reason to be around.
Having Finn in her life might not be the best for her relationship. It makes her see Veronica in a different light, very selfish and quite shallow, the opposite to Finn, who is kind, thoughtful, and selfless.
When Amelia realizes her relationship and Veronica isn't exactly what she thought it gives her the push she needs to call it off, yay! No cheating!
it opens both of them up to explore what could be and let me just say watching them grow closer, build something strong, and fall in love was such a beautiful thing.
I hope there is more to come from this duo, they write seamlessly together.

A few weeks back I read A Convenient Arrangement, the first in the A Mile High City Romance series. Love, Accidentally is the second in the series, with the timeline being in parallel to A Convenient Arrangement. There's a few snippets of Cody and Jess, but this could definitely be read as a standalone.
I really enjoyed this book, and what I felt was missing in the first I felt was strong in this novel. For instance, the intimacy scenes had a lot more spice in them, which I found missing in the first.
Amelia and Finn have great chemistry together, and it was a joy to read their story. It's a fun premise to start with - Amelia crashing the uhaul she's driving whilst uhauling with her very new girlfriend. Finn is the paramedic that treats her at the scene, and the two begin to get to know each other with the help of Amelia's nana.
I think I found this a stronger read than the first in the series because the relationship development between Amelia and Finn was solid. We're along for the ride of the two of them getting to know each other, crushing on each other but being thwarted by Amelia's status of being in a relationship. Once they do get the green light, the chemistry has been building for so long it's only natural that it's so strong between them that it comes across on the page.
I will admit that I was frustrated by the conflict caused by lack of communication at the end of the novel. I think its over-used, especially in lesfic and I'd love to see less of it going forward. The non-communication between Amelia and Finn felt unrealistic and also unnecessary, as they'd already had enough angst to push the story along without this thrown in too.
Regardless, I thought it was a great read by these two authors.
Many thanks to Netgalley and Bella Books for a copy of this novel. ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.

Finn Douglas, was born in South Dakota but finds herself living and working in Denver. She’s a trained EMT and works with the Denver Fire Department as a paramedic. It’s a job she loves. Finn has some good friends and workmates. What she doesn’t have is a relationship. She did but that only lasted six years when she found out her GF was cheating on her. Now single and just a little gun shy about becoming involved again.
Amelia Stone grew up having a mother whose main interest was her work. Amelia was lucky to have a close relationship with her grandmother. She’s a social worker whose main concern is the elderly, a job she loves. Now in her early thirties the only thing missing was someone who, like her, wanted to have a family. She thinks she’d found the one when she meets Veronica, a local newscaster.
When she decides to move in with Veronica she rents a U-Haul to move her few belongings. It would have been nice if Veronica was there to help with the move but she’s in New York being introduced to potential employers with Amelia’s mother, Miranda. So when a truck runs into her U-Haul she finds herself being treated by Finn. Both Finn and Amelia feel that attraction instantly but seeing as Amelia is already engaged and Finn doesn't do relationships they agree to be just friends.
The authors made working together seamless. Their writing styles match so what we have here is a very enjoyable romance. I really liked the characters and the supporting cast. Wonderful read.
ARC via NetGalley/ Bella Books.

A light romantic dish with a good pinch of hotness and drama
A collaboration of two „queens“ of romance this novel starts of lighthearted with a lot of banter, chemistry between Amelia and Finn and an awesome Nana who can and will cook and bake up a storm of delicious food (isn‘t she the best?). I loved the well-paced start and had a good chuckle about the playful inclusion of the lesbian u-haul-syndrome.
Later in the story there are a lot of hot scenes (good!) and unfortunately as well a lot of non- or miscommunication. Set in the holiday season in Denver it is interesting how much those two talk on the porch, with open doors on their thresholds or walk bare-footed outside. For me the drama part was a bit too long.
The end is all sweetness which makes this book a perfect feel-good, light read for the season. Something to savor on cold days.
PS: I loved the clever title.

Amelia Stone is not having a great day. She's moving in with a woman she just met, Veronica, and Veronica isn't even in town to help her move. That's okay, she'll make it work. Until a dump truck hits her moving rental and Amelia ends up in the hospital with all number of injuries. Sure, the EMT is cute but her whole world is now upside down.
Finn Douglas was burned by love, spent a lot of time playing the field, and now is just sort of stagnant. Her EMT partner teases her pretty incessantly. Especially after Finn seems so smitten with Amelia. And then Finn takes charge of Amelia's cat. When she tries to return the cat, Finn meets Amelia's grandmother and they immediately strike up a friendship. Amelia notices this especially since it is in such contrast to how Veronica and her grandmother interact. Eventually, Amelia realizes that Veronica isn't the woman for her but Finn is leery of being a rebound.
This is a fun love story though there is a lot of drama at the end that wasn't necessarily needed and the relationship does move fairly quickly.
Four stars
This book come out November 16th, 2021
ARC kindly provided by Bella Books and NetGalley
Opinions are my own