Member Reviews

I loved this book. Finished it a year ago and my review did not save since website is asking for my review again. Love the mystery, and killer was a surprise, Another book you will not want to put down. Thanks NetGalley for the early release read,

I had a really hard time getting into this book. I've picked it up and put it down so many times now I've lost count. Unfortunately I don't think this book is for me.
Thank you for the opportunity to read and review.

Chelsea Sullivan is a new detective who is partner with a veteran Jim McPherson. Their first case together starts to reveal a fairytale theme which Jim doesn’t believe, though Chelsea is more than convinced is true.
I had very high hopes for this book because the premise seemed pretty neat, but unfortunately I was unimpressed. Though the idea is really cool, the writing seemed stilted and Chelsea’s partner seemed to feel the need to mansplain everything (an idea which I think we’ve outgrown in this day and age). Additionally, the character conversations and the writing itself seemed very basic and though there was a lot of potential I felt like many of the scenes between Chelsea and her partner did not live up to what they could be.
What was really cool about the book were the fairytale themed killings; I thought this was unique and a cool way to build in something new into the story.
Overall this was an okay book; I thought more could have been done with the conversational style, but I really enjoyed the premise of the mystery.

So I had such high hopes for this book. I am a huge thriller and fairy tale fan. But this was one that I read and finished and I was okay I am done with it now. I didn't hate it but I also didn't love it. I also felt like this book was a little long for me.

Whoa! What a ride. It was very fast-paced. The writing style kept me hooked and I didn't find myself losing any interest. I enjoyed getting to know each of the characters and how real the story felt. The author did a great job painting the setting, so it was easy for me to visualize the scene played out before me. I recommend giving this one a chance!

This was a suspenseful, thrilling read, as I've come to know Nolon's writing! I enjoyed the book, as all the other before, and will read more in future. Recommended for anyone who likes to be thrilled endlessly!!

Once Upon A Crime, by Nolon King. Can I start of with my review saying that the Grimm Reapers mother is a psychotic sicko. The things that she had this young boy do is so unimaginable! I enjoyed this story a lot. I absolutely couldn’t get enough of.
As I read the story, I paid close attention to any drops of hints that would tell me or lead me to believe that my assumption was correct about who the killer could be. I loved the twist and turns of the story as well as the shocking surprise. I loved how the details to clues or conclusions were spaced apart, but close enough for a mystery junkie like myself to conduct my own conclusions to the case. A case that Jim and Chelsea found themselves heavily engaged in. I had a fun time readings Jim character.
I thought his character was very smart, funny, intelligent, honest in some ways. He’s very caring and very protective of the ones that he allows to get close to him and I think Chelsea broke that barrier wall the first day that she met him. Chelsea’s character had me on a number of occasions getting tired of her. I don’t know if it was her Naïveté or her in experience of being a cop, but she wasn’t scoring confidence with me. She almost reads as a character with child like or teenage tendencies.
If this is what the writer wanted the readers to perceive of her character, then I say that the writer did an awesome job. I thought that the pace of the story was good. The story is definitely a page turner. The story held me captive until the last word in the book. The dialogue and narrative I thought was clear and precise.
The plot stayed on topic and gave details that related to the point of the story. I could tell by the details of the book in the story that the writer did their research which provided the book with important information to finding of a mad killer. I give this book two snaps and a, “ Learn to lock your door dad!” Until next time my fellow readers… read on!

I really really wanted to like this book. I absolutely loved the blurb, the idea of incorporating the Grimm fairy tales into a mystery/suspense, but it didn't quite hit the spot for me. I ended up DNFing. I felt that it took too long to incorporate the fairy tales into it. I disliked the MC's partner so much. He mansplained everything and was rude to our rookie cop for absolutely no reason. As the reader, she kept saying that she had this idea of how it was connected to the grimm fairy tales, but in the amount that I read, we never fully understood the connection to the fairy tales. I would've liked to see that clearer. How they actually were connected. I might try to read it again, but at this moment, it was a DNF for me.

This was an interesting story. I really enjoyed the incorporation of fairy tales into the murders.
Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the digital ARC in exchange for my review. All opinions expressed are completely my own.

First book in series. New detective Chelsea is partnered with a maverick famous for closing cases and know one knows how he does it. Jim McPherson does not mind showing a newbie the ropes, but he does get concerned when she keeps putting herself in danger. Especially her innocent is the trait the serial killers seem to be targeting.
The body count is rising and the Grim Reaper is after Chelsea will they be able to catch them in time before they catch Chelsea first ? Looking forward to the next book in this series.
Great book especially if you like serial killers and thrillers this is the book for you.
Thank you to Sterling & Stone, and the author in exchange for a review.
Published: Jan 11th, 2022.

