Member Reviews

Rebecca Connolly is an expert story teller and that fact shone through this book.
The writing was incredibly well researched and impressively empathetic. I loved how the focus was more on the ramifications of the disaster, than it was on the disaster itself.
As a work of historical fiction, Rebecca has stated that all the names are real, and she does an amazing job of helping you feel like them as people and not just names on a page. She uses her amazing story telling to give them fictional moments, but those fictional moments just make the experience as a whole seem that much more real. Your heart breaks and stutters and heals as theirs does.
Her story did what historical fictions ought to do. It made me want to know more; more about the people, more about their moments and more about the rest of their lives.
This book was so hauntingly spectacular while also being a stunning message of hope. The dual perspectives was genius. It allowed the story to represent both the tragedy, told with detail and precision until you think your heart just can't take it anymore. And the sacrifice and goodness of those that came to their rescue.

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Excellent. This fictionalized account of the Carpathia's response to the Titanic's distress call the night she shank. Told from the dual POVs of Arthur Rostron, Captain of the Carpathia, and Kate Connolly, a 3rd Class Passenger on the Titanic, this book had me on the edge of my seat from the first page to the last. I mean, we all basically know how the story of the Titanic ends, but we seldom get to hear the individual stories of the lives that were forever changed that night. I know much of the actual dialogue was fictionalized for the book, but these characters were real people who have shared their stories - but they've just mostly been lost to the bigger story of the sinking of the Titanic. This book was both heartbreaking and triumphant, and the author did a fantastic job of weaving the painful emotions into the story while also providing readers that glimmer of hope shining through all of that pain. I loved it. Highly recommend to any fan of Historical Fiction, History, or stories of survival.

Thank you to NetGalley, Rebecca Connolly, and Shadow Mountain Publishing for the advanced eBook in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

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This is the familiar story of the Titanic, uniquely told from the perspective of the rescuers, as well as from a young woman in a lifeboat. The action starts right away pulling the reader in and keeping you there. It is very detailed and descriptive, but not about the suffering and death. The emphasis is on the circumstances surrounding the miraculous rescue such as the Marconi operator on Carpathia hearing the call for help or the ship safely and quickly traveling through water with icebergs and arriving in time to rescue the nearly frozen survivors. I have visited a museum exhibit and read other books about the Titanic, but this one taught me things about the event I hadn’t even considered. I appreciate that it is true to history and quotes from actual passengers are inserted between the chapters. Thanks to Shadow Mountain Publishing for an ARC to use for my review.

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110 years! That’s how many years it has been since the fateful and tragic sinking of the unsinkable Titanic. I loved that author Rebecca Connolly and her publisher released this beautifully powerful book around the anniversary of that sorrowful and unbelievable night.

If you enjoy historical fiction, especially because of all that you can and will learn about historical moments and facts, this book is or you. The author did an amazing job researching and studying and learning about the people involved in this tragic moment. Make sure that you read her author’s notes at the end of the book. So fascinating. And now I want to go visit this Titanic memorial/museum that she talked about.

I’ve always been fascinated and held in reverence what happened to these people, especially the survivors. Unfortunately, I honestly never thought about the ship, captain, passengers, crew of the ship that answered the call for help from the Titanic. Sitting here, writing this review and my thoughts and thinking back on this book and what I read about these many individuals, I have chills and tears. None of us can truly understand or imagine what happened. But we can have a better understanding through their words and the records kept. How Rebecca Connolly wrote and portrayed them in this novel was truly moving, inspirational and very emotional. It made me think about and hope that someday whatever I am faced with, I can rise to the need of those around me and that we can rally and support and help and care and be better for what we experience.

I had tears throughout the book, but nothing moved me more than the scene when the Carpathia comes into port in New York City. Oh my heart! The tears were flowing, there were some sobs. My heart ached for these families waiting and hoping against all hope that their loved ones had been returned among the survivors. The reverence for those lost. The sorrow. The unity. So many emotions.

I would love to tell you so much more about this book. I’m sure everyone has their own knowledge of the Titanic but this is something you need to read to experience and understand and feel. I’m so grateful to the author for all the time and research and writing and emotions and understanding that she put into this powerful, poignant and inspiring book.

Let us not forget that we all need compassion and love and strength from each other throughout our struggles and trials and sometimes tragedies in life.

Content: Clean. We all know what happened to the Titanic and the loss of many lives. This book portrays in a very respectful way, the sinking of the ship, the deaths of passengers (not graphic), the rescuing of freezing individuals, the emotions and grief and despair.

