Member Reviews

Obviously the second book in the series, so it was nice to see Julia and Savannah again. Their story also advances a little bit, so it wasn’t just fluff, but obviously the majority of this story is around Vanessa.

I’ll be honest and say I didn’t give this book 5 stars because Vanessa kind of got on my nerves at times. She acted a bit self centered and selfish, and it took a looong time for that to change. She judged Grace a lot, right from the get-go, and also didn’t think about her feelings for most of the book.

However, Grace I absolutely loved. She is at a point in her life where she is just trying to survive emotionally to all the upheavals that have happened and is doing her best. I found myself rooting for her and her happiness. If it ended up being with Vanessa, then I wanted that for her, but not because I necessarily liked Vanessa. So it was less about my love of the two characters and more about my love for one that had me enjoying the book.

By the end, once Vanessa was getting her head on straight, I could see that she could end up being more likable. I think I’ll probably like her better in the 3rd book, honestly.

No matter what, I’ll be reading the 3rd in the series because I love Amelia and I’ll still read any book that Georgia Beers writes since I’ve been a fan forever.

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In Book one of the Swizzle Stick Romance you are introduced to the Martini cousins. Julia, Venessa and Amelia. The relationship between the cousins is heartwarming. They always have each other’s back. Julia finds true love with Savanna in Shaken Not Stirred. On the Rocks features Venessa, a second-grade teacher who is having behavior problems with one of her students Oliver. She calls in Oliver’s mother Grace Chapman for a conference. Grace finds Venessa judgmental and Venessa thinks Grace is clueless about her son. Grace is getting a divorce and there lies Oliver’s problems. All of a sudden, they see each other everywhere they go. Venessa get a dog from Junebug Farms the same day that Oliver get a cat from there. Grace goes to see her Grandmother in a home and Venessa is there with the dog seeing the previous owner of the dog. They are attracted to each other. At Marini’s one night, Grace goes into the bathroom and Vanessa follows and kisses her up against the wall. Then the fun starts.
Venessa is a favorite of the cousins and I loved her and Graces story. I love that all the characters you learned about in the previous book are in this one. Julia’s girlfriend Savannah always seems to be the voice of reason . This was a great recipe for love, add in animals, stir in lots of chemistry and that equals a great story.

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*Thank you NetGalley and publishers for the ARC. All thoughts and opinions are my own*

As always, Georgia Beers writes an excellent lesbian romance. I rank Georgia Beers up there with Melissa Brayden, in the sense that every book they write is an enjoyable read.

This is the second book in the Swizzle Stick Romance, but I don't think you need to read the first one to still enjoy this one. Here we meet Vanessa Martini and Grave Chapman. Vanessa is an elementary school teacher and Grace is the parent of Oliver, Vanessa's difficult student. Grace is also going through a messy divorce from Oliver's dad. In Vanessa's eyes, Grace checks all the boxes on a list of things she ISN'T looking for in a woman. However, she can't help being extremely attracted to her.

I really like this book. The dialogue was excellent and it hits one of the tropes I enjoy: quasi enemies to lovers. It's not a true enemies to lovers, but their initial interactions are on the cooler side. Generally, I'm not a huge fan of characters that have kids, but I enjoyed Oliver's character. Georgia Beers did an amazing job portraying the angst he had for his parents' separation. I actually wish his story was integrated in more towards the end. He somewhat disappeared from the overall storyline and I felt he could have had a better tie up of his struggles. Ultimately, the romance was great and it was an easy read!

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DNF : 40%

I just couldn't keep pushing through. First of all, I felt like every location had a super corny name and it really bothered me. The writing style is unremarkable and I found there were a lot of repetitions concerning sentences/expressions.

One thing I liked : the wonderful, close relationships the cousins share.

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Let me start this by saying, I am a life long fan of Georgia Beers, but this book just did not do it for me. I liked it, but with most of her other books, I did not love it. The characters were not based in reality, in my opinion. There was no getting to know you in the romantic sense. It was straight to love. Maybe that is what happens in real life, but I like some romance along the way.
If you are a fan of hers, I would recommend giving it a chance. Maybe you love it. I will continue to read her future books, but this was not in my favorites.
I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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“On the Rocks” is the second instalment in the Swizzle Stick series by Georgia Beers. “Shaken or Stirred” is the first in the series and I do recommend reading them in order if you’re going to read the whole series. However, they’re standalones so you’re not missing out on a lot if you decide to read them out of order. Beers also does a pretty nice summary of “Shaken or Stirred” if you decide to give it a miss.

