Member Reviews

The amount of animal cruelty and suffering within this book from the beginning had me gobsmacked. I was not at all prepared to be bombarded with such terrible energy from a book such as this and never would have picked it up had I known.

First there is the abuse of a horse. Then with great enthusiasm, the author tells the reader not to worry because cats aren't harmed in the production of string instruments - sheep are, but apparently that's okay, because sheep don't matter.

Then we have to endure hearing of disgusting animal experimentation, all in the name of science and the advancement of the human intellect and ego.

Then to top it off, the author goes on about how animals "sacrifice" themselves for us so we can eat them. Disgusting.

This book also solely relies on science and "facts" to say - anything.

I'm much more impressed by those brave enough and connected to soul enough, to believe with their whole essence in something - that doesn't need to be proven.

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