I received a copy from the publisher, Shadow Mountain Publishing, via NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions in the review are my own.

Happy Reading!!!

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I found this book quite compelling as it focused on the rescue efforts of the British ship Carpathia and its captain, Arthur Rostron, and his very professional crew members the night of the sinking of the Titanic. The author did her research and included passengers and crew members actually present at the time, from both ships.

Of special interest to me was the commingling of classes on board the Carpathia after the rescued souls from Titanic were aboard. Charity and helpfulness seemed to abound, and I believe the Christian example of Captain Rostron led the way. I enjoyed the blurbs at the beginning (end?) of each chapter, some from Rostron, some from passengers or other crew members, which helped maintain a sense of reality to the story.

I received this book from the publisher via net galley in exchange for an honest review. I’m giving this book five stars not so much from my personal enjoyment but because of its historical significance.

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First things first: This book brought me out of my reading slump and I am forever grateful.

With that said, I didn't expect to like this book so much. After all, months of reading and getting annoyed with one's own book selections makes one rather cynical. But I read this book in ONE SITTING and yes, I can confirm it's a beautiful and *CLEAN* story.

I love how the author didn't shy away from the pain of that night many years ago, in fact, she only made it so much more real. Painful, yes, but also real. The author skillfully threaded the emotion through the pages, but rather than letting it bog the story down with darkness, she chose to weave a story of hope from the shattered pieces. Through the eyes of Kate, a passenger on the Titanic, and Arthur, the captain of the Carpathia, we see a story of great pain, but we also see a story of hope, of people coming together in the end to uplift and serve one another.

Guys. Not gonna lie, we need more books like this.

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I've been intrigued with the story of the Titanic since the movie hit the theaters in 1997. We all know the timeline of what happened but it was interesting to read from the perspective of the ship that rescued the survivors. The story was told from the perspective of two Carpathia passengers, Kate and the Captain. I thought the characters were very well-written and enjoyed how Rebecca sprinkled real facts throughout the story. I really feel as if I know that night so much better after reading this and recommend it to any history buff or lover of the Titanic story.

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I remember as a kid choosing the Titanic as my topic for my school project. I have always been interested in reading historical books and articles about the events surrounding Titanic, so when I saw this book that included both factual information and a fictional story based around the Carpathia I was really excited.

While I really appreciated and enjoyed learning more about the Carpathia and it’s story I felt the fictional story didn’t hold up for me.

In the beginning I was hooked, as it follows a group of women traveling to New York in Steerage, however the lack of character development throughout the book let me to get bored with their story. I just wish there was a little bit more story to grab onto.

Thank you NetGalley and Shadow Mountain Publishing for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Everyone knows the story of the Titanic, and those who don’t ought to learn one of the most important events in history. The Titanic taught us that all ships can be sinkable. (And to always double our lifeboats just in case.) That we can plan for every structure to be huge and impossible but the slightest item can damage it in the blink of an eye. The story of the Titanic is one of my favorites in history. I can’t put my finger on why, exactly. Maybe it’s because of the heroism of those reaching the poor people that barely survived the sinking of the Titanic. Maybe it’s because I adore ocean stories and survival stories. Maybe because it was such big news back in the day that it still haunts us all even now. Whatever the case, I read every Titanic book I can get my hands on, along with other sunken ships.

This story is historically accurate in terms of events, down to the timing being listed on every chapter. I appreciated the story for it’s accuracy and I did like the characters that I read. I flipped through the book rapidly and had to sit and think about how this review was going to go. Because while the first half was absolutely brilliant, the second half was nothing but paragraph after paragraph of prayer, hymns, and “thank god we’re alive!”. Of which, yes I’m aware that they likely did all that. But I was hoping for more backstory about the ship that rescued the survivors of the Titanic, not half a book of prayer.

The first half of the book was amazing; strong characters, I felt as though I was right there with them, vivid details, lots of rushing about to safety. The author did a fabulous job in recreating history, she’s a great writer. I was seeing a five star book on the horizon.

Then the characters were rescued by the Captain of the Carpathia. They were pulled up to safety, to warmth, to life again. And that’s where the story swapped from harrowing historical events to prayer. Praying almost every page. Hymns being sung. I flipped through the rest, and that was it. Nothing else but grateful for being alive.

Don’t get me wrong. I understand that back then religion was rampant. As it is today. However I was really hoping for more information about the Carpathia. So I’m rating this four stars-reluctantly. After all. I did enjoy it. It just wasn’t what I thought it would be.