Vanessa Martini is an elementary school teacher. She starts having some issues with a normally good student, Oliver, and calls a meeting with his parents. She meets Grace Chapman, Oliver’s mom, who explains how she’s going through a divorce. Vanessa has a rule to never date a student’s parent but she can’t seem to stay away from Grace. They start running into one another all over town and soon enough their attraction sparks.

This is a pretty typical read from Georgia Beers. It feels like a romantic comedy with a light dash of angst, but mostly it’s funny and sweet with a lot of family and heart. Vanessa and Grace have an instant pull to one another despite their reasons for not wanting to give the other a chance. I liked all the flirty banter between the two and how natural they were together. Also, they actually went on dates and I thought that was super cute and fun. It seems like there isn’t a whole lot of actual dating in sapphic romances these days so I enjoyed it this time. This has some steamy scenes and there’s a lot of physical chemistry between them. I do wish there had been a better emotional connection because it felt a little on the lighter side in comparison to their physical connection.

Even though I liked how it dealt with divorce and the impacts it can have on a child. I wish Oliver and his storyline had been a little more involved because it seemed as though it got dropped once Vanessa and Grace got together. I also wasn’t completely sold on Grace’s ex and his sudden 180 on Vanessa and Grace’s relationship. I didn’t buy his new attitude and felt it kind of came out of nowhere. I know these aren’t big things but they took this from being a 5 star down to 4 for me.

Despite those couple of things, I still recommend this if you’re looking for a fun, sexy romantic comedy.

I received an ARC from Bold Strokes Books via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Four stars.

I suspect this book deserves a higher rating than I'm choosing to give it, because it was another solid work by Georgia Beers, for me much more so than the first in the series. The coincidence of each protagonist seeing the other in all these different places was a bit much, but certainly livened up the first part of the book. I didn't like the making-out-in-the-bathroom scene, because come on, Vanessa didn't even check to make sure it was okay, even nonverbally, before she initiated. I did like the tension between them, even the flirting under somewhat inappropriate circumstances.

One of my main issues, as it often is with modern romance, is with the prominent and central role of sexual tension in furthering the relationship. I know by now it's a me problem, but how are we supposed to believe that they'll last longer than the span of the book if the foundations that keep a couple together don't feature at all? I think it would be much more interesting to read if they actually start talking, and know something about each other, before the inevitable conflict. (The conflict which, I must admit, was well done in both execution and resolution.)

The other thing I would have liked to see was the resolution of Oliver's issues. I appreciated the time devoted to them in the beginning, because we saw enough of him that he didn't feel like a plot device. Then he disappears as the romantic relationship takes centre stage. Even when Grace's relationship with the ex changes, there is no apparent effect on Oliver. I thought it would have helped Vanessa to overcome her judgment of Grace if the latter had truly made steps to solve the problem, like the much needed talk with Oliver about how he was feeling. Without any development on that front, we're given a boy who seems to have started acting out overnight, despite having been an angel before, without even hearing his perspective!

The foundations for Amelia's story were clearly being set in this book. I found her a tad too bitter, and expected her to have lightened up a tad since the first book, but I assume that will become part of the premise for the third. I was also a little confused by her occupational developments, mystified at why she would be choosing this almost random direction instead of whatever she had been doing prior to early retirement. Looking forward to seeing these questions cleared up though!

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When I read a book I need to feel connected to the characters, can even say that I need to fall in love with one of them in order for me to truly enjoy a book. In this case, I couldn’t fall for any of the main characters and that was a dealbreaker.

The novel itself is okay, there was enough drama but not enough romance (at least for me). It lacked charm.

It’s a solid book, but not something memorable.

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Vanessa can’t help but keep bumping into Grace, the mother of Oliver, a pupil she teachers. Grace is going through a divorce and with Oliver making things difficult for her, the last thing she expected was to be attracted to her son’s teacher. When Vanessa and Grace share a moment as a result of one their continuous chance meetings, Grace can’t help but carried away with falling for Vanessa but since Vanessa hasn’t been overly approving of her, she is convinced it will come to nothing.

I adored this second book in the Swizzle Stick Romance series so much! Everything about it was perfect, from the plot, to the characters, to the moments shared between Grace and Vanessa. I was hooked form the very first chapter and unable to put it down. I was desperate to know if Vanessa would give in to all she was feeling for Grace or if she would continue on her ‘no dating’ pathway. When it came to Grace, I just hoped she would be happy again because she was genuinely just having a difficult time that she really did not deserve.

