Member Reviews

What a truly fascinating and very well written book about women in midlife and beyond. It's full of tips on how to navigate aging.

In "The Female Brain," Dr. Louann Brizendine takes readers on a journey through the intricate landscape of the female brain. Delving into the realms of neuroscience, Brizendine skillfully unravels the mysteries of hormonal changes and their profound impact on women's behaviors and life stages. One of the strengths of this book lies in its scientific approach, providing readers with a well-researched and evidence-based exploration of the female brain. Brizendine navigates through the complexities of neurobiology, making the subject accessible to both scientific and non-scientific audiences. I had a difficult time understanding all the neurobiological information, but the author does a good thorough detailed job in describing how it works. In conclusion, "The Female Brain" is a must-read for anyone curious about the intricate workings of the brain, particularly as it relates to the female experience. Dr. Louann Brizendine's masterful blend of science and storytelling makes this book both enlightening and accessible, leaving a lasting impact on its readers.

This book is all it says it is and more! Read it and you will embrace your remaining decades in a way you might not have before. What I found interesting was some of what I noticed in my own life as far as clarity and focus- I thought am I imagining this change - are others feeling this way too? The answer from Louann is YES! Gift this book to the women in your life and if you can’t do that - then talk about all you have learned from it!

Informative book, some information not necessarily new but some was. I wouldn't call it engaging, but it does offer some good advice, tips, and habits.
I appreciate Netgalley, the author and the publisher for allowing me to read and review.

Thank you for sharing this important book with me
I am 55 so right in the zone for this information.
Thank you for making this available.
I have so much to learn about THE UPGRADE!!

I don't think I am the right audience for this particular book. I thought this would be more informative and less advice-driven.

Interesting, informative guide to pre-, peri-and post-menopausal stages of a woman's life. I found the information on hormone replacement therapy interesting and plan to come back to this as a reference once I am at that stage. I found some of the anecdotes around careers and mental health not really applicable to my situation, but it's easy to skip sections that don't apply without losing the important aspects of the book. A great starting point for women who want to delve deeper into the research and issues, but also adequate for those who just want a basic guide to assist them in navigating these years.

This will probably be a good book for wealthy middle aged white women who like to take a lot of prescription meds. That seems to be the author's clientele and target audience. I am only a couple of those things and while I had high hopes for this book it kept falling flat for me. I did find her basic health advice helpful but I already knew it (i.e. the importance of sleep, exercise, protein, healthy fats, etc.).
She recommends hormone replacement therapy and lots of meds like antidepressants, but warns against taking too many supplements. Her regimen is pretty intense and involves a busload of tests your doctor is supposed to regularly perform on various things like thyroid, estrogen, etc. She is a psychiatrist and this background is apparent throughout.
While she attempts to put a positive spin on "the upgrade" and how great our minds and spirits work after menopause, she fills the books with horror stories of experiences that didn't match mine. As other reviewers have mentioned, she also makes a lot of assumptions about her readers and their lives like that we all have grown children and are cisgender, have health insurance for all these tests and meds, want hormone replacement therapy, etc.
Also, I got ridiculously annoyed at how often she said the word "upgrade." She refuses to use the word menopause and after a while it felt like an infomercial for her brand.
All in all, this was a miss for me.
I read a digital ARC of this book via Net Galley.

Thank you NetGalley and Rodale Publishing for an ARC of this book.
This is such a refreshing, valuable book about women around the menopausal age. The apt title sums it up. This is not a time to wither away, dull ourselves or think the best of life os over.
This is our amazing second stage of life and it is an UPGRADE!!
This is our time to shine ladies, so grab some clarity and embrace the remainder of life.
Read this book,, change your mindset and get ready for the next stage of awesomeness.
Thank you for this great ARC. I highly recommend it,

Informative book on women's bodies and health as they age - she writes in a biological perspective. Helps clear up confusion about menopause. Gives us information to help us use our hormonal changes for our betterment instead of frustration. Informs us how hormones effects our lives. Interesting and provocative read

Very helpful and full of information regarding perimenopause and menopause, something that is so lacking in medical care for women. I am so appreciative! I need a copy for bookmarking and reference.

A well-written and wonderfully positive take on understanding midlife changes and finding ways to cope with the unpleasant symptoms and focus on the positives and the freedoms of the years to follow. I will recommend it to my daughters and others of their generation! Thank you to NetGalley and the author for an advance digital review.