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A gripping, dramatic novel about the Titanic disaster, told from a fresh perspective. The novel is told from the points of view of the captain of the Carpathia and its heroic against-all-odds rescue of the Titanic survivors, and a third class passenger on the Titanic. I really enjoyed learning more about the Carpathia's role in the story. The novel doesn't stop at the night of the sinking of the Titanic, but also details the days afterward and is very moving.

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You've read many accounts of the Titanic disaster....and this book does include some more...but it's told mostly from the crew's perspective of the Carpathia ship, which tried to help the sinking Titanic and picked up survivors in the lifeboats. It was heart wrenching, but so good. I really enjoyed reading a different perspective.

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I have always had a fascination with the sinking of the Titanic and have read many books about it. The focus of this book, however, is on the Carpathia, the ship that rescued 705 survivors from the Titanic’s lifeboats and brought them safely back to New York. It is a brilliant account of the heroics of the captain and crew to reach the survivors told through the eyes of the captain of the Carpathia and one of the survivors in lifeboat 13.

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This book was gut wrenchingly fantastic. I finished it over a week ago and I am constantly recommending it to everyone. This is a story that takes place over roughly a week, from the departure of the Titanic to arrival of the Carpathia in New York with the survivors of the Titanic. I really enjoyed getting to meet all the different characters and learning their stories. The author did a great job with her research and you could feel that with the depth of the characters. I also feel that the author showcased the survivors guilt in a way I had seen before that was utterly painful. A great read and I really look forward to what Rebecca Connolly does next!

Thank you to netgalley and the publishers for providing me with an arc for an honest review!

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Such and interesting look into such an iconic and tragic moment in history. While this book was admittedly more serious than my typical reads it was well crafted and delivered a moving story that will memorable long after the final pages. This glimpse into a fictional version of history was captivating and heart wrenching at the same time. Anyone who has been intrigued with the sinking of the titanic will want to dive into this compelling story.

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I was drawn into the heart-wrenching and heroic history of how the ship the Carpathia along with her crew and passengers saved the lives of those that made it into lifeboats when the Titanic went down. Captain Rostron and his crew acted decisively and courageously and saved about 700 lives in the process. I love the 2 points of view as the author relates the experiences of that fateful night. I saw the story in a way I've never seen it before, even after reading other historical fiction about the Titanic. I could feel the emotions of the passengers and the rescuers through the story. Looking forward to more from Rebecca Connolly!

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Perhaps we take it for granted that the Carpathia (Rostron’s ship) would come to the Titanic’s rescue. But I think that Connolly actually does a fantastic job of demonstrating what a heroic act this was. Rostron knew that ice had sunk the unsinkable ship. And yet, he still risked his own ship and his passengers to save the survivors of the Titanic.

think this book does a great job of revealing a new part of the history of the Titanic, but I felt that the rest of the storyline was lacking. I didn’t know enough about any of the main characters to become attached to them.

This isn’t meant to be yet another tragic story about the Titanic. And I totally get that. But I think this book might have pulled me in more if there was more at stake for the main characters. Even the focus of the book, Captain Rostron, fell a bit flat for me as a character. If a heroic historical figure is at the center of a story, I want them to feel really real to me.

Overall, A Brilliant Night of Stars and Ice tells an interesting story that’s worth knowing. Unfortunately, I think there are other books out there that do it better.

Interested in books about the Titanic? Check out my review of A Night to Remember by Walter Lord.

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“We have done something heroic. We’ve done something miraculous. There is too much providence in it to be anything less. We have done what was right, I concede your point there, but that does not mean there was not something glorious in it. Even if it falls by the wayside on the pages of history.”

All I can say is wow! This amazing story of the Carpathia, it’s brave Captain, Arthur Rostron and crew, and those endearing Irish young women who survived the awful sinking completely captured my heart. Like the author herself, I thought I knew the story of the Titanic. I’ve seen the movie a dozen times and was fascinated as a very young woman when pieces of the wreckage were finally exhumed from the sea. This is the brilliant often untold story of the Carpathia and its dramatic rescue of the survivors.

Though historical fiction, the author takes great pains to recreate the inspiring true story from various points of view. History definitely comes alive as the heart stopping rescue unfolds where the Carpathia risks everything, facing those same icebergs which sunk the Titanic, to rescue the survivors. Even knowing the eventual outcome, I couldn’t help but feel that mounting tension as the Carpathia races to the rescue hoping somehow the ending will be different. The experiences of Kate Connolly and her friends brought new insight into the horror they experienced on lifeboat 13 witnessing the tragedy unfold.