It's Chelsea Sullivan's first day as a detective and she and her new partner, Jim McPherson, are assigned the murder investigation of a young college coed. The scene reminds Chelsea of the Grimm story of Rapunzel, and they soon suspect they have a serial or spree killer who is bent on recreating Grimm fairy tales. When Chelsea starts to receive mail from the killer, the new partners must learn to trust each other to keep her safe and bring the killer to justice
.The story is fast paced and overall I enjoyed it, but I found the tension between Chelsea and Jim to be a bit forced, thought Chelsea was immature and many of her actions unrealistic for a police officer who had enough years on the force to have been promoted to detective, and the outcome of the story was predictable. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Once Upon a Crime by Nolon King.
Chelsea Sullivan is a newly promoted Detective and is assigned a seasoned partner, Jim McPherson, who transferred to Zone 4 from a different Zone under the cloud of an Internal Affairs investigation. Chelsea is the daughter of a cop who also retired under the cloud of an IA investigation. Her father used to read her fairy tales from an old Brother’s Grimm first edition which were the original Grimm tales, not the less violent ones we tell children today.
Chelsea is the first to realize that her first case with her new partner is a case that seems to involve the Rapunzel fairy tale. When a second body is found with a connection to another fairy tale and a clue is sent to Chelsea the stakes increase. As Chelsea seems to be a target of the killer, the tension and the need to find the killer increases.
Of course there is tension; between Chelsea, a newly minted female Detective whose father had worked in the Zone, and her need to prove herself, between Chelsea aner her new partner whom she views as being chauvinistic and paternalistic, between Chelsea and her father, to whom she also feels the need to prove herself, and then there is the killer who seems to have targeted Chelsea.
The story is primarily told through the voice of Chelsea and Jim with occasional views from the killer and the medical examiner. This is set up works well for the most part. It gives the reader more fleshed out characters of Jim and Chelsea as we understand their thoughts and rationale behind their actions. It is less helpful for keeping the identity of the killer a secret. The bickering between the partners – in their head and in the dialogue – gets old and tiresome. The 180 by Chelsea’s father in the course of 24 hours seems unrealistic and too wrapped with a bow.
Other characters are cardboard cut outs and while they are not integral to the story, could have been more than stereotypes. For example, we know there is an old girlfriend of Jim’s in two scenes, but not why his mother is pushing her on Jim and why she behaves as she does. Her behavior could explain why she is a former girlfriend but nothing else.
If the identity of the killer was supposed to be a shocking reveal, then that failed too.
Overall, I enjoyed the book and would recommend it and I thank NetGalley for the opportunity to read the book for free in return for an unbiased review.

On Chelsea Sullivan's first day as a detective, she and her new partner, Jim are assigned the murder investigation of a young college coed. The scene immediately reminds Chelsea of the fairy tale story of Rapunzel, Her partner doesn't see it - until there is another murder.
I have very mixed feelings on this book.
On the one hand, I thought Chelsea seemed kind of immature for a police detective and Jim seemed like a jerk. But on the other hand, I liked their characters even when they annoyed me.
On the one hand, Chelsea seeing fairy tales in the murders - especially the first one, felt forced. On the other hand, I thought it was a really interesting premise, and I enjoyed how she had the connection.
On the one hand, this book sort of had a noir feel to it and the tone was a little dark which made it hard to connect to the characters. On the other hand, it matched how dark Grimm fairy tales truly are.
I don't know if I enjoyed this book, but I was interested and had to keep reading if that makes sense. And having read it last week - I still remember it a week later. This is huge since some books can be forgotten in a matter of hours. And I would read the next book in the series - assuming this will be one.
Like I said - mixed feelings. But since I would read the next one, this needs to be rated above average. Therefore, 4 stars.

It's Chelsea Sullivan's first day as a detective and she and her new partner, Jim McPherson, are assigned the murder investigation of a young college coed. The scene reminds Chelsea of the Grimm story of Rapunzel, and they soon suspect they have a serial or spree killer who is bent on recreating Grimm fairy tales. When Chelsea starts to receive mail from the killer, the new partners must learn to trust each other to keep her safe and bring the killer to justice. The story is fast paced and overall I enjoyed it, but I found the tension between Chelsea and Jim to be a bit forced, thought Chelsea was immature and many of her actions unrealistic for a police officer who had enough years on the force to have been promoted to detective, and the outcome of the story was predictable.

Chelsea Sullivan a brand new detective get partnered up with a transfer Jim McPherson. They don't get along at first. They get a new murder case on their first day.
It was a dark mystery and I was kept on the edge of my seat trying to figure out who the killer was.
Thank you to Netgalley for a free e-copy of this book for an honest review.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for an advanced reader copy of this book!
Unfortunately I DNF'd this book around 15%. One of the main characters was written as a male, "mansplainer" borderline misogynist, and the female partner was written as a naive "sensitive" rookie. While I understand that this was part of the character development, in 2022, I don't think we need those tropes intruding onto bookshelves anymore.

Thank you @netgalley for the copy of this book. Once Upon a Crime takes on a twist on the Brothers Grimm’s fairy tales. There is a serial killer on the loose in Steel City who references the fairy tales in his MO. Chelsea Sullivan, a new detective, is on the case with her more experienced partner, Jim McPherson.
Chelsea and Jim set out to find the killer before more bodies turn up. As they start solving the clues the killer is sending to Chelsea, Chelsea starts to suspect that the killer might be in her sphere.
This was an interesting take on the fairy tales we all know so well. And the views into the killer’s mind was chilling. If you like crime stories, I recommend this one. It is available now. This is the first of a series. I look forward to what other crimes Chelsea and Jim solve.
What’s your favorite Brothers Grimm fairy tale?
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ /5

Grimm’s Fairy Tales, the old versions, come to life in this serial killer mystery. Rapunzel, Little Red Riding Hood, Sleeping Beauty—I kept imagining new crime scenes with other fairy tales I remembered. Coupled with an intriguing, budding romantic affair between a novice and an experienced detective and a daughter/father complicated relationship, this book has stories on many levels. First in a series, I can’t wait to see what other mysteries will challenge Chelsea and Jim, our detective protaganists and how romance will succeed or fail. Although I must admit I will look at Grimm’s tales with a shiver now.

One of the best books I have read this year. So impressed by the story and the writing I now have another four Nolon King books to read. Once Upon a Crime is a story full of twists and turns - and a surprise ending. Highly recommended read to all Mystery Thriller readers and a well-earned five (5) stars.

Thank you Netgalley for the advance reader copy of Once Upon a Crime by Nolon King in exchange for an honest review. I really wanted to like this book. I liked the storyline, bringing mythology and murder together, a detective suspecting her father of the fairy tale crimes. However the two main characters drove me nuts, he was judgey and overly sensitive and so was she. It took awhile for me to get through this book.