Member Reviews
Would you like to be a granny who can stand on her head? Do you know any grannies who can do this? “The Granny Who Stands on Her Head” by Ann Richardson is a refreshing look at what it’s like to be old. (And by “old”, I.believe we’ve bumped that up to age 75 and over.) Part memoir, and part social commentary, and all enjoyable, this book is a positive ode to getting older. As the author reflects at the beginning of the book, “I like being old, in good health, and extremely lucky,” Yep, I second the motion!
In a positive, earnest and friendly way, the author looks at the various pluses and minuses of old age. Grandchildren and good friends are a pleasure. Remembering things and stumbling around are not so good. If you are “old” you will smile and shake your head as your read. If you are younger, maybe this book will help you understand the “wrinklies” you know,
The author has written professionally for a long time (well, she’s old after all.) Readers will find that this is a very well-written book and is both interesting and heart-warming. Author Richardson looks at many aspects of growing older that I hadn’t considered. The author has also lived most of her adult life in England, so that’s fun to read about, too. This would be a great book for a book club or to give as a gift. Highly recommend. Thanks to Net Galley and BooksGo Social for a digital review copy. This is my honest review.
I really liked this book because I always love memoirs. I would recommend this to a lot of people who think they’re getting old too fast.
This book is a mix of observations and anecdotes from the author's life. I was attracted to the book by the quirky title but sadly the book didn't live up to this. I was expecting something humorous and inspiring but overall I found the book rather bland and uninteresting. Disappointing.
Considering the title, I was expecting a more humorous book, but it was more a basic memoir of the author.
Still an interesting book
Thank you netgalley