Despite the tragedy, I was especially touched by the faith and conviction of Captain Rostron and how the passengers of the Carpathia opened their hearts. All worked together regardless of class to care for the survivors, giving their own clothing and rooms, helping any way they could. The various reactions of the survivors were so memorable where some were so out of touch hardly acknowledging what happened and others like Kate, the “Unsinkable” Molly Brown, and the Countess of Rothes who focused on helping others. I loved the interesting facts as well like Mary and her jar of St. Mogue’s earth she brought from Ireland for protection.

This is definitely a story that should be remembered and celebrated. Highly recommend this poignant, incredibly moving story to historical fiction fans and anyone interested in the history of the Carpathia and Titanic. I received an advanced copy of this book from the publisher through NetGalley. All opinions are my own and voluntarily given.

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I just finished this wonderful book. It is a first person fiction story from 2 different peoples prospective. A women who was a passenger on the Titanic and the captain of the rescue ship that came to the aid of the surviving passengers. I really enjoyed the story of the captain and how he felt and made decisions on the ships rescue efforts. I have never thought about the actual rescue process and what those rescued passengers must have felt like. What a horrific experience, but this beautiful book made both the surviving passengers and the rescue crew real! It is based on real life people and actual accounts- although it is fictionalized, it was just as powerful. I cried and that always means to me that it was a well told story and that I connected to the characters. I highly recommend this book to history buffs, good fiction lovers, and anyone interested in the Titanic story. It is a clean read, which I love and appreciate so much!

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Disclosure: I received a free copy of A Brilliant Night of Stars and Ice from the publisher via Netgalley. All opinions in the book review are my own.

It’s been 110 years since the sinking of the Titanic, and it still captures our attention. Rebecca Connolly has written a fascinating new historical fiction novel. It’s based on the true story of the Carpathia and her courageous captain, Arthur Rostron, the man who answered the distress call of the Titanic.

A Brilliant Night of Stars and Ice also follows the perspective of Kate Connolly, a third-class passenger on Titanic, and how she survives and then boards the Carpathia as she deals with the tragic aftermath.

Connolly does a fine job intertwining the stories of both Rostron and Connolly, and I quickly read the story – mostly to learn more about the Carpathia – an integral part of Titanic’s history that tends to get overlooked.

A Brilliant Night of Stars and Ice is a well-researched page-turner and a lovely tribute to Titanic’s history.


Captain Rostron is the hero, and his actions before, during, and after the sinking of the Titanic are truly admirable. It was interesting to read about his preparations for rescuing passengers and his grit in the face of disaster.

Kate Connolly presents a more relatable perspective on the historical events and is just as intriguing in a different way.

Before reading this book, I didn’t know anything about Kate Connolly and Captain Rostron (two very real people from history), but I admire them now that I do – even if this book is historical fiction.


Ultimately, I liked this book because Connolly found a new way to explore the famous tragedy but did so without exploiting the real people who lived it. And I appreciate the lack of sensation.

Connolly’s attention to detail allows readers to understand the historical events as they unfold, and I never felt bored while reading.

While the historical details are excellent, I wanted more characterization and story. I also wanted a more prolonged buildup to the tragedy, so I felt like I knew the supporting characters more before the events unfolded.

However, I still enjoyed the book, and I recommend it to anyone who wants a respectful exploration of the Carpathia and the Titanic.


Overall, A Brilliant Night of Stars is a quick, enjoyable read. It’s great for anyone wanting to learn more about the Carpathia and its fascinating captain, Arthur Rostron.

While I would have liked more time getting to know the characters before the tragic events of the Titanic started, it’s still a respectful tribute to the actual people aboard the Titanic and the Carpathia and worth a read if you’re interested in the history and the real people!


A Brilliant Night of Stars and Ice would make an intriguing period drama miniseries akin to Julian Fellowes’ Titanic series.

A TV miniseries could take more time exploring the characters, the tragedy, and then the rescue giving Rostron and Connolly a well-deserved fictionalized tribute on the small screen.

Content Note: Everything is very PG-like for the tragic descriptions. It’s a wholesome read.

Overall Rating: 3.5

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Revisiting the Titanic tragedy, the viewpoint of passengers and the crew of rescuers from the Carpathia makes this a new look at one of the largest maritime disasters in history. Personable characters and well written prose make this highly recommended.

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