Thank you Rodale Inc., Harmony and NetGalley for providing me with an advanced copy of this book.
I'm currently in my mid-30s; however, I think it's important to prepare for the future and this book was helpful for me to do so. I've always had a negative perspective of menopause but I think having a better idea of the process is helpful to know how to move through the various transitions. Dr. Brizendine thoroughly investigates how this transition impacts women’s lives and shifts the process positively and how liberating our viewpoints can make the most of this season. Menopause doesn't have to be a step towards a negative experience in our lives - we can use our strengths to our advantage. I love the perspective shift!

I appreciate the author and the publisher granting an ARC to me. I did not enjoy this book as I thought I would. I found it to be very general and unspecific. It wasn't quite what I was looking for.

3.5/5 Thank you to Net Galley and the author for the eARC in exchange for an honest review.
The author goes through a lot of explanation on how the female brain changes in midlife. She eschews the term Menopause in favour of “the Upgrade” to describe the change from monthly fluctuating rhythms of hormones to a stage in life of empowerment. It is the author’s theory that women’s decreasing estrogen levels allow them to relax their inclination to cater to others and centre their ideas more on themselves while still keeping their gifts of higher perception and other feminine wiles.
The science behind what is going on in the female body and brain is explained in layman’s terms and is easy to follow with very clear, easy-to-read writing. Unfortunately, the author’s bias is also very apparent; leaning heavily towards the use of hormone therapy, which is often not necessary at all. I guess this is because her whole argument is based on her own experiences and those of her psychiatric practice patients. Those people wouldn’t be showing up to her practice if their transition were going smoothly.
Overall, the book is a very positive look at women’s “change of life” and is filled with encouragement and reassurance that every woman can meet the challenges.

Woman are bombarded throughout their lives with opinions, comments, dictates and unsolicited advice about a wide range of issues from their looks to their life choices, but when it comes to the issues we face with how our bodies function, I've always found it difficult to find information that isn't reduced to a shrug: "you'll figure it out". Have gone through this "who do I even ask" sensation with my first period, an ectopic pregnancy, breastfeeding, I find myself again in the same boat as my mid-40's body is changing again. All this to say, this book, with its thorough and positive spin on menopause (the upgrade) is much needed and welcome.

I received this book as an ARC, and in hindsight, probably was a little young (40) for the topic. I found it a bit dry in parts since I couldn't relate. That said, I learned A LOT and I feel a bit more prepared for when that phase does come in a few years. (Yikes!)
I found it a bit tricky to get into as the author dove right into the nuts and bolts. Once in, it was easy to follow. I found it uplifting and appreciate her perspective on something generally perceived as negative.
I appreciated her message on individual journey and taking care of yourself. And getting lots of sleep! I did have an interesting chat with a close friend after finishing the book - it's one I'll remember. I will recommend to friends or colleagues a few years older than me.

How incredibly refreshing to read a book about women’s later years that honors and validates our experiences, without making us out to be victims.
In this science-based book, Dr.Brizendine suggests that understanding the impact of hormones on the female brain can help us navigate the transition and even walk away from stressful mental patterns engrained on us through the years. We can choose what we bring with us into the next phase.
With its foundation in science and strong focus on cognitive health, this book is a gift for any woman seeking a better understanding of a much-maligned stage of life.

Good for Some Women, Not So Much for Others
Menopause is a point in life that encourages women to take stock of where they are and where they are going. If you take advantage of the transition, as the author suggests, it can be liberating. She presents several important strategies to navigate menopause and enrich your life. Many of them are useful no matter where you are in the life cycle.
Hormones and whether to consider hormone replacement therapy is a decision everyone needs to make. No matter what your preference, it’s good to be informed. The author presents the latest guidance to give you a basis for making your decision.
Health problems can surface at this age, and it’s also a good time to kick bad habits and become healthier in the next phase. Exercise and getting enough sleep are important for making the upgrade a premium experience. The author also points out that it’s a good time to evaluate how you respond to various situations. Do you have trouble saying ‘no’? Are you afraid to let go of your adult children? These are questions that will affect the rest of your life.
I thought the book was well written. It gives good advice, but it’s probably not for everyone. If you don’t experience the problems she’s discussing, it may not resonate with you. Many of her examples are from her own life or her patients. This is fine, but if you don’t experience the same problems, they may seem interesting, but not related to where you are.
I received this book from Penguin Random House for this review.

I was interested in this book for two reasons- my job is in brain based trauma therapy and I’m nearing the age.
I’m going to be honest I didn’t like how she called it the transition and the upgrade, it didn’t feel connected to me and I did a lot of re-reading to place it.
It’s a mix of real life but also peppered with medical terminology and information. Again that was a little dry for me in some parts. Overall this book was good. Especially as it goes into detail that is not widely discussed as you navigate this part of your life. I had an ARC from Penguin Random House and NetGalley. She put a lot of thought and research into this book.