In this story, it was Rudy, Delilah, and Oliver that made it for me. Without them it wouldn’t have been as good, they really were the cherry on top. The initial tension between Vanessa and Grace was brilliant, it worked so well as they both were left conflicted after their first meeting but for very different reasons. What made it so exciting was how that continued, even after they had both admitted there might be something there to their friends and families and yet when it came to one another, they were doing that awkward dance between not crossing a line and wanting to cross it all the same.

The whole story was just a lot of fun and each chapter held a new exciting moment. Georgia packed in some great moments of comedy, sometimes whole chunks, others more subtle, but I laughed, could relate to thoughts and feelings and genuinely just had the best time ready this story and can’t wait to read it again.

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The second swizzle stick romance means time to delve into the love life of the second Martini cousin, Vanessa. Vanessa is a school teacher who is a bit picky about who she dates. She is caught off guard when she meets the parent of a misbehaving student, in the gorgeous Grace Chapman. Grace is working through divorce proceedings, and coming to grips with her new reality. There are lots of complications between the two, but maybe it's worth it for the right person.

Time and again, Georgia Beers writes novels with rounded, flawed, and loveable characters. On the Rocks is no exception. Both the leads have their strengths and weaknesses, and have family/friends to help them see past their stubbornness.

Another installment in this Martini saga also provided satisfying updates on the life of the first couple introduced in the prior novel.

I thoroughly enjoyed this read, and am looking forward to Amelia's story.

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On The Rocks is a sweet, fluffy, romance, with a small amount of angst. This is the second book in the Swizzle Stick Romance Series. I feel like you don’t have to read the first in the series, Shaken or Stirred, to enjoy this one.

This book focuses on the youngest cousin, Vanessa Martini. Vanessa is a second grade teacher and meets Grace Chapman, the mother of one of her students. There isn’t a rule about dating the parent of a student but should she? Grace Chapman is in the process of a divorce and navigating dating while raising her son.

On The Rocks could be read as a stand alone but I loved how they revisited Julia and Savannah’s relationship from Shaken or Stirred. Plus I’ve enjoyed Amelia as a character in both and am looking forward to the third book in the series that will focus on her.

Georgia Beers turns out another great read as usual! Super, cute, curl up on the couch read.

I received an ARC from Bold Strokes Books through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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How good was this?

The Martini family are back! Shaken or Stirred is the first in the series, which was such a good book. and a definite must-read... I was absolutely over the moon to find out there is a second instalment, On the rocks. This didn't disappoint either. This book is focused on Vanessa, who falls for one of her student's mums.

I didn't want to put this book down, it's well written and completely engrossed me. The characters are both very likeable and the slow burn/chemistry between the two is there from the onset.

I'm really hoping for a number 3 :)

I've given On the rocks a 4 star,

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This was a very good second book in the series. I liked both main characters, and it doesn't hurt to have children and pets as secondary characters as well. I loved that this book touched on the first book and gave closure to Julia and Savannah's relationship as well. Vanessa is a teacher who loves teaching kids and Grace works in a flower shop. The two first meet because of Oliver whose mom is Grace, and lets just say that this meeting was not a friendly one. There's quite a bit of angst and drama between these two and the romance is a steady slow burn. I feel that this is just a continuation of what will happen in the next book in this series and that most of the questions will be answered then. I would definitely recommend this book to my friends and family and I look forward to what this author writes next.

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A great second instalment to the Swizzle Stick series. Loved this one - great characters and storyline. You don't need to read these books in order, and you don't need to read them all, but if you do, you certainly won't regret it. Gorgeous book!

Thanks to NetGalley and Bold Strokes Books for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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This book made me so happy! And kept me awake way too late.

Despite liking the characters a lot, I didn’t enjoy the first book in the Swizzle Stick series as much as I hoped I would. This one, however, I loved. It’s perfectly fluffy but not empty, fairly low angst with characters I loved at first sight.

At thirty-three, Vanessa is the youngest of the three Martini cousins (the others are Julia, the star of the first book, Shaken or Stirred, and Amelia, whose story I can’t wait to read). A second-grade teacher, she loves the kids but wouldn’t mind not having to deal with parents. A couple of months into the school year, she meets with the mother of one of her students, Oliver, who went from being a delight to acting out. Turns out his parents are going through a divorce. Because of her own parents’ divorce, Vanessa has opinions on how Grace, the child’s mum, should deal with the situation. Grace isn’t as clueless as Vanessa seems to believe, and she’s tired of everyone – from her mother to her son’s teacher – judging her. Yet when they keep bumping into each other in all sorts of unexpected places, Grace and Vanessa find it very hard to fight the attraction.

Vanessa has a lot of rules on who not to date and a student’s mother is at the top of the list. She’s sweet and smart and funny but she also tends to run at the first sign of trouble. She’s lucky to have her cousins (and Julia’s girlfriend Savannah) to point out when she’s being an idiot. At one point in the story, her running really hurts Grace and it’s a turning point. Watching Vanessa learn from her mistakes was very satisfying.

Grace, on the other hand, seems a lot more mature, even though she’s a few years younger, which I felt came from being a mother. All she wants is for her son to be happy. I ached with her for all the firsts without her son. In classic divorced-dad moves, her soon-to-be ex-husband isn’t helping her feel less overwhelmed, but even though she’s not on the receiving end of the Martini cousins wisdom, she gets really good advice (I’m biased, I’ve given it more than once) from her best friend: if you’re happy, your kids are happy.

One of the reasons Shaken or Stirred didn’t entirely work for me was the writing, which didn’t flow as well as it could have. Beers fixed it in this one, it reads very easily. There’s a lot of laughing through noses, and usually, the repetition would bother me but this book is so lovely, the characters are so charming that I didn’t mind. It actually made me smile even more.

On the Rocks is instalust at its best. And the best kind of instalust, when it’s not just physical but the body being smarter and quicker than the mind and heart. Every time Grace and Vanessa touch is so damn hot. I also really appreciate that Grace’s bisexuality is just a fact, not an issue. It just is.

And I think it every time I see it but I don’t remember writing it in a review yet: whisper is such a sexy word.

I also loved the way the author describes the cocktails Julia works on. I’m not a fan of cinnamon but that Cinnamon Roll drink at Martini’s? I’d love to taste it, just because of how she makes it sound.

One of the secondary characters compares Vanessa and Grace’s romance to a Netflix miniseries and I’d definitely watch it. I’ll end this review by mentioning the pets, because of course there are wonderful pets in a Georgia Beers book. Delilah stole my heart…

I received a copy from the publisher and I am voluntarily leaving a review.

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Georgia Beers keeps delivering and this book is no exception. As a teacher I was hesitant to pick this one up, but I should not have been. I enjoyed every second of this book!

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On the Rocks is the second book in this series about a trio of lesbian cousins, the women they date, and subsequently fall in love with.

In this case school teacher Vanessa Martini finds herself smitten by Grace Chapman, the mother of a fourth grade hellion Oliver. Whilst divorce from Oliver's father is the best thing as far as Grace is concerned, Oliver is still grappling with the changes in his world and acting out at school. Over a few encounters Vanessa and Grace find they are mutually attracted and embark on a secret fling. Lurking in the background is Grace's ex-husband, and the ever-present possibility someone might put two and two together.

This is a nice rom com that shows lots of promise. It didn't quite get there for me and I can't quite put my finger on it. I loved Vanessa as a character as she's sassy and committed to her job. Grace was lots of fun as well. It took a little to get moving and I think more could have been made of he clandestine nature of their relationship. This is a good series and the dynamic between the cousins is fun and warm.

3.5 stars

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Georgia Beers is an amazing romance author. I'm such a big fan of her novels. I dare say she's in my Top 5 authors. However, I have a problem with this book. While the chemistry between the characters is undoubtedly terrific, I think it was wrong to just mention Oliver's very problematic behavior, and sort of put it under the carpet like it would solve itself. Oliver character's issues in school with other children, and with his mum are written to sound very serious and deep, and not delving deeper into it sort of marred the book for me.

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Enjoyed the book. Definitely relatable and I love the cousins close relationship. I can't wait to read more by this author. Keep writing the good lesbian books.

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Vanessa is an elementary school teacher who is very attractive and sexy as hell to boot.
Grace is the parent of Oliver one of Vanessa's student. She's currently divorced and only has one focus and that is her son.. She has enough on her plate doesn't appreciate how judgmental Vanessa is.
I loved the story. and both Main Characters had great chemistry. Well done. I recommend 4.5 stars.

Thank You NetGalley and Bold Strokes Books Inc for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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